PC 88-261 r''A~, '- R~SOiUTION rro. Pc88-26i. A MTNC PRO TtTNC RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PGANNING COi~lISSION AMENDING RESOLU'ZON N0. PC88-216 A.DOPTED IN CONN~CTI023 WIxH RECLASSTFI.CATIGN N0. 89-89-8 WHERLAS, on August 15, 1988, R~classification No. R8-89-ti was gran~ed by the Planning Commission ~o reclassify subject property consi.stiing of. appraximately ~.1 acres located on ~he south side of Broadway, approximately T.50 feet east of the centerline of Gilmar Street an~ £urther dasci•ibod as 15Q~ West Brosdway from the RS-A-913,000 (Residential, Agricultu:al) and RS-5,000 {Resiclent:al, Single Famxly) 2ones ta the RM-3,000 (Residential Multip:le Ftimily) Zone; and WHEREA.S, certaizi clerical errors were mada iu Resolution Na. PC(i8--216 adopt.ed zn connection with said reclassification. NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT R~SOLVED, ~hat l-he Anaheim City Planniny Commission doES hcreby amend Resolution No. PCBR-216, in its entire~y, to read as to:llows: • "WHERF.AS, the Anaheim City P.lanning Commission c~id recei.ve a verified patition for Reclassificataon frott~ AFASAD SHOJA.ADDINT, 1216 E. La Palma, Nc. B, A~aheim, CA 92b~ owner, and RONALD CROWLEY, X70~ Itaintr9e Road, Fuller~o:z, CA 92635, agent, of certain rQal property situated in tho City of Anakicim. Countx of OrangQ~ Stat$ af Californi.a~ described as follows: PARCGL A: THAT PORTION OF THE EAST HAL.F OF LOT 9 OF HELEN ANA LYNCH' S Ai3DITI0N TO ANAHF.IM, IN TEIE CITY OF Ar~AfIE.LId, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECQRDE;T~ IN AOGR 442, PAGE 158 OF' T~EEDS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGEL~ES CviJNTY, CALIF'ORNXA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOW;~: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAJD LUT 9; TH~NCE SOUTH 88 DEGR~ES 5~k'42" WEST 239.06 FFET ALONG THE ~IOFiTH LiNE OF SAID I,OT 4 TO THE TRUE POINT bF BEGINIiING; iHENCE SO(JT?i 0 DEGREES 10' 08" EAS'P 1t2.41 FEET ALONG A LTNE PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID LQ~ 9; 1'1_ENCE NORT~i 8(i DEGREE~ 54' 42" EAST 73 . 63 FE~T.; THENCE SOUT.H 0 DEGREES 10'08" EAST 91.61 FEET TO A POINT UN .~. CURVE CONCAVE SOiJTHEASxERLY HAVING A RADIUS 0? 45.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEAST.RLX ALONG SAID CTJRVE FROM A TANGENT BEARING SOUTH 70 DEGREES 10'll" EAST, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 81.33 FEET 'TO A REVERSE CURVE, HAV+NG A RADIUS OF 45.00 FEET, A RADIAL E'ROM THIS PO'[NT HAVING A BEARING OF NORTH ~a6 D~GRE~,S 36'42" WEST; THENCE SOUTHERLY hN ARC LISTAbTCE OF ].0 e 27 FEET ALONG SAID CURVE TEIRQUGH A CENT~tAL ANGJ~E OF 13 DE(~REES 04' ].2"; THENCE NORTE 89 DEGREES 02' 14" EAST 118. 24 FEFT TO T~IE WESx LINF. Or THE EAST 31.00 FEET OF SAID LOT 9; TFiEHCE ALO~iG SAID WEST LINE NORTH 0 UEGREES 10'0$" WEST 310.g4 FEET TO THE NORTH LINF. OF SATD LOT 9; THENrE ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, SOUTH 88 AEGREES 54'42" WEiT 209.06 FEET TO THE TRiJE~ POINT OF' 3~GINNING. 6128d PC88-261 :~; ,;~ ~ ~' ';;~ ~i,;, .' 'ra;~ r ..., .::iJi~ ~ 1 ~i 'I, ?;; ; l~t' . ~ . . ~ ~. ~ , ~~ ~ ~~aiGj~~' ~ ~' ';,~. . ~ ":. PARC~L H; LQT A OF TRACT 4201, IN TFiE C:fTX OF i1NAHEIM, AS SHQWN ON F+ MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 380, PAGES 23, MAPS, RECORDS fJF SAID ORAN~E COU~7TY, CALIFORNZAnd 26 OF MZSCELLAN~OUS ,;:,: WHEREAS, the t;ity Planning Commission dacl k~old a public hearing 8t ,I +:.he Civzc Center in thc~ City of Anaheim •~UI notice of said public hearing having bepn aul ~igust 15, ZggB, a~ ~.;30 p.m„ ;~ accozdance with the provisions of the Anaheim~ M nici~+ale C de, ~ hapter 1ga03,~ c to hear and consider evidenc~ tor and against said proposed reclassification '~j and to in~~estigate and inake findings and rec~mrnendations in .. therewzth• ` '' . and conneckion `.`.~~i V~HEI2EAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investiga~ioYx and ~tuc~y macle by it~~1f and in a.ts behalf, and aft~r due eonszderation oE al~ evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following f.acts: 1• That +~he petiL•ioner proposes rec].~S,ification ~,f subjecL• property from thP RS-A-43,Q00 (Residential, Agricultural) and t~e (.Residential, Single Family) Zo~es r.o thP RM-3,000 RS-5,OOQ . Family) Zone. (Residential, Multiple z• That the Anahpim G~neral Plan designates subje~t proper~y for Medium Density Fesi.dentia], land uses permitting up to 36 dwelling units per gross acre. 3• xhat t•.h~ proposed reclassification oE subject propert~r is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper development of. the community. g• That the proposed reclassificatien oE subject property does propexly relate to the zorces and their proximi.ty to sub'ect Permitted uses locally established .in close ] property anci to tiie zones and their permitte3 uses generally eStablishod thr~ughouL• the com~u~ity. 5• That the proposed reclass~,Fication qf ,~ubjer.t pr~perty raquires the improvement of abutting strQets in accordance wi the General, plett~ due to ~hE anticipated increa e tan trafEict whi~hl w 11 be generatoc3 by the inte:isi~icatipn of land use. 6• xhat seven (7) per~ons indicated L•heir presence at said ,public hearing ir: opposition; and tha~ nn correspor.dence was rereive~ in opposition to subj2ct petition. ALIFQRNxA ENVIR pl;vlENTAL 4UALIT}„(„ AC1 FINDIN Planning Commiss.i~n has rQViewc~d the proposal to re lassify~ s bject hprapexty Erom L•he RS-A-43,000 (Residenkial, Agricultura l) a z ~ d R S•. Sin gl e F a m i. l y) z ~ nes to the Rld-3,000 S, O O t 7 ( Residential, to construct a 2-~tary; ].5--unit resicle tia Qncondomir~ium ple FamiYy} Znne and of minimwn str•ucturai ~-nd parking setback adjacent to an~mnrter alhhwghways 0128d 2 PCt38-2b1 , . .. ,.. . ~ 7q,~}ti:cE; . . .. .. . , , ;,~'~ ~ r,. ~~~ , . . . ~'Fl11.1~~ r`~ . , . . . . ' }~ ~ . . ~ . ' ,~,,,~;i ~ minimum landscape3 setback adjacen~ to s3.ngle far,iily residential development, and maximum fencs height adjacent to a local street on an zrregularly-shaped parcel of land cdnsisting of approximately l.l acres having a frontage of approximaL-ely 210 f~et on the south side oi• Br~adway, having a ma~imum depth of appraximately 266 feet, being lor.ated approximately 250 feet east of the centerline af Gilmar Stroet and further describ~d as 1500 Wast Broadwayi and does hereby approve the Negative Declars~tion upon finding that it has considered the Negative Declarati~n together with any comment~ received during the public review grucess and further finding on the basis of the initi.al study and any comments received that therg is no substantial evid~nce that the pro;ect will have a szgnif.icant effect on the environment. 270W, THEREFORE, T3E IT RESOLVED kha~ the Anaheim City Planuing Corunission doe~ hereby grant subject Petitiun far Reclassification and, by so doing, that Tit1e 18-7.onfng of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended ta exclude from the abov~-c~escribed proper.ty from the RS-A-43,Q00 (Residential, Agricultuzal) (Portion A) and RS-5,Q0t1 (Residential, S.ingle Familw? (Port.ion B) Zoues to the RM-3,000 (ttesidential, Multiple Family) Zone and incorporate sa?d descxzbed property upon the following conditians ahicn are hereby found to be a necessary prezQquisite to the proposed us~ of subject property in order to preserve the safety an8 gener~~l welfare of the Citixens of the City of AnaY:eim; 1. That a;Eee shali be paid to tlse City of. Anaheim for sr.reet lightxng along Broadway in an nr.s~unt as determined by City Council resolutian. 2. That a fee shall be paid t.o the C~ty of Anaheim for tree planting along Hroadway in an amount as determined by City Council resoluticn. 3. That vehicular and ped°strian access rights to GilL~uck Drivo sha7,1 b~ dedicated to tha City of Anaheim. 4. That the ~wner of subjeck property shal7. submit ~s lettez requssting terrnination of Conditional U~e Perm:it No. 1872 to the Zanznq Divisi.on. 5. 'That prior to the introduction cf an ordinance rezoning ~ubject praperty, Conditian Ncs. 1, 2, 3 and 4, above-m~ntioned, shall ba completec;. 'The provisions or rights granted by this resolution shal7. become nu11 and void ::v actioiz of tk~e F~laaning Cammission unless said conditiuns are ' compli.e9 with ~,ithin ane year from the c'.ate of t:.is r~solution, or such ~ further ~ime as the Pla~ning Cpmmission m~,y gr~nt. ,~ `; 6. That apQzoval of tnis applicatxon const-tukes appraval of the propos~d request only to the extent tha~ it c~mpliss with the Anaheim Municipa.l Zoning Code an4 any other apg~l3cab:ie City regulations. Approval does n~t inaluc3e any action or findings as to compliauce or approval of the requgst regarding any otlier applicable ordinance, regu~ation or requirement. U128d 3 PCa8--2b1 ,+ ~ ''4" ;;' ,,~r ~ , :F~'~~ ~ ~ 1 vf , r H ~ ~ ~ , l ~ ~ i ~;i ?~¢,s ...,.. ~,. ;; ."''aq .^'^~~• . ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOL7ED that tha Anaheim City Planning Commissior.. does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolutic~n is express:y predicated upon applicant's cnmpliance with each and all oE the conditions hereinabove set forth. Shoulc~ any such condiLion.s, or any part thzreof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the £inal judg-nent of any court of comp~tent jurisdir.L-ien, then thi~ Resalution, aud any appiova:~s herein conCained, si-alJ. '~e deemed null an" void." AND, BE IT P'URTHER RFSOLVED, that the Anaheim Citp P13nninc* Commission does hereby amencl the vote of the members a~ tho P1aLning Cammission as set farth i.n Resolution No. PCt38-216 to read as foll~ws: AY~S: COMMISSIONEF.S: BOLJAS, BOY'DS1UN, CARUSILLO, FELDHAUS, MEESE NO~S: COMMISSIONERS: HERIIST, bfC BURNEY AESENT: 2tONE THE FOREGO~rrG RESOLUTTON i.s signed and approved by me this ].2th day of Septembe.r, 1988. , ~ :!'~' I . ~/~ ~ ~I ~~"~..~a.,~~ ---- CIiAIRMAN, ,'XINAHSIM CITY ~'LWiNiNG COMMISSION ATT.EST : ~ ~ / '/ , ~ `Y"'-~ , J` ~ / L.~ ~'~ .G ili - . - SECRETARY, ANAIiEIM (;IT~: 1''LANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNTA ) COUNTY' OF Ot2ANG8 ) s s. CIT'1 0~' ANI~FiEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secrota:y of the Anaheim Cit,y Planning Commission~ do hereby certiEy that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meetinq of the A:iaheim City Planning Commis:sion Y~eld an Septembor 12, 1988, by the Eo1lo~aing vote of the members therQOf: ~Y~~: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, FiOYUSTUN, GARLISILLO, FELDHAUS, biCBURN£Y NOES: i.OMMISSIONERS: .NONE AB5ENT: COMN,ISSIONERS: FiBRBST, MESSE IN WITNESS WfiFREOF, I have hereunLo set my hand this 12th day of September. 1913a. ~ ~' ,Q ~ ~,- . j'~~r'Wc.' ~ ~ ~. SECRETACtY, ANAHEIM GITY PLA.2+NING ~OidMZSSION 012tid ~ PC88 -261