PC 88-281,~,~G'tti ~~~ ^ ~G. ;:'~i~~~~ ;~' ;~ RES L TI.QN N2~ ~4-~4.~ A RESOL~UTION Ok' THE ANAH~IM CITX PLANtdING CUtrIlr1ISSTON AFPRUVTN(i GENE~RAL PLAN ~1M~NTJM~NT N0. 244 - LAND USE Er..EMENT ' WfiEREAS, ~h~ Ci.ty Cu+~nci'1 of rhQ City of Anahaim did adopt tY:e Anahei.m GenerF~~. PSati b~~ FQSOlution No. b9R-694, showzng the gener~l de:;cription and F~xtent of pnssible future development with3.n the City; arsd VdHEREAS, CY~e Anaheim Cit,y Planni.ng Cc+nuni~sion ~licl reeexve a request f:; trom the Froperty owner tor an amendmanC to l-.he Ar.ahoirn General Plan to modify tho siae and locat.ian of severa.l existing land usQ designations wiLhin The Summit developmgnt arPa to acc~mmudate the proposQd Specific ~l~n No. 80-02 on property wh.i~:h i.s apx~roximately 591 ~cres and is laca~ed approximately 1.1 , mil~s s~utk~e~~st ot Weir Canyon Road and the Riverside Freoway intersectipn, and is boundttd on the r,ortY- by Sy~amore Canyon Speci£ic Plan development, on the r:e;~t by ThQ Highlands at Anaheim Fiills 5pocific i'lan developrnen~, and on '- the so:ieh and Qast by Trvin~s Compariy property, and furthor c3oscribed as Tho ~' Summit o: Anaheim Hills ?lannQd Community (YC)(SC); and WHGZEAS. the a~plicant'~ request involves adjustments generall~ in the central and eastern portio:~s ~~f the propArt,y as follows: (a) A r.halge ;n tne composiCion af residontial units by incr•easiay the number of dwc~llings categorized as Hillside Low-Mediu.~n Rosi~'.ential f:om 312 to 547 (ar. increase of 215 units) anc; corre~pondi.ngly docreasiny thc~ number of units .iciQntif:ie~1 as Hil.l~ide Me~litun Density Nesiflential from 1, 575 to 1,3GQ units (a decrease of 215). xlie total dwclling units proooso~ for. The SummiL- remains ~t 2,1X7. (b) An incr3ase of 2pproximately 60 acres of lanci designate3 for Fiillsi~].e Low-Medium DensaCy Resicleutial usos (from 'd2.9 to 'L53 acras) and ~ decrease of 32 acres in l~nd designated for ;, Eiillside Medium ~ensity Residanti~l uses (fr.om 1T7.5 to 145.5). This will res~.-lt in a nat increase o£ 25.1 acres oP re~idential usA (from 343.~ to 369.5 aCI'[f9~. A de~rease of 25 acres fr, araa~ dasigna~:esd as Genernl Commerci~l (from 30 to 5 acres) i3 also bQing proposad. OpQn s~ace acreage rc~maiiis unchangQd (169 .1 zcres ) . (c) The relocation of thQ sr,ho~~.: sike to a more central location ~n The S~unmit property (rQmains at 10.0 acras). i. ; k0506r K; `,ri s > PC88-2$1 ,~,'a~, (d) A minox r-ortherly realignment cf Oak Hills Dr.~ve in the csntral portion oP ~ho sIL•e (which impaats vegotation mor.e than circu.latian). Tho proposal wauld alsA realign the et~sterly leg of Oak Hills Drivo sliqhtly to tho sou~h, ivhile ~Gill prot~iding ingro~s and egross ro the site at the same southeastc~rly location. These changes wi11 result in a 1.1-acrd reduction i.n major ros~dways. WHEREAS, thc~ Cit,y Planning Commission did hu].d a public hearing at the Civic Center in tYi~ City ot Anaheim on September 2(i, 1988, aL• 1:~0 p.m., notice a.E said public hcsar, iug having b~en duly qivon as requi re~3 ~y 1aw and in accordance with the pr.ovisions pE the Anahoim Municipal (:odQ, Chapter 18.03, to hear ancl consider evidancQ Eor and against saicl proposed gengral plan amenclment in connaction with Sp~~cific Plan No. 08-02 (inclixding zoninq and develo~ment standards, ~ public facilities plan, ancl a fi;cal impacL analysis) and ~mer~..ted and reststa~ed Uavlopment Agreement No. 8a-3 and ta irtivostigato and maks £indings and reconunendations in connection therewith; and so,id peti~ion was continued r_o the meeting of Oataber ].0, 1988; and ` WHERF.AS, said Commission, after due inspection, investiqation and f study made by itself and in its behalf, and afher due considerr~}ion of all ovi.dQnce and z'oports offered at said hearing, does £ind 3nd detgrmin~ the followinq Eacts: 1. Tkiat the ~pplicant's proposal (Exhibit• A) will increase ~ha Hillside Low Lensity RQSi~lential areas from 2.8 to 2.9 dwe].ling units peL~ acre; tnat the @ensity xilhin the Hillsic7e Low-Mediwn Density Resident•.ial areas wi11 remain unchanged at 3.G dwelling units per acre and that the density within thnse areas aesicJnt~ted for FTillsidts Medium Donsity Resid~ntial will inr.rc~ase from 8.9 dwolling units ~aer acro to 9.3 clwelling units per acre; and that overall the proposod projoct will result in a slight decrease in the ratio of uwelli.ng units pet~ residential acre (from 6.2 dwtilling unity per acro to 5.? dwelliny units per acro). 2. That the 25-•acra reduction of land c~esignata~ for Go.nera.l c:omrnerci.al ~ises will sign.ificant?y aecrea,e the sst3rnated average daily vehicular trips iUr tho ~roject ar~a. 3. That L-he apE,licaii~'s proposal (Exhibit A) wouid re~sult .in: o An uverall 32-aar~ deer.ease in Hi.llsicle Mc~dium Denszty Re~i@ential lancl uses; d An pverall 50.1-acx•e increase in Hillside Low-Meilium Density ResiciQntial land use ,; o A 9hi.F.t in Hillsido Low Den~ity Residential Zand usQS, Hillside T~ow-Madium Residcntial land uses ard Hi~lsidf~ Modium land uses; and re~location oE thQ elgmentary school site. o An overall 1.x-acre decreasse ln roadway Areas; o Retention of 169.1 acres of Upen Spttce; o An overall 25-acre decrease in General Comnerr.ial land use~; o M.inor roalignments ta Oak Hills Drive. J~ ~ ti PC88-2A1 ;. ; ,; + `,?; ~ ,:,;.~: ~:','~~ 5~Y4~ _ .. .. .. , ..., ~.~...~•.i . .~ :. y,,~,', ~ ~~.:. "+r ~ /~ ,•rroC~~~ r x r~ ~. { ... . .. . .. . - , , . ~ . . . ~i; ~ '.{~`'i i"' ~ yz71~,^A~~ ~~wi5~ tf~',~r+~',7~'1 h~~1,;~ ~ ~n~~.tr~~~ ,a '?`~ ~ 4 ,.r1AP?). ~!F 5, ~, , ~ ~ ~ `. ~ ~ ^V~'iid~ . ~ i;s i ~7 '.i . . ~ . ~.~_,; ,j' ~ 4. That res3denrial land u3e densi~ies i•o osod f ~f Tho p ~,~ :~ Summit develo ment axe genQrall ~ p °r the PQr~meter those ranch areas immediate3y ad~~cont t~YThe Sum ~t ~ wzt~ the de~s,~tiss for 5. Th~t tho proposed amendment ~ pulicies relating tu Zand ~S cons.isL•en~ with General Plan ,,; r '' USP.~ CORIliIUTllt r., circulation., open s~ace/con~~rvatioii, safet xand ~rseismicit;llf:astructure, '?, ?;, housing. The propossd projocL•'s rela~ionship and cnmpliance with ~ n~zse and ~~ policias zs incYuded and clescri.hed e.neral Plan ,~~,~ dacument. °n P~qes 5-14 oP the Specific Plan (SP88-2~ ~,1 ,,;:.. a. That t2ie ~pplicant's propasal (F.xhxbi~ A) is a ro riate for the ~ subject study ar~a, pp p. I~ ; `~ CALI'OFtNIA ENVTRQ eENrf,~. ~,~~I~ ~ T r_ Q ~ ~' Dra~t Su C ~'iNDING; After considerin pplement to EIR No. 281 ~ur the q the ? Gerieral Plan Amendment N~~ Z~}4 progo~ed S ecific Plan and amended and restaCed Davelopment Agreerr,ent `,~ No. 88-p3 Fur The Summit. of A.~aheim Hi~ls and raviewin ~' written and oral, th~; + Planning Commission t.inds thah,; ~~hg gvidQnce, both ~ a) Supplemant to EIR No. Environrriantal x 2g1 is in compliance w.ith ttxe California Qualit Ac~ ar~d the State and Cit,y Guidelino;; b? Supplement to EIR No. 281 idontifies the xollpwing :mpact~ w• considered to be both unavoidabl~ hich are fully mitigated to a 1~ve1 oF insignificars~everse in n~~urQ ~Ild not o DQVel~pment will remov~ significant biological habxtat incltidin aieas of high, m~deraL•e aiiit low ~~Ql~~i~,al sQnsirivit~l, g o'Ve2xicular tr.i~s and ~ilex•gy ~onsumptxon genera.ted by uses on-sike will produce air pollutant e~nissions anQ wiil be cumulativsl• signiticant in combznation with otlier simi7,ar ~ a3.r basin, developmont in the ~ o Dev~lopment wi12 a1L•er apprnximatelx g04~ oE thE natural ~opogr~phx and will p~tc;ntiFSll ~ y impact ~•ir~w3 from off_s.ire including Weir ~ Canyon, open spaces on the Irvine Company propc-rty to thQ sou*h and the Highlands propc~rty ~~ the west, ~ S~ ~ Praposed land uses ivill consume signif5.cant ~mounts 4f hnsr ,11 considorecl in combination with other developrnen~s in the reglon.when ,~ However, ';; the Planning Commission does hQreby def:~rrnine that the benef3ts af ~.ho projRC~ autweigh th~ unavoidablo ~~ivQxg~ gnvironmental impacts, end that a Statoment of Overriding ConsidQrations should he ado ~,e~ ' recr~mmencis that the following be cunsidered; p . and `~'~' 3 ~' PC88-28Y ~::~ ~, ~, '7 . ~ ~ '`~" `*~~ >u, ~, ,^ ;J That the beneEits oL• the project havr, been b~lanced against the unavoidablo environmenta.l impacts and, ~,ursuant to the provisians of Section 15093 0~ the fitatQ CFQA GuidElines, the occurrence of the signiEicant onvzronmental effec~s identiL-.ieo ir~ ~upplQment Lo EtR No. 281 as sQt forth above, max b9 pexmi"~ed wit:hout furthQr »itigatian due ~o t:he £ollowing overriding considerations: (:.) Economic, social and physical ccnsidarations make it i.nfeasible to elimin~~te all of the signiEicarit environmental impacts of the project which have been identified iu EIR No. 2$1 anCi ~ha Su~plementJ (2) Such environmental impacts wi.ll be reduced by compli~nce with City codes and a~iproved Specific P1an p~licies and procedures~ !3) The projoc~ wi11 bring subs~antial benefits to ths ciLizens of Anaheim by providing emp].oymont and permitting the development ot a variety of res.~.dantial densiti~s and unit types to assist in meeti.ng dsmands E~r housing; and (4) Mitigation measure~ have been i.ncorporated into the project ta r~duce the majority oF Qnvironmental impacts to ar~ acceptable l~vel. Therefore~ the Planning Commission reco.mmends that the City C~~ ~ril c~rL•ify Supplement to ETR No. 2fi1 for T.he Swnmit o£ Anaheim is SpQCific P1an No. 8a-2, General Plan Arnondment No. 244 and amendec: and restate3 Developmerit Agroement rTo. 8$-03, and aclopt the Statemant. of GvQrriding Consideral:ioris. NOW, THr^.REFORE BE '1'T fiESOLVF.D, tha~ pursuant t~ the above findinga, the Anahoim City Planning Commission does her~~y recommend tnat the City Council aclnpt c;eneral Plan Amendment T.do. 244, ~xhibit A, subject to thn following conditions: l. That thR approval ot the subject ~mendment does nnt guaranr.ee tihe developmeut of 2,11'1 dwelling units, buC providas for a range of from 0 to 2,117 dwelling units. The artual number oE units shall be iieterminec3 in connectinn wi.th t:he coi~sideraticn of tha Specific Plan and suc:division appro~~als. ?.. Th~t the applic~nl: sha].1 e3tablish a mechanism to provide an on-going monitoring and transmitka~:i oF infoxmation t;o the Ci~y of Anaheim concerning fisca7. impact of f:uture developments within the subject amendment area. THE FGREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved hy me thi~ lOth day o: October, 19a8. 1; ~ ~ - 1 `~ ~. ~ ' ~. . J! ,~ir~r_-~ .~i -~ CHAIRWOMAN, J+N~EIM CTTY PLANINlNr, (;OMMISSION ATTEST: / ~,o - ,~ ,- ~ . / 1,,t~~,, SECRET.ARY, ANAHEIM CTT PLANIr`I2IG C~JMMTSSTON ,.. ~. . ~ . r.,. ~ ,..., .~ ..., . 4 PC88-2Eil ~ ~;~ `~ . '~s .'a"'1 STATE OF CALI~ORriIA ~~ CO'UNTY OF ORANGE ) Ss, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Eclith I,e Fiarris~ Secretary of the Anaheim Ci~y Planning Commission, c1r~ hereby certif.y Chat the Eoregoing resolur_ion was pasyed and adoptecl a.t a meet.i.nq of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on October 10, 19$8, by the foliowing vote of the membors t:hareo£: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, ROX'DSTUN, CARUSILLO, FELDilAUS, HERIIST, MC BURNEY, MESSF NUES: ~OMMISSIONF,RS: NOA1~ AL~;iENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEFEOr, I have hereunko seL my hand L-his 10th 3ay of. OctobEr, 19a8. ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~,~_''~t= . SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMx5SI0N ^i 5 PC88-3A1 ';r ,M ~;~ ,:~ ~;~d ,y~~~t, ; y~ ~91 ri ~ .... .. .1.~