PC 88-214.--, "~ RE1S~L TI N N,Q,, PC$8-214 1~'k~. A RESOLUTION OF ~FIE ANI~E~IFIM CTTY PLANNING COIrIIrlISBION TFiAT PE'TT:i'ION FOR VARTA1dCE P1(5. 3015 BE GRANTED, ?~T PART WFiEREAS, the Anah~im City Pla~nning Cemmission did receive a ' verified Petztzcn for Variance from EDITH A. JONES, 3Y8 S. Hel.ena Strest, Anaheim, CA 92805, ARNOLD Q. and C6LEEN J. HOLMVICK, 214 W. .Yampshir~, Anahe.:m, CA 92805, IS~1AC UICKIRSON FARISS, 1585 Lullaby Avepu~e, ~nzheim, CA 92$02, awners, and TrRR`1 ?-ND NTKOLS L"OM.PANy, 4 iJpper Newpart Pla~a Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92b60, aqent, of certain real propQrty si~uated in the City of Anaheim, County ot Orange, St~te of Calif~rnia described as: THE SQUTHE,RLY 35 FEE~T pF' LUT 2 OF Gt~:t~E SUBDIVI$IQ11r IN TH~ CITI' OL A14dHEIM, COUNT'l OF ORA2IGE, STATE Oi' ~~ CALIFORNIA AS PER idAP RECO~tUEU xN BOUK 8 PAGE 23 OF MJSCELLANEOUS MAf'S, IN TI-TE OFFICE pF TFIE COUNTY RECORDER OF S~.rD COUNTY. L,OT 3 OI' THE "GADE SUHD.T.VTSION", IN TI1~ C:TY QF ANAH~IM, COUNTY Or^ pRANGE, STATS OI' CA:JIFORI~TA, AS SHOWI~ QN A MAP RECO~tDEk~ IN BAOK 8 FACE 23 QF NiISCELLI~IiEOUS btAPS, RECORAS OF ORANGE COUNTX, CALIFQRNTA. L~T 4, GAUE SUBDIVISIGN, IN ThE CITY aF ANAHEIM, COUN'.fY pF QRANGB, STATE OF CALTFORNIA, AS SHOWN QN A MI~P RECORDED IN I300FC 8 PAGL 23 ~F MISCELLANEO'US MApS ON REf:ORD IN THE OFFIC~ OF T.FiE COUNTX RECORAER OF SAID QRANGR COUNTY, f:ALTFOI'tNIA. V7HEREAS, the City Planning Commi,~sion did hold a public hearing at t:hn Gi~~ic Cer~ter in the City of Anaheim on July 1g, 198$, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as requ;red by 1aw ancl iu acr.ordan~a with ~he provisions of L•:~e ,Anaheim Munic:ipal Code, Chap~er 18.03, to hoar and considex evidence ~Cor and age,inst saicl proposod variance and to investigate and make findznys and recomsnend.ations ir~ cor~nection therewith; and whereas ~iibject hearing caas cantinued to the meeting o£ August Y5, 198~3; anfl ~1?~iERE~,S, said Commission, after dae inspection~ anv~3stigation and stuay made by itsnlf and in its behalP, and after dua conside:ation of all evidence and ti•eporks o~fered at said heaxing, does find and cietermine the > fo7.l~wing ~act.s: ~ ~ 0433r PC88-L14 ,.rY~i ......,, ..... ~ . .., . ... .. , ~. ...~. .. ~' . . ~. . . .i.....,. .~...~ ., ,..i ..~'~i'..r~.l'.',.w ._ ~...i ..,.... ~~ . .. .. .. . •i~ . . . . . . . ~ . •',y ~i4 ~ 1. That h:~e petitioner prop~ses waivezs of the follow,ing tu construc t a 3-story, 13~uni~ apartmer.t complex: (B) ,~E TI N 18.34.~¢2.011 - ~f xi m B~i~.dinc~ Heigh~. (2.~h~ries pesma.ttQd, ~,,~t~ries proposed) ( C),~~T I ON 18, ~4 i 2 2 - x imt~m i A~Qyg r~g~ • `" (, 5~b perm.ittEd, 7Q propnsed) 2. That the obove mentioned wrazvers (A), (n), (E) anr~ (F) ~re ~ herPby den.ied on ~he basis that revised pl~.ns were submitted elema.nating the need for Said waivers 3. That the above-~nent~.oned waivers (H) and (C) are hereby f gr~ntcen on the basis that thero axe special ~zrcumstances applicable to the propexty such as size, shape, topography, locat.ion and surroundings whi~h do ~ nt~t a~iply t~ u~her i~3Entically z~ned property in the same v.icinit y; and that *"' strict application ~, kk~e Znning Code deArives thz property of privileqes anjoyed by ot'her. prupertiQS in the ident,ical z~zle and classificatian in the vicinity. ;~ ~~; 4. That there are exceptizonal or Pxtraordinar.y circumstances or condi tior.s applicabl~ to the _~roper~y involved or to the intenderl use of the propert~y that do not apply generally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. ,. r~ 5. That the reqiiested vari,ance, as granted, is nscessary for the pres ervakion end enjoyment of a substa:~tial property riaht poss9ssed by ~~ther property in thc: same vicinit•y and zonr:, znd ~3enied to the property in qaestion. 6. That the requested variance, as granted, will not be roaterial.Iy de~rimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property ur improtrements in suc.h vicinity ancl zone in whi.ch the prnperty :i.s l~cated. 7. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in oppusition; and that r.o corresponctence was zeceived in oppositi~n to subject ~,etitinn. CALIFnRNZA ENVIR~_NMEIITAL OUALITY A~T FINDING; That tho Anahf:i.m City P]axining Commissi.on ha~ reviewer] tYe proposal to construct a 3-story, 13-unit (previously 15-unit} apartment comp].ex srith waivers minimum builcling site are a per dwelling unit (deniQd), of maximum building heighti, maximwn szte coverage„ minimum scrucCural setback (donisd), permitted encro~c'hment into front yarci (denaed) and maximum fence height (dgnied), on a zectangul arly~shaped pa.rce:l of land cor.sisting ot appzoximately 0.38 acre located at the northeasC corner of Elm Street and Helena Street, having nppro,xima t~ fsan~ag~s of 133 feet on the north side oP ~lm Street, and 135 feet on r_hr~ east side of Helena Street, and furth~r dESCribod z~s 3I9, 322 nnd 336 S. Hel~xla Strec~t; and does hereby approve tne iJegative D~claration upon finding that it has considered the Negativs Aeclaratiora together wJ.th any commants rccei.ved c7urxng the public review proce:,~ and farther finding on the ba^,i.s of the initial stud,y and any cortunQnts recaived that there is no substanti al ~vidence that the projtct will have a significant effoct on the environmenr.. '~' PC88-214 '•~ , ~`1 ~-«~%~~ NOW, TFiEREFORE, IIE IT RE50LV~D t2:at the Anatieim City Planning Commissaon does hereby grant~ subject Petition for Vari~nce, in part, upon the followix~g conditions which are hereby found to be a n~cessary prerequisi.t;~ to the proposed use of the subject prc,perty in order to preserve tr~r safety arid general welfare of tlie Citizens of the C.ity of Anaheim: 1. That prior to issuance of a building permit, the appropriate traffic sxgnal a~sessment fee shall be paid to the City of Anaheim in an amount as determined by City Council resolution. 2. That the legal owner of subject property shall irrevocably o£fer to dedi.ca~.e ta the City of Anaheim a strip of land thirty (30) feet in width ~rom the ceritFrline of tha street a:long Helena Street and Elm Street including a fifteen ('15) foot radius corner zeturn fo: street wid~ning purposes. ~. That a faithful performance bond in an ar~iount appraved by tihe City Engineer shall Y~~ posted with the City of Anaheim p:ior to issuancQ of ~ biiilrfing permi~ to gusrantee the removal of existing street imprevements along Helena Street and Elm S~reet and rerax~stz•uction/construction of f.u11 ~treet improvements at the ultimate locat:.o.z when requir.ed by the City ~z~gineer. 4. That in the evF~n~ a parcel map is not recorded cnrnbining the thr.eE (3) existing l~ts, the legaz ~roperty owner shall furnish the Zoning ni~• ~.sioz~ with a copy of a r~corded covenant and agreement in a form approved by the City AL-torr.ey agreeing to hold subaect property as one parcel. 5. Thar_ a sanitary sewer. shall be construct~d from Elm 5trest and Iiarb~r Boulevard to the eastern ~r northern most property line o~ th~: subject property. This shall include preparation of imprGVement plan,s as required by the City Engi.neer and in accordance with spQCificetions on file in the oF~ice of l:lie City Engineer snd that security in the Eorm uf a bond, cQrtificate of deposat, letter of cr.edit or cash, in ar~ 2unount and form sakisfactory to Che City of Anaheim shsll be posted with the City to guarantee the ~atisfactory completion of tha sanitary sewer. Said security ;:hall be posted with the City pr.i~r t~ issuance ot a buildin,g per.mit to guaran.tee the instal2ation of the sanitary sew~.r prior to occupancy. 6. T'hat trash storage areas sha11 be pro;rided and maintained in a lACation acceptiable to the Street Maiutenance and Sanitation Division and in accordance with approved plans on Lile with said Division. In aclciition, a five (5) to~t wid~ access ramp at the public curb shall be provi~,e~9 to service trash bir.s. ,, . ; g` ; ~~: ~ t~ i f!, ,:.ti -3- PCBl~-21~ ;~ ;:,'r , , .~,~•, ~ ~,.:, . ,, * <<_,,..~ f:~c:, 7• That stret ~~hCing faciliCies ainng Fielena Street and Elm Street sha11 be ileci as required by the Utzlities Gensxal Manager in ar,cordanc;e .th specifications on file an the Office of Utilities General Ma 3er; or th~~.~ secur.ity in the farm of a bond, certi,fiaate oE depos' , letter ~t' cr~ctit, or cash, in an atnount and Lorm satzsfac :y to th~~ City o~ Anaheim, shall be posted. with ~}~e City to guat ;tee the :.atiss:actory completion af the ~bo~~e-menti~ned imnrove:r~n~s. Said secux•ity shall be posted witY.~ tYie City ~~ An~heim priai• to ~.ssuance of a~ building pQrmit, rhe above-required improvements shall be installed prior tc occupancy. 8. That subject proper~y shal7. bF served Ly underqro~~nd ti~tilities. 9• 'i'}:a~ a£ee shall be paia to the City of Anaheim for tree planting alonq fIelena 5treet and Elm StreeL in an ameunt as determinad lay City Couizcil resolution. 10. That prior to iss~xance of a buildiny permit, appropriate park and xecreation in-lieu .fees sha11 ~,e paid ~n the Citv of.` .Ar~,ahei.m xn an e.mount as determined '~y ~the City Council. l~. That the prqposed parking structure design shall conform to the Engineering Division's Standard Plan No. 402-B pertain~,ng ~o standard details for parking structures. 12• That drainaye of subjec". property sha11 be disposed oi in a manner sat•isf~cto:y to the ~ity Gngineer. 13. ~hat ?.f iequirec: by the Fir~~ andl~r Pc,~Ziee 1)e~artrnent, alI 1oe3cable pedestrian and ve2;icu:~ar ~cress gates sh~.~ll be equipped with a"knc:t ban" device to t.he saY.isfaction of the C:.~y Fiz~e Dep;~rtment and the CiL'v Po].ir_e L'epartmei:t. 11. That t~lX air c:t~ndi~.iaLi.ng faczlities aud other roof ar.d ground mounted equipmenL- sh4~3.1 be properl~~ shieldea from view, and tne saund bufFc~red from adja;:ent re;,ic3tntiaZ. pruperti.es. 7.5• ThaC priar~ to issuanc~; of a bu.il~ing ~~srmi*., evidenco ~ha11 be preser~ted satisfactnry to 4ha ~ui).d;.iig Division that the pr.oposed projoct is in coniora~annc with Ccuncil Policy Number 592 "Sounr3 AtL~nuation in Residen~ial P:ojF:cts" and with Ncase Insulation Standards specified in ~tie C~~lifo;nia Acimiiiistrztive C~de, Title 25. 16. That the on-site lan~.9scaping s2:a11 i~e mai.ntained in compla.ance with ~'ity standards. t~ '4' PC88-214 .f`~' Y ~ 1 V 17. Thai: prior t~ issuance of a buil~ing pezmit, the lega:l propQr~y ownex shall prepare und record an ansubordinated covenanL limiting o~c~pancy of each apartment unit ta nu more *han L•wo (2) persons (other than childr.en under tha age of two (2) years) ;~er bQdro~m. Saic~ limitatian sha11 be included iz~ each lease/zental agreemtint. A cop,y of the covenant shall be submitted to and approvad by the Citp Attorney prior to rPCOrdation. A copy of the reco:~c~ed co~venank shall be f.urnished Co tha Zon:ing Division, 18. T.r,at a cov~enant shall be recorded agreeing to provide t'~e renter of eaoh dwe~lling unit with writtQn information ortained from the Sahool District(s) pertaini.-~g to possible flvercrowded condi'ti,ons and bus::ng status of ~che schooZ(s) serva.ng tne dwellxng unit. 19, That subject p:operty shall be developed substan~ially .in accordanc~ with plans and specifications on file taith the City of Anaheim markeca Revision No. 1 oi Ex:hibi?: Nos. 1 through 3, and Exhibit No. a. ~-~ 20. Tha~ ~~rior to issuance o~ a buil.dinq oer.mit. or within a period of one ye,ar trom thP dake of this resoluti.oz~~ whichever occurs iirst, Conditi.on Nos. 1, to 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17, and 18, above-rr~enti~ned, sh.all be c~,mplied. with. Extensians Ear £urther time to complete s~id conditions may be granted in accarda.nce with Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 21. That prior to fina3. kiuilding and zoning inspections, Condition Nos. 5, to 8, 12, 13, 14, and 19, above-mentioned, shall be comp].ied with. 22. That approval of this applicaL-ion cor.stiCutes ~pp:oval of the pro~osed rQquest anly to Che extent that it complzes with the Anaheim Municipal Zoninq ~ode ~nd any other a~~plic~l~ Cit_y regulations. Approval &oes not include any action or findins~s as to comp].iance pr approval af the reauest reRarding ar.y other applicable ardinance, regulatio:: ~r requirement. 13~ IT FURTFIER RESULVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commissian does hereby find anci d~:termine ~that adoption c~f this Resalution is ~:xpressly predicated upon applxcant's complzance with each and a?1 of :.he conditior_s hereinabove set £•orth. Should ~ny such conditions, or any part Chereof, be declared inva:Lid or unenforceable by the tinal judgment of any court oE com~e~.ent juzisdiction, ~hen this 1~esolution, and any approvals hErein contained, sha11 be deemed null and void. -5- PC88-214 ; ~~4 ;'.i z ,~'si~ ,~~ , y ~ ~ ~'~'~ ~',t ~ ., i . ~ ~ i.i M THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approv,ed by me this 15~h dzy At August, 1988. ~. .' .r ~ /.~~ " . / ~'t~l~f ~, : ~%, f1 ,~.z.~ CHAIRMAN~%~.NA.HEIM CT'rY PLANNTNG COMMISSION v ATTEST: /,7 , _~o • :? L~~ ~~ ~ `,~~~~~'t ~l.~p EXECi7T:CVE SECR~TARY, ANArIEIM PLAPiNTNG ?~EPARTMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUIS~X ~F ORANGE ) s s . CITY OF ANAHETM ) I, Pamela Hl Starnes, Secretary of the Anaheim Planuinq ne~artment, c~.o hereby certify that the L•or~roing~ resclutzon was passed and adopted aY. a meeting of the 7~naheim Ci'ty Planuing Commission held on August 15, 1988, utr the ~ollowing vote of the member.s ther.?of: AYES: COMMISuIONERS: BOUAS, fiOY'ASTUN, CARUSILLO, FELDHAUS, HERBST, MC BiJR;~EX. DSESSE NOES: CqMMISSIONERS: Nt~NE ABSENT: COMMISSZONERS: N027E IN WITNESS WHB~tFOF, I hzve hereuntio set my hand this 15th da; of A'ugust, 1.9$8. ,~~ ~ . . - _~ ~_~~, ~ °-~~G~~~I'~la I-I. Starnes ER~CJTIVE SECRE'_AfiY, ANAHETM PLANNING DEPARTME.~Tm -6• ~P.Aib7 T;+fAlhxO'T ~ ~~S n. , . . , . . . . ~ . . ' . . ~ . ' , . . . . . PC88-21~ :i „ ; ;,~ ~~:~~',' :;c; 't