PC 88-241r;~ S :,~ r~ ~ ~ ~;, ,; ~:; RES L ITT N NQ`PC,~-241 A RE.~.'OLUTION OF TH~, ANAI~IEIM CTTY PLANN~NG COMtQISSION T'HAT PETI":'zON FQR CONDITIO~IAL `JSE PERMIT N0. 3056 BE GRANT.ED WHEREAS, the Anahc~im City Planniny Commission did receiv~e a aerified Petii:ion for Conditional Use Permit Erorn Anne P~ulug, P.O. Box 4349, Anaheim, CA 92803, owner, and Carl Rarchor Enterprises, 1200 N, Harbor Soulevard, . Anaheim, CA 92~03, agent, for certain real proporty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as: COMMFNCING AT TFiE INTEIZSECTIONS OF THE CENTER LTNES OF RIO VISTA STR~;~:T AND ANAHEIM-OLIVE ROAD. NOW K~TOFIN AS LINC,OLN AVi,NUE, AS SAID STREETS A'_FE SHOWN fJ23 A riAP OF 3URVEY R~CORDFD IN BOOK 21, PAGE ~A5 OF 12FCQRD OF SURVEYS, IN THF OI'FICE OF TH~ CpUNTY. FGCARDER OF SATD ORANCE COUNTY, T.ND RUNNING TfIFNLE 50'J~'H 0 AEGREES J.4' 26" WEST ALANG THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SGUTHWGST Qi1ART~R OF SAID SECTION 7, 269.68 rE::T TO THE SOUTH T.,INF pF SAID ~iORTHWWST QiJARTER OF TFI~ SO~JTFiWEST QUARTER; TtiFNC~ P~QRTFI fl9 DEGR~ES 53' li" EAST, ALOb'G SAIll SUUTH LIAIrE, 192.36 FEET TO TIiE TRUE POINT OF F3EGINtrING OF THE LAND HEF.EIN DESCRIEED; RUNNIN; TiiENCE NORTFi 89 DE:GREES 53' 'll" EAST, ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 140 FEET; THENCE NORTTi 0 DEGREES 06' 49" WEST 150.14 FEET TQ AN INTERSECTION WITFT A LINE PARALL~~ ~TITH AND 53 FEET SOUTHW~STERL'Y OF' SA:[D CEN'PER LINE OF LINCOLN AVENU~; T'rIENCE N~RTFI 7a DEGREES 54' 31" WEST, ALONG SAID PARAL,L~L LINE TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE F'AST LIN~ OF tIiE LAND llESCI2IBED TN THE LFASE TO SOCONY MOBIL OIL COtdPANY, IIZC., RLCORDED AUGJST 6, 1562 I.T BOOK 6206, FAGE 311, OFFICIAI, RECORLS; THENCE SOUTH 0 AEGREES 1~' 26" WEST, AL0:1G SAID EA~T LIN~ ANn TF3E SO[iTFIERLX EXTENSION xHEREOF 177.66 FEET TU THE 7.'R11E POINT OF THE BEGINNTNG. WHERE~S, the Cil~ P].anning C~mmission dicl hald a public heaXing at the Civic Cen~sr in the Gity of Auaheim on Aug~ist 29, 19t18, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing havzng been duly given as requir~d by 1aw aud in accordance with L-he provisiong of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidencc~ foz ~nd against said ~roposod conditional use permit and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and 0470r -1- PCUB-241 ~ ~ ~~ WHERLAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itsal~ and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence aad reports of.fere~d at said liearing, da~s fa.nc~ aiid determirie the followang facts; 1. That ~he pro~osed use is properlp one for which a conditior.al use permit is author.ized by Arnaheim Municipal Coc1e Section t:o ~ Wi~: to permit a drive-t;hroug;h addition to an ~xis~ing fast-Eood restaurant. ;; z. That the prorase~d us~ wi11 not adversely ~ffect L-he acljoining land uses 3T1C1 th~ growth and uevelopment of the~ s:rea in which it is proposed to be located. ; 3. Thal• the size and sn~xpe of the site proposQd f.or the use is ~,; ~dequaL-e ~o allow the iull deve].opmexit uf the proposed u~e in a manner npt ~' detrimental to tne particul.ar area nor to the N9ace, iiealth, saFety and general welfare aF the Citizens of t}ie City o£ Anaheim. 4. That ~he granting o£ the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions impossi~, if any, will not be detrimPntal to the peace, hea].th, ~afety and general w~lf3re of t2~~ Citizens ~f thQ City ~f Anaheima 5. That the trafFzc generated by the proposed use wi1:1 not imposa an undue burden upon the s'treets and highways designed and improved to carr~ tho rraFfgc in the ar.ea. 6. ThaC two persons indic~t~d their prc;sence at said publxc hearinq in opposi~ion; and that no c~rre~pondence was received in opposition ~o the subj~ct peti~ion. ~LIF'ORNIA ENVIRQNMENTAL UUALITY ~~ FTNDTN~; That ~:ha AnahQim ~ity Planning Cammiss3on has reviewed tkie proposal ~o permit a drive-through additzon to an existing fast-food res~aurant on a irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of appL•oximatoly 0.52 acre, having a fron~age of approximately 141 feet on the south side of Lincoln Avenue, having a maximum depth of approximate~y '177 £eet, boing located approximately 195 feet east of the centerline of Rio Vzsta Streot and further described as 2820 E. Lincaln Avenue (Carl's ,Tr.); and does hAre~y approve the Negative Declarat;ion upan findirig thar it has considered tho Negatavo Aeclar.ation hogether with any cnmments xeceivod durinq ~he pv.blic review procoss a~cl turther fir~ding on the basis oL• the in~.tial study un:3 any cornmdnts recezve@ ttiat tharo is na substantial evidonce trat the project will have a signif•icant effect on the environment. NOW, TF~ERrFORE, HE T~ RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plt~nnirig Co-nmissi~n does hereby grant subject Peti~i.on for Cnnditional Use Permit, upon ~ho foll~wing conditions whir;h are l~.ereby ~ound to be a nQCessaxy prerequisxte to the riroposed use oE th~ subjec~ property in order to ~reserve the safety and genQral welfare of the Citizens oE the City of An»heimt 1. That the legal owner of subject property shall acc;uire a recorded cov~enant gr~nting an accQSS easement from the legal property owner immediately ear~torly of subject property ~or ingress and sgrQSS purposos to subject property. Said easement shal7. bc~ designed in a manner satisfactory to tha -2- 1'C-88-2A1 `~' ~:ti ~ ~ ',.~ ~ ' City Traffic Erigineer and said covQnant sha11 be in a form satisfactary to the City Ai:tornay. A copy of the recorcled c~vanant skiall b~ sabmit~ed to the Zoning Aivision. 2. That all drivoways shall be raconstructed ~o accommodate tc~n (10) foot radius curb returns, said driveways sha:11 b~ a mznimum of 25 £eet in width. Existing braken or cracked driveways shall be removed and r~placed ;: as requirecl by the City En.gineer, , 3. That a raised six (6) iizch curb shall b~ consfiL•ucted along the outside parimeter of the drive-througr. 1ane. 4. That, in order to facilitate on-sate tr.asY- vehi~le ci.rculation, those tree walls marked Nos. 3, 4, and 5 on Exhibit No. 1 shall be removQd. In ~d~ition, the area between the east ~roger~y lixxe a:id 'Pree Well No. 2 and between. tiZe wes~ property line and Tree Well Nn. 6 sha11 bP fully landscaped. 5. Th~t the order speaker shall b~~ eqaipped wiL-h a voltune control. ; : ;, ~".. ~~: K%' < , j 5. That trash sloraqe areas shall be provided and mai,ntained in a location ar.ceptablQ to the Stree:. Maintenance~ and Sanitation Divisian and in accordanc~ witY~ approved plsns on file with said I-ivision. 7. That the proposal sh~s:11 cnmpl~ wi~:h all signing rf:quirements of thQ CL "Comm~raial, Limited" Zone, unle~s a variax~ce allowing s.iqn waivers is approved by the City Council, Planning (:ommi~sion or Zonin~ Administrator. 8. That an eighL- (9)-foot high masonry block waYl shall be maintained along the soutk: propex•ty 1ine; ~nci that the ow:~er/developer shall bQ resnonszble f.or both sides of ti:a ~aa11 along ~heir pz~oparty line and als~ for the m~xnter~ance and cleau-up of the drivsway along their prflperty line by removal of. any debri5 or tra~h, 9. That any proposed parkxng aren lighting fixtures adjacent to any residential prc+perty sha11 be down-iighted with a maximum height af twelve ,~';~ (12) feet. 5aid lightinq fixtures shall Le directed c~way from adjaaent residential properLy~ lines ~o protect the rp~identiat integr9.Yy of the area. '10. Thah the on-site landscaping sha'1 be maintained in compliance with City standards . ~~~,;~z 11. Trat subjcct property shall be develop~~; substantia'llk ir. accordance with plans and s*?eciti-._.~tions on .file witr rhe ~ity ~f. Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos . '1 throug2x 3 . 12. That prior to commancomant o~ ~he activity author.ized by Y.his r~:solution, grior to issuar.ce of a building nrrmit, or within a period ~f one year `'~ ~rom the date of th.is Lesolution, wnichsver occurs fix~t, C~ndition No. 1, abovc~-mentioned, shal~ be cornplied witho Extensi~ris Eor Further time to comp7~ete said condi~tions may be ~ranted in accordance v~ith SQCtion ''~ 18.03.090 oi the t~r~aheim Munzcipal Cnde. T`?,' ~~ ' ; ~; -3~ PC-8£~-29Z ,; ~~ . ~ 'r~~:~.';:~ ?: ~ ir y ~ ~ p~1~ ~ ~~a ,~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ F f 1~ ' 13. 'T}.iat prior to ~he cpnunencement uf ~he activity authorized Ly this raso'lution, or final bixilding and zoning insp~ctions whichever occurs first, C~ndition Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 anci 11, above-mentioned, shall be aomplied with. '14. That appx•oval of ~his application constiL-utes approval of. ~he proposed request only to the extenC that it complios witli the Anaheim Municipal Zoning C~de and any other applicable City regulation.s. Approval does not i.nclude an~~ action or findings as ~o compliance or approval oF tlie request regardzng ariy other applzcable ordin~nce, regulation or requirement. BE IT L'LiRTFIER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does ~; ~ hereby find and determine that ad~ption of i:hi~ kesolution is expressly r;, prediaz.ted upon applicant's compliance wiL-h o~:ch aizd aJ.l of the conditions ~:' hereinabov~ set .f.orth. Shou.ld any such conditinns, or any part theroaf, be '~ declared invalid or uner_f.orceab].e by the final judgm~nt o~ any court oE ~ comoeten~ jurisdzction, then this ResoluL-ion, and anp approvals herein ,y contained, shaJ.l be dQemed null and void. ,' ;t ,~ - THE: FOREGQING RE~QLUTION is signed and appr~vec3 by rne t.his 29th day of ~: Augu~t. 1988. , ~ ~j ~ ~, , 'r :, : ~ ~/ i ~'L`J %~ I'~_r::..~a' ~ _ :. ~,t7 •'~ ; CHRIR.WOM~;~ANAHEIM CIrY PLANN'ING COt~II~lIS:~ION v `~ ATTEST: /'/'~ ~ :f; G •/ ~ ) ~ . . ~.~II. s ~, ~"..~._~~ 1 ../ . ~~ ~ ;; S~CRETAR.l, ANAHEIM C TY PLANN?NG COMMISSIUN _ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY QI' O~tANGE ) ss. CTTiC OF ANAHEIM j ]:, Edith L. Harris~ Secrekary of r,ho Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certiEy that the ~oreqoing resoluL-ion ~vas passecl and adopscad at a me~ting of the Arxaheim City Plannzng Cammission Y~eld on AugusL• 29, 19a8, by the following vote of the members there~f: A'.tES: COMh1ISSY0NERS: EiQLTAS, ROXDSTUN, CARUSILI,O, FELbHAUS N0~5: COhIIdTSSI0~IERS: NQN~ ABSENT: COMMISSi:ONERS; FIE~2SST, MC BURNGY, MESSE IN WITNE~S W~iEkEOF, I have hereunl:o sst my hand this 29th day of August, 1988. ~ - ~ . ~~~~r~ . .. SF.CRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANI~ING CUtyII~SISSIUN ~'' -4- PC-88-241 ~a': :t~ '; ~ ; ~' .,:;xw~,~,...e.._.....-.,.,.,.: ~. ..r ,,,,,, ,,, ,, , ,.. . . _