PC 88-272i ~,r i~T? ~i ,` ~A ~~t~ ~ . ~~~ ~ ~..,. ~~.'.~ RESOLUTION NQ_ P~„~38-272 A RL~SOLUTIOPZ OF TFIE ANAHFIM CITX PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FGR CONDTTIpNAL USE PERMIT 210. 3069 BE GRANTED 4'r'HER~AS, the Anaheim CiCy P1~nniriq CommiSSiun did receive a ve~ifieci Pe•~:ition f~r Conditional Use Permi~:. fr.om CAT,I'FORNIA P~20PBRTIES FliND, 245 Fischer St., Bldg. L-1, CosY.a Mesa, Ci~+ 92626, ownQr, ancl CHANDU'LAL K. PATEL, 17595 Almhurst. Rd. , Ste, 208, City of In~lustry, CA 9~.748, agent, for certa3.n rEal property situat.eQ in th~ City of Anaheir~, County oE Orange, State of. Califcrr.ia, describec~ as: BGGINNING AT THE POTN'P OP' INTERS~CT~ON OP' THS EASTERLY LINE OF TFIi, WESTERLY 30.!10 FELT OF SAID SEC:TIOV 28 WITFi x~iE EASTERLY LINE OF STATE (:OLL,EGE BOL'LEVA~2D, AS D~SCRISED IN DEED TO TIiE CITY OF l~NAFiEIM, RECORDED AUGUST 3, 1962 ZN BOQK 5201, P~GE ~37 OF OFFCIA~ RECORAS; 'CHENCE SOUTH 0 DEG. 09' 03" EAST AI.ONG SAIA EASTEKLY LINE OF THE WES'.PERLY 30.00 FEET OF :iECTION 25, Ia DTSTANCE OF 4'10.88 FEET TO A POINT IN TfI~ SOUTI~ERLX BOiJrIDARY LTNE OF T.HE L'AND AEF,CRIDBD IN DEEU TO W?'LLIAM C. SHAGSTER AND HIIFI's, AND 1LONNIE M. DUNN AND WIFE, I2ECORDBU JUNE ].1, 1964 It3 A00*.C 7083, PAGE 826 OF QFrICZAL FlECORDS; THGNCE; SOUTH 89 DEG. 59' UO" WEST ALUNG SAID SOUTHERLY IIOUNDARI' LTNE 10.09FEET TO POIN7' IN SAID ~ASTERLY LIN~ OF' STATE COI,LEGE BOi7LEVARD; THENCE NORTH 0 DCG. 09' 03" WEST AL023G SAID FA~TERLY LINE OF STATE CGLLEf~;E BOULFVARD 7.69.09 F'EET TO THE BEGINNT2vG OF A TAAIGENT CURVE I`I SAIll EASTERLY LIN~, CONCAVE EASTFRT,Y HAVI:NG A RADIUS OE' 1147.00 FEET; '1'HENCE 'NQkTSERL'1 ALONG SATn CURVE 'fHROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLF OF 7 llEG. 36' 16" AN ARC DISTAt1CE OF 152.00 FE~T TCl THE PO.T.NT OF DEGINNING. WHGREAS, the Cztj Planning Commi53ion did hold a pub:lic hearing at th!a Civ.ic Center in the City of Anaheim on September 26, 1988, at 7.:30 p.m., notice of said public t~earing having been duly given as rPquired by 1aw and in accordance with ~lze provisions of L-he Anaheirn Municipal Cade, Chapter 18.U3, ~n heax a~d con~ider evictence Lor anrl ag~inst said proposed conditional. use permit and to inv~stigake ~nd make finaings a:xd recommendations in connec~i.on therewith; ~nd WHEREAS, said Commission, aEter ciue inspection, invE:stigation and study~ macle by itse].f ~nd in its behalf, and ;~Ytar due considera.ti~n of all eva.dence ard reports offered at S~1G hearing, does find and determine the follow,inc~ facCs: 1. 1ha~ the proposed uso is properly one for wYzich ~ conditior.al use pcrmit is autnorixed. by AnahQim Municipa~ Code Section Z8.61.Q50.22p ~o wit: to porm.it a 4-story, 164-room hotel with waiver of ~he fo.llr~wing unG~r authori*y of Cade Sectia;~ 18.Ob.080: SE TI~N~ ].8. Q6. 050 •~0241 - Minimum n m r of v~rkir.g s~ace~. and 18•61•~6o•Q~Q ('11~i ~p~rrg~ reguired; 15~ proposedi Q497r -1- PC 88-272 . ,~ :' "y; ~ ;i .:',.~; ~~~Y~, 2. Thzt tha re~qua~L•ed waiver is hersby granhed on the basis that t:h~ applicariC st~~iilated a~ t:ha public heAring t:hat f.ood and bev9rago sales wouid be limiteci to ho~ol guests on:y un~t thal there shall bo no food or bover~ra of any kind sclcl to the genoral publia; and that the parking wai.ver w3.11 not cause an incroaso ir- ~rafEic congastioii in tho immediate virinSrv nor a.dvarsoly affoct any aiiaoininy lancl u~es anci grantinc,~ of ~he parka.ng waiver under the condi.Cion;; imposed, if any, w:11 not bo detrimantal to Che peace, 2iea'1Lti, 3afety ancl general we1£are uf the citizens of the City of Anahoim. 3. Tt~at the proposod use, as gran~Qd, will t~ot a~3versely affeck the adjoininq land uses ~nd the growth an~l devel~pment of th~ area in whicl~ it is 1~~•opnsed to be located. 4. That the s:ze and shape ot L•he site propo~ed tor ~ho L18R is adequat~ to allow tt~e L•ull deve]opment af the Qro~,used use, as ~ranL•ed, in a manner nol•. do~ri.r~entt+l to t}~a particular area nor '-o tho poace, hF~alth, safety and genc~ral welfare of the Cit?zens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That the grlntiny of thQ Co»c1iL•ional Use Permit undQr the condirions ir~pc,sed, ~f any, will noL be detrimental to the pe~ce, heulth, saEeY.~ and gF:naral welfarF of the Citizens of thF~ ~~ity nf An~heim. 6. That ~h~ traffic gPnerated bl the proposeci use w.zli not im~ose an undue burdan upoii the slreets and hi~hways aos~yn~a ~nd improv~nd to carry the traffic in ~he area. 7. Th~t no on~ inciicatad t'.~Qir. presenco at said publi.c hearin, ', opposition; and th~st no corrQ~pundonce was received in oprosition t~ tne subject petition. ~Ai,I~RNIA E.~,IV~IRC?~7'r;FriT~L~_ ALIT;I~ T FINllIN~: That the Anaheim City Plai~ninq Commission has rev.iewec the proo~sal to permit a 4-3tory, 164-room hotel witt- waivc: of ninimum n~umbt~r of .~ar;ci.nq spac~~s an a rectangularly-sha~~d p~rco.l of land consasting of apprhximutQly 1.35 acres, tiaving an approximate fr~ntaqo of 289 f~et on the Q:sst giae o£ ~t~te Col.lege Boulovnrd, having ~ maximum deptli of approximatRly 202 feet ;.nd being locatad approximatQlx 200 fr~at s~ul•h af thP cer.terline ~i Orangewood Avenuel and dpes hereby appx~ve th~ Nagative DQClaratian upon finding that it has cons3Qerec3 the Neqative Dec).aration together witl~ sny commanta received ciuring the public rQViow Fr~ces.s ~nd Eurther finding oa thp basis ~f th~ ir.itial study and any commants r~,c:eiveii that thQre is no 3ubstantial evidaace that the projact will t~ave a slgniffcant efEecl un ehe environment. NOW, TF~ERBFOR~, F3E 'I'r RG&OLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Comrnission doos hereDy grant 3UbjBCk Pstition for Conditi~nal Use Pe~rmit, upon t;he fo~lowing conditions which ~re hereby f.ound to bo a ner.oaaary pror~c,~fa:r.e to the proposod use of the subject pr~pertv fxi or.der to prendrve the safc-ty Rnd c~c3r,cr?+1 w~lfare oE L•he Citizar.s of thQ City ~f Anah~im: l. Tha~ prjor to issvancu of a building pormit, the appr~priato tr ffic siqn~sl assct5~ment foR sha21 be p~ •1 ko tnr~ City of Anaheirn in ;.~u amounC as determine~l ~y Cit,y Counc-l ra. ~~ ution. -2` PC t18-272 '~. . .. ;~ ~• Tt~at tho lsgnl a~aner of subjoct propert~ sh~ll 3.rrevocably ot~er ~o dedicale to ~he CiL•y of Anah~im an a~lditxunal ~„rip of land along State C~ll~g~ IIoulavard, m~~sured 3ott~harly from th~ ultimate right-of-way lino at: the corner ~f Lhe intersoction o~ State Co].le~e Boulevard and Orang~wood Avenue, and varying in wi.dth from twelve (12) feat for the first three-hundr~d (300) teet and then transitioning from twelve (Z2) feet to A feet for the nexti three-hundred (300) ree~. 3. That sidewalks sha11 bQ inEtalled along Stace Collc~ge Boulovard by the Cit E i as re i y ng noer ~pocifications ~n fil i and i:, aacordance witli sL•anda~•d qu r~d plans and e n 4he Office of the City Enyinepr, 4. Tha.t all clriveways :hall returns as requir~d b be constr.ucted with ten (lp) foot th radius curb y driveways sha11 be removed e City Engineer. Existing brokoz~ snd replaced a ar cracked s required by the City Engineer. S• That the propused parking Divisi.on's Standard Plan ~l•rucL•ure d~sign sha11 c~nform tr~ the N Engineering o. 402-P partaiciing to sta~dard p:~rking structures and ramp reqtiiremants. dotails ~or 6• That t~he ownor/developer st~all comply witr~ the requiremer.ts of ttie Flood Hazard Reducti~~n OrdinancQ Nos. 413b and 487~ for Z~no AU depth ox~e (1) foot. '. That withi~ a F~eriod of ninet ~r pr.iox to the time t?xat ay buil di.ng perm t yis issued ~ whichever loccurs firsL-, the legal o~aner{S) of subjsct proparty sha11 execixte and record a covenant. ir~ a form approved by the Ci~v Attorney's ptfice wherein such owner(s) ayrQ~ not lo contest the formation of ar.y as~es~ment t~istsict;(s) which may horeafter }~e fu:med pursuanL Co the provisiont~ of llevolopmont Agreement No. 8~-OY be~twQen the City of Anaheim and A~iat~eim Stadium Associates, which d.istri.cl-.(s) coulc] inclucle euch legal propQrty owner's proporty. 8. That p~1r.,uant to Chaptor 17.30 of Title 17 of the Anaheim Munic3p~l Code, prior Co issuance of a biaildinq permit or as otherwiae provided for in Soction 17.30.050 oF tha Anaheim Municipal CodP, a deve?opmont fae fr~r the An~~haim Stedium Bu~iness Car,tor shall be paid to the City of Anaheim in an amount as determined by thQ City Council. 9• That pri~r t;o issuance of FeQ3 and/or advances to accordance with Rulo 15D of 10. a build.inc~ peI•mit, Stadium Araa water fac;ilitfes tho Water IJh.ility Division sha21 ba paid in ~he Water Utility Rateu, Rules and Requlati~us, ~hat unle~rt an ~lternaCivQ funding mQChanism is implemented prior to issuanc~± of a building p~rmit, tha ~wner shall »ay tc lhe City of Anahefm a fee in rhe nm~unt of ~3.65 oor gross squsr~ Foot oE buildfnq area as a fair share contribution to the An~heim St~dium Businsss C'RSitQr fnfrastruckure funding shorttall. 5aid :Eoa sh~ll be collect48 ~nd adjustcsd in the st~me manner. as tha interi:~ @evolopment £ees for the Anaheim Stadium E3uujness Centec as provided in rhapter 17.30 of TiCle 17 ot tha Anaheim Munt~ipal Codo. -3~ PC AA-272 'a ~~:~,, e , ~~~~~,a 11. ThaC prior ta Issuance of a buzlding parrnit, the t~ppr~priate fees due for primary :nains an~ f.ire protection service shall be paid to the Water Utili~y UivisiCn in ~ccordance with RUlflS 15A ant3 20 oL the Water Utili~y Rates, Ru1es snd Regulatians. ~ 12. That the eighi: (8) inch diameter water main in State Colle~3e Boulevard i shall be upgraded t.o a twQlvr~ (12) inch diamatar water mairz Er~m Orangewood Av~nue to th~ hotel sire. 13. That straet Zighting faci'liL•ies alonc~ Stak.e Col2eqe Boulavard shall be 3.nstalled as required by Che Utiliti.es General Manager in accorclanaa with ~pecifications on f.ile in t1iQ OfFi.ae pf Util.ities General Manager; or that security in tlie L•'orm of a bond, ceztificate ~f deposit, letter of credit, ~r cash, .iu an amour~t and iorm sa~isfactary to t:he City of Anaheim, shall bo nostQC1 with th~: Citr to yuarar.tes ~k~e sati~factory comple~3.on of ~he abu~~e-men~ioned improvements. Said scacurity sha11 be p03r9C~ with the City of Anaheim prior to issuancQ of a t~uilding pprmit. The above-required improvements shal~ bo installed prior to occ~xpancl~. 14. That subject property shall be served by underground uti.lities. Z5. Th~ti the devel~per sha11 provide, to the satisfact_ion of the Ciry Electr.ical EngineeXing Uivision, slectrical conduits and sub~~structures ;,cross the stree~ fron~.ag~ in ~ho public xi.qht-of-~asiy fur undergroundinq of 12 KV overhead lines. 16. That Crash stora7e ars~~s shs11 be ~,rovided and mai.r,tained in a Ioaation acceptablo ta the Street MainL•enai.~e and Sanitation Division and in accordance with approved plans on ~ile with said Division. In addztion, a rampAd sf.dewalk sr.all be provided from the r_ra~h storage ar~n to the asphalt gark.ing 1ot, in order to faci.ii~atQ trash gick uQ. 17. That ~ri~r t.o cnmmencement of strucLurrl framinq, an ac'lditlnnal fire hydrant shall be insta~lect and charged as required and approved by the t:ity Firo Depactment. lB. Thal• drainago of subjoct property shall bo r~isposc~d uf in a mann~er ' satisfactor,y to the City Engineer. 19. Tbat all air condili~ning L•acilities and other roof and ground maunted equipment shall be propc~rly shialded from view. a 20. xhsat Che proposa' ~ha11 comply wiCti a11 siqning reguirQments of the ML "Industrial, Limitud" Zoae, unless a varianco allowing sign wafvers is appr~ved b~~ the City Cuuncil, Planning Comm.fssion or ?,oninq AdministratAr. 21. That tlio on•••si~_e land3caping shall be maintafned izi compliancQ with City , sCandarcls . ;;~ ~ 22. That the tcont land~cape yrca shull bQ a mfn.tmum of f.itteen (15) feet in _ wi.dt-~ and ~hall fncltidw ~ landscapeQ earth~an barm anfl shall be plant:ed with ~ minimum fiir_ean (15) gullon Crees loc.ated tst minimurn twenty (20) Loot .", ~onters, provido3 t:iat thR City Traff.ic Engine~r may modify tlzfs ~! requirement to ensure adequate vehfcul~,r and pedestriari vis~ib:lfty. I -4° PC 88-272 i ~ ~ '" `~ ,.rxl':r. ~r~ . r~-,(I i ~`~ 23. That thh owner o£ subject property shall submi.t a letCer requosting tormination of Conditional f7se Permit Noe ~830 to t'r.e Zoning Division. 24. That subjec~ property shall :oe devc~lopod subsL•antially in accordanca with plans and spec.ifications on fi1P with t'r-e Ci.ty oE Anaheim marked Exhibit ~ Nos. 1 through £s; providecl, hawevei•, t2ia~ i:hore shall be no salp of food or ~' b~veragES of any kind to the enera.t g public, and Che £ood and beverages ;~ sha17, be avnilablP t~ t~ot:el guesls anly. 25. That Condition N'o. 7, at~ovr~-mentioned, shall be cor~~pleted w3.thin a period of ninety (90) days fro-:~ Che date oP this resolution. + 2G. That pri.or to issuance af a building ~ermit, or wittiin a per.iod af ane yoar ~~ from the daLo of this resolution, whiche~er occurs ~irst, Condition Nos. I, ', ~, 5. 6, fi, 9, 10, 11, 13, 22 and 23, above-mentioned, shall be complied i with. Extensions ¢or further time to complete s~id conditions may be ; grant~d in acc~rdance with Section 18.03.090 of the AYiaheim Municipal Code. ~a :; 27. That prior t~ fznal building and zoning inspections,. Condition IJos. 3, 4, r 6, 12, 13, 1~1, 15, 16, 18, 13, 22 and 29, above-mentioned, shall be ~ comp~ied with. 28. That approva.l of thi.s applicar.ion constitutas appraval of the proposed requQSt only to L•he ~xten~ that i.t c~mplies with ~17e AnahQim Diunicipal Zoni.ng Code and any oLhe: applicable Ci~y regulations. Approval does not include an,y action or finding~ as to compliance or approva]. of the request regarding any ~ther applicable orcl~.nance, regular_ion or re~uirement. BE IT I'iIRTFiER R~SQLV~D tttat the Anaheim City P~anning Corruni3;,ion does hereby find and cletermine that adoption of• this ResoluCion is expressly predfcated upon applir_anC's compliance with each an~~ all of thQ conditions h~~roinabove set Porth. ShouJ.<3 any such conditions, or any part thereof, be deciared invalid or ur~on~crceable by the final judgment aE anx court of comper~nt jtirisdictic+n, then this Resolution, and ar~y a~provals herein c~ntair~ed, shall be deemQd null and void. ' THG FOREGO~NG R~SOL'JTION is sigr~ed and approved by me thi~ 26th day of Z Septamb~r, 1988. t , - ,. ~ ~ + _ _~ ;{~ ;' _~,";c' ,<' i CiiAIRWQMAN, ANliFIF.IM CITY PLAN~YZNG COMMTSSION AT'TEST: °# ' ~~.~-~ ._._.._ ~.~1N _.. ---„~~k- ------ SFCRExAI~Y, Ar1p~Fi8ib; CI~Y PLANNY~IG COMMI5SI0lI -5- PC 88-272 r• ~:y;t ,.«~ '~ }9~r~ - ~,.~ ~'~ !, ~ -~; S1'ATE OF CAL~IF012N1A ) l'.OUNZY OF ORANGE ) s4. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I. Edith L. Harris, Searetary af ~he Anaheim rity Planning Commissipn, ~p horeby cert.iff ~hat the foregoing r~solution was passed and adopted at ~ meeting of the Ar.aheim City Planning Commission tield on SopL•e;nber 2gtla, 1988, by the f~llowin:~ voL-e of the members thoreof; AY'ES: COi~1ISS10NER6: F30UAS, 190YASTUN, CARUSILLO, FELDHAUS, FiFRBST, NOES: GO'r1MISSIUNERS: NONEURNEX, MESSE ABSE~JT: COA4ySISSZONEltS: NONE IN VJTTN~SS WHF.RFOF', I huve hereunto set my k~and this 26th day p~ Sep~amber, 1988. ~-7 ^ YY' __' "~~~~~~=E,~-~--1C-~-~'L.t-,'-. SECRETARX, ANAHEIM C~TY YLANI3ING COMMISSI021 -~- PC 88~2'72 , .. e iti ,:<, .,{. „ _.,. , ~ - - - ;;;