PC 88-2280 °`~„~ t~ESf~L_ TT Di N~. PC8$-228 t~ RESOLUTION OF' TT~E A2~AHEIM CTTY PLANI~ING COMMISSIJN TER:dINATING ALL F'ROCEEL)ING5 IN CONNECTION WITH CONDITIONAL USE PEP,MIT N^v. 2406 WfiEREAS, o:z Janu~ry 10, 1963, Condit.ional Uso Permit No. 2406 was granted under Resolution No. PC83-12 by t.he .:~heim City Planning Commission to permit an automobile renCal agency, WHEREAS, JifEy ~,ube InternAtional, Inc., property owner, has suY~mittQd a letter requesting termination of Con~iLional Use Permit Na, 2406 to comply with the conditions of approval of Condi~iox~al Use E~ermit No, 2986. ZlOW, THEREFORE, gF TT kESOL'YnD that the Anaheim Cit,y Planning Commissi.on does '..ereby term3.nate all proceedinys in counection, with Conditional Use Permit Na. 2406 on, ~he basis of the foragoing ~indings. THE FUREGOING RESOLUTION is signed anc~ appr,oved bg me this 15th day of Aiigu~~, 1988. /,., ;:~~ /`,, ,' ' , . ~~ . ~- ~,} l'G,~~ CHAIRMAN, ANA-~iEIlsi CITY kLANNING COMMISSION : ~, ATTEST: ~,,~~~~~-,~~~'~1.~''~-C!~ ~,''~, ~ t/~~~_ '%~? _-~'y,~ E.XECUTIVE SECRETARY, ANAFIEIM ;?LANNING DEPAR'fbfENT STA'rE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTX OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAfIEZM ) T, Pa.mela H. Starnes, ExecutiNe Secret,ary of the Anaheim Planning l)epar~ment, do hereY~~ certafy tk~at the foregoing resolution was p~.ssed and adUk~ed a~ a mee~inc~ oE khe l~naheim City planni.ng Commission held on August 15, 1988, by the ~following vote of th~ members thereof: AYE~: CpMMISSIONERS: BO~TAS, C~1.RUSILLO, FELDHACiS, T3ERBST, MESS~ NOES: L"OMMISSIONERS: 2~ONE ABSEN'.f: CphIIY1ISSTONERS: }30YASTJN, MC BURNEY YN WITDI~S6 WI•iEREpF, I ha~~e heretinto set my hand this 15th day of August:, I988. ~~ ' ~~. -~ l ~~'~~._.~~~ //-'~~-l~~ EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, ANAf~:EIM PLANNING D~PNtTMENT 04+~6r PC88-228 ';: ;; - ~; `:•~ - ,, ~ ;~,,;. _;~. .:~,i>M