PC 88-296~ ;, y , . .. . . . . M ~' ' RE~,QLUTION N0. PC8 -2~6 ~~, , A RE80LUTTQN OF TH~ ANAHEIid CITX PI,ANNING GOMMTSSION TIiAT PETITION FOR CONDI~I~N~L USE PERMIT N0. 3063 13E GRANTED WHEREAS, the Ana2ieim City Planning Commission dxd receive a verif~.ed PQtik:ion for Conditiorial tTse Permit from WONSON TCIM and HAESOOK KIM, 11443 E. Stapleton Cir.cle, Cerrit~.°. CA 9070]., owner, for certain roal ~~rapert:y situated the City oi Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California~ describe as: ALL THAT CEkTAIN LAND SI'TUATED IN THE STATE OF GALI~'ORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE, CITX OF ANAHEIM, AND IS DESCRI.[i~D AS FOLLOY~S : ; THAT PORTION OF THE SUUTHWEST QUARTER OF Tr1E F SOUTAWEuT ~UA.RTEFt OF SECTIOIv 5, TOWNSHIP 4 SCUTH, ,- RANGE 10 WEST, IN TH~ I2.ANCHO LOS C~Y~'TES, AS SAOWN ON y A MAP R~CORD~D TN HOQK 51, PAGE 10 Or MISCELLANEOUS +' MAPS, FtECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNTA, DESCRIBEll 'i AS FOLL•OWS: Q,' B'";INNING AT THE INTERSECT'CON OF THE WEST LINE OF Sa.lD SOUTHWEST QUARTER WI'TH THE WESTERL7f Pk20LONGATION OF TFIE SOUTH LINE OF LO'PS 149 TO 152 INCLU57VE OF TRACT N0. 2n93. AS SfiOWN ON A M1~P RECO~.DE~ IN BOOK ','~.~, PAG'3S 45 T~J 48 I23CLUSIV'~ OI' SATD MISCELLANFOUS MAPS; TI~~NCF SOtJ'PH 0 DEG. 19' ~14" EAST, ALOt7G SAID WESx LINE 103.59 F'~ET; TFIENCE ~TORTH 89 DEG. 40' 16" EAST PARALL~;L WITH SAID SOU'PH LINE 270.00 I'EET; THENCE NORTH 0 ~7EG. 19' 44" WES~, PARALL~J~ WITH SAIU WEST LINE 8R.5g FEET; THENCE NORTH 31 DE~G. 17' 34" WEST 17 . 49 FEET TO ~N 1~NGL' E PO'LNT ON TFIE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT 152 nF SAID TRACT I30. 2093; THENCE SOUTH 89 AEG. 40' 16" WEST, ALONG SAID SGUTH LIN~;, 261.00 FBET TO THB POI13T OF BEGINNTNG. WIiER~AS, the Cit-y Planning Commissi~n did hold a public hsaring at the Civic ConL-er in trie City o~ Anahezm on October 24th~ 19a8. at 7.:30 p.m., notice af saici public hearing having been r]uly givgn as required by law and in accordance wzth the pro~isions ~f tihe Anaheim N.anicipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear ar.d considEr eviden~e for and against said proposed c~ana:~tional u5e permit and to invesLigate and maka findings and recommendations in conneation therewith; and ~, , ,;~ WEiEHEAS, sai.d Commission, after due inspection, investigation '` and study made by itse].f and in ito behalE, and afl:er due cons3deration of a11 evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does ~ind and determine thQ : following facts~ F` PC 88-296 ~` 0525r ~1- ~ , ~f. .~ :. ;:,, ,:~ :, , ,. ~ ,:°r~ ':~ ;,?~;;i ,. ~ , --- -- _ . - ,. .. , , ,,_ . ...~ . „_.~ ~ ,. _ .. __ :,`~~;l.'.1~?~I ~ . ~ ~ ; ~, 1. That L-Y~e proposed use, is properly or~e far which a conditional use permit is authorizcd by Anaheim Municipal ~ode Sc~cl-ion 18,44.050.1a5 to wit: to perm.zt a 1,456 square~foQt conveni~nce inarket. 2. That the praposed use is hereby granted subject to thc~ restriction L-hat. ther.e shall be no off-sale of beer and wine whatsoever. 3. That the north property line ahall minimally be landscaped with 15-gallcn ~.re~s an 10-toot centers. ~k. That the hours oF opera~ion shall be limited from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., seven days a w~;ek. 5. 'Phat the proposed use, as granted, will not adverseiy a°ect t!~e adjoin.ing land us~s and the grorrth and developmenL- of the area in ~.,.ich it is ~roposad to be loca~ecl. 6. Tha~ tn~ size and shape of ti~.~c site proposed for the use, as granted, is adequats ta allow the fu11 devQlo~:menr of the proposed use in a mannsr not detrimenta.l to the par~icular area r,or to the peace, health, safety and general welf2,re of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 7. That Che proposed use, as gra•.ited, will not adversoly affect t:~e adjoini:~g 1anc1 uses and t•.he growtY~ and c;evelepment of the area in wnich ii: is proposed to be located. 6. That the size and shapQ of the sii:e pxoposed £or the us~, as gz~anted, i3 adequate to allow t;h? fu11 developmEnt oE the proposed use, as gras~ted, in a manr~e.r z~,QL• detrimental L-o the particular area nor to tlira pQac~, h$alth, safety and geizer.al welfare of the Citizen.s of the City of Anaheim. 9. T.ha4 the qr.antiz~g oi the Conditional ~1se Permi~ undor ~che conclitioxis imposed, .if any, will iiot bP detrimental to the peace, health, saEQty and general welfare of the Citizens flf the City o~ Anahc~im. 10. 'Pho ~ r_he tra~fic crenerated by the proposed use, as granked, will not-. impo.~e ~r. unr~ue buLden upor. the ~treets and highways designod and i.mprc,ved to carry the traffie in the area. 11. That r~o oYiP indicated thair prasence at sai.d public hearing in oppositiori; and that no correspondence was received in r~ppcsitiion ta t,he su.b7ect petir.ion. ~AT~ FORNIA ENVIR r7fENTAL__¢_UALtTX T~~~ F~NAIN~; That the Anahofrn City Planning Cummission has reviawod tha proposal to perm~t a 1,~56-square foot convenience mar~Ce~ on a rectangularly-shapod parcel of land corisisting of apprax3.m~tely 0.5 acre, havin.g a fronL•age o~ approximatoly 103 feet on the east side of Brookhursr Street, 2aeing located ar,proximately 13U feet south of the ~enterlxne of Falmou~h Avenus and furCher described as 1:~42 North Brookkiurst Street; and does hereby approv~ the Negative Peclaratiion u~on finding thut it has considered the Negative ~eclara'~ion t~~gether with any comments receivec~ during the public revigw process and Eur~hcar tinding on the basis oF the initial s~udy and a.ny nomments received tha~ there zs no subsrantial evidence Lhat the projQO~ wi11 k:ave a significar~t effec~ on the environment. '2' PC 88-•296 NOW, TKEREFOR~, BE IT R~S~LVED that the Anahezm City Plan~ing ~' Commission does hereby grant. suhject Petition far C~nditional Use Permit, ~ upon the following conditions whzch are h~reby Eound to be a necsssary ~ grerequisite to t~e prop~sed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of th~a Citizens of the Cit~ o£ Anaheim: '`~ `.; ~ 'l. That a fee shall bs paid to the City of Anaheim far streat liqhting along ;~'; Broakhurst Street in an amount as determined by City ~ouncil resolution. ~:. {; 1~,. r1' ~~,~ , ~ I~ ~ l~'. 2. That a L~e sha11 be paid to the Ci~.y of Anaheim ~or troe planting along Brookhurst Street in an amount as dstQrmined by CiL-y Council r.esolution. 3. That the lega]. owner of subjPCt propQr.ty sha].1 irre~ocably oi•fer to dedicate ~o Nne City qf Anaheim a strip of land sixi:y (60) feeF in wid~h from the centerline of the street along BrookhursL• Street for street widening purposes. ~k. That the legal owner of subject propex•ty shax~ i~r~vocably offer ta dedicate to the City of Anaheim an add.itional strip of land alung Brookhurst StreQt, measuz•r~d nar~herly from *he ultima~:e right-of-way line at the corner o£ the interse^tion of Brookhia.rst '~traet and La Palma Avonue, and varying in width f.om ~welve (~.2) ieeL• for the first three hundred (300) feet axid then transitioning ~rum twelve (12) feet tu 0 f.eet for the next three hundred (300) feet. 5. That curbs and gutters shall be removed and/or reconstructed along Brookhursi: Street as required by th~ City Eiigineer ana in accordanc8 with standarr.l plans a~1d speci£ications on file in ~he c.L-fice of ~he Ci~y EnginPCr. 6. That there shall be no sale oF beer and/or wir.ie whatsoever. 8. That trash stoLage areas shall be pr.ovided and maintained in a locatiou accepta)~7.e to the Str~~t Maintenance and Sanitation Division and iii accordance with approved plan.s on fil~ with said Di.vision. 9. Tkiat all air conclitioning facilities and otheL roo~'- an8 ground-moun~ed eq,uipmoiit shall be properly shieldefl from view, and the sounc] butfered f•rom adj~cent resident.ial grupexties. 1.0. '.Chat the proposal shall cnrnply wi.Ckx a].1 signing roqui.rements of tho CL "Commercial, Limitad" ZoYi~, unless a variance allowing sigr w~ivors is approved by the CiL•y Counci:l, Plannxng Cammission or Zoning AQministrator. 1].. That a six (6) ioo~ higki -n~sonry black wa11, a~ measured from th.e hiqliest grade level uha11 be constructed an3 maintained along tlie r.orth prop~sr~y line exc4p~inc~ thp front setback wher.e the wall he3c~ht shall be three (3} £eet. ' -3- PC 88•-296 ~:• . ~ ~ ~ ~iU'-.: 12. That building plans sh~ll show that any proposed parking area lighting Eixtur.es adjacent ta auy residential property shall be down-lighted with a maximum height of twelve (].2) feet. 5aid lic~hting faxtur.es shall be direc'ted away f rom adjacent residential property lines ~o protect thF residential integri~~ ot the area. l:i . That the on-site landscaping sha11 be maintained in complianc:e witY~ City st2ndards. 14. That subject propert1~ shall be developed substantially in accorclance wit:i plans and specificaticns on rile with the City of Anaheim marked Fxhibit i' Nos. 1~hr~~ugh 3, provided„ k~owever thaL• the landscaping along tY:e north ~ pr~perty line shall minimally c~ns.ist of 15-r~allon troes plan;.e.~ on F~ 10-fooL centers. 1! V 15. That pricr 'to comcnencement of L-he activity herein approved, or prior to issuance of a~iuilding permit, or wi.thin a perioc'. og one year £rom ~he " date ef. this reso7.ution, whichevEr occurs £irst, Conditi~n Nos. 1, 2, 3, ~~ 4, 5, 11 and 12, above-mentiuned, sha11 be ccmglied with. Extensions fox '~ ~ fur.l:her rime to complete said conditions may )~Q granted in acaordance ~ ; ~ w:ith Saction 18.03.090 Q~' the A.natieim Mun.icipal Cade. `:r : J 16. Thai, prior to final building and zoning i~spections, Condition Hos. 8, 9f ` r ; 11 and. 14, above-mentianed, shall be complied with. ,~; r' 17. That the hours oF operaL-ion shall be :1.imit~:d from 7:00 a.m. ro 'O:OQ p.m. L` ,'~~, ~'~' :Cs ;. 18. That approval of this application constitutes approval of *_ne proposed ~':~ request oizly to the extent that ii: complies wi.th tlze ~.naheim MuniciQal `'t , Zoniz~g Code ~snd any other applicable ~ity regu:~ations. Apgroval does not ; ';.ry `a include any actioii or finda.ngs as to complisnce ar approval of the ;;:!' . ~~!~~ requc~st. regarding any ~ther applir.able ordinance, regulation ox , ;~ , requirement. ~,; BE IT FUR'THER P.~SOLVED that the Ana:laim City Planning Commi^sion does hereby find and determine tiiat adopt,ion of this Resolution is ~xpressly predicated upon app:licant's cornpliance ~vith oach anc~ all of the rond.itions hereinabove seL for~h. Shoul~:i any s~ac~ conc~ition, c~r any part tY:er~of, be declarad invr~licl or unenforceable Ly thn final judc7ment ~~f ~ny court ~~•~ compec~:xit jurisdicrion, ~then tihis RRSAltxtior.., and any approvals herei~'. containe~, shall be deemed nul.l and void. THE FOREGCTVG R~.~.'SOLUT.I~N is sigried and approved by me this October >~r., 24. 19t3g. ;`} i;r ~~ .., ~ ~ % ~ l%i;Carti. i <<::'r. ~..• ~ CHAIRW~'.KA.~,'~ANAHEIM CTTY PT~ANNING COMMISSIODT ,'ri AT'PEST: ~e ~F _ ;~ 's'°' SECRETARY, ANAHEItd CITX PL~ANNING C02/u~fISSION ~"'~ ,,ti; 1''~~ -~- ~ PC 88-296 ~~ ~;o~ a+' t~ ,~s ~ ~ ,~ ~'" ,~~ l .',~.I . . . - i ;li l ~' i ~ t. ~Tty' f + :,~ r<~ a ~` ~ ~ ` S , ~ ~y, ti~ r~'~ > . ~ a, r ,l ~ ',~ ~ . _ .. _, . ,. ;, ..,.. _ . . . __ _ ,~. ,.., ~ `'.: ~ 1.~.~~=5+'s .T~'~`,1'KL-.~~1f~~-~.;^iL~B,:-~?•.'•r ~ . $,t'.~ +ylN)~tt,r,ul ~h~y-..r,~.:u -~?'.~,r~~: ;Sri~~. . - . . . . . . . , . . _ . ... . . , ~ . ~ ' . ~ ~i ~ ~"*d,.f'i .. n ^ ~ ~~ sx~-T~ or c~-Lrr,oRC,I~> > COUNTX OF 012ANGG ) 53. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ec~ith L. FIarris, Sacretary a~ thQ Anaheim City Planning Commis~ion, do hereby ~~ortify that th~ foregoing resolutfon was ~assed and adopted at a mooL•ing of the Aaal:eim City Planning Comm,i.sslon held on Oc~ober 24, ..988, by tha :Eol.lowing vatH of zhe members thereof: AYES ~ COMNIISSJCINERS: BOUAS, HOYDSTUN, CAItUSII.Lt~, HF,I?BCT b!C BURNGY', MESSE NOESt COh2YfISSIONGRS: NONE AgSEI3T: COt~Q~iJ[SSIONERSt FELL`HAU3 IN WI'1"NFSS ~1HERGOF, T h~svo hereun~o sot my :iand this 24th dAy of October, 1988. SECRF7.'ARY, ANAHEIM CITY E~LANNIr7G COMMISSIGN -5- '"~`~,~ • PC 88-296