PC 88-280~~;a r i~x. ,r ,~ ,+ "+ Y' ° , ' ~ ' ` , , -';' ,r~ e ~ rs y-~ v~~r~ . ~ - ~. . . . . - . . , 1 n, 7.~. ~t . ' ~Y?.'i %'y. A NUNC PRO TUl7C RESOL(J1'ZON OF xHE ANAFIE:IM CITY PLANNING COh4dISSIQN AMENbING F2~SOLUTON N0. PC88-217 J~DOPTGD IN CONNECTIO~J WITFI ~ARIANCE D10. 3829 WHEREAS, on Augus~ 15, 1J8U, t~af~iance No. 382~ was qranted by thQ Plttinning CommissioT~ Eor waiver ot minimiun structural and park.ing setback adjacent ro an arterial higliway, minimum lanrl5caped setback adjacent to singl~ family residonL-ial devrlopment, Znd maximurr, fence hc~ighh. ad jacenC to a lucal stz•eet to construct a 2-stox~, 15-iinit residerztial cnndominium comrlex on proper~y ~;,nsisting of ~.1 acres .Lt~~:4~8~ on th4 south sicle of Broadway, appr~,ximatiely 250 [ac~t Qast of the ceiiterlinc~ of Gilmar SCreet, and furthAr d~ccribed as 150G Wc~ _ Broadway; ancl WHERLAS, certzin clprical error~ were made in Resolu*_ion No. PC88-217 adograd in connection witY~ said variancc. NOW, TFtEREFORE, aE IT RESOLVED, tliat the Anaheim City Planninq Ccmmissior~ does hereby amend the California Er~vir~nmental uuality Act Finding as snt for.th i;- Resolut;ion No. PC88-217 to read as follows: Th~t the Anahe.im City Planning Com~nissi~sn ha., ravi.ewed thN prop~sal to reclassify subject property from the RS-A-43,000 (~tesidential, Agri.cultural) (Purtion A) an~l RS-5,000 (Resi.dential, Single Family) (POrCioii B) Zones ko t}ie RM-3,000 (R~sidential, Multiplo Family) 2one 311CI to construct a 2-story, 15-unit residential c:ondominium c~mplex with waivers of minirnur,~ structural and parki~ng seL-back adjacent to an art.erial higtiway, minimum lanciscaped setback adjacent to singZe family resiBenCial zoning, ar~d maximum fence height adjac~nt ~o a local strea~ un an irregulara.y-shapeQ parcel of laiid consi.sting of' approximately l.l ~cres, t~aving a frontagc~ of approximar.~ly 210 feet on the south sido of t3road.~ay, having a maxirnum deptr of aQproximately 266 feet, beinq located approximately 250 feet east of ~he ca;~t~rline of Gilmar Street ~nd f~rther described as 1500 West F3roadway; and does hereby approv~ thQ Negative Ueclaration upon €iudinq thati it has considersd the 23egative D~c]t~ration *.ogether with any commeitts raceived durir.g the public rev{ow pro~ess and fu:rher Eindinc~ on Cha basis of the initial study and any comments rcceivad that thQre is no ~ubsCantial c~vidence that Y.he project w;ll have a s3.gni:icanL• effpct on the environsneest. ~?L~4_4um~oN N9_.~..P_c~.s~.ae2 4~~^r~~i~J AND BE I~ FURTHER RESf1LVF:D, thaL the Anahe-m City Planning (:omrr,isrior. d~cs hereby amQnd the votQ of the memb~rn oE the Planning Cornm.tssion as xet :or*_h in itr.solur~ ~lo. PC88•-217 to rea~ as follor~s: AY~S: CUMMISSi0NER5: NAES: COt•4rtISSLANERS: A8S£NT: COh4•fI5570ltERS: IIOUAS, CARUSII,LO, BOYDSTUN, HER3.3ST, NpHE FF,LDHAUS, MESS~ MC IIUIt1iEY O1~Ud PC88-280 1 ,', . ~, .}~s n r ~ ~ , ~.-,~ .\ ~. ~ , ~.r 1 F ~ t~i !1 ~ , l ' ~ `';t,; ., ., . ~ Y' "~, !N~^'1 : t~~~~a yt+~ ~ . xHE FOREGOING RE50LUTION is signod ax~d approved by mo this 12th day uf S~ptember, .198ti. ATTEST: __.___._,.~.L..;:' . ~:' :~ ~~ c.: ~i .:.._ _~...` CHAiRMAN, AN7~FiEIM CITY FLANNING COMMISSION ;, _ _ ~_~ _25.~~'~!..~s.~-~__ _ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLATTNING COMMISSIUN STATF. OF CALtFORNIA ) CpUriTX OF ORANGE ) ss . CITY OP' ANAHEZM ) I, EdiCh L. Harris, Secretary of the Anahefm Gity Plai.ni.ng Commission, do hereby certify rhat t.he foregoing reso].ution w~s passecl and adopted aG a meetiny of Cho Ana.heim CiCy Planning Commission held ou September 7.2, 1488, by tkie following vote of• the mambeY•s thereof: AYES: COMM25SIONERS: BOUAS, BOXDSTUN, CARUSILI.Q, FGL•DHAUS, MC BURNF.:' NOES: COMMISSTONFRS: NONE AIISENT: COMMISSIONERS: HERB;iT, ME^aSk; ZN WITNE^S WHEFEOF, T have liereunlo set my hand this 12th day of Septomber, 198d. ----- ----~ _-_ SECEtETARY, ANAEIEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION I ~,'~~..~~',~'~,~,~~ _ , ~, ~ F r. '; ?~ ~~` 0130d 2 PC88-28G ~'~x ~ ~ n t~