PC 88-271. . , _---- ~ r li,z, ~ . ~ . . . ~~,'i ~ "~ ?~ RESOLUTIQN N0~ PC88-271 A RESULUTTON OF THE; AN1~FI~IM CITX PLANNING COhIIyfISSTON THAT f'E:l'ITION FOR ~".ONDTTI021AL USE F'ERMIT N0. 3Q65 BE GR1I.NTED WfiERrAS, the Anah~im Cil:y blanning Commission da.d r~ceive a veritied Petition for Conditional Use Farmit from KAIS~R DEVELOPMENT COMPANX, 2],21 Palomar AirporC Road, 5uite 201~ Carlsbad, CA 92008, owner and P1ES~PORT PROFERTIF.S, 3090 Pul~man Street, Costa Mesa, CA 9262.6, agent for cerCain real property situated in the City of Anah~im, ~ounty of Orar.ge, 5t~te of California, describod ~s: PARCEL, 10, AS Y~;R MAF FILSU irr BUOK 202, PA.GES 41 TO 4~, INCLUSI'(~E 0~' PARCFL MAP5 It3 THE ~FFICE OF THE CQUNTY RE:CORD.ER OF SAiD COUNTX ~JFIEREAS, the City Planning C'ommission dic; hold a nublic heazing at th~ Civie Center in the City ~f Anah~eim on Septembc~r 26rh, 198F3 at 1:30 p.m., notice of sa9.d public heari, :~aving been duly given as raquired by law and in accordance with Y.he p~ovisions of the Ar.aheim Municipa.l Code, ChapLer 16.03, to he~~r ar~d consider evidence for and against saicl pr~posed conditional tise ~:ermit an3 to investigate and make fiz~dings and recornmenr:idtions i.n carinecrion therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commissio~, after due ins~ect.ion, investigation and study made by it~elf and in its behalf, and aft~r due r_onsider.ation of all evidenco and reports oEfered at said hearing, doe~ Find and determine the follow.ing facts: 1, That r.he propcsed use is propErly ane ~or which a condztional use permit is autYiox•ized ~~y Anati~im Mur_ici~al CoHe Section to wit: p~srmit a day care center £or 318 childzen with waive•r of the following: S~'~TION ~,_t34,_~62.p12 - Minimurn ui]riinq Sst ck. (50_f,r~Q~ landscaped setb~ck required adjar.ent to Mants Vista Road, 30••f.Qp~ propos~d. ) 2. That the requested waiver is her~b~ grant2ct on the basis that there ar.Q spacial circumskances apFlicable Co L•he prop~rty suc;h as size~ sha~~e, topoc~r~phy, loration and surroundings which do izot apply to othor identically zone~l property in the sarne vicinity; and lhat strict application of the ~oning Code depriv~s the property of privilegos enjo~ed by othor properties in the i.denrical zone and classifir.aticn in the vicinity. 3. That tre pr~poseci use will nat adversrly affect the adjoining lancl use, anct the growf:h and deveiopment of th~ area iri which iY. is progosed to be l~cnted. 0495r -1- PC 88-277. ,.,,,;,.~ ,,-..,., 4. '.~har the size snd shrape of rh~ sitQ Proposed for. the use is adequate to allow the full deveiopment of tho proposed i~se in a manner no~ detrimc~ntal tc~ the particu].ar area nor ~o the peacE, health, safety and general ~aelfar~ of iche Citize~xs of the City of Anahaim. 5. That the granting of t:he Condi~i~nal U~se Per.mit uz~der the conditions i.mposed, if 3ny, w.ill not be detri.mental to the peace, health, safety axid general w~1Fa.re of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 6. That the traffic generated by tha proposed usc~ wii.l ri~t impoae an undue buiden upon i:he stre~l:s and highways designed and im~roved to carry th~ traffic in the area. ;. That no one indicated their pre:.°_!~C@ at said puhlic hearing in eppositior-; and that no corres~on~ence was received in opposit.ion to the subject peCitian. ~l,LII'~RNIA ENVIRUI::~ENTAL OUALITY ACT F~NDII~~; That the Anaheim Czty Planning Commission has reviewed tha proposal to permit a day G~re centor with waiver of minimum buildiny setback on an irregularly-shaped parcel ~f 7~ind consisting of approximately 1.42 acce parcel loca~ed at Che northwes~ corner of Monte 'Vista Road and Old Sp=ings Road ~nd further flescribed as 191 Old Springs Road; and ~oes herek~y ap~,rove the Negative Aeclaratzon up~n finding that :i~ has consider~d t:he Negative Declaration tugether wi,th any comments rECeived during tre pub~ir•,; review process and further fi.nding an Che bas:s of the 3nitial study~ and any comment~ received tkiat there is no stLbs~azitial evideiice that the pro ject wi'11 have a sigr~ificant eff.ect ~n the envirunmpnt. 2i0W, THEREFORE, BE T`C RESOLVFD that th~ Anaheim City Flarinin,q Commiss:.on does tiereby grant subjec~: PeL-ition for Condztional Use ~Errnit, uj~on ~he followir,r, conditiens tvhich are htreby fou:ld to be a neces~ary pr~requisite to t~e proposad use aL the Subject pr~per~:y in order to prQServe the safety and genera). welfare of the Citizans of rhe City of Anaheim: 1. That unless proof o~ ex~mption is siibmit.ted in com~,lianca with City Council Resolution ilo. 85R•-•423, priar to issuance of a bui~dfng pQrmit, thR apprupriate major thoreughfare and bridg~ feo shall be paid to the City of AnahQ.im in ~~i amounL as s~ecifiod in the M~jor ThQr~ughEare and B:idge Fee Pr~gram for the E'oothi111Easter.n Transportation Corridor, as approv~:~4 by City Co~xncil RA~olution No. 85R-923. 2. That prior tc issuance of a building permir., the aj~propciate traffzc ~zgnal assessment f~e sha11 be pai.d to the City oi` Anal-.eim in an arrount as clatQr.mitied by CiCy Council resolution. 3. That the existing driverra~ on Dfon~Q Vxsta Road shali be removed and replaced with gtt~ndard curb and qutter and sidewalk. - 2 - -'PC'--68~ 6,~-- PC8$-271 l: ~. ~ >~ , ~ ,., ' , ~.1.J,~'J i_I ~~' .i~ ~c .. . .Y: ~'~1 ~ . ~tirF~;:A 4. That subj2ct prajact shall be provided with eittier an on-site hammer- head Curn arnu.r,d ar.ea or emergency aca~,ss ta Monte Vista ~toad, as xeviewed tind apprcved b;~ ~he C:ty Fire Department. 5. That prior to comm~ncement oF structurai framing, f.ire hydrants shall be installed and charcJod as r~quired anc~ approved by thQ City Fire nepartment. 6. That subjecl property s?~all be servea by undergr.ound utilities. 7. 1ha~ "No Stopping or Stanaing" signs shall Le inst~l].ed along Old Sprinr~s Road ko the sai:isfaction of the Ci~y Traffi.c Enginper to preclude curbsic3e drop-oFf and pick-up oF chil~ren. 8. That qates shall riot be installed across the driveway in a manner w~ich may adversely afEect vehicular traffic i.n the adjacont pu~l:ic streoks. Insta'L~ation ot any g~ite, shall, conform to t'.e Engineeri.ng Division's Standard Pla:s No. 40?, a~xd shal.l be subje~t to the review and approval of ~he City Traffic Engineer. 9. That drainage ot' subjecC properL•y shal]. be disposPd o.f in a manner s~tzsfactory to the ~.;ity Engineer. 10. That if required by the Fire anci/or Police Department, all Iockable pedestrian ~r ~ehicular access gates shall b~ equi~ped with a"knox box" device to the satisfaction of the City Fire DQ~ar~ment and the City Police Uepar•tment, il. 'chah L•rash storag~ areas sha11 be providQd and mai.ntained i~i a location ar.cep~able to the Shreet Mainten~nce and SaniCation Dati~ision and in accordance ~i.th appr~ved pian~s on fiie with said Division. 17.. That the prop~sal shatl comply with all signing requirements oP the CG(SC) "Commercial, OEfi.ce - Scenic Corri.dor. Overlay" Zone, urilQSS a variance al].owing siyn waivers is approved b.y the City C.oun~il, Planning Commission or Zoninq Admznistrator. 13, Th~t,~~s ,pecified in Anaheim MuniYiU31 ~p~1e ec Q_ n4_ ra f-mount;g~l p --~-~~ N 18.84.062.oa2" ~ ui ~mgri ,f ~ what~ ver ~h~ll he p rniitte . 14. ':hat t on-s.i.te la~idscaping shall he maintained in compliance with Ci.ty standards. I5. That subject property sha11 be developed subst~.ntially in acc:ordan~e with pla:~s and specificat.ions on file w.it~h the City of Anaheim marl;ed Exhibit No~. 1 thzough 3. ._ ~ _ . -L,C``~ ~'= 2'S''t'_ FC $$-27i ;~ ;;: 1f ~ ,(ti-l S~'r4,•~ f ~! ~ ~' ~~. ~.,t?.~ t i ~ ~ , . - ~ J 1 . ~ ~~ ~ r i .<l d iN~tfw~ . . _ I ,jtt. ~i~~. r~'~ 1 ~ - ~~ 7': c . r. "1 ~ ac +~1. r~. . . . . . . .. ~ ~ ~ i ~ ,. .~ ~ i ~ r prl,~„~i {'~J~'1 .~s.` ... ~~I.~.'~I 16. That prior to issuance oi 3 building perm.it, or within a peric~d of o~e year from ~he date of this resolution, whichever acci~rs f.irsl, Condition K°s• 1• 2~ 8 and ~.3 above-mentioned, shall be complied wi~h. Ext:~nsions ~or f+.~rtho.r time to complete said Gonditions may be granted i.r, accordance ~~; with Section ~.8. U3 . d90 af tha Ar~aheam Munzcipal Code. ~ r~ 17. That prior to final building and zorxing inspection,^, Conditien NQS. 3, 4, 6. 7, 9. 1q, L1, 13 and 15 above-m~ntioned, s2xal.l be complied with. 18. That appruval o[ this application const~.Cutes approval af ~he pr.oposed request only to the exteizt that it complies with the Anaheim Munici~al Zoniiig Code and any ~t~.er applicable Ci~y regulation~. ~pproval does not include any acCion or findings a~ ta complian.ce or approval of the r~auest regarding any otk~er applicable oc•dinance, rQgu].ation ~r requirement. BE IT ~'TIRTFIER RESOLVEL that the Ana]ieim City Plannang Commissi,an daes hQreby find anii dQtermine thak adoption of this Besolution a~ exprQS~ly prediaa~ad upon applic:ant's compliarice with each and al1 of t3.:e conditions hereinabove set Eorth. Shou].d any ;such cond3.tions, or any p~rt theroof, be declared i:nvalid or unenL•orceak~le by the final judgment of any court of r_ompetent jurisdiction, then t:hzs Resolu~ion, and any appravals herein containod, sha11 be deomed nulJ. and void. THE FOFtEGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 26~h day oF SaptambFr, lgg~, . , , • .;,., ,.., •- . :,. jL ', . ' ~ i'l ~.~~ `:.' '... ~'~-'.~.-_.~_._-~.. CFI~TRWOMAN, ArT E1M CITY P~ANNING COMMISSION AT'PEST: ~, • ~.`_ _ '~~~' ~----- S?~~CRETARY, ANAIiEIN, CTTY P~ IIIG COh4~f7~SI0N STATE ~F CAC,I FORNIA ) COUNTY OF OR~7GE ) 5~, CITY OF A.'~I7~H~IM ) Y. ~dith L, Harris, ~ocretary ~F t:ne Ar.aheim City Planniag Commi3sion, do hereby certify thak the fureg~ina cpsolui:ion was passed and nlopte8 at ~ m~eting af. the Anaheim Cit.y Planning Commi,^,sion hQld on September 21i, ~ggg, by the following vote oF the members thereof: `~ : C--3~A =~6-7~.. ?C 88-271 . _ ' ~'1'Y . . . . , ~ r.,: ~yv s!^""'N 1 ~~~~ ~~ `~~ i'"f,` I ~ AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BOYAS'ZUN, CARUSILLO, FELI~HAUS, FiEFBST, hfC BURNGX, M~SSE NOES: COMMISSTONERS: NI~NE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NODIS IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereut,to set my hand thi.s 26th day o£ September, 1988. ~~~~ ~D -.~ ---~~-~~- SECP.ETARY, A1vAHEIhf „I'PY PLANNING COMMISSION '.'~ ~ r ; s~. i ?.~ {l '{ .;! I: '~ af .,~ `; i f~ J ',"~ ;h, -~- ~, ,~_ . ;~ ~~; ..pG---9 ~-N't--• PC 83-2J1 ~';`( ,';~;: ,.~., . ; , ~~~