PC 88-124p~~'1 RFSQ~,[~TIQN~~_ PS;$8=124 A RESOLiJ'1'IOPi OF THR AP?AFiEIM C:tTY PLANNING COMMISSION , TkIAT PETttIUN FOR CQNUITTJNI~L US~ PERMIT N0. 3004 BE GRANTEU W1FiERGAS, the T.na:~Qim City ^lanning Commi~sion did receivo a verifiod .. Petition for Canditianal. Use I~~rmit from GEORGE GEMAYEL ~nd OSNA WARTAII, 1p61. ;~'~ N. Grove S~re~t, Anaheim, CA 92A06, ~wnQr for certa.in real property situated '~'' in thQ City of Anaheim, County nf nrange, St:~L•e of California, clescribed as: PAR~EL 5, AS Sf•IC1WN ON A M;~F~ FTLED IN BOOK 61, PACL 44 OF PARCEL N,APS IN THE OFFIC~ ON TfiE COUNTY RFCORDER OF OKANGE COUNTY, CALII'O:2NIA MORE PARTTCULARLY , DESCRIBED IN EXHIEIT "A" ATTAC.HED FiERETO A,I3D MADE ,~, ,., PART HF~REUF. WHEREAS, the City P].anning Commission did holcl a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on May 9, 1988 at 1:30 p,m., notice of said publ3c hoarzng havang been duly given as required by lavt anr3 in accordanct: wiCh tho provisions of ttie Anali~im Diunicipal Code, Ch~ptor 18.0's, to hear aud consider evidence :Eor and ~~ainst said proposed cnnditional use permit r3r.d to investigat:e and make fin iinys arid recommendations in connectiori therewi.th; and WHEREAS, said Commission, a:ter due inspection, invest•igation and shudy made by itself and ?.•r~ ir_;: ;,o:.alf, anci after due c:onsideration of al1 ~v:.dence tinc~ reports o£fered at saicl hAarixig, does find and determine the fo'.lo;uing fdctis; 1. That the propasoci usQ is propezly ~na for which a conditional use permit i s authorizeci by Anah~eirn htunicipal CodQ Soction to wit: an auL•omoioile con•rarsion f~icility with waiver of rr,inimum number of parkinq spac~~s. 2. That the raquestod waivor is hereby granted on ~he basis thaC L•here are special r.i:cumstaneos applicable to the property such a~ size, shape, topoqrap}xy, location and surrounttings which do no~ apply to otber itler.tically zonoci propert:y in the same vicinity; ~r~d Chat strict applicat3on of the 2onf.ng Coda d~Priva, the praperty of priviing~~ enjoyed by other propertiea in the identical zone and ciassi.fication .in the vicinity. 3. That the prn~~osed tise wi11 not adversel1 affQCl the adjoininy lai.d uses and the gxowth anc~ developmezit ~F the area in whlch it is proposEd to be locrstad. ,,`:;,, .~: ,:` ..~ %•; ' ; ~i 1 4. That thQ size and shape of tho sita proposed Eor tho use is ;; adoquatr, to allow rhe ful.l cievol~pment of th~ propos~ci u3e fn a manner not detrimenta). to the partic.ular a:aa nor to ~he pea~e~, hQal.tti, safety az~d ,, genera:t welCa:e of the Cil;izens oE the City o.E Ar.ahoirr., ~ 0285r I ~`'~ ~~~;~ ~ ~ , • T l r i; r ~ ~ p I ; •~ ~j _ J r s`iI :If ~_... . . ~' r ~~~ ~'i - , . ~S't.T +7~ ~~~. .'R.~~'If.1~J,~[ ..(i. . ~ . . PCt38-124 '~~; 5. That tho grt~nting of th~ Conditional Uso P~rm3t uncler the conditions imposed, i.f any, w.ill no~ be derrimonL•al to th~ peacQ, hQa7th, satety and genaral welft~re of the Ci~:izQns of tha City oz Ar.ahexm. 6. Tha~ the traffic goneraL•ecl by tha proposed use will no~ impose an undue burdan upon tlie stroots and highways designed and im~roveci to carry tha traffic in the area. ~ 7. ThaL- no ~ne indicated their presence a~ said public hear3ng in opposition; and that one 1~tCer was receivec'. iri opposition to the subjact pet:ition. ~LIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAi. OUALITa! ACT FINDIN~: That the Anahezm ri City Planning Commissian has reviewed tho pro~osal to FormiL- an automobile rt con~version facility with waivor of minimurn numl~er of parking spaces on a ' xectangularly-shaped parcel o£ land cons3.sting of app:oximatel~ 0.5 acro, "j having a frontag~ of approxima~ely 145 f•aet on the west side nf Grove Stroet, and being lucatad approximaCely 270 feet south oi the cer~terline of La Palma Avenue ar.d L•urther dascribed as 1061 N. Grove Str~;et; a:id does hereby appz~ovo the ~legat.ive Declaration upau findiny t,hat it has considered the N~gativn w Declaration together wi1:h any comrn~nts recei.ved during tho gublic revisw ; process and fur~her ffnding ~n the ba:;is of the initial study and any ~ comments ceceived that thcrc~ is no su'bstantial evidenco that tbe project will have a signi£icant ePfect o:i the environment. tiOW, TH~ItEF'ORE, FiE TT RE50LVGD that ths Anaheim City rlannixic~ Commission daes r,F~reby grant subj~~:t Petit.ion for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necQSSary prerEquisite ta the pro~osed use o~E the subject praperty in order to preservo the saL-ety ancl general welfnre oP the Citizens oP the City of Anaheim: `s 1. That a traff.ic signal assessmen't L•ee equaling tha diL•ft~rence ~r between the indu:~~rial and c~nunercial assessment EePS shall. be paiii to Y.he City of Anaheim xn an amc~unt as determined by the City Council. ,: r ;j i:. Ti-at CL cs1- stor~ge areas shall be providod and mdintainod in '' accord~nca witli approved plans on file with trie Street rf Maintenancr~ and 5aniLation Division. r 3. Tha` all air c~ndiLionin~~ facilities and oChQr r.oof and gruund mountecl eq~,~ipment shal.l be proporly shiolded from viow. 4. Ttiat the pr~posal sha11 comply wiL•h a11 signing r~qi~iremonrs ~f the ML Zone, unless a varianr,e 411~wing sign wa.ivers is approvod by L•he City Cuuncil, Planninq Commission or Zoning Ar~ministrator , •,k~. ; '~; ;'. -2- ?C88-124 "';. ,'~:,, , R,. ~ ,~ .,, ~~, ~1f~ . ,, ~~ ~ ~id[Thd ~. .. r; ~! ~ , ~ , .~. e .... ~. , ~ , . ~.. ~. . ~.. . . . .. . ~ . ~ . . ~' . .: ~ ~ ~. That rio outdo~r display of or wurk on vohicles or ve~icular parts sliall be permitted and that all existing outdoor display ~hall be remove~ and existing outdoor ~ork terminated. 6. That the on-site landscaping sha21 ba maintained in complinnce with City stand~~rds. 7. Th~t the owner of subject pr~perty shal.l ~ulimi.t a letter requesting termination of Conditional Ua~ PermiL No. 25~6 to the Zoning D2V1S10I1. 6~~f . .`,., ~~~. 8. 'rhaC subject property shall bo devaloped substantially in accord~nce with plans and specification~ on ~E'i..'.e with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nas. I thro~ayk~ 3. 9. That Coridition Nos. 1, 'l„ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, a};t,ve-mentioned, ' sha11 be com~.~leted within a pexiod of nir~ety (9~) da s from the ^ Y date of thi.s resoluL•ion. 10. That approval of this applzcation constitutes ~~proval of the proposed request only to L•he extent that it complxes with the Anahoim N,unicipal 'Loning Cocle and any other applicable City rogulations. Appr.oval does not inc].ude any action or findings as to rompliance or approva:l of the reqvest regardiny any other appl:c~ble ordinance, regulatio:z or requir~ment. BE Ii FURTHEZ R~SOLVED that the AnahPim City .Ylanning Commission does Y~ereby find and dQ~ermine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicaCed upon app],icant's comP1.iance with Qach and all of the c~nclitions hereinabove s~t forth. Should any suah conditions, or ar~y part thereof, be declare~t invalid or un~tiEnrc~able by the final judqment of any court o£ campetpnt jurisdiction, thon this ltesolution, and any approvals hereii~ cantainerl, sha].l be cleeme~ null and void. THE FORBGUING RFSOLUTION is signsd ancl appro~~ed by me this 9tYx day of May, 19ti8. , _ > _ ,, ~ ~-- ~ -- ~ f .c?~ J(.`~-Y--.•,{, t k?: ;1..:~_.4: :.,.r,....,.----~ CEiAIRDfAN, ANAHEIM CIT PLAtiNING COMMISSION ATTEST: _- - QK~~= _ "' ~4--tiG~~r'l,'L"t~' ..+.__ ; SECRETARY, ANI~HEIM CiTY PLANNING C~MMISSIUN ~ ~ ,`'~i '3' PCQB-124 ~~'' ~ ~ ~ :~; ,t,; Tr , +`;~ -- :`;'~. fif l ~ ~ . . .. . . . . , . ~ ~ . . ... . ~. ~ . . .. ;.i y' ?rl,~r1' 1~,Sit ~ i ~ ~r ~ ;,; ~ ~ . ;,,,i:~ '.;~ 5TATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~~'~ COUNTY OF ORANGE ) s~. CITY OF ANT-.HEIM ) I, Edith L. Harr.is, Secretary of the Anaheim City Pla•ani.ng Commission, do hereby certi~y that the foregoing rQSOlution wt~s passed ana adoptc~d a~ a meeL-ing of the Anaheirn City Plannin.,q Commission hald an May 9, `'~ 1988, by the following vote of the members thereof: ;:r ';;i AYES: COMMTSSIONERS: BOUAS, BQYDSTUN, CARUSILLO, FELnHAUS, HERAST, ''~'~ MC BURNEY, MES5F NOES: CODSMISSYON'ERS: NONE AASEN'l: COMMISSIONERS: NONE '~~' IN WTTN~SS WfIE;REOF, I have horeuntu set my hand this 9th day of May, ~~; 19Ei8. _'< ~ ~ _ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~. SECRETARY, AxIAT~IEIM CITX PLANNTNG COMMISSION ;;1 ;a ~ -4- i` , :~~l~~ i('~1~ y. :;'~l4~ 1r l } ,t . . .. . _..~....._. :..1~Y ' '..`r ~~~'~I ~,~ '~~ YC8F2-124 , r,~~ Y~ ~ ~ ;, !~ >t ;:; :kr, ;;;~ „~ ~-. ,,, . .~.,~.~,...~~_..,.,~,~,.,.•,.< .~~.,..,,.,..N.~