PC 88-188_.. . , . ;_ . . _ - ~ ,~.:~. „~~, c,rr, ,;~e ~~rrtwwt~r~f~'~ , ~~ , ~~ ~~, HE80LT~,'TI N NQ. P 'i -188 , !' A RESOLUTTOF, OF ThE ANAHETM C1TY PLANIITNG COMMISSIUN .' THAT PF;:ITION FOR VAR7ANCE N0. 3811 BE GRANTED `~'' rR ~ WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Plduning Commissi.on did receive a F~~ verific~~ petilion for Variance Lrom LINCGL2~ PROPERTY, LTD., 4200 Trabuco Road, ~~' ,. Suite No. 222, Irvine, CA 92720, owner, and CHRISTOPH~R PIERCE, A.M. HOME;S, ~1 4060 Campus Drive, Newport Beach, Cz. 92660, of certain real property situated ~~ in the Gity of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Cali£arnia ~escribed as: ~`~ .,Y . . ', ~.'; j 1 L'OMD:ENCING AT A PQINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTfIEAGT QUARTER OF TFiE NURTH~AST QUART~R OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANG~ 10 WLST, IN THE RANCHO SAI<< JUAN CAJUN DE SA,ITA ANA, IN THE CITX OI' ANA;;EIM, CUUNTY OF ORANGE, S'TATE OF CALIi ORNIA., AS 2'E~' MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 51, FAG~ lU, OF MTSCELI,AN'EQUS MAPS, REC~~:DS OF SATD ORAI~GE COCINTY, 425 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTHWEST CbRNER OF SAID NORxHEAST QUART~R 0~ 'PHF NOBTHEAS7' S„i~1A.R'TER, RU?~INING '?'ii~NCE SOUTii ON SAID WEST LINE 268 FE3T; THENCE EAST PAR7~L~LEL WTTH THE NURTH LINE Or SAID N~RTH~AS1 ¢U'ARTER OF rHE NURTHEAST QUARTEI2 37.5 FEET; THENCE vORTH PARALLEL WTTFi TfiE WEST LINE Ofi SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAi~ QCJARTER 693 FFET; THENCE WES:I' ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHFAST QUART~R 212.50 FEE'P; THFNCE SOUTT3 PARALJ.,EL WI'fH TH~ ~IEST 1'~INE OF THF. NOR'.PHEAST QL?ARTE?~ OF THE NORTFIEAST QUAItTER 425 FE~T; THENCE SUI~'TH 102.5 FEET TO THE POINT OF B~GINNING. ExCEPTING THFREFROM THE NOEtTFi 66 I'EE;'.~ TH~REOF. e:~ WHFRLAS, ~he City Planning Commissi~n did hold a public h~:aring at the Civir. Center in the Cit;y o~ Anaheim on Ju1y 1f3,. 19ti8, at 1:30 p.m., notice nf said puLlic hearing lxaving been duly given as .require~ by law and in accorclance with the provisions oF the AnahQim tdunicip~l Code, Ci,apL-Er ].8.03, to hear and considPr evidence t'•~r and a5ainst said proposed vari~nce and to investig~r~ and make find,ings anli recommandations in connec~ion therewitn; and WYEREAS, said Commission, ~r~gr due inspecCion, investigation and study made by itself arid in ~ts behalf, and after due consideration o£ ali Qvidence and rQnorts offered at „azd heax•.ing, does i'.ind anc~ determine the following :Eacts: ;;; ;j+ r;r :?'i ~:~: '~'~ ;;'~, '~'c~ :;, ;~;iv, ts~ ~~, . ... . ~:.~~.,`3.t '~~ ;;,., '' <; ;,> ~~; ,,i;' ~I'A :';~ 1. That the petitioner proposes waiver of t;ie following to construc~ a 3-story, 106-unit apartment camnlex: SECT?ONS X$,~4 • OC2.OZ1 - hf~ximum struc~ural hei hc~. and 1~~4, p~~~~? !,1 story permitl:ed within 150 fee~ oE single-f amily residenhial zoiiing, ~n~?. stories o*_h~rwiso permitted 3 s~o_ rie~:~ at 16 feGL from FS 720Q :.;- , :~; zoning ~,ro~os~d 0392r PC88-188 ';zr' . . . . . ~~ ~ ~..._:.¢.7 ~ . ~ ~ . . ;~: ~ ~ . ~ . ., ~ ' , ~` ~ t;~ , ~Y3 ^ - _.. . ~, ., ...,..~d}i~~c :'~ ,5'. ;'j ~ , ': i~`i • . : ;: :. , _ ~ .~~ ,~ .apy . , . ,_...x~ ~~~ ;.~ ;; ~`.; ,~.;. t ~r:`3 :.. - ~ ~~~ `, y ~/ ~Lklh ~ .w 2. ~rnar, thn ~bn~.~tl-muntianr.~ wai.v~~r 3 s her~hy grAnted on t:te~ ba~is L•hnL tliar~ ,~rF~ spec.ial circum;;h~,~co:; ~.tppllcaUl~~ to ~hc, property ;zuch ~s size, shapc~, topogr~tptiy, locar_5.~,» ~tnd ~~~rroundings whic:h 3o nut aup.ly ~o ather. identic~111y ~oneft prop~rty ;rl thr_ s~ma J.Lr.±.rilL,yj and L•hat strxct appli~;al3on o.E Lhe ZoniY~c~ Code c'~sg: ives t;t~e proper~y c~t privilog~s on7oyed hy other pr ~~,ertie:~ in L•hc id~~nl:ic~7. zonc~ and cl.a,,si£ir,~ttion in tho vici.nity. 3. TIt~L' ttie pz•oposer.l v~riancc: is '~creby granLr..d subjact to the ~etitioner':: :;tipula!:ion ~:o relocatc t~he structuce a m.inimum of Li[ty (;ip) tc±~r., C~om the w~sr. and sot~L-h pro~~erty .lines. 4. Thar. hhe~:e arc~ r:xceptiona~ or extrn~~rdinfliy r.ircumstanc»s a~' condition; ~~~p].ic~~l;le to the pi•opcrcy .involve~ or ro lhQ inrende~ use of the pr~~~er~y that: cio not apply qencar~~lly to the propcrt•y or CZd3° c~f use in l:h~- s.~xm~: vir,_inity ~Znd lone. 5. Tlaat L•h~~ p:eser~~ation an~i request~~cl vaziaz:ce i:, necessar ~ for Che enjoyment ~f r a su);:+tant~.i~l prope:•ry LighL• poss43 sed by otho c• p op~rY.y in ~he zame v.ic.inity and zon~, a~id denierX tp Cttp proporL'y . in quosCiOn. 6. The,t Che dh~i•imerital to ~,tic~ public a;t~l requeskrd vari.tnce w ta:c or injuriot ; t th ill not be materidlly iii su:.h v.icinity an~i ~Qn~ in w ,: o e }iich tl proporCy or improvemQ:~rs ir. pr,aperty is loc utod. ~• '!'1»t two ( 2} p~>r,;un; indicac:~d their pres~n~n st ;~aid publir. hearing in r~ppositior,; ~•,~l f,}~;~~: ;;~ ~~~~~~p~n~ence was received in ~pposiY..ior~ to subjec.t pe~5.r_ion. ~ALIr,4RN2A_ r~1Tt/I_P.QIjMEfIZ'I~.i=_.__~~Jt,_I,'TY.,__7~(_T FINUTN~: ~hat the An~neim C.ity Plan»ing Co:nmis3ion na , rr,vir.uer.i the propo„al L-o amend the AnahQim Gener~~l p]an ~Land Use H:lernent: ~o rede,,.igna~r, subj~ct ProP°rty fi•o:,, the FncisLing Gen~:rn.l. Commerci:~l de ~.i~~nation tu lh~ Mecliwn aen~ity RP~;~.~~ntia2 Gr -d':<li.um Den~ity Re.~iden~ ia1 land us~~ rlc~~ignatioci und to r~.c:lassffy sub~ect propcrCy L~~:~ r~hg CL {~nmmc~rcial, L.itn~ti~d) 'Lone to thc RM-•1204 (Rasidential, Mulr.iplc F'unily) Zoi~e w;:^~~:+•,ru<•.L• ~, 3-seory, ioh -~-~~~ c apartmenl: complex with waivpr ~f maxi.mum ~tr.ucCu: ~1 }i~~~~hr ~;; . ' ~ • ^:~:!t-;r1~~-:;h~~,~~ parc~~ of l~nd r.onsistina nE ~~,~iroxim~-;,e).y 9 arres, having a fi•~nt2.q~ u.: ;.r~ rnXimBL'Rly 21~ fe~l, on Fhe south S1CZ~ of. t,incaln A~9ri~1C:, and bein~~ IOCA~ETCI ao~rox.imakc~ly ?,030 feet west of the r~nt.erl.ine cE t;uc.lid 5treet: 2nd f~irthor describ~d as 178n WPSt Lincolh l~ve:~ue; ancl docs he.eby approva thQ 2IQq~Civ~ Dec3aration upon fir.dinq L}iat it. h~s ~ansici~~t;~ ~!:{~ -r~n~r~v~• U~clarakion togotrer with any cocnments receai;-~:~ ~lur. iriq the pub.l i c : p•; i.rrv, prCC:C.,s and Eurther, f=.ndiny uu ~1~e b~sis ~f r..Y~e i~itia] : tuciy ~n;2 ;ir~y cornr~enCs r.,ceived r.hat tYers is no sub~tar~ti~1 nvi~lenc~e Lhat: the i,roject wzll. ;:v~~«~ a signif:icanr. effecr on rhe Qn ~i rorunent . NOW, TtiFREFOI2E, PE i'P RL•'~;()L,Vf::D thaC thc Anaheim City E'l~nning Comm3ssinri cloe;, h~rFby qcan-.: %,u?~ject PeF.ittan fo: Variance, up~n t.;he £ollowinq con.3it.ions ~hich arc Y,c~r~~by f.ounr3 tn b~ a n~.c~ssary nrerequi.+.ito ta the prop~~;,~sd t:::~+ ~f r.h.c a~abject: prop<~r~y in r,,rdcr r_o prc~snrve lhe 3ater.y snd qeners~Y w~l.[arn ot" L'he, CiZ.izcr.r, o[ s:nra i:~.i.j ~,f '~n-,%~.•{m; e t ~;; j {dti :7M ~~'~ ~ _;,-:~-_ .: . "~ - PCAN-186 y .< ;~z :'; :,,r~ ^; . .. . . . . . ~ .. . . . . . . . ,...f: f ! '.'#~~Fi4m,m:Tl 1~r~r~Y, . . . %P~'4 +~ l. Tl~a~ pri~~r to a5sunnr.e oC u building permit, the appropriat~ tra~fic i' ~ signal assessment fee shall be paid ho thc+ City of Anahe3.m in an amoun~ as detorminod b,y Ci~,y Caiincil rQSOl~ition. 2, Tha~ subjac.t property shall k+c~ servecl b~~ undorc~round utilities. : ~;~ 3 Thac th~ exis~ing clrivowaxs on Lincoln Avenue sh~ll ba romoved and , `'•:~' . r~placed wi~h standard curb arid guttQr, sidewalY. and landscaping. ;' 4. That the drivewa,y s2ia11 bU consY_ructed with ten ('10) fout radius curb r' r.f,t+~rr.s as renuir~d by ~.he: City k:nginoar. Exi~ting broken or cr~ckod rr clri.vewaya sh~ll hF roMOVOd and replaced as requirod hy the City •; Engineer, ~ 5. That gates sk:a11 1'lU~ be ~IlSr.aLi9C1 across th~ driveway in a manner whfch may aiev~rsQ:y afPact vehicu]ar CraFfir in the adjacerit public ` street stallaLion of aYiy qates shal.l conform t<~ the Enqineeri.ng ~ Divzaion's Standard Plan No. 402 and sna11 be subject to l:2Ae review i and approval oP the Czty Traffic Engineer. i ;, 6. That th~ lc~gol owner of subject property shttll accepr and dispose o~ the drainaget trcm tl:e adjacent propor~.ias, includinq recons~tructin~ private drainage f•~ci~itie~, in a manner aecoptable ra tho City Engineer. 7. That prior Y.o r.~~rrunQncemont oE structural frai~~ing, on-site fire hydrants shal.l be inst~]lod and caarq~~ as raquirea ann approved by the ~i *y I'ice Dep~rtmer.t. 8. That prior to issuanca af a building pcrmit, the ~ppropriate fees duo for primary maina, and ~ire protection service shall be paid to the Water iftility Uivision i.n accordanco with Ru1QS 15A and 20 of ChR Watai Lit•;1 ity Rate:s, Ru1es and Regu7atiuns. 9. That trash storage ar.eas sha11 Le pr.nvidol and mainl•ained in a location acceptabl.e to the StreeG Maintenance and Sanita~ion A:.viaion ; and in accord~snce wir_h approvQd plans on file with said Division. In ' addition, the r.ra:~h storayo area propo~od at the north side nE CarporL ' No. 1 shall be ralo~;ar.od anc? L-ht kwo at the south property lir.e shall 7 be eliminated or relaca::ed, subject to approval oE the Sanitation `~ UiviSiun, and the trasY. storage area betoroon Carporr. No3. 4 and 5 ;~r .~ sh~ll b~ set bar.k far e„vuqh tu r.ho southwest to ~rQVent the trash enclosu.4 ~~~rs from opening int:o the parking sp:~ces. ,:;~ 10. T:~at prior to issu~nc~ oC a builcli.m; ~arrit, appropriate park and S recreatioa in-lfeu fees s.h~ll be paid t~ the Cit•y ~f AnailHim in an amount as cYeter.mineii by thp City .o~.~ncil. _ -4- PC88-168 ~ ;~:~~ ; ;~, ~,, ;;; ~, ,Jf •~ ...,f yN/I Sy •~p .....w~. JFG7 - . .. . . . _ . . . . . . , ~ ~t -i,; '+u fjY~~yZ ~y, . . . . , ~: R; ~1 ,n~ . 7 N',.~h r~, ~ . ~ . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:t.~, ~y . '.} ,'1 '; I 11. That if r.e~ uirad b Cha Fire anc~ Police naprxrtment, all lockable 1!~~ q Y pedestrian and vehicu.l~r ~ccass c~atas sha11 be equippac3 with a"knox ; bos" device tn the sati~Eaction of the City F3ro Departmonl: ~nd the ± City Police D~partment. ~~':; 12. Th~r. all ai.r conclitioning f.acilities and oth~r roof and grQ~anci mounted aguipment aliall be pra~er3.y shieldoc~ Erom view and tlie aound buffered fram adjacent residontial propert.ies. 13. mhak pr.~ior to isauanc~ of ;~ building permit: aviaence ~hall be ~resentod satz:~factory t:o the~ huil~ting Division that rho prop~sed projeat i.s in conform~ncF; with Council Poli.c:y Numk~er 542 "Sound Attenuation i.n Ftesidential Praject~" and with Noise Insulation Standards specified in the California Administrative Code, '.Citle 25. 19. That a six (6)-fool• high masanry block wa11 s11a11 ba constructed an~. maintaiii~d a:tone~ the east (excPpt where adjacent to RM-120~ to:iing), south and west propertl lines excepri.ng thQ front setback where the wa11 height sh311 nat exceed thrQO (3) feat. 15. ThaC building plans sh~ll show that any proposeci parking area iighting fixtures adjacent to any residential rr~pexty shall bQ clown-lighted wiCh a maximum hai.ght of Cw~lve (12) feet. S~id lighting fixtures s2iaL1 be directed away from adjacent residentxal proparty li.zas to protect the residenti~l i:~te~Jrity of tr.e aroa. 1fi. That t;he on-site landscaning shzll bQ mainL-uined in complianca with City sh.andards. 1'l. Tha.t subject pr~pert.~ shall be developed substF~iitially a.n accordance ~ with plans and specifi.cations on file wit.h the City ~f Anaheim marked ~" Exhi~it Nos. 1 through 8; providod, hwoQVer, thar r.ho structure shall : bo reloc~ted Co a m.inimum oE fifty (50) feat from the south and westi ''' properLy lines (ldjacont to RS 7?.OU Zoning). 18. Th~t thi3 Variance i^ grauted subject to tho adppt:ion of tlno Zoninq ~' Urdinanca in conn~c:Cion ~riL•h Fteclassiticahion No. 88-$9-03, now 'r; : ~enaing. ,~ ° ;t a 19. ThaL• prior to issuanc:g of a buildi.ug permit, or within a poriod of one ;`.~~.~ ;~ a yoar from tht~ date of this resolut.icn, whicbever. occurs firAt, ;,rl Condit.ion Nos. 1, S, 10, 13, 1~ and 18, above-mentioned, 3ha11 be camplied with. Extensions for furrher timo ~o complete said +3 condi~ions may be granted in accordance with Section 1a.03.090 of tha ,•, ., Anah9im Municipal CuQo. '' a 20. That grior to Ein31 building and zoning inspecCi~n~, C~ndition Nos. 2, : ~~ ' 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 12, 1~l. and 17, above-menkioned, :,hall be complied with. f~` f` 21. :hat approvai of 1:hi.s application canstituees approval o£ the proposed ~r~ requ~st onlx ra t.he ext~nt ~iiat it complins with the Anaheim Munici~a~ ;~,.~ %qning Code anc! t~ny other ~pplicabltr City regulationa. Approval dooa '~ , _- :. . -~ not include any acti.on oz fi.ndinqs ~s to complianc~ ox approval of the ---- requost reqarding any other applicoble ordinance, regulation or ` `;'' x requir~~~ent. -; y Jy~ ~ ~ r e . , ~ '1 ~ f N . ~~, f, ~~~~. 1~=i ~; .. . , ~~~ ~y ~~t;, ~ ,# ':' ,~A s'i;:,~ + '~~r ` ~ ~Sid'1r~Ctr~.. _ . _, , ~, .., _ ~ y~ ~j~ :l~i~'SA$v3K. ;w; ~ ~ ^ ~ ;, , ' ;{" i~,; ~~~ ti~a~~~~.. . . r '~~~~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ 1 ~~ t,r~ Y~ . '.,~ , ~ Zl. ;~ . . . . - r (, f~ I. ``~ Jf B~ TT FURTHE~: R~SOLV~D that the Ana2~oim Cit~ Planning Commisai.on does hereby Eind r~nQ dHL-er.mine that adoption af this Resolixtion is expreasly `.? ~redicatocl upon a~p].icanC's compli~nco with each anQ all of the condition.s '~ hereinabove set furth. Shuuld any such candiL•3.on.~, or ang pt~+rt thereof, be - declared invalia or uneninrceable by rhe kinal judgment of any court of ,;;~ compeCent jtiirisdiction, then this Ftesol~~tion, and any Rpprovals herain cont~ined, shall be dcQmed nu11 and void. ;':J 'i+. THE FORF.GOING 1tGSOL•UTTUN is signed and approved by mc~ this I.IIth day oE July, 1988. .. -~ ~ _ _,Ei;:_cf ~'.~~ ,.'~_ ~)r.~_.~",,,__ ~~.. C~IAIRMTrT, A1~AHBIM CITY PLANNING COtM~tISSTGN ATTEST : • i~ • /~ j f'"? CZ. ~L~ i. ~ ~-, - '' .:~ "~ -~--- --- SECRETA Y, ANAI~EIM CITY FT.~ANNING COhII~4ISSI0N STAT~ Ox CALIFaRNTA ) COUN7:Y OF ORANGE ) ss. CIT~' OF tiNAHEIM ) I, Edi~h l.. Harris, Sacretary v1" rhe Anaheim City r^Zt~nr.iny Commission, do hereby certify that ttse .forec~oing r~isolutioti was passQd mnd adogted a~ a meetir.g of the Anah~im City Planning Coin~nission held on J'uly l8, 198L, by the following vote ~~ tho members thereoC: AYES: COMMISSIOtIEFS: ~tOiIAS, BOYDSTUN, CAR(7STLi,O, FELDHAUS, HERBST, MC A~JRNE;Y, MESSE NOLS: COMMISSION.~.'kS: N(1NE ABSENT: CObfMI5SI021ERS: NONE IIJ WITNES5 WHE;REOr, i ha~~e Y:e~:~:unto sot my ht~nd this 18th day of .;uly, 1988. .J ~,7 ---~ j~; /,~ A` -;/ ~ J; 7 l~: L L.~-, ,-~.-~-1~: ---~-----~' SECRE:I'ii1tY, l~t•iA1~EIM CITY PLANNING COhIIrSISSIAN ~~~ PC88-18~f '~i "r' I _ _ I ~C~I b ~ ~-1 :'byr ,;~ ;;T ,;^~_ r.: . .,:a,~:ry~,. ~?~~s