PC 88-222. f•~ ~~~ ~ ~ESOLUTION NO. PC88-Z2.''. A R~SOLLI'r'I.ON OI' Z'FiE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMTSSION THAT PETTTION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMZT Nl). 3047 E~E GRAN'rI:D WHF.REAS, t2ie F~r.ahc>im Cit,y Planning Commissian did roceive a verified Petition for Cnndition~l Use~ ~'ermit ~rom M7~12C V. AAHN~R ttnd CANDICE JA.N~ ~,E BAH~TER, 21165 Vi~ Ausa, Xorba Linda, CA 9268G, owners, ancl RHR ASSOCJ.~TES, i. 17~21 Coverxtry Lane, 'Yorba Linda, CA 92686, agent, f~r cert•aiu rQal property situated in the Ciry of Anahe.im, County of Aranre, State of Califar.nia, describecl a~: PARCET~ l: THAT PORT'tON' OF. iFIE LAt7D5 ALLOxTE;D TC M. Y.ORBA ACCORDING TO A MI~P ATTACIiED TO ~ND MAi7E A PART OF THE ~1ECREE OF P~RTITION UF TFIE 1tT+NCHO CANON DE SANTA ANA `' RENDEREL` SN CASE N0. 1978 pF THE 17TH JUDI~IAL DI5TRIC'~' t~ COUR7: dF LOS ANGEL,SS COUNT7t, CALIFOR2r'IA, DESCRIBED AS l FOLLOW~: '' B~.GINNING IN THE CENTER LINE OF 7'HE ANAHETM I7ITCI~ 346.90 '~ F~ET SOUTH 81 DEGREF.S 15'20" WEST FROM THE NOR'TF"~ST ~~' COR*IER OF LAND CGNVEYED T.0 MARCOS YORBA TO ANGEL NAB~+ctRO, HY DEED RECORUED ZN F300K 55, P,AGE 10, DEEDS RECOkDS OF 'LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; A2ID RUNNING THENC~ NORTEi 81 DEGREES 1~'20" WEuT ALONG SAID CENTER LINE 70-1/2 FEET; THENGE NORTH 9 D~G4EE5 33'S0" WEST 210 FLET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. WEiEREAS, r_he !'ity Planning Cot~unissior, did hold a public hearirig at the Civic Center in the Citiy of Anuheim an August 15, 1988 at 1:3Q p.m., notice oE ~~id pu~lic hearing havzng been duly given as raquired by law and in accoxdance with L•he provisinns of th~ Ar~aheim Municipal Code, Chapt:er 18.03, to hQar and consicleL evidcz~r.e Eor anQ ag~inst said prop~sed conc~itional use permit and to investiga~e aad make findings and recamrnandati.on:, in connection therewith; and VzF3EREAS, said Comma.ssion, af*_er due i.nsp~:ction, investigation and ~tudy made b,y itsel~ and in its behalf, and atter d.ue c~nsi~ieration of all ev.idence an@ repor.ts offered at said he~ring, does find and dE-termina the " following facts: i; 1. That the propasecl use i.s prppez•ly one fo•: wk~ich a condi.tional use permit is ctuthorizod by Anaheim Muni.;ipal t;od~ Section 18.61.A50.601 ta ~~ permit a~ automotive repair facility wi~h waiver of the follo~ring under ~utharity ~f Coc~e Sectian 18.06.~80: ~E~Q_1~~..45U.U222 - 3.$~Ql1~Q~•031 and 10.G1,06G~050 ,~.; :, `'' ~ i' , ;, :r ~, ~ ~; :s'<. ~ ), 044].r t+~i nimum rumbe ~ Parkina Sv~~~ . (2~ requirod; ~..~ provided) PC68-222 ~+..~ : ~~.,^~i,i ~. r ~ ~ ~ ~ ' • ~ t e ~;t `;; 2. That the parking waiver wi11 not cause an 3narease in traffic congestion in the immectiate vicinity na~ adversely af£oct any adjoining land uses. 3. That the granting di the parking waxver undor the condition, imposed, if ~ny, wi13. not be detrimental to the peace, realth, ~afety or general welfare of the cS.tizens of the Ci~y of Axaheim. 4. That the ~~oposed use will noc ~dversely affecL• the adjoining land uses and the growth and development oY the area 3n which it is proposed to be l~ca*ec3. 5. That the r,ize and sha~e of the site proposed fo.r tt~e use is adequata to a11ow the fcull development of the propased use ir~ a mauner npt ~ietx•imental to th.e parkicular area nor to the peacQ, health, safety and general trelfar~ of the Citizens of the City ot Anaheim. ~ 6. That tr.he yranting o~ ~he Conditional Use Perma.t for a period of ~~ 5 years and under t,ho conditzons imposed, if any, w~.12 n~t be detz•imenLal to the peace, )nealt:h, safety and general r~elfare of the Citizens of ~he ~ity of Ana2:eim. 7. That the traffxc generated by the propo~e9 use will nAt impose an unc~ue bur.den upon the streets and highway~ clasigned and improved to carry the traffic in the arA~. 8. Tnat one (1) person indicated their px•esence at said public hea:ing in oppositian; and that no correspondence was recezved in opposition to the subject petitian. ~ALIFQRNIA ~NVIRQNMENTAL OtJALITY AC~ FINDTN~C: That the Anaheim City Planninq Commission has revi.ewed t1;e proposal to permit an automotive rapair :Eacili.ty with waiver of minimum number oE p~rking spaces on an irrpgularly-shaped parcel of land consistin~ o~ approximatsly Q.36 acre, hav.ing a frontage of approxi.matpJ.;• 70 Eee~ on the north szde of La Palma Avenue, having a maxi~num depth of approxim~tely 228 feet, bexng located approximately 280 feet east oE the cen~erline o£ Lakevxew Avenue ana ftirther described as i527 ~;. La Palma Avenue; and does herek,y apk~rove the Neyative Dec: --~L-ion upon finding that it has considerQd the Negative Declararion ~ogether witr. any commPnts received aurinq the public review proces~ and EurthFr F.inding on the basis of the i~aitxal study and any corunents recctived that tkiere Ls nR substan'..ial e/idence that the project will have a significant ef£ect ~n the en~v;i.ronment. -2- PC88-7.22 , :; ;~; . . . . . v,_ Y i-^, ~~~ t: i •r.ii~ ; ,i'o NOW, TH~gEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that tho Anaheim City Planninc~ ;~~ Commission does hereby grant subject YsLition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the folZowing condikions which are hereby found to be a nece~sary prerequis~t~ ~`o the propos~d use of the subjoct property in order to preserve the safet and general welfare of the C3Lizens of the City of Anahefm; y ;^ ~• That trash storage areas sha:il be provided and maintained an a 1I locatfon acce~table ~o ~he 5treet Mainrenance~ and Sanitat;ion Division and in accordanco wiL•h approvQd plans an fiZe wirh said Division. ;':~ 2• That a L-raFfic signai assessment fee equaling the dzP~eronce between ~ the industrial and commercial assessmen~ fees shall ~e ~aid to ~he City u£ Anaheim in an amoun~ as de~ermined hy City Council resa3ution. ~, ~y% ~ 3• That the iegal owner ot stib'ect deiiicate to the C.it~• of Aneheim an ra~dit. oxi lalstr p of clanr3 along ~,a Palma Avenue, m~asured eastexly f.rom the ultimate right-ot-way line a~ the corner of the inter.sectfor~ oP ~a Palma Avenue dnd varying in widf,h fr.am twelve (1?) feet for tho first ~hree-hundred and then transitioning fr~m twelve (1~) feet tu 0 feet fora~Q~ feet three-hundred (300) faet. he nea~ q• That s_dewalks sha11 be installed along I,a Palma Aven~ue as requirQC~ by the City Engineer and in accordance wiCh staadard ~lans and sgecifications o~ file in the O~fice af the City Enginser. 5• That the driveway shal~ FooL- radi.u~ curb reL-urnsbe Exist ngu,.r ken~ or~CC acked~ dr vew~o~ sha11 be removed and replaced as requi.red by ~;~~ ~zt; a~s y Engineer. 6^ Tha~ a11 air condf+~i~nirq tar.ilities and other roaf anc~ round mounted Pquipment shall be properlp shield~d Erom view. g ~• '.Cliat the proposal sha1Z comply with a11 S; ~(Industrzal Limited) zone, un~es~ a g va i a ceul a11o ingQ~s3.gn waivars is t~,p,proved by tk~@ ~gCy Councii, Flanninq Commission or ~oniny Aciministrator. 8• Th3~ no outcioor st~raqe o~~, display ~t, or work on vehi.cles or vehicular pa,rrs shall be permitked. 9• Tliat the on-site landscaQing s2ia1). be maint~' ned ?n compliance wi~h City ~;andards. 1~• That subjeck property shall be devQloped substantially iai accordance with plans ar~~l specifications oz~ file witkz ~lYe City of Anaheim rnarked Exhibit Nos. 1 ancl 2, -~- PC80-222 9 ,'"". i 9 ;~~ ;;, ?,;> ~ 11> That: pxior to commencement af the activity av.thorzzed b;y th3s resolution, prior to issuanc~ of. a builcliug permir, or within a 3 periad of one year from thc~ date of this resolutioa, whichever j occurs f.irst, Condition Nos. 2 and 3, above-mentioned, shall be ; ~omplied with. Extensions for further time ta complete said condii:ions :nay be granted i.n accorclance with Seation 18.03.09~ of ' ~he Anaheim Municipal Code. ':~ ,: ~ ~; 12. That pxior to the c~mmencement of the activity authori2efl by this rosalution, or t'.inal bui.lding and zo~xing inspections whiahever occurs first, Cor~dition ~Tos. 1, 4, 5, 6 and 10, above-mentioned, shall be complied r*ith. 13. Tizat subject Conditional Use Permit i~ grantod fox a period of Eive , (5) years top exp.ire on August 15, 199a ; 'l~e That approval of this application ac-ustitutes approval of the ~ proposed reques~ only to ~he extenC that zt complies with the Anaheim Muniaxpal Zoning Code and any othQr applicable City ~ regulations. Approvel does not i:iclude any actian or Eindings as to ; compliance or appioval of the request r.egarding any other apgiicable r ordinauce, ±-egulaL•ion or r.equi:ement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tnat the Anahaim City Planning Cornmission does hereby find and determine ~hat 3doption of this ResolutiAn is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliar.ce with each and 31~ of the conditions hereinabove ~et L•or~.h. Should any such conditions, or any gart tk~ereof, be dec.lared invalid ox uiienforceable by tho final judqment of any caurt of competent jurisdiction, ~hen L•his Resalution, and any approvals hPrein contained, shall be :ieem~d nu~l and void. THE FOREGOING REaOLUTTCIN is ~igned and appr~ved by me this 15th day of Au~ust, 1988. ~ ,, , _ 'i~ ~z:l~~ >~~,,~'C l c' r_, --T- CHAIRMAN, ,k~NAHETM CITY F'LANNING C02~SSSSION / ATTEST: . ~J~~~, ~ -~~-~-«~~~a~ , ' ~~„~ -;lG~ r1~,1/~..~.%~ _ EX~CLiTTVE SECFE'TARY, ANAHETM PLANNING DEPARTMFNT ,~ . .,, . ,~ -4 - PC88-22Z ~ i ~~;k, ~~ *"'~n ~ `a ( . ~r .,n~S °~: ~ STATE Or C)1LIFORNIA ) ~'":`; COUNTY Or ORANIGE ) 5$; GITY' OF ANAHEIM ) I. Pamela ii. Starnes, Executi~ve Secretaxy of. the Anahsf,n planning 1 Department, do hereby certify th~t the £oregoing resolution was pas5ec3 and ,~ adoptied at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on ~ :c Augus~t 15, 1988, by tha fc:Llowing ~~ols of the members thoreoE: ' ~ ~ !,':C7 AYES: COMMISSIONERS: HOUAS, CARUSILLO, ~j NQES: COMMISSIONERS: BOXDSTiTN, FELDHAUSHE2~SSE MC BURNEY .~ ABSENT; C0,~4fISSI0NER5: NONE '''`~~ : n' ` '2i~ IN WITNF.SS W~iEREOF, w h~ve 2iereunto set my hand this 15th day of `~4 August, 1988. ;;r r ~ ~'`~~yyu-~r.~•_ ~L. _ ~%~/'~ ~-~-~.~ EYECUTIVE SECRETARY, ;#A*AHFIM PLAN2dTNG DEPARTME TN ''~~' ;;4 ;.:; ;'; ; ~;~. ' ,,.i%;~ ;: ~i: ~~ ~:} I ',1 ,'i ~i ,f` I 1;~ y, l i ;l~il ~i: ~ (~ ~'1 ~~( Li -5- ~f `