PC 88-307A RESOL'UTION OF THE i~NAIiEIM CITY ~'L~ANNING CO2•~A~fISS~ON ,;,~ ~ TFIAT PETITTON FOff RECLASSIFICATTON N0. 8$-89-19 BE GkANTEA ~ WHEREAS, the Anaheim Ci1:y Planning Commission did rect~ive a verified petition for ReclassiEi~ation from ROGER L. WILLIAMSON and BONNIE S. WILLYAM5QIN, 3450 East La Palma AvQnue~ Anaheim, CA 92806, awners, and SALICIN rNGINEERxNG CORPORA'"IUN, 1215 East Chapman Avenue, ~#2, Orange, CA 92666, agent, of cerkain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County oE Orange, State of Cal.ifurnia, Qascribed as follows~ PARC~L 1 a~ skiown oxi a Map L•iled in. Book 228, Pages 33 and 34 o~ PaY•cel Mans, Recor.ds of Orange County, California. WHEREAS, the City PJ.anning Commissio~cx did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on November 7, 1988 at 1;30 p.m., notice of smid public hearing h~ving been duly given as required by law and in accordance witln the provisions of the Analieim Muni.cipal Cade, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consid.Qr evidence tor and against said pru~osed recZassification and to investigate and makR findings and recommendations in connectiori tl7erewith; and WHEREAS, said Corrunission, at•ter due inspection, invastigation and stuay made by itself and in its behalf, and a£ter du~ consideration of all evi~ence and reports o~fered at said hearitig, ddes zind and determine the tollowii~y Eacts: 1. That thc peti.tionQr proposes reclassification uf subject pz•operty frorn ~:kie RS-A-43,000(SC) (Residential/Agricvltural, Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone to RS-HS-22,000(SC) (Residenti.al, Si.nq].e-Family, I3.i11side- Sc~nic Cor.ridor ~?verlay~ z~no. z. That the Anaheim General Plan d~signates ~ubject praperty ~~~ for H~.lI.side Esi:ate Density r.esidential land uses. 3. That the prop~sed r~cla~3sification o.f subjec~ praperty is necess~ry 3nclior desir~ble for t:~e orderly and prope'~r devalopment of the comrnunx tx. 4. That the pro!~osed reclas~if.icati.nn of ;eubject property does proparly z•elats tc, tho zones ar.d their permittE~d us~s loc~l2y established in close nroximit~• ta 3ubject ~roperty and to the ?or~es and their permitted uses g~nerally Q,tablishE~d throuyha~~t the community. 6. That :~~ one indi.caked their pro~ence at. sai,~ public heariiig '~ ~.' in opposition; and L•hAt no correspondence was :'eceived ii1 opposition to ,~ , ~;;' : subject p~~tition. ,,... ~,~ ~1;, * t . ,.n :: ,~ ~ ~~~ ~' #0545r PC88-307 ~'~ ; ~; ,. _ r, ?:~i, ; ~ ,~. ' F ~~ ~ ri,fj ~ Y Y1 y' . r ~i' ~'~ ' ~~ . . . " _ -- ~. . ~ . ,..~. ...1:~~ . . ., f~ .... . .. . i~ , i . „ . '1 ._-_ . . . . .,.. . .... .. . ... -J. '. ~{~~ 1J~~.~JA~YJ~. ~nati~ ~ r i.~.a r7. CALYFOR2TIA ENVIR NMENTAL~?TY_ ~'rT FINDIN~: That th.e Analzeim City Pianning Commission has reviewed the proposal to reclassify subjec~. property fxom the RS-A-43,000(SC) (Resi.dential/Agri~ult;ural -- Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone to tlle RS-HS-22.000(SC) ~Residenti.al Single-Eamily, FIYllside - Sce:~ic Corridor Overlay), tQ establish an 11-lot (plus 1 private s~reet ].ot) subdiv,ision with waivers of required lot ~ron~age and m~~i~n Qi Qt 301 ~thacresn iriegularly-shape~d parcel of land con~isting of app Y havi.ng a fronta.ge ~f appzoximately 315 feet on the south side of X~v~enida De Santiago, and beii-c~ located approximately 650 feet southwest of the centerline of T.amarisk Drive; and does hereby approva the Negatz~re Declaration upon finding that it has .:onsidered the NegativQ Decl~rai:ion L•oyether with any commonts received during the pan~ i~n reCO~~~ S°reCeived fur~her finding c~n the basis of the iriitial study Y that there is na substantial evidence that the proJect will havc~ a signifacant efPect on the enviror.ment. vOW, ~I3EREFO~E, BE IT R~SOLVED t~ lt the Anah~i.m City Planning C~mmission does i:ereby grant subject•. P~tition for Reclassification and, by sa doing, that Title 18-Zoning uf the Anaheim Municipal Cade ba amendQa to exclude the above-de~scriba~ property from the RS-•A-43,000(5C) Zone and to incorporate said ~esc~ribed pxoperty j~to the RS -H5-22,Q00(SC) 7.one upon the followi.ng conditions which are 2ze~eby faund to be a necessary prerequi.site ~o the proposed use o:F subjoct gr~perty in order to preserve the safety and genezal welfare of the Cir_:.zens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That ~ fQe shall bo paid to the City of Ananeirn for tres planting along Avenida DQ Santiago in an amount ss c1Qt~rmined by City Council resolut.ion. 2, That prior ::o the introdu~tion o£ an ord.inance rezoning subject property, Condition Na. 1, above-mentioxied, shall be completod. Tho provisions or rights granted by this rssolut~i.on sha11 b~come null and void by actien of the Planning Commission unless said condit:.ons ~re complie~ with within one year .Erom ths datie of this resolution~ or such further time ~s th~ Planning Commi~sion may granC. 3~ That approval of this application c.onstitutes apprnval of the propcsod requQSt only to tha exkont that it complies with tlz~: Anah o~1Mdo~s1not Zoning Code and any ol:her applicable City requl~tions. APP include any action or ~indings as to cort~pliance or approval of the request regarding ang other appli;:able ordinance, rec7ulation or requirement. gE IT ~[JRTF~ER R~SOLVED that the Anahaim City ~'lanning Convnission d~es heraby Eind and determine that adoption of Lhis Resolution is ~~cpressly pr.eda.cated upon applicanL-'s cocrpliance with each ar.d ~zll of tYze conuitions herQinab~ve ~e~t forth. ~hauld any 3uch conditiuns, or any part thereo.f, be de~lared invalid or unenEorceable by the final jud.gment ov~ls court of. competent jurisdiction, then L•hi;~ Resolut3.on, and auy app herein contained, shall be deemed. null and vaid. -2- PC88-307 ~;:. ~:;;~ , ~s ' z~ _ , ~~ .,. , , . : > .~ ~ , . _-_ . .. , . . . _ ~ ~ .. . . . . , . . . . ... . .., _... . i . _.,, .. .,. ~~ _ . ~. ~ . ~fl..t~t~ . . . ` `` ~';`~ ~ ;'~ !~q\ ~ , '~ 1~ :~ +V k 1i, R TF1E F'OREGOZNG RE50LUTION ir~ signefi anfl a~provdd by me this 7th c~ay of Novembor, 7.988. ~~~, :, „ ~.-•) ,.L~r~;'-'~.-..-.~~~s:'z<_..~'f'--~z--~ - C8AIt2WOMAN;'`ANA.H~IM CJTX PLANt3ING COh4rtISSZON ,% ATTEST: • .•~ ~:j ~~ ._r..__.' ~ ~~c.. - ~-•- Ye,G~t,2~' ---•-- SECRETARY, A~IAHE:[M CITY ~LANNING COhIIYfISSlQN STATE OF CAI,IF012NIA ) COUNTY OF ~RAN,L•' ) ss. CITY OF ANAFI~;IM ) T, Edi.th L. Harris, Socretary of t,h~ Anaheim City Planninq Conunissi~n, ~o her9be certify that ttie foragoing rmsolution was p~ssod and ac~opted at ~ medting of the Anaheim Cxt,y Planninq Commission held on Liovember 7, 1988, by the following vote of the m~mbera theroof: AYES: COMMISSI~NERS: BOUAS, BOYDSTUN, CF.RUSIL[.0, FELDHAUS, HERB~T, MC SURNEY, MESSE NOF:S: COb41ISSI0N~:RS: NONL~ ABSBNT: COirASIuSiONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF', I have hereunto set my har..d this 7t~ day c r Novenbrsr, 1988. ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ SECRETARY, A.NAKEIM CIT'l PLANNING COI~4fISS70N ;; ; ra, ,0 ~ r.4 ' a.j ` .! ~t k ~~~ ~ -3 - PC88-3G7 i ~,~ , J Fb'i