PC 88-187~ ~ xrSOLU~z~N rr~i ~PC8¢-.~? A RESULUTION Or '.L'HE l~N.AHEIM CITY f.'LANNING COMMISSI~N THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSII'ICA7'TON 'N0. 8£f-89-03 BE GRANTED WHERLAS, the Anaheim Ci~y P1ai~ning Cnmmission did rereivg a veritied petition for Reclassification from LINCOLN PROPERTY, L~TD., 420U Trabuco Foacl, Suil:e Na, 222, Irvine, CA 9272U, owner, axzd ~HRISTOPTiER PTERCG, A.M. HOMFS, ~1060 Campus Drive, Newpor~. Beach, CA 92660, agent, af certain rf~al prop~r'ty sit.uaLecl in the City o~F Anaheim, County ot Orange, State of California, ~escribed as follows; COMMENCING AT A POTNT ON THE WEST LT2~E OF THF NORTH~ASx 4UARTEE2 OF TH~ NORTFiFAST QUAR:C~1: OF SECTION 17, :C04VNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, IN TI3E R1~NCH0 SNA JUAN CAJ'ON DE SANTA ANA, IN TH~ CITY OF 1~iAHEIM; COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATL Of C?~T~II'ORNIA, AS PER M~P R~CORuED IN BaOK 51, PAGE 10, OF MISC~LLANEOUS MAPS, R.F,FCORiS OF SAID ORANGi. COLINTY, 425 F~ET SOUTH OF THI: 110RTHWEST CORI~ER OF SA:[D NORTHEAST QUTsR'SEfi OF THE NO~tTIi~AST QUARTER, RUNN?I3G THENCE SOUTH ON SAID WL~T LINE 2G8 FEET; THENCE EAST PARALI~FL WITH ?'HE NORTH L]:N~ OF SATD tiORTHEAST QUAR^tER OF TiIE NORTHEAST QUARTEF. 315 F~ET: '.I'FiENCE NORTH PARALL,FL WITH THE WEST L:CNE OF SIeID NORTFiEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTEk 2~.2.50 E'EET: THENCE SOUTH PaRAL~LEL WITH TI?~ WEST LIidE OF THE NORTHEAST QUAFTER OF THE NORTHEA5T QUARTER 425 I'EET: TFir,NCE SOUT?I 102.50 FEET TO 'rHE POTNT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THFREFROhi THE NORTF•! fi6 FEET TF3EREOF. WfiEREA5, L-YiP City Flanning Commis,ian did hold a public hearing at the Civic Canter in tne City of Anahoim on July 10, 1988 at 1:30 p.m., notica of said ~ublic hearing Y~avi.ng boen du1~ given as required by 'law and in accordanre with the provisions of lhe Anaheirn Municipal Code Chapt-er 18.03, to hear ancl consider evidence Eor ai~d againsL said proposec~ reclassificatian and to invesL-igata and make findings and recommentlati.cns in connection th~rewikh; and WHEREAS, saia Commissiati, af~c~r duo inspection, investigat.ion and study m~de by itself ana in its behalf, and after du~ ~onsideration of all evidence and reports oftered at said hearing, does find and determ.ine the follo~rinq facts: '' 't~C~ ,r~.'~~',.?.; rhrR. {r! ~ ~ :~ s::~i {;; I ~~, ,,, r ~~. ~ b 7. ,I t .} r,'~ r. ,~ ;'; 1. That L•he petitioner proposes reclassification of subjQCt property from CL (Commercial, Lim:i,tetl? 7.one to the RM-1200 (Resid~ntial, ZRUltiple-Famil~) Zone. 0391r PC88-187 ~c ~ !;; ~ ;`i .~ ~y j~!;'. ;Sq ! , :~a ~~~ 7~T{ 4!1 .~ "~ ~.~~~,~~~~~~ ' ~ ~: ~: ~~ .~ ~. i~ ~ M~~:.i-•tC:i1 ~M IW ~ ~1 lo~/ 2. That tha Anaheim Goneral Plan designate~ subject property Eor r,~neral Commsrcial land usos and thaL G~neral Plan AmendmenL- No, 245 is currently pending to redPSignate ~he lancl usa to M9dium or ~,ow Medaum Density Residential. ~ 3. That; th~ propossd reclas~iiiaation of subject proporty is necessary an~/or desirable for the ordorly aiid proper cievelopment of the community. 9. That the proposed reclassification of subject property does properly relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally Qstablish.ed i.n close pruximity i:o subject proporty and to tYie zones and thQZ: permzttQd uses generally estahliahed throughout the community. 5. That the pro}~osed reclassification oE subject property re~uires thQ improvemen~ of abutting streets in accordance with the Circulation ~lemenL• of tY,e General Plan, dua to t~ie a~ticipated increase in tr.affic which ~~ri11 be gene:ated by the intensitication oE land use. 6. That two (2) persons inclicated their presence at saic] public hoaring in opposition; and th~t no c~rresponclen~e was recaivec~ in op~~ositian to subjec~ peL•iCion. A~ LIFQRNTA FNV'IRONh1EPtTAL OUALTTY. A( T FINUING: That the Ane`~eim City Planning C~mmissiori has rsviewed tho proposal ta amend the Land Use Element o£ the Anaheim Gerieral Plan to redesignate subject property Erom the existing Gen~ral Comme~cial design~tion to the Medium Density Residential or *,ow ,~Sedium DPnsity Residexitial 13nd use clesignation and to reclassify subject property Fr~m the CL (Commercial, Limitedj Zune to the RM-1200 (Residential, Multiple Family) Zone L•o construct a 3-s~ory, 106-unit apartment aamplex with waiver of maximum s~ructural height ei: an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approxima_tely 4 acres, having a frontaye af anproxima.*_el~ 213 Eeet on the sauth s.ic.e of Lincoln Avenue, being locatec3 approximately 1,030 £eet we~t of hhe centerline cf Euclid Street anQ i•urther described as 1780 WPst Lincoln Avenue; and doa~ hc~reby approve the Nogative L~oclarati~n upon Finding that it has considored the Negative Declaral:iuYi together with any comments received durir.g the ~ublic reviaw process and further fi.nainq on the baszs of the initial srudy and any comments received that there is no substantial evidence that the proj~ct wi11 have a significani: effect on the envi.ronment. NOj9, TFiLREFORE, E~; IT RESOT.~VEU that the Anaheim City Planning Commission doP? heraby gran~ subject Petitzon ior Reclassificati~n and, by s~ doing, that I'itle 18-Zoning oi• the Anahe~m M~:nic.ipal Cocie be amended to excluda ~he above-r~QSCribed property from the CI~ (Cornmercial, l~imited) 7.one and Lo incorpcrate saici dHSCribed property into tlie Rt~t-1?.00 (Resicien+-~.al, Multiple-Family) Zone upan the following cunditions which are hereby £ound to be a necQSSary prerequisite to thE ~roposQd use of subject property in order to p.resarve the sat•e~y ar.d gene.ral welfare of the Ci~izens of the City of Anah~im: `~- PC88-187 'i. ~ ~.;. ~ ~;,;~ :,;:;~~ ~ ,:~ . ..,I 1 r '.~.,.i~i~]7~~rY, 1. T2iat street lightinq facilities a.lonq Lincoln Av~nue and Embassy Avenue shall be installed as requireci by the Utilztias General Manager in accordanr.e wi~h spec.~.fications on file izi the C~Eficc~ o£ UtiliriEs General Manager; or that security :.n the form of a bond, certi£icate of. deposit. :letter of credi.t, or cash, .in an amount and form sati~•Pactory to the City oL• Anaheim, sha11 be postecl with ~.he City to guarantee the satisfactory compl~tion of the above--m~uti.oned improvQments. Said security sha11 be posted with the City of Anaheim priur to the introduci:io•ri of an ordinance rezaning subject property. Z'he above-require~d imrrovements shall be installed prior to occupaney. r ~ -, r+''; :;~,:: ~;,r i ~~ i ~::, ~t~,i ~'+ r". ~~ i. y i~'/ [''~ S'1ip 2. That the vehicular. ~.ccess righL-s to Embassy Avenue an3 Hiawa~h~ Avenue shaJ.l be dedicated to th~ City oL• Anaheim. 3. That prior to introducti.on of ari ordinance rezoning subject property, the legal property owner shall prepare and record an unsuborda.nafied covenant limiti.r.g occupancy of ~ach apartment unit to no moxe than two (2) per.sons ~other than children under th~ age of two (2) years) per bedroom. ~ai3 J.imiL-ation shall be inclu~ed i.n sach lease/rental agreement. A copy of the covenant sha11 be submittec? to and approved by the Ci.t~ Attorney prior to recordation. A copy of the recorded covenant shall be f.urnist~ea to L•he Zoni:zg Divi;,ion. !1. ThaY. a covanant shall be recorded agreeing to provide the renter o£ each dwe'! ling unit with wri.t;ten ini:ormation obtainec3 from the School bistrict(s) pertaining to possible overcrowcied c:ondit?ons and bixsing statu~ of the schooi(s) serviug the dorel~ing unit. 5. That the owner of subject prupertx sri~11 sub-nit a letter requesting ter~m~.nation of Vari.ance No. 1729, 3720 and 3'12.1 ~snd CondiY,zonal U'se Permit No. 289, 326 and 862 to thu 7oning Division. 6. That prior tu the introduction o~ an ordinance rezoriing subject property, Condition Nus. 1, 2, 3, h and 5, above -mentioned, shall be cor~pleted. ThQ provisi~ns or rights granted by this resolution shall became n~,zl1 axid void by action of the Planning C:ommission unless saS.d conditions are com~lied ~rit:h wittzin one year frorti the date of this r~solutian, or such lurthF~r time as the Planriing Commission may gr~nt. 7. That appr.oval ot this applicatian constitutes apprnval ol the proposed requ~sti onl~~ to the exl:ent that it com~lies with the Anah~~im Munica~,a1 Zoriing~ Code and ar~y o~her applicable City regulations. Appruval doe~ not inclu3e any actiori or findings as to compliance or approval oi the request regarding any other ~pplicablc: ordinance, regulation ur requirem~nt. aF. I~ FURTFiER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City PZanning Commission cloes heroby find and determino t.hat adoption uf this Resclution is ea~pressly predicated upon applicant's compliance with each and al1 of the c~nditions hereinabove set forth. Shou.ld any sueh c~~ncii.tic>ns, or any part thereoL•, be cleclarod invalid or unonforceab.le by tlie firia.l judgment oi• any cuurt of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, anci any approvaJ.s hercin contained, sha7.1 .be deemed nul.l and void. -3 -- PCSE-1$7 ~a: ~!~! °~, ~ ~ l~~i`~r+'v~1~~j . ;' d 4k1 , ; a, xa, 1 ~ ,~ ,r, ~.{~, ~r , ,, ~ ~~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOtv' is signed and a~proveu by me this 1$th day ~c,. of July. 1988. : ''"~ •~ I ~ , ~' ~~..,C-~.~~ ,-~~~~ ~ ~t CHAIRMAN, ANA~I•IEIM CITX PLANNI:NG COMMISSION ,R: ~. _, ATTEST: ~ , ~ ..~'~1,, .~ .!.C~,,~_!1_~"'r~c - SECRETARY, A,4'AHEIM CITY PL,A NING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, ~dzth L. Ha•rris, Secretarv of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certiiy that l•he fure~oing resalu~ion was passed and ado~ted at a meetinq of ~he Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Ju].y 1.8, 1988, 1~y the tollowing vote of the mernbers thereoi: AY~S: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, 130YDST.UN, CARUSILLO, E'ELDHAUS, HERBST, MC BiJRNEY, MESSE NO~S: COMhIISSION~RSs NONE ABSENT: COM?~4zS5I01`T~RS: NOIJF IN WITNESS WHEREO~', T have hereunta set my hand ~his 18th day of :;;~ ].985. ! July, ~-- G~ ~ ~v~ ~/ - , ,.~ u~~, ~^( '" v _ SECRETAR~, ANAFiETM CITY. PLANNIN CG ON4dISSION ` r;,: '.:.~•F : `~fa i ,.~ „tj ~~i PC88-187 } '~~sY '4~ ~rr4.'' ,t ^' r~~. ; ''. ~. . •~, . ~.~..~.... ..:.,...~.- ~~~...: ~ ' _. __ '-____~_'_ ..,. .~.,. ,..:.~.,.;.~..n,.~...l..r~l. r,.r....»•S~n.~~..R.r.;rY~r.s,.1.v..r~~nJ4iC~.et;.~~,~.}n~~~~