PC 87-83~~~. i , RF;SOLUTTON N0~ PC8%-83 A RESOLUT:LON OF THE FaNAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETTTIOtd F'OR CUNDI'.t'IONAL, USE PGRMZT N0. 2896 BE GRANTPD WIiFRLP.~, the Anaheim CiL~ Pla~ning Com;nission did receive a vzrif ied Pet.ition tor Cnndi~.ional Use Permit fr~m JAMLS A. SHAB, FT AL, 2545 West Woodlanc] Drive, Anahcim, Calif~rnia 9'?8C1, owneL of certain zeal property situaked in th~ Ci~y of Ana:~eim,• County of Orange, St.ate oi Cali~ornia, described as: PARC~L ? IN TF.iE CITY OF ANAHEI~4, COUNTY OE ORA1dGE, STATE OI' CALt~ORNIA, fiS SHQWN ON A 1~ARCEL MA!? RFCORDED IN 'ts00K 163, PAGES ~2 AND 43 OF PA~tCGL MAPS, RECORDS Q.F ORANGG COUNTY, CALI?ORNI.A. RESEitVIP7G THEREFROM A NON-EXC'LUS~VE EAyEMENT FOR TP7GTt~SS AI~D L'FRESS OVFR THE P;OR`PHEASTERLY 12. `~ P'EFT AN~ OVGR TH~ NORTHWESTERLY 12.50 ~E~T QL' SAID F'ARCFL ~ ~CR ~l .~ BEN~FI:T UF PARCF.L 1 OF SAID PARCEL MAP. NQN-EXCLUSIVE FASGMENTG FOR ING12E;;S ~1ND EGRES~ OV~R '.CHOSE PORTIONS OF PARCEL 1 AS SHOWN ON SA:ID PF~:~CL,'L MAP RECORDED IN BOOK ].63, ?. AGE;, 42 AI~D 43 0~ PARC~L [9AP5 AND OVER THOSE PORTIUNS OF PA~2CEL5 B AND C UF PAkCEL MAP RECORllr~D IN 500K 150 ~ L'AGE~ 5 AND 6 OF PARCr L MAP.`'i AS MORE PAR'PTCULHRLX D~SCRIBEll .iN 'PHAT CERTATN RECTPROCAI, EASEMENT AGREEMFN'~ RECORDED MAY 4, 19$2, P.~ ~OC(~MENT N0. 82-153892, CF Ot?FICIAL RL;CORDS» ;. f' r' ± ,. :~~- ~ ~ r J~ ,~ ~1J,:'~~~~ . WHEhEAS, kh~ Ci4,~ Pl.annin~ Commi.ssian did hold a public hearing ak tihe Civic c'enter in ~he Ciky of Anahei.m un March 2, 1987, at 1:30 p.m>, notice of saicl public h~aririg having bE~en duly yiven as reguired by 1aw and in accordanc~ with the ~provisions of t:~c~ An~heim M~.znir,ipal Code, Chap~er 18.03, to hear and c~nsider ~v.idenc~ for and agains~ said proposed conditiun~31 use permit and i.o investigate and make~ findings and rPCOmm~nc3ations in connection therewith; sai.d p~!~~lic t~earing having heen c:ontinued to ~.he ~lanninq Cornmission meeting of April l_.3, 1~£37; and WHERI:A~~ s~id Commission, afi:er due inspecLion, inves~.igat~.on ~:nd sk~dy made by i~self and ii~ its beha:!f, and afh.er due consideration o£ all evidence and re~ort7 ~F.fered at said hearin~, does £ind and determine the folluwing facts: l. 'I'hat the provosed use is properl.y onP for which a condi.kional use F~ermit is authorized by Anaheim htunicipal Code S~ckion 18.61.U5Q.Q70 4o wit: ~a permit sal~s, insta:l].ation and repair oE ccllular. car ph~nes and t~ao-way radios in tr~a ML ( Industrial, Limited )'Gone, '~~ . ...~-.~ ~~'~ ~ ~ . .,~~~.~~'i I ~ ~:~~ 2. Tliat the proposr~d use is hereby granted subject to sta~t• maki ng a clel:ermir,ation regarding wtizch portion o£ t.hu bui:ldiny is proposed ko be u~ed for permitted induskrial activities ~~nd whi~h portion is propo~ad t~a be used For more intense r.ommercial/r.etail se~Zes; and further thal. the tra.`fic signa'1 assessment fee and int.erim Eee for +~:he Anaheim Stacli.~a~n Bu~iness CentEr shall be based on the ~ctual sqi.~~re f.oatag~a oE the building being used f•o'r the more intense land usE. 109 Gr PC87-83 :, , ......... ... , ... _..~ ~„~x ~~'?I _ ~ .. . . f; 1 ~~~~ 3. 'Ihat the prooo~F~d ~se ~dili not adv~CSe1y aftect l•he ad~oi.ning land u~es ,.~nd t.he qrowlh and clev<.~.lopment of t.he are~a ir wY~ic:h .it i~ pcoposed h.o be lucaGc.~d. 4. ~Phat: kt-,e siz«~ and ,ha~e of the siLe propo~ed tur the use i~ ~~~'~Iu~r~-' to a1.1ow t-t~e Eu.ll develuF~ment of kiie prc~~,osed use .in a manrier noh dE~tr.iinenhal to th~ parkicul~~r ,~zrea nor t.a the ~~e~,ce, neaJ.th, safety ancl qener.al welf.ar.e af' the Citi.zc~n_; of the City of Anaheim. ~. candition, ~Pl~ar eE,e qranl-ing i mE~osed i f a ~f: khe c;onditional Use Permit under the >~a£~ky and . ; . ny, yencrai welfare o£ wi11 t• n~ not be Citi detrimenta.l. tu t.he peact, hcalth, . z~~ns of the City o E Anaheim. ~• unduc~ burdc~ T9~ac tne t•ratfic n u~on h h~ s~:rc~et generated by ~ the propo~ed use wi11 no~. im~ose an traific .in . s the Ur~.a. anc }11~~I1k':3VS desiyned and improvPCi to cacry the 7. Tnat no one indic~3tcc3 Ch~~ir pr~~:;ence ac. said E~ublir hearing in ap~o~irion, an~ thar no curr~~~f,undence was r.eceivc~d ir, op~osition to khe ~ubjec* F~erition. ENVIRUtdMEtvT,1I, IMNACT EItJDIP7G• T}~at L•he Ananeim C.ity Planning C~inmissi~n has CevltWLd the proposal.to ~ermit sales, in~ltallaki~n and [epai.r of cellutac cac phon~s and two-way r.a~lios in the i9L (Industrial, Limited) Zone on an i.rreqularly-shaped paccel of lan<i consist.in, oE a~pruximately 7~ acre .l~~cat~d at the nort-neast corner c,E Star~f.urd Courr and Anahe,m t3oulevard, and f:urth~~r described as 19£30 South Anaheim 8oule~~ard; and don~ ~~r~~~Y ~P~,rove the tleyak.ive Ueclar~t.ion u~,on findi~g hhrit it :ias consi~]e:ed tP-e Negative llc~claration t~~~e~her with any comments receive~~3 duriny the public review Pcoces. ~~nrl fur.~l;er findinc~ on the basis oi the inirial study and any camments received that rher.e is no sul~stantial evidence that the project wi.ll have ~a :;i~ni.f.ic~~nt efEec.t~ on r_he c~nvironment. i9oW, TiiBRrl•'Oitf;, 9E: f~1.~ It~SULVEp L•hat the Anaheim Cicy rylanning 4~~'~~1~LJJian r.jOr:; heret~y ~~rant ~ut,ject PFtition Cr~~ ~~~nJit.icnal U~e Per~r~it, u~un `'r,c~ fvllowin~~ can~3ition:; :~hict, are hereb Pound r:o be r}1e propo:;•~d u:;e of r~~ ~ ,,. Y a n~cessar,y ~rerequi3ite unje_c.~ proE~er.hy in or.~3er l•o pre~erve ~.he qafety ~~~~i~rai we.lf.arr~ oE the c.:il•:i~tien^ Uf the Citv ut An.1~I~1Gt: :. ihat t~P~~~ qwCi~•C/dnyr?1q~~C ~c ;,ur, j,,,_t property shal.l make a caAh paymrnl t~~ th•~ City of An.~f~cim for eh~ c;r,t ~t f.he removal nE Pxisting _;rr~:~t lm~~ecvr.ments ~~long Anaheim Bou.levard and recun:,traction/can~truc~eior: of f.u.ll :;tcFet improveinents at thA iiltim~~te 1or_~~~ ion, S;.~id paym~~nt shali b~, ~narje p[ior to Ein~.l bui 1r)ing in:;pt~r.t ion/~ccup~~ncy. 2. 'Phat Star)iu,n Ac.ra watar fa;~ilitie~ fe~•s a~d/or adva~~cns to chr. D~at~r Util~ly Division .,?,~11 be C,aid b~ the nevelo~er. :n ar,corr3anae wtth itale 15~~ uE the t~lat:c~c U~ility ftcjte:~, Etu;.P:~ anu ttegul.ationa. 3• T~~~t ~~r~'+~:'-~ niynal ar„~scment tcn ~yuai:ng eh~ difEcr.nncs between thr_ indusrriai zrri com:nerc~al as~;eusment Ea~~:: sha.ll t~~ ~aid to thE ~ji"I Q£ ~lnahaim in an amount ar, r~ntnr~~~r~,~~ ~~Y nc~~ ~ir.~ r_~~ncit, Eor ~:r~~~Q~ ~orti~ns of.` t~he aui;din~~ which will b~ uUe~ Eor c~mmercial activitt~~, ~z~ PC97-83 ' ~{ ~ 4• `i'hat trzsl~~ storage are~a shal.l bc c~rovided and maintained in accordance wilh approv4d plans on ftle with 4he Stceet Mainrenance ancl SanikaL-ion pivi.sion. ~. 'r1~~+1: ~o autciooe :;koraya of or work ~n ve~hicles az vehicul~7r part.s :~ha.ll be pcrrnitted. 6. That prior to the commencement. oE the activity authorized under this L't?:jpj,Ut1011~ or prior t:o final buildi.ng i.n~oecricn, or wit.hi.n a per.i~d • o~ ~inery (9U) days [rom ~lie dat~ o~ this r.esoluk.ion, whichever occurs f.irst, t.he owner(s) of' ;,~bjecG pruperty shall execute and recurd ~, cov~na,:~: in a fonn appro~ed by the City ACtorney';~ Office wherein such ownec(s) agree ne~ to rontes ~ as;essmen~~ district(s) which ma.~ heceafter be Eormed~rmati.on of any ' provisic,ns of ~evelopment 1:gr~ement No. ~3-Ql betweenlrthe tCity ~of ~;, ? Anaheim and rlnaheim st~~lium Assoc.ial•.c>, wh.ich distri.ct(a) could include s~z~~h owner's ~ropert.y. Fai).ur~ ko comp]y wikh this co-idition wit:hin the specified lir~e shall rend~~r this r.ondltional use permih nuli anu voi.d. ~• T}sat nu[suant lo Ch~i~t~~; ~7,3p ~f T:.`.le 17 0£ tne Anaheint Municipal CUde prior to uccupanr.y, ari interi.~n development Eee Eor the Ana!tieitn Sta~.i.u~n Hu.^,.LRC~3S Center shall :~~~ p~id t.o the City cE Anat-:t~im in art amounl• a: detecmin~d by t.he City Coun~il. Sai.d tee is ~zpplicable to thosc~ l~~~r~ i;~ns oE tt~e buil~'ing wni.eh will be ~~sec: foc more intensive com~~nercial acr.iviti~s, ~. 'ihat ~ubj~~cL- properky shal.l be dev~~loE~~~d :;ubstanl•ially in ac;cordance with E.lan,, ~ind sFecitication:~ on fil~ with the r_ity ai Anaheim marked Exhit:i. Nus. 1 through 4, `~. 'Phat. pric~r to fin~~l building inspection or commenc~~~ment of the acrivir.y aukhori;;~J ~inaer this resulution or witt-,in a~~eciod cL Rlnntf l9U) days, whichnvcar OCr~IS first, Conuition N~s. at~ove-r~~n~: ' , p 2 and 6, Loned sha.Ll b~ com lied with. Extei~sic~ns for Eurther time to co!nplete tiaicl conditions ma'r ~e granteci in accor.dance wi.th Sec~ian lII.U3.090 c~f thn Anaheiin Munici.~~-~]. ~,~~f~, ; ..; ,a, ~:~ ~_ '4 10. That ~rio~ rr~ ~he commence;aenr oE thn ,~~tivity aur.hcc~izc~-3 under this r~:,olution or f'i.na.l ~uiiding and zoning i.si:s~ecr,ions, whichet~ez or.curs L-ir ,t, Cundition [~n: . 1, 3, 4, ? and 8, above-;nc~nCioned, shall b~ comp.lied with. I3E I'P FUk~i~tiF~Et Rr~OLS~L•'D thar,, khr~ ~~.~ir~h~~im City i~t~-~nntny Com~ii~:s.ian does hereby Eind and deter.mine th~~±• ~~r9onric~n oE ;his itE:yQl~riQn s~ ~xpressly ~r.edic~ted upon ap~licar~t's comp.tianc~~ :+ith ~ach an~1 t~ll o[ tiye cor,ditions here.inar,ov~ set Forth. 5hou.ld an~r s~,ich conditians, or 4ny par.t thereoL, be declared invalid o: ~nenrv;~~~,niN b,r thn_ E{nal judym,,nt oE any couct ot c~mpetent j~risdic'_i.on, ~h~n thi~ ~te:~olution, and any .i~prova3.s nNrei.n contai-sed, ~hall b~~ deemed ,~~,,11 and voi.d, 1;.=- i -3- PC87-t33 '~ ~~ 'Pl•IL FURCGOTNG RESOLU~PION .is sig~ed and appr~ved by mca t.h.is .i3th day oE April, .l9ai. t~ i ~,; C ''~ ; .' ~•s;: ~ C . ~' ~ . ~ _, .. CHAIR61AN, A H~IM CTZ'Y ANNING r,OMMZSS.20N ,;, ~7"rr:s7~: /I _ ~ _____----~-~~r'~'~~~ ~ _ SECRF.TARY, J~fl'r1H7sIM CI`rY PLANNINC; CnP1MISSTON STA'.CE OF ~ALIFORi~lIA COUN'CY OE' OftAN~E ) s.~. CI4'Y OI' nNAF:i:IM ) T, ~dikh L. ijarris, S~cretar.y of the Anaheim Cit.y Plar~niny Commissic~n, do hereby certify that thc forugoing resolution was p~ssed and ;~doptad at a mE~tin, of: L•he Anaheim Cil-.y Plans~ing Cnmm.~ssion held on April 13, 198i, by ~he Eol).owing vota oi ~h~ member.s l•hereof: AYF,S: CUMMISSIC~NCf75: BUUAS, FRY, '.iGRFiST, LA CLAIRE, LAW.[CKI, MC DURNEY, MESSF, I~GES: CUMMISSIOPIEP.S: idONl? ApSEtJ'P: C'JMt9ISSI0NERS: NON~ IN WITtJCSS WIiG;12I:0A', I have hereunt-o set my hand this 13th day oE Apr i l, 198~i . ~ - / ~it~t.t SECRETAR , ANAHCIM C:[TY ~I,ANNIPIG COMMISSION ~~~A !~ i6f"~~ s~idp ~.:. ` . . . T!~ c ; 6«• f:Y a -~ i, (4 f~ .k~~~'k`iy~ :ii`.~•., . .. , . . -4- ~C87-83