PC 88-158~ ° yn, `' '~ ~'`~r~ . `~~~i ~ ~s~. :i ~r R~43~V~4N No~t~rss-7~r p- RESOI~UTION OF TFiE AtiAHEIM CITY PL1-NNING COMMISSION TFiAT P~Tx'.CI~N FOR RF,CLASSIFICATI02d N0. A7-88-56 BF: DENI~;D WIIFREAS, the Anrtheim CiCy Y18nt~inr~ Commission did receive a veri.Yied pe~tition for Reclassification from RAYMOND L. PEiILLIPS, 9297 Batavfa SY.reot, Orar~go, CA, owner, ai~~d HICK GOML•'Z, 4871 Sunnybrook AvQnue, Buena Park, CA 90621, agent, of certain real pr~perCy situsted in the City of Anaheim, Caunty of Oxange, StatQ of California, dQSCribnd as Eollo~~s: Lot 22 of Tact No. 743~ in the City~ o~ A.naheim, as shown on a map recoraed in book 2'l, page 10, oE Miscellaneous Muus, ir. tye office of ~he County x~ecorder af said County. WHF.Rk;AS, the City Planning Commission did hold n public hearing at t}se Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on J~ine 2Qth, 1~88 at 1:30 p.m., notice r~f saic~ public hearing having been duly given as rec~uirec~ by 1aw and in acc.ordance with the provisions o~ the Anaheim M~inicipal Code. Chapter 1A.03, t.~, hear and consider evidence for and ~ga.i.:~~r_ said pxoposad r~clASSifica'tion anci to iz~vestigate and make findi~~gs and recommendal.ions in connection therPwi.th; tind F~iEREAS, said C~mmission, after due inspection, inv~stigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after diie cons.ideration of all evidence a.nd repcrts offered at said hearing, does find aud dPtermino the follo~ring facts : 1. Tha~ the petitioner proposes zec~assification of subject property from RS-A-43,G00 (Rgsidential/Agricultural) to RM-120Q (Rcssidential/Multiple-family) or a les~ ~nteuse z~ne. 2 That tclio Anaheim General P]gn designatKS subject property for mediw~: c'ensitl• :esident~al land ~.~~ec, (r~de~ignated in connoction with General Pla~n wmendment 2do. 234 approved by City Council ~n Jauuary 26, 1988. 3. 'i}iat the pzop~~eri reclt~saificatio:~ of subject property is not necessary and/or desirable for tha order].y ancY proper dovelopment of the conununi ty. 4. That *.he proposed reciassifi.cation of 3ubject pre~orty doe~ not properly relat~ to the zones and their permiL•ted usQS loca].ly es~ablisl:e~t in close proximity to subject pr~party and to the zones ahd the.fr nermitted uses qenerally ostablisheC, throughout the community. 5. That heazin~ fn oppo~f•,.ion; to subject potition. ~0345r 0345r one persci. indicateti his preseneg at said public and tlsat no correaponaence w;~s recQived in qpposition -1- PC88-158 - ., ,. .:, ,. ;,-; ., . . i ;:~:~'?~^ ~ ~~UIT?'~ ' +' ~~l;~~. , ~r. FINDINGz That che Anahe3m ~.AL~FORNIA E~tVT.~3A~'~.~~ba~U.$~~~.-~~~---- City Plann3.ng Commi'ssi43 00S (ResidentiallAgricultural)~ 7.one ltos t e RM-1200 property from Che R5-A , (ResidentialtMultipte-Fam.i1Y~ Zone and to construct: a 3-story, 20-un t apartment con+plex with waivar of. maximum struct~o imately h 0.59n aare irregularly-sinrsped PTrcAz oi li~nd consisting ~f ~P~' hal~z~y h frontage of appro:cimately 132 £eat on the north si~e of Savanna Street, bei.ng located approxS.mately 200 Ee~~ west of the centerline of Ma~ove Way, an~t further d~scribed as 3633 Savaxina Street; t~nd doos hereby app the Nsgative DeclaratWi~h ua~n ~omments treceiv a~aur ng i the dP~lic egeview Declaration toqethAr Y proce~s and furth haC there ~is~no subst ntialosvidencelt at the~paoj ct will cortunents rece~ived t have a sic;nificant effect an the environment. vpW, ,:HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thar the Anaheim City Planning Commiss3.on dogs hereby~~ d findi ~3st P~tition for Reclassification on the- bzsi.r~ of the aforement THE FOFEG~ING fi~SOLi7T10N is sianed an3 approved by me this 20th day of. June, 1988. 1~~ ~-- `~ ,d~-e---~ CFiAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CIT PLANNING COMMISSION A'TTEST: ~ ~ I , ~ '~ -~r G~!-~ i(/~'~ SECRETARSL, ANAHEIM CITY P~AN~TI:tG COMMISSIOII S~ATE QF CALYFORNIA COLINTY OF ORANGE ) 8S • CI~Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary af tho luiaheim City Ylanning CommisSion, do h~ceby certify that the foregoinq resolution at~s pnsse3 and adopted at a m~'~~~£ol.lowinggvota af ~heicnemUersIthereo~: issian h~ld un June 20~h, 1988, by the AYE~: COt~STSSTG27ERS: NOES: COMtdISSI0N8RS: A'BS~NT.: ~CMMISSIONERS: BOYASTU21, CARUSILLO, MC BURNEY, ?FESSE BOUAS NONE FEL1)IIAUS, HFRBST, IpT W;TNE~S WHEREOF. I hz+va hereanto ~et my ha:-d this 20Lh day of. 3une, 19~38• . / ~ ~ J -Y~~" /~ /~/~/~,l/ y,._r..-e-- SECRETAR't, A217~FiEIM CITY PLANNING COb4dI~SION ~,CgQ~1~Q -2- ~~.. : 0345r e, ". ~', ~. ~ : ' ~(f; ' v ~~. ~~`;r; . ° ; iR,~„' , ~ ~~ ~4 .'' ,/ x~.f~~..-avs..•~v ~. ~~<a'.i.m. .,.,.., . . ,.. -. ~~: ' ~~ , e