PC 88-219; -~ ,S 1 Fn ~, r"`~, ~ , ~~,,~ ?~ ; ,,~;i ;'::~~ 'i;" RF.S(~LUTTQN N0, P~~ -21 ,:;~I ,~, A RESO~,UTION QF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLAIvN:[Nr COt~QISSION ;j THAT T~GTI'.CION FOR ~ONDIxIONAL USE f~~RMTT N0. 309b BE GRANTED ~~ ;~~~: WH~REAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did zeceive a verified, PeL•ition for Conditianal Use Permit from MEFiDI GHAT.RI, et al, 913 S. Ira Court, Anahaim, CA 92804, owner and , agenC for certain real property sit~;ated "• in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State af C~lzfornia, described as; ~UT 7 Or TRACT N0. 1496, TN THE CITY OF ANAH~IM, COUNTY p~ ~'fr ORADtGE, STATE OF CALIFORNTA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOUK ; 72, PAGES 5 AND 6 QF MISCELLI~NEUUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF ' THE COiINTY RECORDER GF SAID COUNTY. ;:t~', h'HF'REAS, the City Planning Comrnission did hold a public hearing at i;.he Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on August 15, 198d at 1:30 p,m., notic~ af said public liearing havir.g been cluly givPn as requirecl by law and in accordance with the provisions ~f the Anaheim Municipal Code, Ck~agter 18,03, to hoar. ar.d consicler evidence for and against Said proposc~d conditional use permit and to invesr_igate and make fzndings ar.d recommendaLions in connection therQwith; Gnd WF3EREAS, sai.d Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due nonsideration of a1]. evidence and reports offerPd at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the proposecl use is properly orie zor which a conditional use permit is authorized by Caiifo:nia Goveznmont Coae Seati.un 65852.1 to construct a 640 square foot "granny unit" with waiver of the L-ollowzng under authorii:y of C~de Section 18.OG.080: SECTIQ.NS lg ~OC1~Q~Q_~11 - Ninimum ~zumbeY an tyr,~~f~parking 3.$_•~~.0 0 1 2 ~~~ c e s. and 1.8.06¢_., Qlp (,~ Spatie ~n~1Q~e~) required; 4 ~a2aces (1 enr~lo e L exi5tzng) 2: ~hat the parking waiv~r will not cause an increase in ~raffic cangestion in the inmed.iat~e vicinity nor adversoly affect any adjoining land uses. 3. Thati S:he grankir.g of the parking waiver under ~he conditions imposed, if any, will nQt be detrimental to ~he peace, health, safety or qeneral welf are of the cat•ize:~s of the City of Anaheim. 043~r PC08-219 ~' ~, ;, i ;j ~Ya ~ - ----- , :;~ pR !~'~ 4. That the granting of the Conditional Use Per.mi~ under the conclitions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to thc~ peace, health, safety and general welfara of the Citizens of th~ City of Anahei;n. 5. That the traffir, generated by the progosec~ usQ will no~ impose an unduQ burden upon ttze st.ree~.s ana highways designed and improved ~a carry the traEfic in the area. ~,. "p:: , :i 6. That r~o one indicated tk~eir pcesence at said public hearing in up~osition; and that no correspondence was received in opposi.t.ion ~o the subject petition. _~AL__IFORN~A E:NIRONM~~AL~QUAI~ITY ACT FINDING; That the Anahoim City Planninq Cammission has reviewed the proposal ta consL-ruct a 64n square-toot "Granns~ Unit" with wai.ver of minimum ~iumber and type of parking spaces on an irregular].y-shaped par.cel of land cons:sting oE nppror.imatelg 0.2 acre having a frontage af approximate.ly 72 feet on the southerly terminus of Ira Court, having a m~ximum depth of approximately 160 feet, being located approximatsly 190 feet sou~h of the centerline of. Heffron 17rive and further described a~ 913 S. Ira C~u:t; and does hereby approve the Negalive Declaration upon findinq that it has considerecl ~he ~egaLive Declaration together with any commonts r.ecAived durir.g the public review process and further iinding an the basis of the initi.al study and any commants recei.ved that there is rio substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment. hOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED Lhat the Anaheim City Planning Commission does liereby gxant subject PeGition fox• Condi~ional Use Permit, upon the follcwing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the pr~posed use oE the subject property in order ta preserve the safety and general welfare ot the Citizens of the City oC Anaheim: l. Tnat prior to issuance of a building permi~, the ap~ropriate traffic signal assessment fee sha11 be paid to ~he City oE Araheim i:i an amount as dekermined by City Council resolution. 2. Thar a plan showing dimensions of parking spaces shall be submitted to and a~pr~ved by the City Traffic Engineer. 3. That prior to issuance of a building permit, appropr.iatc park and recreation in-J.ieu fee~ sha11 be ~aic3 to the City o£ Anaheim in an amount tts iiete:minecl by the CiY.y Council. 1 ll~~X ,' IY . ~ /;'_~ `.j ; ~w. . . ,,. ;,., !., 4. That the new construction authoriz~d by tliis resolution shall be ser~~ed by und~rground utilikies. •2- FCt3E3-219 :~,: :s ~J; ~;~t', ~ . i ,~~r',~~. ~ i~ ~/~ ~~ ~ ~, ~qy,~ ; . ~ ~•:1:,. i~ ~ ~ ~ ~;'r~ - . . ~ . ~ • .~;Sil :i S ,. r ?'~ ~: ,~` 5• , That pxior to issuance of a buildin g permit, evidence snall be ~~ presented satisfactory to the Building " " Aivis.ion that the proposed : granny unit is in conformance with " Council Policy Ntunber 542 j Sound AtLenuation in Residenti~l P rojects" and with Noisa `'" I ~ Insulation. Standa~ds specified in the Califor.nia Administrative Code~ Title 25. ~~: ' 6• That the legal owner of subject nraperty shall restrict the y ;; occupancy o~ *_he graz~ny unit to one or two adults, both of whc+m are sixty (60) f , ~~~ y~ars o age or older, and furth~ermore, sha11 record a ~?` cnvenarat a aanst the 9 property so rpstricting the occupancy of said unit. Saici covenant shall be submitred to thR Zoning Division for transmittal to the City At~orney's Office for. review and approval i ' pr or to recordation. Proof oE recordation shal]. then be submitted 1 ; ~ to the Zoning Divi.sion. r r„~ ;; T• TYzat subject prcpe.r ty shall be developed substantzally in accordance ~:~} with plans and :~pccifications on file wzth the City ef Anahezm i rnarked Exhibit Nos. 1. i _~ '` ~' 8• That prior to issuanco oF a building permit, or withzn a perzofl of ~ * one year from thP ~late c~f this resolution whic;~.~;ver occurs first, C~n~iiti t.:, :~ on Nos, l, 2, 3, 5, and 6~ ab~ve-mentioned, shall be complied with. ~:xtensxons i or further time to complete said conditians may b e gran~ed in accordance with Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim hfunicz al C d ' p o e. S ~ ~ 9• That prior to tinal builcling and zaning inspections, Condition Nos , . 4, and 7, ab~ve-menCioned, shall be complied with. 10. That approval of tnis applir.ation const.i~utQS approvai of the ~~ ' proposed request orily to tY~e exterit that it complies with the ~ Anaheim Munici al Z i ~ ~ on ng Code and any oCher applicable City ~ regula~ions. Approval does not includ e any action or £indfngs as ~to cornpliance or approval of the request regarding any other applicable ordzxiance, regitlation or requirement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Araaheim City Planning Commissi~n do~s hereby find and determi.ne that adnptioli of this Resolution is expressly pr~di~ated upon applicant's complianco ~rith ea~h and all of. the conditions hereinabave set fortti. Shculd any such conditions, or any part thereof, be dec.lared invalid or unenf~rceable by the final judgment ~f any cnurt oE competont jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals 2ierein contained, shall b~ deemed null and void. . -. . . . . .. . . . . : . . . ~ ~ . . . .. - .. ' . ~ 1~ ~~ ! ;~h ~~~I~l~l' . _ . , ' '' ~ `M,, _.., ~ ~~~ ,, ~ ~ `~~~,;~~ . . .. . , . ., :~"rj THk: FOFEGOING RESbLUT70N is signe3 and approved by me ~his 15th day '? . oE August, 1988. ,l~; ~, 'iliLr.~ ;'~ ~ 1G;'~--~_ CHAIRMAN, AFiEIM CI'1'Y PLANNING COA4yfISSION `;'';tii ATTEST: ``i. . .r ;;.r ' ..GL~%. ~ EXECUTIVF SECRETARX, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNiNG D~PARTMETIT ; ,a :x ;L STATG OF' CALIFORNIA ) : COUN~•Y OF ORANGE ) ss. ,!;~ CIT.v QF ANA~?EIM ) I, Pam~la II. Starnes, Executive Secretary of ~he Anaheim City ;~ Planning Department, do hereby certify that the ~uregoing resolution wa;~ '~. passed and adopted at a meeti.ng of the ~naheim C~.ty Planning Comm.ission held ;'~-' on August 15, 19a8, by the followirig voL•e of the membPrs tr.ereof: _ ; ti, AYES: COMMISS7:ONERS: BOUAS, B~YDSTUN, CARUS~LLO, FEI~DHAUS, ~` MC BJRNEY, MESSE ,;;i NOES: CQI~IIdISSI0NER5: NONE ~ ~;~ ,, o ; ASSENT: COMMISSTONERS: HERBS~ lca , ~S TN WITrTESS WHEREOF, I iiave hereunto set my hand this :~.5th day of ul August, .1988. ~ ;,~. _~ ~ ~ , '.,: for Pamela H S~rn~S ; ~:t EX~CUTT~,~E SECP,~:1'ARl', AIIAHETM CTTY PLANNING DEPAI~TMENT :..~4~ ~:'+, -;,. ;a 3 ,y~~ . '-T~ ~;~': ;';~ ~~ ,, : ',~ ,, ,;~,,'~ ';lr; ;.~a `•}~ ~'i ,~., i;~ . - ';,~i~ :~ ,; ,,::, ;. ~,;;, , ` ~~ -~- Pca$-ai9 ,,, :;:~~: . ;; ~~ti -; .. ... . . _ ` ,,.... ~,.. ,,,~r