PC 88-121; ~ , ~ `.^ ; . , .. . * .. _-~ 1 4~1F . i ~ ~..r~:~ ,i. !. • ~: . ..r ~ . . . 1 ~..1~'A! L t • V'~, , ~ , r ~, >. . .. _~, ~l:;i, F.: ,.1~ . ~ ~ ' ~ x~ > RFS~L T7: N N0. PC88-121 A RESOLUTION QF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING C011MISSION THAT YE7.'ITION FOR VARIANCE I30. 378f3 Bi GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commissio~ did receive a verifzeu Pe~itiorz £or Variance from RAYMOND A. MASCI~L and COTTNIE V. NiASCIk~L, P.O. Box 4241, Anaheimr CA 92801, owner, and MASCIEL DEV~LOPMENT, P.O. Box 4241, Anaheim, CA 92801, agent, of certain reaJ prcperty situated in the City of Anaheim, CounLy of Orange, State oi California describcad as: LOTS 12 AND 13 OF TRACT N0. 255 AS P~R MAP THEREOF RECORJJED IN' fi00K Z4, PAGE 25 OF MT~'~ELL~ANEOU5 MhPS IN THE OFFICF OF TFiE R~C~RllER l~F SAID CfIUNTY. W~iEREA5, the City P.la~ ning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center ,in the Cit,y uf Anaheim on May 9, 1988, at 1:30 p.m., noh.ice of said publi.c hearing having been duly given as raquired by Xaw and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal COl~P.~ Chapter 18.03, to hear ~nd consider ~~~idence for an~ against said proposed variance and ~o z.nvestigar~ and make findings and rec~mmendations in c~nnection therewi.th; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due ins~ection, in.vestigation and s~udy made by itsalf and i~: i'ts behalf, and after due cor.sideration af all evidQnce and reparts offerecl at sai~ hearing, does find and detQrmine the followir~g facts: 1. Thai: the petitioner proposes waivers ot tihe~ followinc~ to construc~ a 3-story, la-unit apar~.~nenh. complex: (A) 6ECTION 18,34.~~_012 - Mr~ximum Structural Fieiah~. (1-s r~ within 150 feet of a single-family zone parmitted; ~-~„~,rig~ proposed at 72 L•o 75 feet) (B) ~ECTI~N 18.34~9 - P rmi t~ En roachm~n i:z~o Reau•ar Yar~i Are~. (Parking s~aces not p~rrnitted to encroach into 15-£oot deep front yard; 2 parking spaces proposed at 3 Peet frorn Cypress Street) 2. That r.kze above-mentiunad waivers are horeby granted on the basi.s that. ttiErP are special cir.cumscax~r,es appJ icable to the properh.~ su.ch as size, ahapQ, topography, location and surrounclings wh.ich cio nat apply to other ident9.ca11y zoned r~roperty in the same vicinity; that strict app].icat.ian of ,si 0202r Y, a , ' ~ ~'.~ ;~;1} ;;~ ';;~; ';; 'i :r ,; ; 'r~, ~k ~ ,~, y t ~~ 1 t ' ~~~ .,. •.:/r l ~I Alj}i~~~N H' ~. . ti ; ~ N, ii , ,i~4, i i tx~_fif~ y ~ ''~~'~ r~ ,:1 1x.,~ ,i ~4 . (I ~'illi ~he Zoning CodQ deprives the proparty of privileges Pnjoyed by other pro»erties in the identical zone and cl~ssification in ~ht~ vicanity, and that nearby single-f3mily resiclentially zoned properties ha.ve heen ~appraved £or multiple-family residenLial zoning or are develapment with a non-residential use (church). ;~' + 3. That the proposed variance zs hereby granted to the ~~ ,a ~:etitianer's stipu?ation tha~ guest parking spaces ~haJ.l be limited to use by ~y`; guosts only to avoid parking on th~ streets. ':`''~~ 4. That there are exceptional or extraordix~ary circumstances w or cunditions applicable to ~he properCy involved or to the intended use ~t the property thah. do not apply generally t,o thQ praperty or class of use in the same vic~inity an.d zone. 5. That the requested variance is necessary for the preservation ancl enjoyment of a st~bstantial property right possessed by othe,r property in the same vicinity and zone, and clenied to the property in questian. 6. That the request~d variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the propexty or improvements in such vacinzty and zone in whiah the pro~erty ~s located. 7. That ?. persons indicated their pr.esence at ^aid pablic hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was receivad in opposition to sttbject petition. CA:'~Ii' RNIA EPiVIRONMENTAL~ OUALI2~Y A~T FT.NDI~: 'That tY~e Anaheim City Planning Commission h~s r.eviewod the proposal to reclassify subject proper!y from t1:P RS-7200 (Rasid.ential, Single-Family) Zone to the 12M-I200 (Resid~^*~a.l, Multiplo-Family) Zone and to cor.struct a 3-story, 1l3-unit apartmen~ complex witli waivPrs of maximum struatural heighL- aixd permitter3 encroachment into required yar~ area on a rectangularly-shap~d parcel of land consisl.;ing of approximately 0.6 a.cre located at the southeast corner of Cypress Street and Cof.fman Street, havi.ng approxima~e frontages on 215 £eet on the south sicle of Cypross Street and 121 teet oxi the east side o£ Co£fman Streat and furtk-er c3escribed as 22~ N'orth Coftman Stres~; and doe~ hereby approve the Nogati~•e Declaration upan findxng that it has consa.dered the Negative Declaratiun togethnr. with any cumments received during the public review process ancl Eurther finding on the basis of tnQ init:ial study and any commex~ts re~eived that there is no substantial evidence t:hat Y.he projECt wi1'1 have a significant effect on the environmQnt. NOW, THF.R~FORE, BF IT RE~OLVLA that the Anaktei.m City Planning Commission doos hez~eby grant subject Peta.tion for Variance, up~~n the following condikions whzch are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite ta the proposed use of the subjecC property in order tu preserve the safety anc~ general wel~are of the Citizen~ of L•he City of Anaheim: 1. That this Var~an~~e is granted subject; to the acloption of the Zoning Ordir_ance .in connection with Rec].assiPicakion No. 87-88-48, ,low pexiding. _ .._ .._.. :, . ,~ W2_ PC88-121 x~ f ,; ;; ; ~ai .~+;P 'rn .'t'c~;? . . . .. . .. . . . . . -.~r !"'^~ ~ , 2• Tht-l prior tio i~su~nco of a building permi.t, aFPi'nPx3ate park and racr~sation in-liou fc~cc ~lia11 be paicl to tl;e City ~f. Analioim in an amount ~s ~eCermined by Che City Councii. 3. That prior Lo 3~suance of a bu3lding parmit, the apprnpriatio traEfic signal ~ssessmQnt fec~ ~ha7Z )~a paid to tho City o£ Anaheim in an amount as doCermined by ttic- City Council. _• ThaC s,i ;,e~,alk;~ :hall be inslalled aloi~g CoEfman an~l Cypress Streets as required by the City F.nginee~ and. in accord:~:i~~ with standmrd p]ans ana specifications on filo in rhe Ottice ci: ~hP City EnginRer. 5. That subjac:t proporty srall be servecl by underground uti~i~ias. 6. That drainage of subjer.t property shall bo dispased of in a rnanner sati~[actory to tk~o City Engineer. 7. That pri.or to Comm~~~n,,,enL' oE s~ructural framing, fire hydrants shall be installQCl and charged as requirad and ~at~srmi~~ed to bo nsces~ary }~~• tlie Chief of. the Fire Departrr~ent. ~• Tliat trash st:orage ar.eas st~all be Qrovi~led and ma3r.laintd in accor.dance with appro~~ed plans on fila with the Straet: Mdzntenance ann Sanitation bivision. 9. That all air condiCioning tacilities and ~tyer roof and qround snounted equipment shall be properly shielded fz~om vier:, an~l the sound huffered from adjacenL• rasidential propertia~. 10. That prior t i~su»ncR of a builcli:ig pQrmit, t!~e r~wnc!r/developer :~ ~ubject ~-'op~:rty shall post a faithfu: psrformanc:e bonci ~.rir}1 the City ot Anaheim in au amouut approvP~ hy rhe r_iL•y Enginc~Qr to yuarantee the remaval of existing street improvoments along C~ftman ~treat and reconstruction/construction ot ful.l street impc•ovements at the ult.imato loc~tion when roquired by the City Engfneez~. l.l. That subject ~ronQrty shall be devoloped subsl•antially in accorc~ancw with plans and s~,acifications on file wir.h the City of At~~hQim mar3c~d Exhibit Nos. 1 througn 6. 12. That pciar to issuance ~f a buildiny permit, or rrithin a~er~od of one year from t?-e datF of thic~ reso2ution, whichover occurs firsC, Conditioi~ N~s• 1, ~ 3, and 10, above-ment;ionerl, shall be compliad with. Er.rensions for further time to complete said conaftions may be qr~n~ocl in accordancP w.ith Secti~n 18.03.~90 oi the Anaheim ?dunfcipal Code. 13. That ~rior. t•o fin31 builQinc~ and zoning inspo~t;~ns, Condit~on Noa. q, 5, 6, fI, ~1 and 11, abovg-muntionod, shdll bcs compli~d with. :: '~ i ~.. 3 A' ~- "3" pcsa-ixt T ~~t; u i `J'a iFtc ~i : +~- :~~,~~.r~~~~.:~'t b° ..~,~,. A ~.~..-.. ~"~.,r,;. ,... . . ~.v,~,r[ ri~ ~r ~ ~-~n. , . ,., ..,i i i..,;. ~,~ ~ :~ . ... . „.. . . . , . . , i.... ,. . ..._, . :"IC'•_ . .. .. ~~4r<.~. . .. . t ,'i.?y ii ,:r~.• 3 Y'~,s,~:t•ia j a~)I;.'~"~~+~~ ""iJytl,~fA . .. .;". . a. ~ ~ , ,.... a~j'„~j~, . . . '~ `}S*. • • ~ ~r. ,. ;S 14. That approval of this applicatton coristiL•utos ~~+rr~,•12 oS Lllc~ proposed requQSt only to rhQ c::t;e~ii~ ChaC it complias wiCh ~he Anah~im Municipal Zuu.ing CodP and any other applir.3ble Ci.t,y regulr~ti.ons. Approval t~qq5 not ~riClud9 any c~~.t.ion or Findings rss to compliance or approval ~£ the requesL• regardinq any othQr a~plicable ord.in~nua, reyulation or : equirc~mc nt. IIE Ir FTJRTHE;K RESOLVED that Cho Anaheim City Planning Commisaion cloes horeby Eind and ~etermine that adoptiur. of this Resolution is expressly l~r~iclicatecl upon apl~licanl's complxance with each and a1]. of the candi~i~ns herQinabove s~~t for.~th. Shoulc3 ~ny s~ich concl3~::u~~~, or aiiy part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceablQ Uy t}~ f~.nal judgment of any court ~t compeh.ent jurzsdictiur~, then this Resoluti~n, ~nd any ~ppr4vals herein eonL-ained, shall be c1P~mec3 null and voi.d. TFiE rORE('OING RESOLUTION is signed and appr~vecl t~~~ :;o c.his 9th day af May. 19a8. ~,, ,,~ . i i7 ~/, / ~/a.;~..-%iv/ /~1;~ i t~...iT, (:HAIRMAN, : `IAHGIM CYTY PLADiNI2JG CONIh1ISSI0N ',-~ i E ST ; ~ -- - ~-•'---~~~"t' --- -- SRCRETAR , ANAHEIM CIT'~' PLArINZNG COMMISSION 5TATE OF CALIFOBNIA j t:0'UNTY OF ORANGE ) s s. (:I7.'Y 0~' ANAf:EIM ) I, Edith L. Harri;,, Sec;retary of ~na Anatiefm C.ity Planning Commissian, do hereby cc~rtify that tliQ ~orQgoinc~ rQSOlution was p~ssed and aclopted at a nteetinr, of Che Anaheim City Planning Commission held cn May 9, 1988, by th~ f.ollowir,e~ vate of the membors thoroof: AYF.S: COIyII•tISBIONERS: BO'JAS, BOXDSTUN, FBf,DHAUS, HGRBST, MC BUFtNEY, :KESSC NOF.S: COMMZSSTONFRS: CARUSIL'.0 AHSENT: COMMISS'lONERS: NONE IN WITNE5S WHEREOF, i havo hereunt~ set my hand thi3 9th ~al of May, 198Fi. ~~~~ ~ ,q.~~ ~ I,, - . _______.._ ~~-~_''C•t'!T~.•._.._._L\..~_~~~1~-.._, SECRETAR~', ANAEtEIM CSTY PLl-fi NING C~MMISSYON "'~" PCES-121