PC 88-257 . . . ~ . . . - . . . 1 ., ~~~If ( f a~~lt~~~~~T~'9 ~ .I~ l ~t~ ~~ . i . 1 .f . ~ . _ . . `~ ~ . ~ _;~~( ~' \ R_E~OLUTION N~P~~8-~57 ' A R~:SO~,UTT~N OF TFiE F-~IAH.~.LM CITY FLA2vNING COMMISS'!ON ~ THAT PETIT.T.ON FOR (;ONL~ITIONAi, USE PERMIT N0. 305~1 BE GRA27TED the Anaheim City Planning Commission dad rec~ivo a WHEREAS verif3.e3 ~': , Peti~.ion for Conditi~ntal U~e Permit from LINCOL~T CMA. 2415 Campus vrive, Anaheim, Circ1Q i;:; , :Lrvine, CA 92715, owner, and DENNYS MAIL::,Y, 4511 Eisenhawer d ~n the City oP Anah~im, ''' ~p, g2gp7~ agent, for c~rtain real propez•ty situate County af OrangQ, 5tate of Ca~.i£c~rnia, cleseribed as: PAR(;EL 1 TN THE CITY OF ANAIiEIM, COUNrY Or QRANC~;, ; STATP: C1F CALIE'ORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAr FILED JN BOOK : ~'.• 16A, PAGE 25 OF PARCEL MAYS IN '.fHE OFFICE OF THE: r~~; COliNTY RF~ORDER Or SAID COUNTY. WEiE~tEAS, the City Planning Cnmmission ~3id ho1c1 a public hgarixig at the Civic CeuL+~r in the City ut Anaheim on September .1,2, 7.98(t, a~ 1:30 p.m., nai:ice of said publ.ic hearing havinq been duiy given as rer~uired by law and zn accordancQ ~a9.th the provisions of tYia AnaYieim MuniciPal C~de, Chapter 1A.03, to hear 3nd consider evi@ence for and againsL• said proposed conditional use permit and 'to irivestigate ancl make :Einriings and rer.ammendati~ns in conne~ction Cherewith; and WHEREA5, said Cammission, a.Eter due inspectiar_, investigation and study mac~e by itself a.id in ats behalf, ancl after dtle eansicleration ~~ all avxdence ansl rapor.ts of~gred at s~id hear~.ng, cioe~ find and determiiie tlxe following facfis: That the proposed use is p roperly one for ~which a conditional 1 . u,e permiti i.s authorizod by Anaheim Munic ipal Code Sections 18.OG.050.025~5 29 and 18.61.U50.ti06, to wit: t~ F~ei•mit a gymnastic training cer.ter with parking s~~ces. Th3t th~ proposed use wall noC a3versely aFfect the adjoining 2 . land uses and the growth anu development of tY~e ~rea in which it is proposed to bo located. ~:. , Thar Lhe sa.ze and shape o~ the si~e proposecl :~or the use is 3 ^' . a~equate to allow the full d~velopment of the proposed use in a manner. not detrimental ~o th~ p~rticular area nar to the peace, hoalth, safaty an~ general welfare af L•he Citizens of the City of Anaheim. N That~ ths granting of the Cnndi*_ional. Use PermiL under the 4 , condi::ions imposed, if Tny, wil]. Lo+: be del•rimental to the ~eace, healt,h, sa£ety and qeneral welfare oF the CitizQns ~f thP City of Anaheim. '~' 5. T:~at the traffic gonerated by the pr~pose~~. usa will not impose ar. undao burden upon the streets and h:.ghways desiyned and impr~vQd to carry ; thn tra£Lic in the area. _1_ PCdg-257 0433r ;E• . , ~w ,~ . , , ~~Vr. ': i.; _. { r t1i _... _...,. . , :,,., ..,,.-..,,. .t.,, . -. , r ` ~~ ,y, r ' ~ ~ ,~ , ~ wi~ ~ _..; .,.~ .;~.: ~ ~ ~~ f ~I,4 ~ `Jry ~i,1 t ' ~: i~:i : ~; i);, 6. That no ox~e indicaLed their presence at said public hearing i.n '' oppo~ition; and that no corr~spondence was recoived in opposition to the subject petita.on. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT FTNDING; That the Anaheim Ci~v Plan~ing ~ommission has rovieweQ the proposal to permi~ a gymnastic traini,ng cQnter with ~9 parking spacer nn «n irregularly-shaped parc~l of lar.d con.sisting of approximately C~.o7 acre, having a frc~nrage of r~ppraximately 192 feet on th~e north s.i.de oE Eisenhower Circl~, having a maximum depth of approximately 162 feet, being located approsimately 2d0 £aet east of tho centerlin,~ of Lal;eview Avenue and further described as 4511 Eisenhower Circle; anc~ does hQreby approve the 13egative Aeclarati~n upon finding khat it has Gonsidere~ tlze Negative Declaration together with any~ comments received during the public review process ana ~fuzther fanding on the basis of the initial study and any commsnts receive3 that there is no subsi:antial Pvidance that the project ~aill 2iave a significant effect on the environment. 2v0V7, '.ffIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Aziaheim City Planning Conunissian does hzrPby grant subject P~tition for Condition~l Use Permit, upun ~he following conditions which are hereby :~ound to he a necg~sary pr.erequisite to the proposed use o~ the subject property in order to pr~serve t~e gafety and gen~ral welfaro of tl,e Citizens of the City uf Anaheim: 1• Tha~ l:rash sroraqe areas shall be provided and mairitaine8 in a location accept;able to the Street Maintenance and Sanitation Dzvision arzd in accordance with appr.ovQd plan~ on file with sa~d Uivision. l~ That the proposal shatl comply with al]. signing requirements of tho ML "Industrzal, Limited" ~one, unless a~varianr.e allowing sign wai.vers i5 ap;:,rovod by the Ciky Coun~:il, Planning C~mmisaion or Zoning Admi.nistrator. 3• rhat all actfyities shal? be coi,ducted wholl~• insi3e tha building. '~• That tweiYty-nine (29) vehicle parkin~ spaces uhall be maintained on L•he premises ~.r, al]. times Eor the employees and c~~stomers of the preposed use. 5• That all air conditioning fac~.lities and other roof and ground mounted equipment sha11 be properly sh.ielded from viewe 6• That the oi~-site l~sndscaping shal? ba maintained in compliance with City standarcls . ~• :hat subjec~ pzoperty shal?. be devplape~d ,;ubstantially in ar,cordanc~ with plans and specif•ications on file wxth the Ci~y oE :4nahuim mark~.,d Exhibit Nns. 1 axid 2. 8• rh~st GonQi~ion Yo~. 1, 5 and '1, above-mc~nt.i.ane~", ~hall be completod rri~hzn a~~~~iod of sixty (60) days fzom L-he date ot this resolutiio~, ~ PC88-257 ~ ~ •~ ,~ `:'.il ~~s:'1~ `1.: ir ~ t, ~ ~~;j ~ ~ ~ ~i ; ~ <<; ,..: .~~~..~.~~_i;~ ~ . i.~t% 4 1~. ~ ~ 9. Th~t subjoct use is ~pproved for a peri~d of Eour and one half (4-1/2) years, to expire on Fek~ruary 28, 19~3. 10. Th~-t a~~proval of t~iis application constitutQ~ mpproval of the Fro~osail request only to the Qxtent that it complies with the Anaheim Municip~l Zoninq Ccde ancl any othr~r applicable City r.equlati.ons. A~proval do~s not incluBE any sction or findings as to com~~liance ~r apprnval of the requc~st regarding anI• othor applicak>le ordinance, r~gu].atior- or raquirement. BF I1' FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission dues hereby find and detsrmine tt~at adopti~n of this RQSOlution is exgrossly predicated upon applicant's complianco with eacb. and a11 of th~ condiLior.s hereinabove set forth. SYiould any such condi.~ions, nr ~Zny part theroof, be de~:larec: invalid or unenPorceable by tho final judgment of any c~urt of compQtent, jurisdiction, ttier- thfs Fesolution, and any approvals hc~rein cuntained, sliall k~c~ r~eemQd null ar.ci void. THE FOREGO~NG R~SOLUTION is ;igned anci appr~ved b~ me L:~is 12th day of SEptember, 1988. - - ---r~r~-~~-!~'~~-` ~~~/ ~ ~, 'j( ,~'•..:= ~:1 ~ _. -- ~:riAIRWOMAN, ANAHEIM CITY FLANNIPTG COty4~SISSTrJPi ~ ~! A1'TEST : 7 r~1 ---- -6Q..C.~~ ,~:~.__ ~!'it^-~ --_- R~:CRETAI2X, ANAI~IFIM CiTY PLI~.tJtITi7G CO'y1MMISSION STATE OF CALIFOItNIA ) CQL'NTY OF OdANGE } ss. CITX OF AN1J(EIM ) S, Edit2i L. Harris, Sacr~rary of the Anaheim City Planr.3nq Commi.ssion, do hQreby certify that th~ foregoing resolu~ion was passud and adoptec~ at a meeti.ng of tho Anahaim City Planninq Commissfon heYd an September 12, 1980, by the following v~;;e of the members thereof: AYE5: COMMISSIOhERS: BOUAS, BOYI)STliF7, CAItUSILi.O, FELDHAUS, MC Ri7RNEY 21QES: COMASISSIO2rERS: NONE 1.BSBNT: COMM'LSSIONEt2S: HERF3ST, MES5E IN WYTNESS WEiBRBUF, I have tie:eunto sec my ha~:d this 12th d8y uf September, 19A8. ~ ~ _._._____.--~~~ ~.° - _._ _ S~CEtETA[tX, AN7-TiEIM CITY F[,ANNING COMMISSI~1~ 3 PC88-257 _+ i<;~ r,,-4