PC 87-86RE ;qI~U'L'ION NQ. ~ C87-E36 A k2~...•~.,U'TION OE `.P1iE; ANAFil;IM CITY. PLANNTNG COt4h1I:iSION TfiA'T PF:TI'CIUN F'Uk CONI)I'P.IqtJAL USE PEEtMI'r NQ. 290.1 BC CiRAN'1'k,D WHGRLAS, ':he Anahetm City P.lanr;i.n~ Comrnission did ceceive ~ veriFied Petikion Eor Candition~il Use ~ermit ti'oin ROS'r: C. ['UKUJt,, ~'i' AL, 332 PeCalta Hi1.1s Urive, Anaheim, C~~lifornia 92£306, c~wner and RAY t3ARHE[. Ok EVF.LYN HAFAEE, 309 We ~t t3erry I+venue~, Anah~~im, Calitornia 9Z805, age~^t:~ Enr car.tain rea.l property situated in rh~~ City oE Anaheim, Count:y of: vrange, Stake oE Calit~cnia, de:~cribed a:s: ~~AP.CEL 1 OF PARCEI, :4A~` NC~. 83•-233, IN THE: C.L7.':' O[' ANAtlETNi, CUUNTY OF ORA~~~E~~ 5TA'i'E UF c:RLIFORViA AS StiOWK ~N A MR° UN PILE IN }300iC 1$4~ PP,G~.S 1 ANll 2 f)L`•' Y1~RCF.L ~tAP:i, RLCORUS OF ORANGF COUNTY, CAI.,IE'ORNIA. WH[:ItEAS, the Ciky F~lanni.riy Comtnissinn did hold a pub.lic hearin.y ~-t the Civia Centar i.n the City oC• Anah~im on Apr.i1 13, 1987, ut 1:30 p.m., noLice ~~f. s~~i~ ~ut,lic he~r.inc~ haviny been duly givnn as required uy law and in ~.tcr.ordancc wihh the provi.s.ions of the AnahGim Municipal Code, Chapter .18.03, to neax ~,nd cunsi~ier eviclence for and against s~.id F)CU~O^aE?C~ cnnd~tional use ~)t?ClTllt dt1C CO 1f1V~~;f1~J~1f'e and 10~ ke findin~~~ and C@co~TUnendati~ns lft connect~ion ~h~rewi.hi~; an~l W1~.;R~~S, :;aici Co~nrnission, after. due inspection, investigation and 5tudy muu:: ~~v i.r~~lf ~~nd in it:s bei~a.lf., and aft~~r due consi.derat.ion of all evidence and repuc.~ ~~EE~red .,t said heariny, does Eind ~7nd determine the fallowing Lacts: 1. That ~he p[oE~osc~ci u.~e i~ proper.ly ~r~~_ for whi.ch a~:onuitional use permit ia authorizc~cl t>>• +~naheim Municip~71 CodF~ Section in.G'3,03G t~ wit: tu E~erinit an autom~t~.le repai~ t~iCLllf: f in tt~~~ CI, (Comn~~rcial Lii~ited) Zane. 2. 'rh~t the p!'op~:~ed ~:;~. will not adversely affect ~he ~djoining land uses and thr. ~~rc~wth ~~nd clev~~lcE~menl• oE the are~ in whieh i~ is propo,cd to be Locar_e~~. ?. Th~t the :,ize and :,hapr~ r~f th~ site ~ro~~o:;ed [or the use i.s acleyi~ate to allc•w the tuli clev~l.o~mer~t~ o[ the pto~~or;ec: use in ~ manneC nnt detrin,rrntal to the particulac area nor to the Peace, heaith, r•afeCy and gnnera3 w~lf~r~~ of t~;~ Citiz~n:~ of the Ci.ty ~~f An~,'riei~l~. 4. ~Thar r.he gz~r.tin~ of rhe Cc~ndition~~l U~~~ Pecmit Under the condit-ions imt~~ser~, iE any, w;11 not be dc~trimentai to the peac" health, saEety and ~~~necal welE..r~~ oE the Citiz~;n:3 of tize City ~~f Anahcim. 5. _.:. t.he t[aEfi~• cir_nec~ted by th~~ ~~roposed use will not impoa~ an un~lan burdnn u;~on the :StCnnts am~ hi~hw~ys d~~siyn«~r.l and improvaci to carry the rr~Ef.ir, in thc~ area. 6. :~hat no on~~ indicat~sd thei~ ~~rr~,enr,~~ z,t said pubiic t;e~~:in~~ in ~~posit i~n j.~n~! : h3t. nU c:c~rr~z,E~~ndencr~ was ceceived in opp~r~ition to the ;;u~lErct p~t it 1on. 1499r PC87-A6 ~: ::; ;.r wo~. ~ ;:;;, ~NV::RONMFMI'AL IMPAC'1' E~INDING: That. the An~~heim (;ity P.lanning Commi3.;ion hUS reviewecl the ,.ruposa.l tu permit an automobi.le re~air Eaci.lity on an irregulicly-~ha~~ed p~a.c~~l ot land consisting of approximately b,19 ~~r~ located ~~t the nerrheast cornec oE Lincoln Avenuc~ ~nd Center StrE~et, and furthcr de:;c:riberl ~~:~ 19(~5 F;ast Lincoln Avenue (t~ay's Aut~mobile Fte~air); and ~loe: heceby ap~rove the t~cgat.ive Declar.at~.ton upon f.lnding that ih has considered the Negative Decla:~~tion t~gc~kher wi~h any comments received during khe public r.eview prucess anc~ f.uc~th<~r Einding on the b~~sis of tlie initial :;L•udy anci any comir~r~its received z};at there is no s~:t~stantial evidence that the pcoject: w?11 have a siqnific~nt r.rrc~ct on the environrnent, NO~~, `i'tiEKLE'ORE, !~E I'f 1?ESOf,VLD th%at thc Ariaheim City P.lanning Coimnission does hereby yra~lt subjec~ Pel-i.ti.on For Conc]itional Use Permit, upon t:he Lollowing conclitions w,~ich are heceby found ko be a necessary ~rerequi~ite to l•.he proposed us~ oF the subjc~ct properL-y in ordec to pr.escrv~ the safety aild gn7er.a1 wFiEar•~ ot th~~ Citi~ens of the Cit-y ~f. Ana.~eim: 1. '.Phat the owner oi sub~jPct prop~rty shall pa>> ~o the Ci ty oE Ar~aheim a Ec~e cor ~tr~~~t- l.ighting along CF.ntc:~~~ Str.eeh in an amount as cietermin~,~j by khe City Coui~cil. 2. `['hat the ~wnar o~ subjec:: property sha11 pay t,o the Cit~ ~£ Anaheim a feF> [or ~ree E~lanting purpos~s along Centec Street an~ Lincoln Avenus in ~~n amount a:; determine] by the City Council~ 3. That th~ existi.nq rno;;t easterl,y and wesherlv driveways o-~ Lincoln Avenue shall be r^moved and ceplac~d wit:h ~ standard curb, guther, ~idewalk ar~d landscaE~irg. 4. ~Phar t.casn stcr.age areas shall bc~ provideii and r~aintainec/ in a~.caru.ancE~ with appro•red u.lans on file wx~~h the ~kreet Maintenance and :3anihution 1)ivision. 5. Tha~ the rem-~ining driv~sway on Lincoln r\v~anue shall be reconGtr.acted ~o ac:chmmodate ten ; lU 1 fi~ut rar3ius curb r~ lucn. as requiced by the ~'ity '~'raEfic k:nyineer. U. Thac r.he Propc~s~il shall comply with al.l :;igning cequirements nf the Ct, ~one, unl~~ss a vaci~anc~ a] lowinn si~n waive;~; is a~proved by the ~larniny ~om,~:i:»ion or City Council. 7. 'I'hat no our;joor stora~ac~ of or work on v~~hicles or vehicul.ar pacts sball be pnCf!11tEtcl. 8. That a minimum chrec (3) foot wide l.andscaped and ir.riga~ed plantec Bhal.l be in:~~aiLed along Linr.o:ln Avenue and C~~nt~~r Street wFiQre ~pF~to~~ed driveway ~~?~Iling:; clo rtut. exi~t. 9. That khr nwntr oC sui~~~cC pro~eKty sha.ll submit a letter ceque~tin~;~ t.ermina:ion of Var.ianr.e tio. 7~30 co tlie ~~lanni.ng Dep~~rtment. lU. ~I`hat the ~etitioner. s~ha1.1 ~rovicle thc~ Cfty TraEEi~: EnginF.e~ wi.th ~i di.mension~~d narklnca n.lan tior !yi3 revie~r and approval. 'Che approved ~lan snall be zm~,lein~~nted prior to thP ~.onm~ncem~~nt oE the act{vity du~ttr~ri7.eci ut1~~nK t~1t3 CC3ol~.ltiOn. ~~ -2- 1?C8 ; -b6 '; ;`d ;-"f ~T 1Q1 ~ ' ~ •:.` ~ . . . . ... . . . . ~ .. ,~~~ , ^"',, c ~~,F I `r~ ,~ I .11. `Pha~ stee~t l.ightin~ faci.lities along Gincoln Avenue shall be 17Li-a.lled as required by t•he Ut•ilities General Manager in acr.ordance w'rh speriFic~tiona on Eile in the OfPice oE Uti.iities Gei~eral t4an~~ger, and hhal• s~~curit~.y i.n t}i~ fr~rm at• ~~ bond, certificate of deposit~ lekler n~ credit, or r~sh~ in ~~n amounE arid torm 5alisEactory to the Cil-y oE Anaheim, sha11 be uosted with the Cit,y to guar~n.`.ee the s~atistactor.y compl~~tion oE the above-m~~ntiuneci i~nprovementti. Said security sha~l he ~~sl~ed with l:he City o£ Anaheim Pr~or t.a .issuance of ~uildin~x permits or prtor ko hhc~ canmenc~ment of hhe acCivLty authr,rxzE~d under khis resolution. 'Phe ab~~ve-reqai.red irnpravNi~ent.s shal.i be in,ta].1ed wikl~in a nerio~i of 120 days f:-om the date oE hhis r.eso.luCion. I.2. '1'h~t subject pro~erl.y sh~11 bF~ developed substanrially in accordance with p.lans and sper,iEicaL•ion;, on file with the City of An~heim marked Exhibit PJos. 1 and ~, 13. ~['hat Concii~ion N~s. :3, 5 and g~ abo~~e-•nerationed, sha.l.'1 be r.ompleted within a periocl of one hi~ndred twenty (].2p) days from the dale of ~his resolution, 1~. That pc.for tu lhe commencement of th~~ activily authorized undec this resolation, r~r ~rior to is ~uance oP a buildir~g permi.t, or wi~hin ~ peri~~d o£ one year from the ;3ar~~ oE t-~is resolution, wt~icr~ever occuts first, Cor~diti~n Nos, 1, 2, 9, 10 ~~r~d 11, above-mentionAd, sha11 b~ comE,lied with. Lxl•ensions ior further ki.me to cotnp~ete said conditions may br~ grar.ted in accor~3ancr_ witn Section .i8.03.090 of rt~e Anahei.m Munici~~31 Cr~~~, 15. That~ pri~r to t~ie commencement of the activit.y c~uthOliZerj under this resolution, or Cina.l ~~~ildiny an~ zening inspect.ions whi.chevPr occurs first, Cvndit.i.on Nos. ~t, 11 ~~r7 1?. abovc~~mcrtioned, st~al.l be c;onplied with. Al: YT 'r'URTHEK R~S.,I.VEU thac th~ rlnah~im ('ity i~lanning Cpmmission dUes her.eby f.inc~ and d~rerrnirie th~1t a~3option of thi,c R.esolutior, is expr~~~ly pr.~dica~ed u~on a~nlicant's complianr.e with each anci ail ot the conditiann liereinabave set fr,rrh. ~houid ~ny suct~ con:~itions, or any part~ thareof, be declared invalid or iinenfocce~ble i~y t~he fina.l judyment of any court of ~~mPert~~nt juri.sdiction, L•hcn this ite~olut:ion, and any approv~J.s herein r.ont-ai.nvrj, 3ha1:~. be dc~emed null and void. uf Af~ri.l, ~1ra~~~KC~~~iNV Rc;SOLUTZpN is ;;ign~d and a~~r.4ved ~y me thi.; 13th day ~- -~z' -~~~ ~ ..~_- . CNAIkMAN, ANA~fiE.IM CITY PLAP NG C4MMISSI~~t~ A'fTb'ST: - ~.-~____~ .~~ SfiCRETARY, ANAifLIM C.TY 'l~~~~~ ~ ,., - PLnIJNING r_OMM.SSTrit -3- PC87-86 ~ t ~."r .~ . ~ ~ ' . \` . .. . . .. ~. .r.., ...... ~. .,.. , .. . . , . ... ,. . ....... .. ..,,, ~ . .... . r., , . ,... , ~ ... "'~'!'. ~,1 ST~~'l'~ UI' CALiE~OIttJIA ; CC)UNTY OF UI2ANGL' ) s:;. CI~C~' OF ANAHL,.[M ) t, Gdith L. harr.is, Secretary ~f the Anahe:.m Cit~,.y Planning ; Commi.~aian, do hertby cc:rr.ity thaL Fhe Eurec~oing r~solukion was passed and r-~ adopr.ec] 4l• a meehing c~f ti~e An~aheim City Plartning Commission held ~n Apri1 13, 4 1987, by t:he fo~lawiny votc oE the rnembers Chere~~i: l~~ AYES: COMMISSIbNERS: 8QU115,. FRY, HE£2BS7.', f~A CL.AIRE, ~,A~'ICKI, MC BURN~Y, MESSE NOE:S: COt4MISS?ONL•'RS: NONG ABSEN~; CAMK.ISSIOt~ERS: NON(i l. ~' ~. IN Wirr~r,ss W1iERF.OF, I ha +e hrreunkn set rr,y hand this 13ch day of ~ April, 1987. n - F, ~~ • I , ~~J~ ~/J`~N~~ '~ ~ SECRETARY APlAf1~;IId CiTY PL ~' ~ ANNING COt9MlS~ION . !~t ~ ~ i1> ,'~ `F~'v ~ ?~'i , ~~ 'J" , ~L.: '~i j , i; :~ ;;,t, 2 YI ~t;~. ~ , r,,; `a :;` ,, , ' lC . ,; ,FI `'. i ~;~~r .'~; . . . _ .. __ _ ;:~~ ~,1. t~ ~~~ ' ~' PC97 8 " 's - 6 . ,i ~ ~ l~ : . ~.~. / t5 ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~F~ ~ tf ~ r ~ ' RM}~1Y~Y -~ . _ _ . . . ~~ ' , ~ . , . ,., ....,_~1 ~~t:L`'Kr~~