PC 88-304~ ~~~~ ~.~Qs ~~.~~ _ ~ Q ~ ,~Y.I A RESOLUTION nF THC ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COhIIUfIS&ION THAT PETITIOPI FOR CONDITIONA:. USE PGItMIT ZTO. 3079 BC GRANTED ' ~~i i~~~~.F,~MI ~~ , ~+: WHEREAS, the Anahoim City Planning Co,runission did race9.ve a veri.fied Pet,ition fc: Conditional Us~ Pormit from Dr, R. S. Minnick and Jan W. Minnick, 12264 Sky LanQ, I,os Anyoles, CA 90049, ownor of cer*.ain real properky siL•u~ted ;n the City af AnAheim, County of Orange, StaCe of C~lifornia, described as: THE WEST :H8.71 FL;ET OF THE NORTH 168.UQ FEET OF rHF NORTFIEAST QUAF'~~R OF TFIF NORTEIWEST QUARTEk OF S~CTION 3, TOWNSHiP 4 SOtJTfi, RANGE 10 wRST, iN ~HE RANr.HO SAN JUAN CA,70N DE SANTA ANA PARTLY IN THE CITY OF liNAEik~IM, PARTLY IN TF1E CI:CY 0~ ~ULI,ERTON, AGL IN TFIE COUNTY OF ORAJIGI;, SxA'PE OF CALIFORNiA, AS PEK MAP ~FCURDED II'v' BOOK 51 PAGE 10 OF MISCEi:,LANROtiS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUPiTY BECORDER OF SAID CQUNTY. WHEF2~AS, the City Planning Conuni.ssion di3 hold a public hearing at the Civic Ce:~ter in tho City of Anaheim o:i October 24, 1988 at 1:30 p.m., n~tice of said public heariz~g hav.ing bet~n duly given as requirod b~ 1a~a and in accordrnca with the provisionc of• the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapt9r 18.03, to heAr and consider evidenco £or and ag~inst said proposed ~onditional use permit and to inv~stiqat~ and make fiYidings and rec~mmendations in ~r~nnec.tion therewith; and WHGREAS, ~aid Commission, after due insgection, ix.v4stiyation and study m~-~d~ by itsglf ana in its behalf, and a~tQr due cocisideration ~f all evidonce and rQports c~fFered at said txeariug, doas find ~nd deCormine the follawinq facL's: l, T.hat the proposnd uso is properly ono ior :rY,fch ~ conditianal use permit is autEiorizad by l~nahe.im Municipal Code Sectian ].8.44,05~.010 to wit: to permit on-r~ale bet~r and wine in a 920-sqiiaro foot tash-food rost~urant. 3. That the psoposed usa will not adveraaly aEfoct the adjc+ining land u;~os and tY:Q growth ancl dQVelopment of the area in which it is propoaeci to be locatod. 4. That L•he siz~s and shape oF r.hQ si~e proposed for the uso is adoquato to allow the full dovelopmenC oi the proposed use in a manner no~ 8etr.imental to the pa:r.icular arQa nor to the poace, health, safety and qQneral we.lfare of the Citi.ze~s of the City of Anat~eim. 5. That tha grantinq ~f the Condit.tonal Use Parmit under the conditi~ns imposed, if any, will not bQ detr.imantal to the ~Pncr, hHalth, safo~y and genoral welfarh nf the CiCizons of thQ City o[ Anahoim, N053Ur -1- PC 88-304 ~~ ~I' .'' . r~ ~ :~~ 6. Tha~ the traffiic gQnerated by the proposecl use wi].1 not 3.mpose an unduQ buxden upon the strROts and high~a~ys designed nnd improved to carry t41e tra~fYC in the area. 7. That no ona indicate~i t}xeir pro~enc:e ar ~aid public hearing in oppoaition; and ~hat no correspandenco was recafved in op~osition to the subjert pel:ition. ~ALIFQRNI•A ENVI NM~ TAL (1UAL1~ A~T fiIN~_ING; Tk-at tho Anaheim City Planninq Commission hz-~ reviewod thp proposal to pe~mit on-sala beer and wine ir. a Q20-square £oot ~ast-iood r.estaurant on a rectangularly-shape~l parcel nt land consiyting ~f approxi~natel.y 0.43 acre located mt the ~outheast cozner of Crangethurpe AvonuQ and I,eman Stroet; and dnes hereby approve the Neqativo Declaration u~or. finding that it has consi.dered ~he NegativQ D~claratian tag~th~r with r~ny corr,ments raceived during t'1e pu2a2ic review process and €urthdr ~incl~nq on the basi~ of tho ini~ial study and any aommRnts rer,eivecl that thero is no ~ubstantial avidence t:~at the project will have a signifi.canl eftect oi: tho environment. NOW, THEREI'OR~, BE IT RESOLVfs~ that the Ar.aheim City Planning ~ Commissioai does hgreby granL• subjecr_ Petition Fnr Condi.tzona] Use Permit, upon the fallowing condit~ons which a.re herc~by tound to be a necessary prorequisite ta the Froposed use of tlte subjQCt propRr.ty in order to preserve „ the safety and qeneral welfaro of tho Cit.izens of tl~e C9.ty of Anahaims ~ 1. ~hat the legal ownar of subject pronerty sha11 irrevocably offc~r t~ dedicats to the City of Anahoim a strip of land sixty (60) feet in width from the cente::line of t-he st.reet along Oranrethorpe Avenuo includinq twenCy five (;c5) f.oot raciius corrier return for skreet ic~ening purposas. : 2. That .he oxisting structure shall comply with the minimum standards og ; the Ci.t,y of Ar.ahsi.m, 3.ncluding the Uniform Buildfng, F'lumbing, Electri.cal, Mechanical ana ~'ire Codes ~s adopt~cl by the City o~ AnahP3rn. 3. rhat the proposal shall co:n~slx ,riCh all signing requirements ~f Ch~ CL "Commercial, Limited" ~one, unlGSS a varianco allo~riag sign .raiver3 fs approved by the City Council, Planning Ccmmission 4r Zoning Adminietrator. 4. That no alcoholic bevQCages, exc:ept beer ~nd wine, shall be sold or constunQd on tt~e ~ramises of the subjecC rt~staurant. 5. xhat tho on-site landscaping sh~ll be mafntainad in comp:li~nca wi.th Ci~y atandards. 6. That subjoct propc:rty shall be deve.io~ed g~zbstantially in accordance with plans and specific~t3.on~ on file with the (.ity of Anah~tim marY.ed Exhibit Nos. 1 tlzrough 3. ~ .' _2_ PC A8-304 `.;a ' ~l , ~~~~~ w : ~-~-, ~ 7. Thar nrior tc, r,ommdncement~ of th~ activi~.,y h~rein approved, or prior to i~si~anco of a build3.ng pnrmiC, or within a p~rioQ of one yoar from tho date of th3s resolutian, whicheve,r ocaurs fir.st, CUndition Nos. '1 and 'Z, above-mon~ioned, shall bo compliQfl with. Extonsions Eor furthRC ~imP to complete said condition5 may be grantai~ in accordance with SQCtiou 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Coad. 8. ~h~t priur L•a f3.n~l building and zoninq inspec~kit+ns, Co:.diLlvu I3u. ii, above-menCionad, slzall be compli~d with. 9. That approval of Chis application ::onstitutes approval of tha proposod request only to the Qxtent th~t it complies with the Anaheim Munici~al ; Zoning Codo and any otlier applfcable C:ity regulations. Approval does not ~ ?nclude any actioz- or ~indings as to compliance or apprnval of the ~ roqu~st reqard~ng any otl~a~r applicable ordinance, ru~ulation ar ~ requirement. BE TT FURTHER R~SOLVEA t:~at trie Anaheim City Plar.ning Commiso~.on does hereby find and determine that aduption o~ thi~ R~solutaon ia exprdss~y rredicatod upon applicant's compliancs wi.th eac:~ and all o~ the aondit.tons heralnabov~ sat forth. Should ar~y such conditions, or any part thereof, be declarQd invalid or unenforc:eable by r_}ie "~ na]. ;juclgmQnL of ~~~y court af competent jurisdiction, then this Resolutiqn, and any appaovals lterc~in contained, sh~ll be deQmc~d null and void. THE F'OR~GOING RESOLIITION i~ sign9d and approvQd by me ~his 2ath ~ay of October, 1908. ~ ` ~ ` ~ _.y,_._. '~ ~~ ~~.~. _ CHAIRWOMA23,;%ANAHEIM CTTY PLANNIIZG COt~SISSION , ~ ,. ATTEST: ~ % ~ ~ / ~ ~Q~~ ( ~ ~ SECRETAR , AP7AH~TM CIT I,ItNNING COMMISSI023 STATE OF CAGIFORNl'A ) CUUNTY OF ORA~TGE ) ss. K ' CI:CX OF AN}1FIEZM ) I, Edith L. Harris, SracreGary of the Anahoim City Planning Commissi~n, ~o herRby certify that tho foregoing reso]ution was j~A85~d an3 ac1u~L•r~d at a meetfng of tho Ana2~pim Citz Fianning Comn~~i3oion held on October 24, 1988, by t:~a Lollowing vote of the members thereof: AXFSs COhIIyfISSIONERSt BOUAS, AOYOSTUi?, CARUSILLO, HER9ST, MF:S5E NOESs COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSBNT: COMMISSIOIvCRS: FELDHAU5, MC 43URNEX '.;o ZN WI~NESS WHEREOF, I lzave liereunto set my hand this 24th day af ~• ' ;• - October, 1988. - ~. . % / `~ f ti ~~ / / . ~ SECRETA .L, AHEIM CITY PLANNING C~MMISS'!ON ;; ;:. ~g , •i, p ~; ~ r. vR.,~;~ a ~;%~