PC 88-301 ~ , .4. :a~.:C;.~ . . , :,,~ ,'. ~ g;. •~++ u Q!i.Y +y+~CSS__!.`.SC.!_5~~_1__".alSG.~i ~ A RESOLLITION OP' THE At~AHEI?Q CITY PLANNING COb4YtISSION THAT PETITION FOR VARZANCE N0. 3850 BC DENYED WHRREAS, the Anahoim Ci~y Planning ~ommission did receive a verified Pet~ti~n Eor Variance from CHARLES D. SOLEItJACK AN'a DQROTHY A. EtOLERJACK, 3625 Sav~+nnra Streor, Anaheim, CA 92804, own3rs, and MICH1-EL R. F'RAZIER. 18200 'Yo:~ba Lznda Roulovard, ~7.01, Yqrba T,incla, CA 92686, aqent, for cer.tain real pro~orty situ<<4od in the Czty of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California dascribed as: THE WEST ONE-HALF, 1dEASURED ALONG TFiE SOUTFi LINE OF LOT 21, OF TRAC:C 743, TN THC CITY OF ~+NAHExM, COUNTY OF OF~ANGE, STATG Ob' ~ALTFOR2IIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOQK 2~e F~ACE 10 OF MTSCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. ~XCEPTING THEREFItOM THAT PORTIQN LXING NORTHWESTEELY OF THE SOUTEiEAST~RLY i.It1E OF THF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DCED TO ~RANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRI~T, RCCURnED MAY 05, 1960 IN B~OK 5227 PAGS 182 ~F OFFICIAL ~ZSCORDS. ~ ,. M~ 3~1 _ e FIHEREAS, the City P~anninq Cammissi~n did hold a public hearing at ~he Civir_ Center in thc~ City a~ Anaheim on Oc::oher 24, 1988, at 1:3Q p.m., notico of safd public hearfzig having been duly givan as required by law and in accordance with t~ie provisions oE the Anaheim Mur~icipal Cudo, Ch~pter 1.8.03, t-a hear and cansider evidence foc• and against said proposad vaziance and to inve3kigato and make findinys ar.d recommendat:.ions in connection therewith; and W(iGREAS, ~aicl Commission, aftQr du.e inspoction, intestigatio:t and study made by its~slf ar.d in its behalf, and a£ter due consideratian of all evidence and rQport~ ofEc~red at said hearing, cloes find and de~ermine the following facts: 1. That the poL-it~ondr propc,ses waivers ~F tk,e fnllowfng tu construct. a 3-sCury, I2-uniC Tpart;ment cumplex: (A) ~' N 18,_~S2~.Q12 - ~.~IIUm~~r~~.~~_...1~~9~• (1~~Y. within 150 feQC o€ a:single-family ros3dential zQne ~ermitted; ~~ori.~, proposed 5 and x35 fQet from east anci west, aud north propety 1.ines). (B) iFS-'~Q'I~ _~$~~.~4~~,9~~9 - M.~.[-1.u~-__._~it~_s.~Y~~• (.~~ permitted: ~..~ pr.oposecl). ( C ) ~~'~.4~__1~t~4 :0~ L.~O? ~ - M~.tL mu~~~S~.~.Y~4~.....~FLt~.~S~ • ( ~.~.9~~. required from onst ;~roper~y linet n~ne pr4posed) q0544r PC 88»30]. ~ ~~~ fa:~r.,~' 2. That the mbovc~•-muntinnod waivors are hereby d~nied on h11Q ba~f~ that thera are no sp~cfal circum~tances ~pplicable to tho property suah a~ 9.~2H~ shape, topography, 1ocaL•ion and surroundir.gs wlii.ch do nat apply to other idenCically zoned prop~rty in the samo vicinitys and th~t str3,ct application of ltze 'Loning Code does nnt depriva the pr~r~erty o£ privileges snjoyed by ~ther proporties ixi the identica]. zone and classifica~ion in tho v.icinity. 3. That th~re arQ no er.ceptiaii:~l or oxtraordinary circumst~nces ar conditions appiicable to tha proporty involvod or to the intended usQ af the property that do not apply generally to the ~rop~rty or rlass of use in tiie same viciniry and zone. 4. That tlie requestc~d variance is no~ necQSSaz~y for Lhe preser:atipn and enjoymont o1: a substantial ~ropert~ right ~,~ssessed by othes Fropert1 in the sama v:icxnit;y and zone, ai~.cl dPnied to the property in question. 5. That ~he requestod variance wi11 be rnaterially detrimental to the public welfare or ir.ivrious to th~ property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in whic,h ttie proporty is lacated. 6. That no one indicated their• presenco at 3aid public heaxinq ~in oppositinn; and thaL no correspondenca was received in opposition to subject petition. LIFg~NIA EN_ V~_RQNN!ENTAL,QUALITY J~ T FINDING; That the Anaheim City P1ann.ing Commission has reviewocl tk:e prop~sal to reclassafy subject property Erorr. the RS-A-43,Q00 (Residenti~l/Ac~ricultural) Zont~ to the RM-1200 (Ite~idential, Multip3e Family) L~ne and to ~construct a 3-story, lx-unit apartmenC cornpl~x with waivers o£ m~ximum structural heiqhC, maximum site coveraqe and minimum sideyard setback on an irregualarly-shapod garcel o~' land consisting of sapproximatoly 0,35 ac.,co, h~ving a fzontage o: approximately 65 feet on the nortY~ sida of Sava:~na Street, being located approximatoly 115 teet w~st af. the centerline of Marian Way and further de~scrfbed as 3625 5avanna S~ree~; and doe~ hareby approvQ the Negativ+a Declaration u~on findinq thr~t it has considered the N~gatit~s Declaratiion cogether w.ith any comments raceived during the public review procQSS and furthc~r finding on ~he basis af t.h~ init.ial ytudy and any c~mments r.ece3v~d tha~ ~here is no sub~t~ntial Qviden~e that the project w,ill have a siqnifican~ ef~'ect o~a the ~-nvironment. NOW, THEREF012F:, AE IT RESOLVED thar the Anaheim City Planning ~~mmission does heroby den~ stibject Petitiqn for Variance on the basis of the aEorementioned findinys. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed anu approv~cl by me this 24th iiay of October, 1988. _ , ; ,:.., ..` : • _~ .__. /.> ,~'-- .; • CHAIRWOMAN; ANAt;ETM CITX Pi.A1JNING COMMISSION AT~EST• _ ~ ~c ~ SECRETA Y, AN EIM C TY PLA?INYl1~ SSIUt1 ~2` PC08-301 .pl~'.~~t~~'''i,'.~ ~~P~~ fl~~i"•a'llf~ ) y.~~1 f~1~l.~r J1~1'~~ t I~I~f1~;+riy'r}`~j~y;: ~~ r1\~~~yl'~` 1~0.~1.(M / S,f' ~tl.i~1!!(Ik (~v ~ l ~P.-i1.114A ! ~` I~qxR ~. n ~~ ~ . ~ a~~~ ~" ; ~,, r~r.i ~ ~'. ~ti i'7 ~a it ~ ~"~ Y,':~ ( V~;'r ~ r ~~3u~ ~ r t4 ~ V ~~4,v,:1~i~~~ t~j~~~,~~a~~~r°~Y~ P i ` al. ~'~ 1` ~;~~) ~1 ~~~,.~ ~i~~ I} ~4l P/f k. ~} N~Itf~ i ~~. . ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ STATE OF CALIFpRNIA ) , COUNTY OE' ORAtrGE ~ 3Sa ' CI~Y OF ANAHETM 1 I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the .~naheim Cik~ Commission, do hereby certify that the forc~going reso.lu~,ton was ~pa p~ec] nand adopted at a moeting of tho A,naheim Cit;y Planning Commissian held an October, 2~, 1988, by the following vo~o oE the members thereof; AYES: CQM~lISSIOIv~RS: DOYDSTUN, CARUSILLO, HERAST, ME;iS~ NOGSt CnhLti1ISSI0NERSt BOUAS AHSENT; GOMMISSYOt3ERS: FELUHAUS, McBURNEY rN WTTNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunro set my ~nd this l4th d~y ~~ OctobPr, 19L8. ~~ r ~~ ~ ~~ . _ C~C ~.- '~~ ~(.~ SCCR TARY, ANAHEIM PLANNING COMMYSSI013' ' J, ~ yr r,.;, -3- PC88-301 ~ ~ ." ~ .,%' : -_r;,