PC 88-28~ . ~ RESOLUTtON N0. PC88-28 Et~tA BOXWE~LI„ 2033 Park Ridge, Norco, Calif.ornia 91763, Attn: 1+IARY' LOUISE: PLIC~T, 19811 Burlie5h Street, Y~rba Linda, California 92ti86, awners, and SAMAN CCNSTRUCTION, 124Q N. ~~an Buren, Ste. 101, .~.naheim, California 92$J7, Atl-.n: Rafat Saman, agent, of certa?n real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as ~ollows: PAP.CEL l: , ,~~~ ~.,~,~'~~ ~' ~ ~ ~ • r ,\~ !! `v~e ~ - . ''.+1,`7 ~ . . .. 1 ';1` A R13SOLUTIQN OF THE ANAHEIM CITX PLANNING COMMISST~N '`:~,;` THAT PETITIOIZ E'OR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 87-88-38 BE GRAN?'EU, I~S MODIFIED `,'; ~, WFTEREAS, the Anaheim City Flanning Commission did receive a vPrified petition ~or ReclassiPiaatian from RONALD T. BOSWFLL AND TESTA ALMA ,, : ~L THA7' C~;12TA7:AT LAND SITUp,TEll IN TfIE CTAT.E OF CALII'ORI3IA, C~JUNTY OF ORANC•E, CITY OF ANAHIBi~S, DESCRTBEII AS FI~.T.~LOWS: THAT PI~RTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF xHE SOUTHWEST QTJARTER ~F SECTION ].7 ~ TOWNS~ITP 4 SOUTH, RANGE ZO FI~ST IN THE RANCHO LUS COYOTES, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 51, PA3Ts 11 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORLS OF ORANGE; COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DESCRIB~D AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING }',x 1HE SOUTIiEAS:i CORNER OF THE WEST HALF OF TfiE SOTJTHEAS':C QCJARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUAI2TER Uk' SAID SECTION :L7 ; THFNCE WES1`ERLY AI.,ONG THE SOUTHERLY LTNF; OF SAID SEC'~I~N ].7, A~ISTANCE OF 1Q5.00 FFET TO TFiE SOUTHWES'r CORNER OE' TFIE I~A,.vD DFSCRIBED IN DEED TQ MARY CL.ARK, RECORDED IN BOOTi 's'l61, PAGE 522 UE' OFFICIp.L RECORDS• THENCE ALO1iG TF:B rr,STanL:i L~.:~ ~F' 'I'H~ L~ND ~~SCRIBED IN SAID DF:ED, NORTH O° 25' 14" ~;AST 21Q.p0 FEET TO THE FASTERLY L?N~ OF SAID WGST HALF; THENCE SOUTH~RLX ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE 2i0.00 FEET TO TfTE ~OINT 0~ BEGINNIP7G. PARCEL 2: ,~~LL 'I'HAT CEP.T,~TZf LAND SITUAT~~ rN THE STATE OF CALIF0~2NIA, COUN7:Y OF ORANGE, CITY OF APIAF~IEM, DESCRIBEn AS FaLI~OWS: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTFIEAST Q[TARTER OF SECTION 1~ , TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, I2J-NGE 10 WEST rI1 THE RANCHO LOS COYOTES, AS SHOWN ON A MAP R~CORDEB IN BOOK 51, PAGE 11 OF MISCELLA1dEqUS MAPS, FtECURll5 OF ORANGE COUNTY, C.ALIFORPTII., DESCRIBEb AS 3~'OLLOWS: BEGTNNING AT A POINT IN THE 50UTH LINE OF THB SGUTHWEST QU.ARTER OF SAID S~CTION 17, SAID YOZI3T BEIrTG 100 FEET WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF TFiE W~Sx HALF OF' 'PHE SC~UTHEAST QUAK7'FR 0~" THE SOUTAWFST QUARTER OF SECTION 17; TH~NC~ WEST ALONG TH~ SOUTH LI;I~ ~F SAID SOU'.CHWEST QUAF'S~R 117 FEET; THE:NCF NORTH 0° 25' 14" EA^aT 2l0 ~'EET; THENCE SOUTH 89° 57' 09" EAST 117 FEET; THENCE SOUTI3 0° 25' I4" WE:ST 210 FEFT TO THE PpINT OF BEGINNING. ~?C(:EPT:ING TEiE EAST 5 FEET. 0175r '~15a:1pRY41$?~iDGtwH-i!'.tf~ +'l~;F,i, :~~iil?c'J:;::.ii:`.~.n~ :i ;`1 ';;! f~ , °• ~ ~ ~ K4~~~ ~,';: F~N'~ ~ ~~~, ~~N ~ ;~ L'i: . . . ' -'a.;;~. ;j1 WHGR~AS, the City Planninc~ Commission did hnid a pub~lic h~~ring at the Ci•~ic Center in tho City of Anaheim on January 18, 1998, at 1:30 p.m. , notice of said publ.ic hearS.ng having been dkly~ given, as required by 1aw and in accordance with the provisions of the Ar.aheim Municipal Code Chapter. 18.03, to hear and ~onsider evidence for and against said proposed .reclassiEicatien and to investig~te and make findir,gs and recommendations in. c~nnection therewi~h; i, ancl WHGFtEAS, said Commissi.un, af~er due inspection, investigation and study mad~ by itself and irz its behalf, an~ after due consideration of' all '' ` '.ai evi~iex~ce and roports offered at said hearing, doeo find and determine the - foll~wing tac~s: 1, Tha~ the petitioner proposes reclassifica~ion of subject property from RS-A-43,000 (ReszdenCial, Agricultural) or a less intense zone to tlia RM•-12~0 (Residen~ial, N,ultiple-Family) Zone, ;` ; ' ;<;;% 2, Thac t~.e Planning Conmission determined that reclassxfi~ation to RM-240R (Resxdential, Multiple-Family) Zone would be more ~::~ compatible with adjacent s:zzgle-family residEncES. ':;;; 3. Ttiat th~ Anaheim General Pa~n c3esignates subject proper~y ' tor Medium Der.sity Resic~ential land uses. 4, That the proposed reclassification, as modified to ~he RM-2400 zor~e, ot• subject proper~y is necessary and/or desirable for ths order. ].y a~id proper devalopmenL cf the com^~unity. intensification of land use. '=,r 5, Th~t the proposed reclass3.fication, as modified, of subject `' property does properly relate to the zones 3nd ~k~eir pormitted uses locally ~' established iYZ close praximity to suujecL• prc~perty and L•o the zones and their ``': permiCted uses generally established througY,out thA community. 6. That the propased reclassification, as modified, of sub;QCt property requires the dedication ~nd improvement of abutting stxeets and alleys in accordance with the Ci.rcu7.ati.on Elom~nt ot kkse General Plan, due to the ar.ticipated increase in tra~fzc which wi11 k~e generated by the ~~ .'~; 7. ThaY. 8 persons indicatecl their presence at said public ~-•~'^ ';; : hearing iu oppositian; and that a pstition conta.ining approximately 112 signatures was received in opposition to subjecC petition. ,i;;;?; ~~ r CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL ~UALITY A~T.FINDING: That the Anahsim City :: P].anniny Gommissi,on has reviewed the proposal to reclassify subject property . ~~; frUm RS-..-43,OU0 (R~sidenLial~ A.gricultural) 7one to th~ ~M-I200 C~.esidential, "`?''' Maltiplc•-F. amily) or a less ini:ense zone to c~nstruct a 28-ur~it, 3-story -~~'sir; a arkment com lex on a rectan ularl '"``~ P P g y-shaped parcel of land uonaisting of approximately 0.78 acre , F ;; ~.,;r ; -:w~ • r~( ,;~ ,' ~~~ ~~,% PC88-28 ,.,_.rj;~ ; ;~;y;; 4; ,~ , ,t , ~~ . . . J~ 171::}~~ _. . . _... _ .. ,, .,_ ... '`'` s*~~ y• `'`~.' ~ ~~ ~: ~ ~s ~ i ~~ . . ., .~a~r ~: ' ' J ~ . . . ,'~ ~,fi havinc~ m fronc e~qe oE approx3matE • 227 foet on th~ north side of 9a11 Roa~, `:'~j and being lor.atad ttpproximatel. ~00 PeeG west of the cQnt~rline of Nutwood '`~.~ ~ Street and Eur.ther doscribed bs 2011 anci 2017 Wesr Rr~ll Road; an~ does hereby ~" approva the N6qativa DeclaraCion upon finding that it has aonoidarac9 the ~'~ ilegativc~ Declaratiiox~ t~gether with any comman}~4 received d~xring the public. roview process and further findinq on the basis of the inxCial study and any '''j common~s recoiv~d tht~t thero is no substant3nl Rvidence that the projec~ will ,:~ have a significan~ affact un the envir~aunent. r NOW, THEREFOEtE, BE I'I' RESOLVED that L•he Ant~heim City Planning ~ Conun.ssion does horeby grnnt subjoct Fetition for Reclassification and, by so .;~ ~oing, that Tit1e 18-Zaning oF tno Anaheim Municipal Code be amen~ed to ,~` '~ exclude the above-described property from the FS-A-43,000 (ResidenGial, , '~ Agricultural) zone and to ir.corporate sa3d dQSCribod proFerty into the RN,-2400 (Residential, Multiple-Fa,-nily) Zone ttpon the .following cnncli~ions which are her~by found to be a ttecessary prerequisite ta the proposed us~ of esubject ' property in ord~+r to prQ3erve the .,~sfety and genQrnl welfar~ of the Citizens `'~ of the C:il•y of Anaheims ` .~ 1. Th~t thc~ owner of subject propertiy shall i.rrevocab?y offer to dedicat~ to tho City of An~heir~ a strip oE land 53 feot i.n widlh from the conterlin~: of. ~hc~ street ~,1ong Ball Road for s~.reet, wideninq Qurposes. 2. The.r. che owner of subject property sha].1 pay to the CiL•y o~ Anaheim a E~e for street lighting alung Ba11 Raad in an tunount as determined by the City C~uncil. 3. That thc owner of subject property shall pay to tho City of AnahRi;n a fee for tree pl~nti~ng purposes alonq Ba11 Raact in an ' amount as ctRtermined by the City Council. A. ~hat a perpatu~l easPment agreament for a strip of land 5 l:eet wid~ fur F.ublic utility purposes tocated on rhR easterly portion of 3ubject property stiall be submftted to the C3ty Attornay's Office for reviow and approval. The approvod aqreemQnt sha22 thon be ffled and rocorded in the Office oF the Orange County Rac~r~~er. Proof of said recordation shall then be ~ubmitted to the ZonSnq Diviaior.. 5. Tt~at psior to introduction of an ordinance rezoning subjact proporty, the propoc•Cy owner sha11 prepr~re and racord an cnsubardinateQ c;ovenanw limiCir~c~ oca~ipos-cy r~f each ~-~,actment u~it to no m~ro thait tw~ (2) pexsons (o~her than ch~~dren under the ayo of two (2) years) per bedroom. ^,afQ limfta~icn ahall ~e 3.ncluded i•~ each leaae/%ei~Cal agrenment. A copy of the cov6nant ah.:- 1~e submitted to and a~prove:] by the City ACtornQy pr.ior tc iecordation. A copy of the recnrded coven,x~t shall be tu.rnishc~d to the ?,oning Divisfon. r~ ,;. ~: -3- PC68-26 ~:J _ .',t ~~'.a ~ ~ ~.:~~ g,. ,1 1 ~'i { ... . , . . ,y:(:~.. !~ 6. That prior to ~he introduction of an ordinan~:o razon3na aubject property, Condition. Nos. 1, Z, 3, 4, and 5, above-mentiondd, ~2ia11 be complQted. The provis3o~is or rignte grant~d by this reso].ution shall become null and void by act3~n oE th~ P1Anning Commissaon. unleys sai.d conc~ftions are camplieQ with •~-ithin one year from the date of• this resolution, or sur,h further tfine as ~chd Planning Co~runission may grant. 7. That approval o~ this application constitutes approval of ~he proposed reques~ only Lo the oxtent that it complies with the Anaheim lQunicipa~. ?.oning Code and ~ny ather applicable City requlatfons. Approval duos not ~ncluQe ~ny ~ction or Eindings as to compli~nca or approval of tha reque~t regaril.ing any otk~or applicable ordinance, rc~gulat•ion or requirc~menk. BE zT FURTHER RESOLVED that ~hQ Anaheim City Planning Commi.ssion does hc~roby find and 1letermiue that adoption oE thi~ It~~olution ia Hxpressly predicated upon uQplicanl:'3 compliancQ with each and all of the conditions h~reinabove set forth. Should any such condiCions, or any part thereof, ba declared 9.nvali@ or unenforceablo by the final judgmen~ of any eourt of competenk jurisdicti.on, ~hen tliis kosolutiion, and any approvals harein contained, shall be dsorned null and void, t~~ ~y~ l;~ ° fi~ . . . ~!1;%:',~ ,r~ r~1: ~,.i7 j !::; ,~+ , ;;. ~; -.;$~ ~, ~'~ ,. ; '1 ~, I TH~: FUREGOING R£SOT..UTION is signed anU approved by me this 18th day `r of Januar.~, 1988. ~ ~G 1 ';,f. Lir~~' ~~-~ u~ CHATRMAN, ANAHEIM C TY PLANNING CObAlISSIAN '~. •' .ti ATTFST.: ~) j ~~~ , ~~ r , . y, ~,~r`lf :~~_ ~,~ , ~ ; ,, "~. SEr~ETARY, I~NAI~iETM CiTY PLANNIPIG COrIlNTSSION ~ ~ ..,, :4,. i.fp ~,r ~ !~~ ~4~ 1PC88-28 ~~ ~~ ,~~ r~ :'~~ ~;, :; r: !'; ~ ,~;•..- ,,,o ,~ s;r 'f;(,~4';~~iAy ~ ~ ~ ;: ~, ~ , , ,.wati ~ '" ` ~ ~.~, ~ ~ ~ ~° ~ ~ `~'?.~~ +!Y^t ~¢;s 1..{ `i STAT~ OF CALIFORNI.A ) ! NUE,~: (,OMMISSIO,IERS: NONE A,BSENT: COhLtiSISSIONF.RS: NONC IN WITN8S5 WHGREOF, I hav~ Iiereunto set my hand this lath da,y of January, 1988. COUN:-."1 OF ORANGE: ) ss. -';~%. CIx'Y OF ANAHErM ) ,;;; ',F~; , xa I, ~diCh I~. Iiarris, Secrotary of the Anaheim City Planning ''. ~i~,~ Comma.ssion, do hereb c Y ertif that the f,arQ oin r~solution was Y ~ g Passed and ~'~ ' adopted nt a medtiug ~E the Anahoim City Pl~nn3ng CommissioYi held on ';: ;`',~~~ January 1~, '1988, by the following vote of the membe~s thoreo£s ':~ 'w AY~S: COMMTSSIONERS: FlOIIAS, HOYDSTUN, CARUSILLO, FELDHAUS, HERBST, ';~ MC BURN~Y, MESSE r ~f Y'' 1 , ~'' .~- l.~ ,~ .~:iv~; ~. ~'~:~ __ SECRETARY, A23AHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ,~ -5• PC86-28