PC 88-290,.. ~ . ...._ ... ,.., ,., ~ _,f: , ,, ,. ~~-;~~, ,;,~r, r. „ ,_ ,. ~ , .' ~~ ;i~ 3 ~ ~ RFSOLUTTaN rro; pCg~_Z~p A RESQLUTION OF TIiE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNTNG COMMTSSION THAT PET]:TI~JN FOR CONDI~'IONAL USE PERMIT NOs 3072 B~ GRANTEn WHEREAS, the AnGheim City Planning Cor.imission did receive a verified Petitior~ Eor Conditi,onal Use Permit from KALYI~NJI KOFVERJI MOTA AND JYOTI K. MOT.A, 2g12 W. Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, CA, ownQr and JpHN E. Sh`?2dT, 707 W, North Street, Anaheim, CA 92805, agent i'or certain reaJ. property situated in Lhe City of Anahei~n, Coizr.'~y uf Oranye, State o£ California, described as: TFiE EASTERLY 95.U0 FEE7.' ~JF THE SOUTHERLX 330,00 FEEi OI' TH~ NORTHERLY 396.00 FEL^"T OF THI#T PORTION OI' '1'HE NORTH~,VEST QUARTER OF SECTION 13, TOWNSH]fP ~ SOUTH, RAftf;E 11 WEST, iN 2HE :,..NCHO LOS COYOTES, CITY OF ANI~HEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OI' CALIFORI3IA, AS PER MAP R~CORDED IN AOOI{ 51, PAGE 11 OF MZSCELLAN~OBS MA`PS, IN TFiE OFFICE OF THE COTJNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNT.X, nE~CRIBRD AS FOLLOWS: ~ B.E~GTNNING AT A POIPIT ON TFiE NORTH LTNE OF SAIp SE~CTTON, NORTH 89~ 41' 15" EAST 1,162.3U F'E~T FRCM ~HE NQRTHW'r',ST ~ORNER THEREOF; T~IENCE SOUxfi 8° 16' 15" EAST 1, 38. 22 FE~T TO A POTNT ON TFIE; SOUTH LIN~ ()F THE NORTFi Fi.ALF OF TH~ NORTHWEST QiJARTER OF SA?;D SECTION~ N7RTH 80~ 37' 30" EAST 1r162.58 FEET FRC1M THE INTERSFCTTON Ur SAID SOt1TH T,INE WITFI THE WEST T,INE; Or SAID LxNE; THENCE NORTH 0~ 10' '15" WEST 1,338.43 FE~T PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF' SAIp SECT~~N TO TH~ N'OFTH LINE TF~EREOF; xHEN'C~ NORTH 89~ ~1' 15" EAST 154.30 FrET ;CO TFi~ POINT OF $i(iINNING. EXCEPT ThE WESTERLY 3.U0 FE~T OF THE S~U1'HGRLY 230.00 FEET TH~I2~OF. WHCREAS, the ~ity Planning Commission did hold a rh~ Civic CentAr in the City of Anah~im on Octi4ber IOth, 1988batc1h30ring ati notice of saicl public hearing havin~- been duly yiven as reguzred by 1aw•and in accordance with the provisions of t:ie Anaheim Municipal Code,. Chapter 18.03, ta h~ar and cAnsider evidence for and ac~ainst said proposed conditional use pez•mit and to investigate and make tindings and recommendaCions in connection therewith; and 050IIr -1~- PC 88-29U _ . . _ _. !.r . . ~ . . - .'''r~4 f „ ~ .. ~ . . . , . . . . . . . . , . ~ . . ~ . . ~i~°~A~k"~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ .=,~~r~ .,. ; , •,,~ ~~ , 4 WHERrAS, said Commission, after ~7uH ins~ection, investigation and sCudy m~adn by itsel~ and in its behalf, and aftc~r due con~idera~ion of all evidence and report:; oEferod at said hearir~g, does find and determ.ine th9 following £acts: 1. That tho prop~sed use is propQ:ly one ~or which a conditionr,l ;~~ use poxrniY. is authorized by Anahe3.m t••;unicipal Code Section 10.44.050,160 to wit: L•o constract a. Z3-room addition to an er.isting 32-room motol. 2. That the prapose3 us~ will not aclvers,ol.y ~ffect tho acijol:iing land uses and the growth and development of thn ar~ee~ in which it is prnposed to bQ located. ~~ 3. That CrQ size aud shape o~ the site prppos~~ for the use is , adequate to allow the full development oE t:he proposed use in a manr~~r not :'• dotrimental to the particuiar area nor. *_o tne peace, health, safety and general w~lfare of the Ci~izens nf the Ciky of Anaheim. ~ 4. That the 7rantinq of th~ Concliti.onal U'se ?ermi~. under the ~ con~litions isnposed, if any, will not be detrimental to lhe peace, hRalth, ' safoty and ganer~). welEare of tk~e Citizens of the City of Anaheaim. 5. That the traf~ic generated by the proposed use wil'- not im~o:~e an un~ue burden upun the streQts and highways desi~ned and impr~vod to carry the tratfic iu the area. 6. That no ona indicated their presenco at said public hearing fn oppos.ition; snd that no cr,rrospandence wa~ received in opposi~ion to the subjecL• p~cition. Sl~-L~FQ~N~A GNVIRO !MENTj~Q'~g~r p~~ FINU[,N~: That th~ Anaheim City Planni.ng Commis~ion has reviewQCi l-he proposal to constzuct a I3-r.oom addi:ion to an oxist.inq 32-ronm motel an r. xectangularly-shapec3 parcol of lancl cor.sisting of approximately 0.86 ac~es havinq a Frontnqe of approximately 95 foet ~n khe south afde of Linco.lii Av~nue ancl beiny locn~ed approximat3ly 107Q feet Qast ~f ~ho centerline of Eioach Bo~ilgvard an~' furthor doscribac] as ?.912 West Lincoln Avenue (St~ge Stop Motol); and Qoos heruby appr~ve th~ Ne~~ative Declaration upon ffnding that it has considered the NogaLive Doclarat=on togoth~r with any comments rec.eived du.rinq the pubifc review prc~cess and f.urr_har finding on the basis of the in~tial study and any commenrs receiv~~ tl~at r_here is no substantial e~vidence ttiat the projQCt will have a sSgniEicant Offect on the eavirorunen;.. ' ~. -2" PC E8-290 ~ ~ NOW, TE3EREFORE, BF: IT RESOLVED that tha Anaheirt~ City Planning Commission does heroby grant gubj~+ct Petition f~r Condi~icrzal Use Permit, upon the fo.lluwing conditions w2itch aro hereby £oun~9 to be a nec:ossrary prerequisiCe to the pr~pos~d usa of the subjoct propert,y in orde,r to presorve tho safety and goneral ~a.3lfare of tho Citizens o€ the City af Ane-hQim: l. That prior to i~suance of a k,uil;:ing permit, the appropriato trafffc ~ignal assessment fe~ shall bQ pai.a to the City of Anah~airn in ~n arn~un~ as d~termined by City Council rasolution. 2. Th~at idewalks shall be repairod alorig Linccln Avenue as rdquired by the City Enqinaer and in accordancr, wit:~ standar3 plans and ~pec3fications on file in the Offiae of ~h~ Ci~y Enginaer. 3. That the driveway shall be reconstructed to accommociate Cen (10) foot radius curb rQturns. E,xisting bruken or craaked dxiveways shall be remov~~d and replaced as required by tt~e City E~ngir:eer. 4. That a parking plan indicating compliance with Ci~y parking lot desiqn et•~ndards shall be submitCed to raiid approved by the City lraffic Engineer. 5. That a fee shall be paic3 to tho Cfty of Anaheim for str~et liqYitinq Hloxiq Lincoln Av~r.ue in an amount as determined by City Cuuncil rerolution. 6. That a fee shall be paid Co the City ot Anaheim Eor tree planting along Lincoln AvenuP in an amount as determined by City Council resolution. 7. That subject proposal a~xthorized by this r4solution shall bQ served by underqraund ut:lities. 8. That as required by the Electrical Engine~ri.nq Division, the building shall be designQd to be twolve (12) feet benoath arti six (ti) feeC away from the sides o£ t~he 72K overhead power lines. Tn lieu of this separation, ~vezhQacl powo.7ines m~y be re].ocatE9 underyround. 9. That fire ~•prinklers shall be .inskalled as requirE~d by th~ Cit~ fire Depr~rtmQne. 10. Zh~L as roquirQd by the City Fire Dopc+rtment, a~our (4) hour fire wall sha3.1 b~ coi.~tcucted between rhe existinq building and the build~nq addition. No penetrations ~hall be permitted in ~aid wa11. 11. That rrash stor~c~c~ a.reas shall b~ provided ancl maintained in a locati~n ~,cceptable to the Street Muintenance end 5anitution Dfvfsion an8 in accorQance wi.th approved plans on £ile wi.th a~icl Division. :v ; ~ ;s. . ~ .k ';; X~~ ~~ . -3- QC RS-290 ~? ,~~ ~ ~ ,s~ 12. That a11 air cond.itioning Facilitie~ anfl Ather roof and ~rouncl mount;od eguipmenr sh~J: bo proper~y s'~iolded ~rom v.iew, and ~he sound buf.fored from acljar_~ant r.esidential properCies to tha oaRr ~nd aoul.},. ],3. 'rhat the proposal shall comply with all signing rec~uirements of the Ct, "C~mmerc.ial, Gi.mited" ZonA, unless a va.rianae allowing s.ign waxvers is ~ approved by th~ Cxty Council, Plann3ng Commission or 7.~nlt7y " Ad,,:! nistrator. .1~. That ~ sxx (6) fc,ot high masonzy block wa12 3ha:l~ be constructod and maintained along tlie ea t d • s an soul h proparty lino Pxcepting the front ~etback ul~erQ tt,e wa~l. hoight shall t no excoed f.hree (3) feot. ~ 15. >~ That min~mum fifteen (15)-gttllon rrees planted ~n minimum twenty (20)-Eoot ; ceiit~rs ar,d, with ~ppropriat~ zrrigation facilities, ~hall b~ installad and main~ai d l , ne ts ong Che~ east and south property li~:-s. ' 15. '~ That l2ie on-site lan~scaping shall ba refurbi,hed and mai:itained in compl.ianccs with C i~ st d . y an ards. 5 17. That subject property shall 1~d dev3loped aubstantial].y in accordanc~ with plans an~i ;,peclficati ons ui, #ile with the City of Anaheim marked Exh9.bic 2;os. 1 through f3s providec3, k~owever th , at additianal landsca.ping cansisti.ng of at laast four (4) ~rees sha11 b i e nskalled in planters and main~.ained in the parking area. 7.8. Th~t no kitchenettes shall be addod ta subject motel without, c~~ditional code rQquir~d parY:ing be.ii~g pr~vided or without prior approval ot a parking vacian~e. 19. Th;st prior to issuancc of a building permit, or within a period af ane year from the date of this resoluticn. whichaver occur3 fiz~at, Condi.tion Nos. 1, 4, ,, E~nd 8, aLUva-ment.ianed, shall be complied with. ~'"~~:.•sions frr further. tine to compleCe said conditions m~y be granted in accordan^e with Ser,kion 18.03.090 of tha AnahQim Mun±.cipal Cocle, 20. Tha~ prior ta final builAfng anct zaning inspectious, Condition Nos. 2, 3, !, 8, 9, 10, 17., ~2, 14, 15, 16 and '17, abovo-montionec~, shall be complied wfth. 21. Thar. appzoval oI this aPZ,1 ication CG..'13t.~tLlt@g approval ~f the proposecl rec~ue~~ only to t:~e exten~ that it complies with the Anaheim Munfcipal 'Loning Code and any ~ther appl~.cable City re~ulations. Approval does not 3uclude any acCion or Einctiuy~ as ~o campliance or approval o.E the cequest regarding any otner applicablQ ordir.ancQ, regulation or roquiroment. -4- PC 90-290 ; ;~ ~ :, ~q;.:: , .; , . , : , . , , ,, , ,: y, , ~ , r- , ~~ ~, ^ ~;"; BE YT ~'URTHER R~:SOT,VED that ~ho AnahQim City Planning Commission does haraby find Hr-d dete•rmino that adoption oE thi.s t2~solution is expressly predicated u~on ~pplicant's compliance ~rith each and all of the condi~ions horeinabove sot far~h. Should buy such aonclitions, or any p~rt ther~-of, be declaro~i .invalf~ or une»forcoable by L•he final judgment of mny r.ourt of competent jurisdiction, then ~his 8esolution, and any a~provals horein containecl, ~hall be deemed nuli and void. THE: FOREGOING RESOLC)TION is ~igned and approved by me this lOth dai aP Uctobar, 1988. . .i ~ ~ ,~;~t'<'~ /, i -, ~ ,%, i ~._c ~<. ;.._.. CFIATRWGMAN, ANAHCIM .CITY PLANNING COhII`lISSION 1 ATTEST: ' _.,-'~~-='~s-, ~ `-- ~~-G~i~- SEC~tETARY, ANAfIEIM CITY PI,AITNTNG COMMTSSION STATE GF CAI,IFORNTA ) C4UNTY OF ORANG~; ) ~S, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith I,. Hari•ia, Sacretary o; the Anuheim City Planning ^.ommi~sion, do horQby certify that the to~^c~going resolution was passed and tidaprod at a meetiiig of the Ar_aheim ~ity Planning Commissioxi held on October lOth, 1988, by the following vote of the members t2ierooE: AYES: COMMYSSIUNEP.S: C30UAS, BOIDSTUN, CA1tUSILLO, FELDHAUS, HERBST, MC BUI2NEY~ MFSSE NCES: COMM'lSSTONERS: NOh~ ABS~N:C: CQ:+r1ISST(1NRP,SS NO:IE IN WITNESS WHEft~UF, ! have hereun~o s~t my hanci this lOtl~ day uf October, 1988. ---- ~cQ..2.~' ' . - ----. ~---.~ ~~+~.~ S~:CRE'PARY, A*7AHEIM CI1'Y PI.ANPtING COMMLSSION „ a f a -J-- . ;..,~~ `;r ;;~ PC 88-290 :;': ,,~;, ,. , .'c