PC 88-164~ RE~~ZT~QN NQ~P~$Q-~.~~ ~ ~tJ.ya'A ~ A RE50LUTION OE THE ANAHCIM CITX PL,ANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR COAIDITIONAI~ USE PERMT.T NU. 3021 H~ GRANTF.A, IN PART ; WH~R~AS, the Anaheim Ci.ty Planni.ng Commission ~lid raceive ~ verif~ed =~ Petition tor Conc~ition al ils~ Pormit from M .'~RION btALOUF AND ROBERT HERGESS ~' EfRAHM MAL~JUF, 900 E. Rall Road, Anaheim, CA 92805, uwnsr and PkACTIAL ~' SCHOOLS, A1TtI; MARILYN f3. SFf~Ef1AN, 3290 E. Carpent~r Avenuo, Anahe ~m, CA 92806-2i197, ageut for certain real pro~~erty s.itu~ted ir. '_;,e City o~ Anahr~im, County of Orange, ~Late of California, described as: ALL THAT CERTATDf LAI~D SITUATEI~ IN TFiE STA~E OF CAL7FORN~A, COG~N7'Y OF ORANGE, CITY OF ANAHEIM, DESCRIBED AS E'OLi,OWS: THL NOkTH 999.62 FEF.T OF THAT YOFtTZOPl OF THE EAST FiALF OP THF. NORTH FT S'T QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTEFt 0'r' SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGL 10 W~ST, TN TFiE RAtdCfiO SA11 JUAN CAJOPi DG ~ANTA ANA, AS PEIt DSAP RECURDFU IN BOUI~ 51, PAGE 10 OF MISCELLANF.OUS MAPS TN THE OFFICr OF T'r1E COUPITX ftECORDER UE SAID Cr1UNTY, LYTNG EAST OF TFIE RIGHT l'1F ~'AY OF THc ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SAN~'A FG RaILWA~:. WHEREAS, Y.he City Planui:ig Commission did hold a p~ablia hearing at Che Czvic Center in th~ City of Anaheim on June 20tih, 1988 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said ~ublic hearing having b~an du:.y ~.iven as requized by law and in accordance wi.th tlie provisions of the Anahoim Municipal Code, Ctiapter 18.03, t~~ Y.car and consfder evidence for anri a~Jlinsr said proposed conditional se rermi~ and L•~ invostigate ~nd make findings and recommetidations in connect_on there•ri*_l:; ar,d 47t3EREA5, s~~id Commissiun, uEter due inspection, inve:~Ligation and study rnade by its~lf anc~ iri ir_, behalf, nna ~+~t:er clixe consia~ration of• a11 ovidene.e ancl reJ~orts ofCered at s~.id hearir.g, d~es finci ~nd dQterminQ Cha follarrin-~ Lacts; :l. That t1~.~ proposed us~ is proper~y one Eor which a cor.ditfonal usc perini t i:s a~~°hori:cad hy Ar~aheim iSunicipal Code Section 18.61.05Q.350 an~? .450 tu pQrmit .. vncational schoal (Practict~l Schools) with waiver o£ tihe Eollowing: ( A) SE~TI,tIa _28 ,.Q4,9_~4~ 0.'l_g - Rg~~i Le.~__?m~r. o.~me.n5 ~~ Ri<th~q_f-W~y. (Paympnt cc costs tor otF-site imp:ovements raquired; none proposo~) 1l0354r ~ ~ t 1 . . t ~.~~,.~1, ~B) ~EC~.'IQNS_ 1~~.Q~:..~~L~??_? - tMinirn~m N~m~~r .~L'_~'~lrkinc~8s~~as.• r~n 1$.,06zQ~Q02F~1 (..7.Q2 requirec?j 22~ QxistinG) 1_~. ~, 0 8 0 2. That the requested waivQr (a) 3.s h~reby d~niecl on the basis rhaC there ar.e uo speri.al cir.cumsr.ances a~pliaa.blo to ~he groper~y sixch as size, shape, ro~ogrt~phy, location 1nd surroundings which do not apply t~ oth~r iclentzcally zoned prop~rt.y in rhe sam~ vicini-:y; and that sCri.ct appl.icat.ion oE the 2oning Code r'ioes noG deprive tho proporty of privxleges enjoyed by other properties in tha idene:ical 7one and elassit.ication in the vicinit~, 3. That L•he requested waiver (h) i~ hereby grantQC~ on tYze basis that the parkiiig waiver will noL• cause an incrpase in trattic <:ongestion in the immeciaate v.icinity nor aelversely ~iffoct any adjoininq land uses and granting oL• the parki.ng waiver under r_ho c.onditions imposed, if ar.y, wi11 not be detrimental to the peace, he.~a.lth, safety and aenQral welfara of Lhe ci~izans of the City of AnahPim. 4. Tl:ak tlie pL•oposed use wi11 not adversel,~ affecl: tlie adjoining land uses and tlie growL•h and development of the area i.ii which it is proposed to be located. 5. That the size and shape nf tli~ site proposed ~or the t±se is adequate to a].low tha full development of. the proposed u:,e in a mantier not ~:lettimQntal ta the par.ticular area nor t:~ the peac~, health, sat•ety anii general welf:are of tYie Citizens oi' tha City oL Anahe.im. 6. That the gran~ing ot the Concitional Use Pe~rmit uncler the conditions impos~d, if any, wi11 not be detrimental to the peace, }~ealth: safety and gener,;l rrelfare oi the Citi~Qns ~f the City of Anahei.m, 7. That rt1e L•raL•f:i.c generat~~' by the proposed use will n~t impose an undue burden upon tk;ri s~r.eel:s and hic~hways designed and improved ~o carry tlie trafPic in the area. 8. That no ~ne indicaknd their presence at .^,aid public hear.irg in oupnsition; and t.}i~C no correspondence was rec~ived in op~osition to the subject Pt3tition, ~.A_,j.~~ ~RNIA Eh~~IROPiMGNTAs,__~UALXTY ~~T _ F~ND'[~1~: That r.he AnahQirt~ C.ity Pl.anniny Comr,iission has reviewed the proposal to pezmft vocational school (Practical Schools} with waiver ct mi:~imum number of parking snaces cn an irregularly-shaped parcel r,f lanl consisCing of approx.imately 5 acrps locateci at the sauthwc~st eorntr uf Ball Road and Lewis Streot having approximate frontages of 507 Ceet un the sauth :~ide ~f Ball ~oad 422 foet on tho W9RC side of Lewis Streot;; and doQS hQreby appr.uve ttie Negative Declaratian upon tin~.ling that it has cottsidere~Y the Neg~tive Declaration Gogsther with any comm~.nts received d~xrincJ the ;~ur,lic review pr~cess ~nd Further [indinc~ oh the bt~sis of the initial sr.udy and any commarzts .n~;~ivHCi tY-at thura is no subs~anCial evi<ionc~ hhat tho k,roiect will havcs a sigr.iEic~n_ ef~rc~ on the environment. 0359r -2•~ hCLa-1G4 '~ , ~ y~l 1 ; <.a <;, _ .'r-;c . .. , . i;_...G:F,x~-~~~ ~ ~ ,~ ,,..~~~ ~t1 ~~ : ~ j.t~ ;:1~ ~i . . . .~ ':I:'. 'A~~. NOW, THERGFORC, H~ IT RESOLVf;U that the Ana'~eim City Pl~+nning Commission c~~es hereby graht subjncr. PaL•it3on for C~nclitifonal Use Permit, u~on tho followa.ng coTiditions w}~ich are horeby Eound to be a nocessary preregiiisi~e ~ca ths propos~d use oi the s~~bjocr, property in c~rder to proserve thP safet~y and g~neral welfare o[ the Citizens of tlio City of Anahoim: 1. That the 1ega1 owner ~~ subject property sha11 irrevoc~bly of.L•er to c7edicate to th~ City oE Anaheim a strin oP land ffEty th.~ee (53) feet ir. wic]tii Erom t.tie centGrline oF tlie street alang Lew.is ~treet with a twenty-Pivc: (25)-Fuot radius cornar return Por str~~et widening purposes. 2. That khe :ega1 owner ot subjoct property shall irrevocably ofPer to dedicaLe r.o th~ City of Anaheim an addi~.ional strip oE land along BaZl ancl Lewi~ SY_reet, measured wQSterly and southorly from the ultimat•o ra.ght•-oi-way line al l-.lie cornor of ~,he intsrsection of Ball and LRwis 5txeet, ancl varying in width from twelv~+ (12) feet for the fixst 300 ~eet and then transi~ioning Erom t:welve (].2) feet to 0 feet f.or ~he next 3U0 feet. 3. That sidewalks sh~ill be insr.~lled alonq Ball Road as required by ~he City Cngineer and in accordance wiLh standard plans and specifications oi~ filo in tkie Offire of the City Engineer. ~l. That drivewaxs shall be removod and.'ar reconstructed along Ba11 Roact as required by t.he City L•'ngineer and i~7 accQrdanc:e with standard plans and specifications on Li~a in the OfEice of t.he City Gngineer. 5. That all clri.veways shall be reconstructed to accommodate t:e:- (10) fo~t radius curb returns. E:xisl•ing broken or cracked dr.ivewaxs sha~l be removed ancl replacec~ as requ~.red by the City Engineer. 6. That prior to issu.,nce oE a bu3.lrliny pcrmzt, a tra£tic, signal assessmAnL' f~re equaling the diFference betwoen the industrial an!i insr,itutiont~l asacvsmon~ fees shall be paid to th~ City of Anaheim in an amount as determa.nc:d by t1 e Cit:• Coiincil. 7. That prior ~o the :.~ommenc~mont of the activity auL•horized uncler th.is rosolution, or praor to tha time that ~ building permit is i.ssu~td, or within a perioc] of ninaty (90) days from the date oE thi~ r.~rsoluti.on, wt-ichev~r accurs first, t:~~: legal pro~~erty o~wiikr(s) ot subject propRrty shall execut~ and record a covenant in a£orm approvr~d by Che City At_torney's OPtice~ wher~ir~ s~xch ownsr(s) agree nat ta contest the furmation oE any assossment dis~rict(s) which may hereafter be forme:I pursuank to L-.he provisions of Development Agreemenc Plo. 83-01 betwQen the Ci~y of Anaheicn and Anaheim Stadium Associ::~tes, which district~s) coulc] inr.lude st~ch .legal ~rop~rty owner's prop~rty. 8. Tnat trash 3torage areas shall bQ provi.ded and rnaintained in a location acceptable to the Str~et Maintenance and Sani.ta~ion Division and in acco:clance with c+pprovn.d plr+ns on file with the 5treet Ma~ntenance and SaniL•aLion Div3sion. 0354r -3- YC86-164 '„;~ % ., ~~ ~:f~L . '.~~1'lt~ ~',~ , , ' ~ ~ ~ r 7T ~'iq' ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t 1,~~ ` ''~ i ; ~~ Y„ r . . . V:,,~~ ~; ~.;:f. ~ . . ': ici~,.~ ~~~ ;.{ j ~1 9, That a],:L air condi~io~iing Pao.ilities ~qtii.pment sha].l be proporly shielded 10. That the proposa.l sliall comply with (IndusCrial, Limi~ed) 7,oiio, unlesa a approved by the City Council, Admi.ni~tra~or. anci otiher roof ~tiid ground mounted `` from view. '•:~i +'~, ~;~, a11 siynina rec{uir.emgnts ~f the MI, ,i',fi variance allowing sign waivor;~ i~ ::.~~4I Plann~ng Commiss.ion or 7.oning =~~ ;.:sr~1 ~`= 11. That subject schoo7 shall be l.imited. to a m~ximiim of 1t~0 student on-site at; y' ' s any one time. , .;i; ; ` ' 12. That sub'ect , ''''u 7 property sh~311 be ~.evelol~ed Slll)SCOriElallY in a with d ~ . ~, r.ccr ance ~ plans and specif.ications on fi.le with the Cit oF A h E ~.~ ~. y n~ eim rnarked xhibit Nos. :L through 3. ;;; ' ~ '13. That CondiL•ion No. 7, abov~a_mentioned, sha11 be completQd within a erio3 of P (ninel ) 90 d y ays Ernm the datra o~ this resolution whichev~r occurs firsL•. '. j 14. That pri~r to the commc~nc~ment of tha activity authorizQd by this resoluti on Coricliti i . , ori Nos. 1, 2, and 6, ab~ve-ma ntioned, shall be cumplied r~ith. ExtQn~ions tur furtYier time to + ~ ~ cc mp2ote said conditions may be grantec in accordanc~ with Ser,Cion 10 03 09U . . of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 15. That prior to tre commenr.ement of the activity authorizec~ by this resolution, Conclition :~os. ~, 4, 5 8, 9, and Y2, above-meu; ioned. shall bo complied wiCh. 1.6. xhat approval of. Chis applicati~n constituL•QS a request o.nly t:o the exr.ent that it complies with ptheaAnahoimeMunicipal Zoning Code ancl any other applicable City regulaCions. Approval dnes not include any a~tian or L•indings as to comp].31nco or approval of ~h~ ieque~C regarding any othor. applicable ordinanco, r~gulat?on or requ:i coment . ~~: IT FURTHER RF.aOLVGD that the Anaheim Ci,t;l Planning Commission c9aes hereby find and determino th~t adop~ion aF this Ftasolu~ion is expressly predicated upon applicant's cornp].ianca with each and a11 of th~ conditions hQreinabove ser, forth. S}iould aiiy sur.h coridition~, or any park thQreof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgm~rnt of any c~urt of ~~"~i 1 `~ .i f ~ ~. .'s camp~tsnt jurisdiction, then this P.esoluti.on, n~ntained, sha11 be deemed null znd void. ATTEST: ^ _ _ r ^ ~X , . ~ -F ~ ..~-'.3G_ SFC.RETARY, A1dAH~TM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~~ ~, , , ~~, ~ . ;, a "f',';~' ~µ,~~Q~~ ~ ;~~ `j..-..,.P . . ~,~`Y '7,1,:' ,i: ;~ .. . •;',;•I %f(`i ,~'( an~ any appr~vals heroin "'"~~~ il~Yy. . . . '.. .;.il .~'~~''.(~ TH~ FOREGOING R~SOLUTION is sigxied and approved by mc this 20th day ta of Jur.o, 198a. ,~ ~~ ~ 0~e ~-~` 7 e-------.__ ' ~ CHATRMADT, ANAf?EI CITY PLADTNTNC, CUMMIS5ICN ;~' .J STATF.. OF CALIFURNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANG~: ) ss. CITY Ok' hNAHEIM ; ~ ,J~ 7y, ;, ;: ~ I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary uf the Anaheini City Planning ~.`~: Commission, du hereby c er~ity that the fore,yo.ing rosolution was passod ancl ;~ adopted at a mseting oF the Anaheim City k~lanning Commis::fon halci on June 20kh, , ',`;~ 19$8, by Che f.ollawing v~ te ot• the members thereof: `~~ '::~ AYES: COMMISSIUN~R~: BUUAS, BOYDSTUN, CARUSILLO, FELnHAUS ~ MC BURNEY, MESSE ''%~S ' NOES: COMMISSIO~TERS: NONE ~` `,~, ABSEfIT: COhiMISSIOIiERS: }IERBST ';'~ ~ ~ ' ~:~~ IN WITNE;;S WHEREUF~ I ti~v~ hereunto set my hand thi~ 2Uth day af '~. June, 1988. :r _,~_~. ~ ~ ~ !~ SECRETARY, ANAHLIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION °"' ~4 ~ ;~~ii Jj{ '4 O~a4r -5- PCBa-16A ~ 'i _ ' i~ r"41 11f. . ~ ~~~'!;!'~~y i;` ~~~'2 .. ~Jf7~.'~