PC 88-262~ . ~. . . : . .. . . . . . . . . .. _. . . .. . ~ ,. , ; ...~~ t~ ; ,>~alti 3~~a.~'t!'fi< . . . . . '' { j {~i,~ ~ ' ~~: n.'I RESOL'UTION NG~. PC 88-262 A NUNC PRO TUNC RESOLUTICIN OF THB ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COkII~ST~SION AMENnIIZG RF;SOL' .ON N0. PC 38-215 G~ANTED IN I;QNNECTION WITH CONDtTIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3U53 WHEREAS, on August 15, 1988, the Dsiaheim City Plax~ning Commission grantad Conditional Use Parmit No. 3053 t~ construct a 12-story, 148-foot hiqh, 384-room hotel at. 201 West Katella Avenue, by Resolution No. PC 88-215; and VIHEREAS, the conditions oE approval as included in Resolution No, PC88-215 do not properly reflect the mod.ific~~ions made by the Planning Commission at ~he public 'tieaz•ing and ~he resolution shoul.d be amended to replace ~tis conditions of aPproval as follows: 1. That grior to issuance c£ a building permiL•~•the appropriate traffic signal assessm~ent fee shall bo paid to the City of Anaheim in an amount 3s dstermined by City C~uncil resolution. 2. That ~he legal own.er of sub~ect praperty shall ir•r~vocr~bly of.fer to c~ediaate ta the City of• .Anahe.im an acidi.txonal strip of lancl along Ka~e~la Avenue, measur~d westerly from the ultimate right-of-way liiie at the corner of the intersection pf Katella and Haster AvQnue, and varying in width from twelve (12) Peet for the first th~ae-hurzdred (300} feet and then transitioning from twelve !12) feet to 0£ezt for the next three-hundr;;3 (3'~0) feet and including a 25-foot radius corner re~urn at 2eyn StreeL. 3. That sidewalks sha11 ba insY.alled along ?.eyn Street as rec~uired by the City Fnqineer and in accordance with si:andarc~ plans and speci~icatiox~s on tila in the ~fEice oF the Ca.ty Engineer. 4. That. curbs, gutters and si~ewa].lrs ~hall be repaireci a].ong TCatc~lla Avenue as required by the City Engineer and in accc~rdance with standdrd plans and specifica~ions on file in the Off,ice o~ the City Enqineer. 5. That all existing driveways on KatPlla Avenue and ~eyn Street shall be removad and replaced with standard curb, guttQr ~nd sidewa~k. 6. Th~t all driveways aha~l be constructed with ten (10) fooL radius curb returns as reqvired by the City ~ngineer. E;~isting braken or cracked driveways shall be removed ar.d repl~ced as requirea by the City Engineer. 7. That the prnposed parking sL-ructure design sha].l conform to the~ Engineex•ing Div:ision's Standard Plan No. ~OZ-B pertaining to s~andarfl details `or park,ing structu.res arid ramp r8quirementse H0216b PC88-252 f~ -' -~ - :~~: ~ ~ :, ~ 8. That a L•'acility for tour bus circulation shall be reviewe8 and appro~red by the City Traffic Engineer. •;- r s.r,{ ' ,i'n ~~; ~~; _, 4. That an additianal standpi~e connectiou shall be provided in tYie parking garage to the satisfaction oE the city Fire Department. ':i 10. Thar stro~t lighting faailities along Katel.la Averaue and Teyn Str e eL shall be installed as required by the Utili.ties General Manager in accoraance with specifications un file in the Offi~e of iTtiliti ea General Manager; or that security in the form o£ a bond, certificate of dQposit, letter of credit, or cash, in an amount and fc,rm satisfactory to the City of Anaheim, shall be ppstea with tha Ci~,y to guarantee the s~i:is~actoxy completion of the abave-mentionpr~ imp.roverrents. Said security shall be posted with the Cit~ of Anaheim prior to issuance oE a~uilding permit. ThQ above-reqiiir~d improvements shall be install ed prior to occupancr. '11. That subject property aha11 ~e sarved by undergrounc~ utilities, and that pri.or to the time that a buildin.~ permit is issued, the legal property owner(s) of subjec~ property shall exeeute and recard a covena~,i~ in a form approved by the City Attorne:y's OEficB wherein such awner(s) agree nat to contes~ the f:ormati.on of any assessment distr.ict(s) wnich ma~ hereafter be formed, f.or the purpose of £inancing khe ~.~ndergr~unding af tii~ilities in the Comrner.cial Recreation area, whzch district(s) could include such legal property owner's property. ,~ " 12. That trasr. storage areas shall be provided and maintained in a locat i on '' acceptable to ttie Street idaintena~nce and Sanitat3.on Division and in accordanae with approved p].ans on .tile wi.th said Division. Said trash storage area shall znclude ~ithar a~:rash compactor or an ar~a large , eno~~.gh to acco:nmodate 6-trash bins. ? 3. That drainacJ~ of subjec~ proQerty sY~all be disposed of in a mar~~er satisfactory to the City Engiiieer, I4. ThaL- prior to commencercent of s~ructural framing, fire hydrAn~s shall be installed and chargea as required and approved. by the City Fi re Departm~nt. 15. T.hat all air conditioning facilitios and other rUOt• and ground maunted c~quipment shall be pr~~perly~ shielde~. from vxew. ~ 16. That t'he proposal sha11 comply wiLh a1I siqn3.ng requixements of the CR (Commercial Recreation~l) 2one, unless a variance allowinq siqn waive rs is appro~ed by th~ Citv C~uncil, Planning Commissio:7 or Zoui ng , Adrr~inistrator. 17. That t~e ownez of subject property sha].1 submit a 1eL-ter requesting termination of Conditional Use Permi~ No. 53 to the Zoning Division. 0216b -2- PC~8-262 ~ ;.~i i; `' :~;, ' '!; } i;, ~ ~ s':; `, ~~ f,` :; ~ i ~:`r; r, ~>, ~; i:; ,.j~ jf `~ ~,4 , ,,, -r . ,~ .:{7 ;:~; ~ `~ ~1; ..~ . IS ~ 4 . ,,, • . ... r.':kG~i { . . . . . . . . . , . . - . - . . h ~. f yl .`St y . ~ ~ , . ~ .. Ey'P.~ . . ,.w`++~ ~' . . httil, I `; '9' ., 5 t, ic F n 18. That signs shall be installod to the satisEaction of the City Tr~ffia r ~nginAer, on~ Katella A.venue which indicate to wc~stbound traffir. L-he ~ location of. the Santa Ana (5) Freeway interchanges r~t Harbor Boulevard r~ a and F'reedman Way. - '.~ ].9. That as required by the City Traf.fic Engin:eer, a~hree hundred (300) font long right-~urn onl.p lane for southbaund trafEic shall be constructed a~ tha iutersection of Katella Avenue and Haster Streat; an@ that security in the form ~f a bond, certi£icate of deposit, letter of credit, or cash, in an am~unt and .Eorm satisfactory to the City of Anaheim, shall be posted with the Cii:y to guaranY.ee the sa~isfactory completion of the ab~ve•-mentioned impruvement. Said security shall be posted w~ith thn Ci~.y of Anaheim prior to issuance of a buiZding gRrmit. The abovQ-z4quired improvements shall be completAd priar to occupanc;y. 20. That subjoct ~roper~y shall be developed substantially in ticcordance with plans and specifi.cations on file with the Cxty o£ ~vnahFlim marked ExhibiY_ Nos. 1 through 9. 21. That prior to issuance of a building permit, year fx•om the dat~ of '~his resolution, Condi.tio;~ Nos. 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 17 and 19, complied with. Extansicns for Purther time may be grantc~d in acrordance with Sc~ction Munic:inal Coc3e. or within a p,sr3.od of one whichever oc~:ur.~ ~Eirst, ~bove-•mentioned, sha11. be to complete sai3 conditions 18.03.090 of tY.~e Rnaheirc~ 22. That pri.or to fin~l building ar~d zoning iiispections, Conr3iti~~n Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19, and 20 above-rnentioned, sha11 bE cumplied wit,h. 23. That approval of this ~~plication consta.tuL-es approval of thQ Qraposet~ request only to the ext:ent that it compliew with tho Ana2aeim Municipal Zoning Code and any othar ~pplicable Cit~ regulati~ns. Approval daes nat include any actian or £indings as to compliance ~~ approval of the request regarding any other applicabl~ ordinance, regulation or requiremFnt. NOW, THrREFORE, BE IT RESOLVI:D that tk~e Anaheim City Planning Comma..sion ~a~s hereby amer.d Resoluti.on No. lFC$8-215 nunc pro tunc conditi.ons ~f approval to read a~ listecl ~b~ve. BE :IT PURTHER RESC~LVED Yhat the A.naheim City P1~nning Commission c3oes " hereby f.ind and determine tk~at adopti.on af this Resnlution is expressly `':, predioated ~pon ap~].ic~nt's compliance witl, each and all of the condition~ '.".• hereinabuve set forth. Should any sunc ~onditions, ~r any part t:hereof, ~e ':V`~~ ``; 0216b -3- PC28-2fr2 ' `; ?; ~~~~~ ?::;7; _, , ~ ~ ~rs~'~r~~', ~ ~. ,..,:r'~ll._,..Y,1t~:,+L~~ 1.. ~ ~ .~ ~ r~z~;~, ~ tizl k tt~~ J ?~~ ~~~ deal~.red invalid or unen£orce~blo by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdict3on, then thi5 Resolution, ana ~~ny ~pprovala herefn contained, shall be doemc~d null and voi.d." ., ~ , .~ • ~ ~ ~; , /~~ r c"G ~. '7 f . t ~~ ~` _ ~ _. CHAI RMI~N' ANA.~IEI{t CITY PLANNINC COMMISSIUN A'PTES1 s ,~~~~ . a~CRETARY, ANAFiEIM CITY PLANNING COt~tISSION STATE OF' CALIk'ORNIA j COUNTY OF Oc~ANGE )ss. CITY OF ANl-HEI1Q ) T, E3ith L. Harri;,, ~ACretary of tha Annheim Ci~y Planninq Commi3sion, do herehy certify th+~t the foregoing resolut.ton was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahe;im City Planning Commission hQld on SQptember 7.2, 1988, by the following voto uf the msmbers thereof•: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BOYDSi'UN, CARIJSILLO, FELDHAUS, MCBURNEY NOESt CAt~1ISSI0NERS: NONE ABSENT: COA4fISSI0NER8: HERBST, MESSE IN WITNESS WHrP.BOF, I havo hereuntio set my hand thiK 12th 3ay of September, 1988. 0216b __._~.~1~~-e-r~._._~.~,~_~~.~~~~t~ _._ SECR~TARX ANIUiEIM CITY PLANNI'~G GQIr4YiI~SION •-4 - PC80-262 j ,, ,~ ~~ ~t, - ~t, ;?r '•;k ;' ~ '~;;+ at :.. 4 .''~.~ ,y} ~ -'~ . . . . ~ ~`,w~