PC 88-306, ra ~ F2ESOL 1L TION ,NO. PC88-~06 .~ A RESOLUTION OF ~'FiE AI~TAHEIM ~ITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITTON FUR CONDITTONAL USE PERMIT ~IO. 3049 BE DENIED "~~,i t iFY+tiY' ?i~r i'~~~i ~t r -, ii TriHEREAS, t;l~e Anat~.eim Ciky Pla.nning Commission did reci;ive a ;~ verified Pstitian For Condirional Use Permit fxom Wilken Way Limited ~, Psrtnership, Attn: Nichard T. Arawn, 6775 Azrport Drive, Riversid~, CA 92504, owner Eor certain r~a1 property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Cali~ornia, describecl as; F'A2tCEL 1: LGT 16 OF TRAC1 N0. 253~, AS nER NlAP RECORDEll Itl DOOK 115 ~AGE5 15 APID 16 OF N,ISCELLAIdEOUS MAPS, TN THE OFFICE OI' TFiF. COUNTY RECORDER OF SATD , COUNTY. ExCEF:C TFiE NOR~H 130.00 FE~T THERGOF: ALSO ~XCEPT THA';. PO1tTI0PI TFIFREOF LY.l'P7G SOUTFi OF A LINE 'PHAT IS PARALLEL WIT:~ AND 200.OQ FEET NORTHERLY h:EASURED AT RIGHT A1~uLES FROM TFiE GENTER LIPIE OF HALL ROAL AS SAID C~NTER LINE IS SHCWN ON SAID M11P. P~RCEI, 2: TFiE SOiJT.I~i 200.00 FEET OF THE WEST 200.00 FEET, AS MEASUHEU FR~M THE CENTEF~,SNES OF ADJOINING S'rRE~TS, OF LOT 16 OF TRACT N0. Z534, AS PER MAF RECORDED :IN BOAK 115 PAGES '15 AND 16 OF M7SCELLAIvEOTJS MA,FS, TN TFI~ OP'f'ICE C~T' TFIE CUUNTY RECORDER OF SAID GaUNTY. PARCSL 3: T'rIE SOU'.CFi 2Q0 FEET UF LOT i6 OF TRACT N0. 2534, AS SHOFIN ON A MAP RECORllEn IPT BOOK 115, PAGES 15 I~ND 16 OF' MISC~LL~ANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS QF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. EXCFPT THE WEST 20U FECT THEREFROAS, (SAID UISTANCES BETNG DIEASURRD ?ROM THE CENTER LINF. OF STRE~TS ADJOTNING). ~,.; WHEP.EAS, the Cit;y Planning Commission did h~ld a public hQaring at the Civia Center in the City oE Anaheim on August 15, 1988, ~h, 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearin7 havir-g been duly given as required hy law znd in accordancs with ~ha provision^ o: the Anahaim Municipal Cod~, Chapter 18.03, to hear an~ consider evidence for and againsL- said proposed conditional use permit and ~o investigate and ma:ce findings and recommendat,ions in connecticn t2ierewith, and whereas s~id Ize~rinq was contin~red to the meetings of SQptember 26 and Octaber ?4, 1488: and WHEREAS, sairl Co:nmission, atter due inspe~tiun, investigation ~~; and stuay made by ieself and in it:s behalf, and atLer due considQration of a11 ecidence and reporCs offered at said hEaring, doe: find and determine the "` following facts: AF,'` '};„ 0538r -1- F~C 88-•306 - N ,~ . ~~! ~` ' ~~ ' ,1`~it~cil~rY e ': 1. That tha proposad use is properly ane far whsch a con8it3onal use perttiit is authorizc~d by Anaheim Munici.pal Code Sections and 18.99~.OwU and Cali.tornia Government Code Section 6~915 to cons~ruct a 1 to 8-stnry, 327-uniY "afforclablF" senior citizens apartmont complex wi~h waivers of the following: (A) ,SECTT )A!~ 18.04,Q43.10'.l - xin~r~~nco hoiaht~jacent~tL l.$,1,94.0~3.022 lc~cal streert. and 1$_~4. 37 021 (3~g~permitt~d; 6 feet proposed) (g) ~.E(~r_~~_~~~.LQ'~1~~Q - Minimum buil in ~P.._.ar~~~~r and 18~94,031.02~, - welline~,}znit. i120Q sc~uare fe ~~ required; 963~quare Peet pr~aposed) . (C) SE~TTON 18.94.032.O1Q - M~ximum stru~t~ral h~icth~ 2. That t2~e requested waivers (A) and (R) aro hereby ~]enied on the ba~is that the pr~posal is too dense for the surrounding area which zncludes single fami.ly residences; ~hat the proposal with its re]ac.~c~ density would have an adverso aifect on WilkQn Way, a l~ca1 strc;et which pr.ovides vehicular access ta th~ proposal as well as to the adjacent sing].e famil,y residences; that i:hers are no special circumstances applicable to ~he nroperty such aG sizE, shape, topagr~p2iy, loeation and surrounding~; which do not agply to othei: =dentical.ly zoned prupezty in the samP vicinityr and that ~trict application of the Zoning Code does not deprive thP property af privileges enjoyed by other propertios in the identical zone and cla5sification in the vicini.ty, 3. That thQ requested waivor (C1 is hea~:3by cienied on the basis that i.t it was deleted in cor.nection with the submittal cyf reviseci plans. 4. That L-l~e proposed use :is hereby denied ~~n the basis that the populaLion dansity wou1Q adversely affe.t the adjoinin~~ la~r~d uses; ~:hat too -nany 2-beciroom units are being propose~ and there is liGtle market £or senior citizen ?.-bedroons units; anu Chat ~he proposal will adversely aflec: the adjoaning land uses and the growtli anci developmont of thet area in which it is proposed to be located. 5. That the size and shape ot the site proposcd °o~r ths usc~ is not aclequate t.,a a11ow the full develnpment oi the prop~soci use in a mannor n~t dPtrimental to L-he ~articular area x~ar to the pea~e, health, safc~ty and generai welfare uf thQ Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 6. Tha~ th.o grantiriq of the Conc~iL•ion~'1 Use P~rmit will be detrimental to t2ie peace, noalth, sa£QCy and gexieral wel.Caro of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. %. That the trafkic; gerier.aL-ed by tho proposed use will impose an undue burden upon the strer~L-s and highways designed and improved to carry the lraftic in the area. -2- Pt: 88-306 ~ :~ :''~I , ~~ ~h .. .. ~ :•.J.k~l~ ~~( ~"~~;r"1~ ~ 1~~ `ts '~~,i41~ ~t...;:.7 ~:~.,. - ..,.. . , . ti/~i . i~~y+~'y~ ~;t~~ ,.,,;, ~~, .. .'ti .,;rrs '~ ~,~s ' k . j - ~~ ti Srl },{.,q ~ ~ .. . nb~~dT ,~ ~ ,`` ~i. ' , .r .. ~ , ~(„t'+;j?` . . 1 ,i .y a. That approximataly 13Q peo~le indicated •i: their presence a~. the OetoLer 24, 1988, publ,ic hearing, and approximatoly 50 peop].e indica~ed their presenee at t he SeptembE: 26, 19ti8, public hnaring in opposition; and that appcoximaL•ely 4~4 leL•ters indicating opposition wero receivect and agpxoximately 31 telephone calls o~era racei~~ed fro m persons exprQSSing ;~. oppositiQn. ,~ALTFORN'TA E27VIRONMENTAI,_Q~JALITY AGT F'LNDIN : That the Anaheim Cit~~ Plaz~nin.g Commission has rQViewed the proposal Co cox:s~cruct a 1 to 6-story, 327-unit "a£fordal~le" sena.or citizens apartment comglex (formerly 1 to 8 stories and 416 units) with waivers uf maximum fence height adjacent to local street, minim~,n b~.zilding site arsa per dwelling unit and maximum srructural li~ighL• on a recLangularly-shapod pa.*.•cel of land consisting o~ approximately 9,6 acr.es, havir.g a frontage of approximatQly 420 feet on t..e south side of Wilken rlay, having a maximum dep~h of appro~imately 600 f~et, bei.ng located appruximately 770 fest easC of the cenLerline of Harbor Boule~vard and furthe,. described as 400 West Wilken Way; and does hereby deny tlae Nsgative Declaration upon finding t.hat it has considered `he Negative Declaration toget}~er with any commQnL•s rec3ivQ~ during the public revisw prqcass ancl further Findinq on the basis ot the ir~itial study and any comments received tlxat ~here is substanti.al ev.idence that the project~ will have a sa.gn~ficant effect on the er~vironm~izt. NOW, ~hERrFORE, BE IT RESOLVE;D L-hat tho Anah~im ~ity Planning Commission daes hereby deny subject Petitinn for Conditional i1sP Permit, on thc, basi5 of the aforemen~i~ned findings. THE P'OR~GOI~JG RESOLUTT~N is signed and approved by me this 24th da,y of Uatober, 1988. ,-~ (' , Ic..~ .., ,. i ~ / f .rt.:!_~-r~ ----~- =~--~ _ CHAIRWOMAN~~ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS5ION ATTEST: ~ _ ~ .•/ - ~ ___~ SEL'RE RY, ANAFiEIbi ITY' PLANNING COMMISS_TUN ~ ~, ;iTATE OF CAi..IF0I2NIA ) COUNTY CF ORAPIGE ) ss. CITY QF ANAHEIM ; I, Edith L. FTarris, Secretary of the Anahe.im City Planning Commission, do hereby certify l:hat lhe foregoinq xesolution was passed az~d adoptesi at a meeting of ~he A.naheim City Plannir~g (:ommission held on Octeber 24, 1988, b~r the iollowing vot•e oE tho members thereof: AXES: COMMISST_QN~RS: BOUAS, IIOYDSTUN, CARUSILLO, EiERB•.`,'.f, M~SSE NOES: C~AIl+~lISSTON~RS; NONE AHSENT: COMMISSIONERS: FELAHX~US, M:' BURNEY ' ,i: TN WI'.~NESS Wt:EREQF, I have h~reunt~ set ~*y ha~nd this 24th clay of Octobe•r, 1988. ~ ~--~j~ ~/ %74~~~_r.~ '~ SECRETARY, ANAHEI` CITY PLANNJNG COD4SISSION ,lv, -- - . .. . ,; ~t;fG