PC 88-216~~~ , .~~ ,, ~, . ,. ~~*,. RESOL~L3 N N _-~@_$.~1.~L A RESOLUTION OP' '!'fiE At1AHETtQ CITX PLANNING CO.yIMISS:iO.N THAT PETITIpN FOR RECLASSIFICAT70N NU. 88_gg_pg g~ GRANTFp petition for~ Re ~assif cat on rom ,~l~D ing ~°~~ss3on did receive a verif3.ed Anaheim, CA 92805, owner, and RONALll CROW EYJAAAD~I~NI~a~ntrea• R ad ~~Fullerton, CA 92635, agent, of certain real prn per~ y s i t u a t e d i n t h~ City of Ariah~im~ C o u n t y o f Or3nge. Stata of Californi,a, described as ~ollows: PARCEL A. THAT PORTION OF TI•I~ ~AST HAC,F OF LOT 9 OF HE:,EN AND LYNCFY' S A.DDITION TO ANAHFTM, TN THE CIxY OF ANI~,F;EIM, AS GHaWN ON A MAp RECORDED I27 Fi00K 442, PAGF 7.58 OF nE~D5, RFCORDS OF LOS ANGELES COU2dTX, CAI;IFORNIA, ~ESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: AEGINNIN'G AT TTiE NOR'rHEASx CORNER OF SAIU LOT 9; TH~.NCE SUUTH if8 DEGRE~S 54'42" WEST 239.06 FEET AI.ONC THE NORTH LINE OF SATU LOT 9 TO THE TRUC POINT QF BEGZNNING; THENCE SQiJ.T.H Q 7EGREES 10'08" EAST 142,41 FEET A.LONG A LINE PAF~ALLEI', TQ THE ~AST LINE OF SAID LQT 9; THENCF I30R:t'H 88 D~GREES 54'42" EAST 73.63 FEFT; THFNCE S~JT1H 0 DEGR~;ES 10' 08" EAST 91. 61 k'EET TO A POIPJT ON A CURVE CO2JCA'VE SOU'TFIEASTERLY HAVING A Ri1DI[JS OF 45.00 EEE~; THENCE SOUTHEASTFRLX ALONG SAIb CU12VE FROM A TANGCPJ~ ~EARI~IG SOUTH 70 DEC:lEES 10' 11" EAST, A27 AR~ pIgT1~2dC~ ~~ g~., 33 FEET TO A REVER°~' CURVE, IiAVING A R]1nIUS OF 45.00 FEET, A, RADIAL, FIiOM THIS POINT HAVIt7G A BEARlNG OF ~70RTii 56 D~GREES 36'42" F1EST; THEN(;E 50UTH~RLY AN ARC DIST~INCE OF 10.27 ~'EET J~I,pN'~ SAID CURVE THROTJ~j3 ~ CENTRAL ANGLE pE 13 DEGRE~S 04'12"; TH.[:NC~ NORTH 89 7EGRE~;; pZ ~ 1+1~~ EAST ].18. 24 FEET TO THE WEST T,IN~; OF THE EAST 31.00 FEE1' OF SAID LOT 9; THENCE ALONG SATD WEST LINE NORTH 0 DEGREES 1d'Q8" WEST 310.84 FEET ~'p THE NORTH LZNE OF SATD LOT 9; THGNCE I~,ONG SAID N4RTH LINE, SOUTIi 1!8 DEGREES 54'42" WEST 209.06 k'EET TO THE TRU~ POINT OF BEGINN.tNG. PARCEL H: LOT A OF TRACT 9201, ZN THE CITY OF A~7AH~TA,f, AS SHOWN ON A Ml~p ngCORDEI? Irr BOOK 380, PAGE5 23, 24, 25 and 'l6 OF M7SCELLANEOU.~', MApS, RECORDS OF SAIn ORANGE COUNTY, CALII'ORNIA, 093Sr ~~ ;:;° _~Yf~: r.ai 1r~9"YJ. b ~ ~ ' .,,,' ~ WFiEREAS, the Ca~y Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at ~he Civic CenCer in the City oE Anaheim on August 15, 1958 e~ 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing hr~vinq been duly givan as requa.red by law and iu accordanco with ~,he provisions of Ghe Anaheim Municipal CodB. ~Che~pter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence Eor and against said proposed ro~lassification and to investigate and makQ Exndings and rec~mmenclations in connertion therewi.th; atxd WHEREAS, saicl Conunission, aftor due xnspection, investigation an3 study ma~le by iCse~f and in its be~alf, and afi:sr duo cansideration oF al1 avidence and reports affered at said hearing, cloe~ fi.nd and 8etermine the foll~wing facts: 1, That the petitioner prop~ses reclassific3tion o~ subject property from the RS-A-43,000 (Residenkial, Agricultural) (Porti.on A) and RS-A-~13,000 (Residential, Multiple ~'amily) Zone k 2. That the Anaheim GeneraJ~ Plan designates subject property Eor ~ Medium DPnsit~ Residential land uses permitting up to 36 dwelli.nq units per ~ gross acr~. ~ r 3. That the prop~sed reclassifica} of: zubject property xs ~,: necess~~:y andlar desirab).e for the orderly . ~roper developmen~ aE the '` c ommuni L• y . ;: `' 4. That the propased reclassiL•ication of subjer,t property dees ~ properly relats to tihe zones and thezr permitted uses locally established in ';~ close prpximity to subj~ct propezty and to the zosies and their nermitted uses ~'` generally es~ablishgd throughout the cnmmunity. !, ~,~ 5, That thQ proposec3 reclnssification of sukrject propezty requi.res the improvzment of abutting streets in accordancs wiL•h the Circulation Element of the Ggnaral ~lar., due to the anticipat~d increass in traffic whic2i will be generated by the i.ntensificaL•ion of land use. ~ 6. That seven (7) persons indicated their presenr.e at said public ~-' hearing in opposikion; and that no correspond~nce ans received in opposi~ion , to subject potitiori. li;,° ~ . + ~',~`~~ 1{~t 1 . ~''; j7~'~ _ "t~ i ,~ e f -2- PCB8-2].6 _ ; `~ ~, ~ 'if~ ~ .......ir..~. s.N,~~ : ; ,.., , . , ~: , . . .. . , ~.., ~~ i ; LIF NIA ENV~RQNMEN'PAL 0 J~ALIx3'~+cx ~IN..PIN : Tha~ the Anaheim City ~:;, ;` ~ Planning C~mm3.ssi.on has reviewQd tho proposal to reclassify subjeat property a ' 000 (Residential, Single-Family) zone to RM-3,000 (~tesidantial, from the I2S-5 ,:~ , Multiplo-Famil.y) (F~rtion A) and RS-A-43,~OQ (Residential, Agracultural) '~',; (Portion B) zone to the RM-3,000 (Residential MultiplQ Zone) and to construct ~;; a 7-story, 15-unit residenCial condaminium comp:lex with waivers of minimum ~; structural seL•back, minimum landscaped setback and maximwn fence height, on an ~;. irregalarly-shaped parr.el of lancl cozzsisting of approximately 1.7, ncres having ~; a f•rontage of ~ppraximately 210 fee~ on Lhe south side o£ Hroadway having a ~ ma~imum depth of appraximately 2G6 £eet, beinc~ locatecl approximately 250 feet ;, east of the conterline of Gilmar ~Creet and further described as 1500 West a,~: Broadway; and does horeby approve the Negative Declaration upon finding that 4~. it has consid~red the Negative ~eclarat.xon together with any comments received ,~~ during the public raview process and further findiny oYi ~he basis of the ~ initial study and any camments received that there i.s no substantial evidence f. ~ that the pr.oject will have a signif.ic~nt sffect on Che environment. ~ TH~R~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim Cxty Planninq NOW 1 1,' , Commissi.on dues hereby graxit subject Pet~tion for 12ec1HSSification and, b,y 60 : doing, that TiL•le 18-Zoning of ttie Ar_dheim Munzcipal Code be amended to ~. exclude €rom tl~e above-described propertyr from the RS-5,000 (P.esidential, ricultural? A l ti id ; g a , en Sinqla-Family) (Portion A) anr~ RS-A-43,000 (Res ' amily) zone and (PArt;ion B) zone to the RM-3,0~0 (&esidential. Mu.ltiple k , + incorpora'tP said describad property upon thP iollawing condit~ions which are , hereby feund to be a n~cessary ~rorequisite to thQ proposed use o£ subjer*_ ;: r propArty in ordsr to preserve the saf.ety and general walfare uf the ~it:izenf; oE tho ~Ci.ty aL Anaheim: ~ ~ ThaL a fea shall be paid to ~:he Gity of Anaheim fox street lighting 1 i , along Broadway in an amount as determined by City Cauncil resolufiion. Tha~ a fee shall h~ paid to the CiL•y aE Ana'heim for tree planting 2 , aloz~g Broadwa;= in t~n a~nount as detern~ined by City Council resolution. 3, xhat vQhiculaz and pedestrian acces~ rights t;o Gilbruck Urive sha~t be dedicated to the City cf Anaheim. That the owner of subject property shall sub~nit ~x le~ter req~iesting 4 . termination of Conditional Use Permi~ No. 1872 to thP Zoning Divisinn. 5. Tl~a~ prior to thg introducti.on o:E an ordinanc~ rezoniny sub~ect property, Condition Nos. ]., 2, 3 and 4, ~+bove-mentioned, shall be completed. The provisions ar rights granted by this resolution s1ia11 becom~ null and void by e:~ion of the Planning Ccmmission uuless said conditions are complied with within one ~~ear from the date of this resulution~ or such further time as the Planninq Commissfon maN ~rant. -3- PC:88-216 ~< ~a ,. ~ ~ y' '~,S ~; y' " ~. i H tY~'~~ ~~~ r' b~" ;~ A j j ~'~`` ~'~ , ~ ;~;,~ "..r ~ '` ~'. ~. 6. That approval of this applicati.on cons~itu~e3 approval of the proposed reguest on:ly to the extent that it compl3es w3.th the AnahQim Munic.i.pa1 2oning Code and any athsr applicablo City reguiations. Appraval cloas not include any actio~i or findings as to compliance or approyal of the requast rmgarding ~ny other ap~licable ordinance, regulaL•ion or r.Eqixirement. BE: IT FURTHER i2ESOLVED that ths Anaheim City Planning Commissi.on doe~ hereby find and determine that adoptiozi c~f this Rgsalution is expressly predica~ed upon apnlicant's cemplxance with Pach and all ~f the conditions hereix,r.tibove :~et ~orth. ahould any such c~nditions, or any part thereof, bs declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judc~n'~oz~t of any court of compeL-e:nL• jurisdiction, then this Resolutian, and any appravals herein aontaineci, sha.ll be deemed null and void. THE FORc~G0I2JG RESQLUTION is signed and appr~ved by me this 15th day of August, 1988. i~ ~ j~:~~ y ~ .i ~!'L'l~-~ r' _ ~/~. CHATRMAN, AFiEI~I CT'rY PLANNZNG COMMISSION v' o ~ y .,. ATTEST: J ` - .~.~~~-- _ EXECUTI'VE SECRETARY, ANAHEIM PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) CQUNTY OF ORANGN ) ss. CZTY OF ANA.HEIt•1 ) I, Yamela Ti. Starnes, Fxecutive Secretary of ~he Anaheim Planaing DeparYanent, dn hereby certify that the foreqoing reso2utian was passod and adc~pted at a meetinq of the Anaheim City Planning Commission he~d on August 15, 1988, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: CC2~A~IISSION~;RS: BOUAS, BOYDSTUTT, CARU5ILL~, rEl'.DTiAUS, HERSST, M~ B(,'RNEX, AtEuSE ~; NOES: COA4SI^aSIONERS: FIERHST '~':'~ ~„ A~3SENTc CQMMTSSTONERa: NONE ~% ~ IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereuntv set my nand this 15l•h da,y oF ;~,Q August, 1988. .;; f ,~~~., ~ ~ `'~~ . Starr~es , ,~ E7C~CUTIVE SECRETARY, ANAFiEIM PL,ANNING DEPARTMENT ,,,