PC 88-238,! ~ ^ ~.~9~..~-~i 4c~ N4..t ~G 9~z~$ ~."'',1 ~w:::~ A RESOGUT30N OF TFIE ANAH~IM GITY PLANNINC COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR VAI2IANCE NU. 3f335 FiE GRANl'~D WFiEREAS, the Anaheim ~ity Planning Commission did receive a verified Pc~ti.tiun for Variance fr.om L~ARRGLL PHILLIPS, BA.FF3ARA PFiILLIPS, STEPfIEN D. SHIRT,EY, Et zl„ 1591 W. Tedmar Aven~~e, Anaheim, CA 92802, ownsrs, and DENNIS FLYNN, 4&31 A iano .P1a2a, Yorba Lincia, CA 9268b, agent, of ~ertain real proparty situatpd in th~ Czty of AnaYseim, County of Orange, Sta~a o£ C3lifornis dQSCribed as: LOT 19A, OF T.RAC7' 255, IN THE CITY OF ANAH~IM. AS PEIt MJ'.P R~:CORDED IN BOOK 14, PAGES 25 C)F MISC. /MAPS, IN THF OFFICE OF COiJNTY R~COFtDEF OF OP.ANGE COUNTY LOT 16 OF 'TF~A."f N0. 255, ~AST ANAHEIM SUBDTVISION, CITY OF ANAHCI:n, COUNTX OF ORANGI:, STAT.L OF CALIFORr1IA, A~ PER MAP REC.~RDEll Ih BOOK 14, I'AGE 25 OF MI5CELLANECUS ~fAr~S, REC~RDS 0~' SAIn OFANGE GOUhTY PARCEL ]: LOT 19 OF TtZACl N0. 255, IN THE EAST ANAIiETM SUBDIVISION IN THG CITI' OF A2d1lHEIM, COUNTY OF ORA27GE, ~TATE OF CaLIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BGOf: 14, PAGE 25, MTSCFLI~ANEOUS MAPS, IN TFiE OFFTCE OE THG COUNTX RECQRDER OF SAID COUTITY. , ;; :, . :t ~ :i WHEREAS, Cti~ City Planning Commission c3id k~old a public Y~oaring at the Civic CQntcr in tha City of Anaheim on Augusk 29, 1988, at 1:30 p.m., r-o~ice of said public hearing having been duly given as r~quired by law and i.n ~iccordanco with the provisions of the Anahei.m MunS.cipal Code, Cnapter 18.03, to hear nnd c.onsider evidence for ard against said proposed variance and to invostig~r_Q and make finciings ancl recomrnetidations in connection therawithl and WHEREAS, said Commission, a£ter due 3nspection, in.vestigation and study made by itsolf and in its behalf, and after due c~nsideratio.+~ of. aJl evidQrace and reports ~f:fere~i ar_ said hoarinq, doos fi~xd and determine tho following iac~s: 1. That thg pel•ition~z proposes wa3.vers af the following to constriic't r~ L and 'L-story, 11-~.init condominium comple:c: ( A? i~%~~.~~~.~~_~ 1.s4 51, - ~~.x ~.4L.~1~ i 1Sj3_~'1~.~~ ~~ • ('~0 t~~ rc:uired; 4~~g~,~ propose~) 0458r -i- r~cos-23s ~ ~ Y~k .^ ;; ~ ~/S .. , di7~~t ~.~, r~ , , .. . . ., ~ . :r: I ti ' (B) SE~T. NS _8s.~.~4S2.~az_ - and 1QL~z,q62 plq ( C ) ~CT IQN 1~~ ls.~q ~.1 -~~* ;eT~ ~:!:~t~ M~xam ~~.m s r i tuxa,l ti~iak~t. ' (~~Q.ries per~,~~_-~~~her~1~.,5.Q feet from singlQ famal~ rasid~ntial zoninq; ~~~r,_~~ prono-~~~_?~F~~t Lrom RS-7200 zoning) - Pe~,~tted en~roaCh-~r~n~ iztt~,rg4~_~d yard~. (Reguired: parkin~~p~~ ~ ~,@rmitCed to encroaeh into Eront yard o~ yard area adjacent to single Eamily ~esidenciaZ zone to west; Propos~d: ?, OpPn~g~Ges located 2 f f ront y --------g~ f rom p~~:opert line and open rnac -. loca~;g41 2 _fe~t from we~t RS-7200•-zoned pr~pertien). ~D) ~ECTIONS ~_~~Qq.~Q~.~~._S~l - l~r.i.mum f nc~ hgagt~t,~ 1~~Oay04~.1Q2 (~~n~ 6~~ Permitto3; 7 f 18 3__ 1__ ,____064~~ nortY. east and wQSt property~linQS~pQ3ed alonq 2. Thar th~ ~bov~-mentioned waivers (A), (II) and (Cj are hereby grarlted on the basis that there are speai~~l circumstances applicable to the property such as size, shape, top~graphy, location and suLroundings whicn d~ not apply to otner iclentically foned proper~y in tY,~ same vicfnityj and that sL•rict ~~p13.cation oi the Zcning rod~ ~;~prives tl:e ~roperty of privilegos enjoZ•ed by other propert,ios in the ident:tcal zoria anci c.lassification in the vicinity, 3. Z'hat the above-mc~:iti~nQd waiver (U) is hereby granted for a wall height of e.ight Eeet along adjacent single family rQS:,dentfal z~ning (~~ m~Y be agreed to by the abutting propezty ewners) to mitigate ~ny i.mpacts of subject residQritial condominium ~roposal and on the basis that there are special circumstances applicable to the property such as size, shape, topography, location and surrour_diny~ which do not. apply ~o oth~~r iden.tically zoned property in Che sarne vicinity; and that strict a~plication af the Zoning Code cieprives thQ proporty of. nrivileges anjuyed by other ~ropertiQS in the identical zone and classification in the vicinity. ~. Th3t thQre are exce.prional or extraardinary circ~unstattces or COIlC3~~lO11S applicable tc~ the properL•y invol.ved or to tho intended use oI the Lroporty that do not apP1Y nenerally to ttie property or clas~ of use in thQ ~rne vicinity ancl zane. 5. Thak the roquestr-3 var.iancQ is necessary fa~ the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right pus~ossad by otYier propQrty in ~h~ 3amc~ vicini~y aud zone, and deniod to the property in queytion. F. That tha requQSCed varianco will not be mat-erially detrimenr_~1 to t2ie pub.li~ wQlfare or injurious to tho ~,roper.ty or improvemonts fn such vicinity and z~r.e~ in whlcn lhe propor~y is locat8d. 'l. That no onR .i,ndicated thQir presanco at saic~ public hoari.ng in oppo~iti.on; aiid that no correspondenr.e was received .in opposftion to subjo~~ patition. -2- PCCO-l38 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r . +~ •~~ r> ~ ' ~'ti r~~ ~ ", s ~a+i ,~~~ ^y~ALI~Q.RNIA F.NVIRQN~],~~.L U~LIT~.,~~T _FI DI.~1 : That tho Anahe3m City Planning Commission lias reviewecl thc~ proposal to reclassif~~ subject proper~y from the RS-7200 (Residontial, Single-Family) Zono to the RM-3000 {ResidQntial, ~fultip;e-Family) Zanc~ and to cons~ruct a].-storv and 2-aL•ory, I1-unit condominium complex with waivers of min3murn building site width, maximum structural height, permiCtied eneroaehmant into roquirc~cl yards c~nd maximum f~nce height on a rectangularly-stiaped par~el of land consis~iiig of approximately 0.8 acre, having an approximlte fro;ntages of' 171 f~e~ on the north side of Cypress Street, having a maximum depth of approximate].y I95 f.eat, being Zocated appr•oxima~ely 7Q feFt west- of the c~:nterline of Coffman Street and further describod as 1811, 1817 and 1821 East Cypress Street; znd daes here~y approve the Negative Decla.ration upon finr~ing that it has considared the Negative Declaration t~gethar with any comr.i.nts recc~ive~l durzxiy the ptxb~ic rQVaew pro~ess and furY.ber finding on th4 ~asis of the initial s~udy and any comment,s rec~zved that therp is no subs:~ntial evidence that the projecL• will have a signiEicant efEect on the environn;ont. NOW, THERGFORE, BE I1' RF;SOLVEA that Lhe Anaheim City Pl~nning Cormnission does hereby grant subject Petition for Variailce, upon the fallowing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prereq~.iisite to the proposed use of thc subject proporty in order to prossrve the saf~~ty and genezal welfare of the Citizens of l2ie City qf Analieim: 1. That this Variai-ce i~ gz•anr.ed sub;ject ta tiie adoption of the 'Loning Ordinanr.e iai connectiou .: ith Recl~:ssificat;ion No. 88-89-].0, now pendir.g. 2. TY,at prior to issuance of a biiilding permit, the appropriate traffic signal assc~ssment fee sha11 be paid t~ tha City of Anaheim in an amount a~s dotermined by City Ceuncil rosoJ.ution. 3. Thak a tract map to rocord th~ d3.vi,ion of suhjoct property shall be submitted to and. approved by the City of l~.naheim and L•hen l~o recorded in the Offico of tno Or3r,re County Ctecorder. 4. 'That subject proporty shal]. b~~ served by unciorc~rounr~ utilities. 5. That all sma11 car spaces shall bc+ :zo smaller than eight (8) Leet in width by tifteen (15) feet in depth. 6. That prior to commencem~.^.t of st:ructural framiny, oi--sxte fire riyflrant3 shal.l bs in;;tallecl az~d charged as requir•ed and approv~d by the City FirQ Department. r; 7. That a Eire L•ruck turn-around aroa shall bd provic3ed and maintainecl on-~iCe to the satisfaction o£ the City E'ire De~partmenC. Said turn-around aros shall be kcpt clear at a1Z timos and may be constructeci of tur.f block .if accepted by the City Fire Den~ar~ment. -3- PC88-238 '0. -l ~.i'~~•';Y ~ ;, . . . . . . ''°~t`3 8. 'rhat qates shall not be installed across the private street in a maiiner which may adverse.ly ai£ect vehicular traific in L•he adjacent public street. Installation oP any gatps sha11 contorm to th~ Engi.neering Divisi.on's :;tandard Plan No. 4U2 and sha11 be subject to thQ review an..~ approva~ ~f khe CiL-y Traffic EngineQr. 9. That drainage of subject property shall be disposPd of in a manner ,a~isfactory to the City Enyineer. 10. Thaf: trash storage ara~s shall be provided a.nd maintain~d in a location acceptable to th~ Street Maa.ntenance anit Sanil:ation Aivisior~ and in accordanc~ witn approved plans o~i file witli said Divisi~n. 11. That all air c~nditioning f.acilities ancl otlier roof and ground mounted equipmeni: shall be properly shielded from view, anc~. the sound bulEered from adjacent resi~lential properties. 12. That an eigtlt (8) toot high masonry block wall shall be coxistructed and maintained along r.he north, east, south and west prupertiy lines abutting single family xesidential zoiiing, unless written approval is given by the adjacent pro~Erty owners for a lo~•:Pr block wall (minimum 6-fooC higti)s provided, houevc ~'that the wall tieigh~ shall not excead thre~e (3) fc~et 3n the front setback. 13. That subjecL- proper.ty shall be devoloped subst~nCially in ~ccordanca with Qlans ar.d spacifications on file with ttae City oE Anaheim marked ~xk~ibit Nos. 1 tnrough 6. 14. That prior to issuance of. a buildiny permit, or within a period af one vear trom the aate of tliis resolution, whichever occuz~ first, Candition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, and 12, above-mezxtioned, shall be complied with. Extc~nsio~~ for furL-her time t~ campl~:te said uond.itzons may be grar~ted in accordan~e with Section 18.03.09U of rhe Anaheim Municipal Code. 15. That prior. to final builaing and z~ning xnspactions, Cor~dz~ion Plos. 4, 9, 10, 11, and. 13, ~bove-montioned, shall be cnmplied with. 16. Tha~ approval of• Lhi~ application constitutes upproval of the proposed requosti; ontl+ to the exrent thaY. it complies wit:h L•ha ~naheim MuniCipal Zoning Code and any other applic~ble City r.egu.lations. Approval does not in~l~.ide any action or fi.nciings as to comp.liance or approval of the xoqu~st regarding any cL•hor applicable orciinance, regulation ~.r requirQment. EE IT FURTHER RESOLV~D that the Aitahsim Cir.y Plannirig Commissi~n does heroby find and deterrnine Ck~at adoption of this Kesolution is exrr~ssly predicatfld upon applicant's comp'liance wikh each and sll of ttis conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any siach condiCions, or any part ~hereof, be decl~-red inval.id or unenforce~.ble by the final jucigment af any court of ~ompetent juriadiction, then t~is Rosolutinn, and any approv~~.s t~erofn cantained, sliall be deemed null and void. _q~ PC88-238 °' ~'.,l ~ ~, ;:iC~~..:~ • ...,,,, ~ :,F . THE FOREGOING RESOLUTTON is signed and approved by me this 29th day of August, 198a. ~ , . ~; . ,: ~ i _ - - `'~ ~,~ ~ r ~ „'%~,..- ' /'%'.rl~'i-*_ -r ~._:l1 °~1~~:.-~-~ CHAIRWOM~~1, ANAHEIM CTTY PLANNING COMMISSION ~, ,; ti , Y}~ ATTE S'1: .~ ~..~ u~_~,~- ~ SECRETARY, ANAHEYM CIT.% PLANNING C02~2ISSZON STAT~ Or CALIFORNLA .• -- ~ /' , ,,~ -,'" _ ~r~~~~~-~`~ -.e~-{ SGCRETARY, ANAHEIM CrTY. P~.ANN~NG CQh4rS:SSION -5- PCBfl~-239 ^ ::: COUNTY OF ORANGE ) s;,. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Eaith L. FTarris, SQCretary of the An~heim City Planning Commission, du here~y certify that the forego~ng resolution was passod and adopted ai; a m i:ing of tho Anaheim City Planning Commission ha.ld on X.tagust 29, 1988, by tc~e Eollowing vote of L•he m~mbers thereuf; AYE;S: CObIIrfI5SI0NGRS: EiOiTAS, $OYDSTUN, CARUSYLLO, FEI,U"riAUS NOES: COtyII~iISSIOP:GR5: NONE ABSENT: COh4~fISSIONF;ktS: HRFBST, MC BURNEY, MRSSE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Z have hereunto se~ my hand this 29th day of Auyust, 1988. ;~ ~~;