PC 88-316N~~n;~ RESOLUTION N0~„_P~88-316 ~ A RESnLUTTO.T OF TIiE AIdA:3ETM CITX PLANNING CONIMTSS~ON THAT PETITION I'OR CONDtTIONAL' USE PERidIT N0. 3094 BE GRAIJTED ;,;:. WHEREAS, the Anahei~n Czty Planning Commissioxi did receive a veriEiec~ I}':?~ ~_• Petition for Canditional Use Permit from 3TEPHEN R. CHEUNG, 4179 pepper A'"': ~'~ Avonue, Yorba Linda~ CA 92686, owner, certain real propercy ~ituated iu the ' City o~ Anahe.im, Coun~y of Qrange, State of Calafornia, described as: ~I Lq1'S 58 TO 7a IPICLU.~iIVE OF TRACT N0. 5059, AS PER MAP !` RECORDED IN BOQK 3.83 YAGES 34 TO 38 INCLUS~VE OF - MAPS, IN THE nFFICE OF TFiE COTJNTY RECORT~ER OF ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFOBNIA; WF~EREAS, the City Planning Comr,iission did ho'.d a public hearing at ~he Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on November 2~, 1988, at :1.:30 g.m., nAtice of said public hearing having been ciuly given as required by Yaw and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Ck~apter 1R.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposQd conditiorial use permi~ and to investigate and make findings and recommendatians in c:orinection !`~,': tlzerewith; and WI3EREAS, said Commis~ion, aEter due inspection, ir..vestiga~.io~a and study made by itself ~nd in its behalf, and aft~r due cur~sideration of a11 ~vidence ar~d repo~ts affered at said heari.ng, do~s find and determine the following facts; 1. That the proposed use is proper.ly one for which a ~onditional use pariait is authorized by Anaheim Municipal c',ode Soction to wit: ~o conver~ an existing recreation bt~.xiding ~o a security guard residence. 2. Tha-: the pxoposed use will not adversely affect ths adjoining lanci uses and the grawth and developmen~ oF tYze area in which it is proposed to be lar,ated. 3. 'rhat L•he size and shape oP the site propoaed for the use i.~ ''~~ ~ adtquate to allow the fu11 development of ~he~ pr~posed use in a manner not ~ detrimental to the p.irticular area nor to the peacQ, health, safety and ;^I, ~ general welfare of the Citixens nf the City of Anaheim. `; 4. That tYae aranting oE f.he Conditional Use Permit under the "~ conditions impnsed, if any, wi11 nut be detrimental ~o L•he peace, hea].th, ~~ safety ~nd gen~ral welfare ot thp Citizens of the Gi*y of Anaheim. `~ ~'. 5. That the traffic gene.ratPd ~y the proposed use will not impose ~ an undue burden upon the stre~ts and highways designed and improved t4 carry t:~e traEf~~; i.n the ar~a. 0557r PC88-316 ; ,~; :1: .. .. . . . ~ ~ iz ~: ~~A1 - - - - _ .. . , ~ . _ . . _ . , . ~ i ~1 S~s - i~ ' 4rJ1r Y , , ~~ ~~ i,~~ Y S 4`~~ , ' ~ y,~, 6. That no onQ indicat~ed their presence at said p~xblic hearing in c~~position, and one parson inc~i<;ate3 his presence in support of subject request; and that no correspondenae was receivQd in opposi.tion to the subject peti.tion. AC LIrORNIA FNVIRONMENTAL, QUALITY ACT I'TNDING: That the Anaheim City Planr~ing Commission has reviewed the pr~posal ka aailvert an oaisting ~ recrea~ion building to a~ecuritp cYuard residence on a rect~ngularly-shaped parcel of land coasisting of• appro~:imately 3.6 acres located at the southeast corner of Alamed~ ~vsnue and Valley Street and further doscribed as 2130 W. Alameda Avenue; and does hereby approve t.he Negative Declaratien u~?an ~indiu.,~ that it has considered the Negative Declaration togethQr with an~ comment:' recpived during the public revi~w process and iurther finding on the basis of F the initial sL-udy and any commen•ts received ~ha~ ther~ is no substantial ;i evidence that the projock will have a significant ef£ect on the environment. ~i ~ ~iOW, THFREFORE, BF. IT hESOL,VRD that t.he Anaheim Cit~- Pl.anning ~: Commission doc:s hereY~y grant subj~~ct Petition for Coz~dition.al Use Permit, '" upon the foll.owing conditions whzr.h are hereby found to b~ a necess3ry ~~ Frerequisite ~o the L~ropased use of the subject property in o~der to preserve `~ the safety anfl gQnera'1 welf~re of• thn Cikizens of the City of Anaheim: . `t 7.. That a parkin.g plan indicating compliance with City par&ing design ; standar•ds shall ba submitted to and ap~roved by the ~ity Traffic '~ Fngineer. . ':'=i :~, 2. Tha't a1]. on-site +:rash storage areas shall be refurb~shed to com~ly~ wiLh ~~ appra+ied plans or~ file aikh thg 5tre2t Ma:i.~tenanc~ and Sanitation ~`~ llivisiGn within a period of ninety (90) days. ,' ?i's~; tx 3. That p~rior to issuaiice of a builcling permit, appropriate park ancl `'+' recrea~ion in-lieu f~es shall be paid to the City of Anaheim in an arnount as detexmined by the City CUUncil. 4. That ~~'xar to lssuance c.~E a building permit, the a~propriate txaffic -~; signal assassment fee shall .be paid to ~.he ~5.ty of Anak~eim in an amount ~`' as r3etermin~d by City Council rQSO:lutian, ; 5. Tha~ due to tho change in use and/or occugar~cy uf the bua.ldi~g, plans sha11 be submi~ted to the F3ui1r1ing Divi, ion showing compliance with th~ min.imiun standards oP the City of Anaheim, including the Ur~iform Buzldittg, Plumb~ng, Elec~rical, Fiousing, Mechanical and Fire Co~?es a~ adoptod by the Czty of Anarxeim. The appropriate p~rmits sha11 be obtained £ox any necessary work. , >,; i?, , ~ t ;; ;r ,, r:;^' _2_ PC88-316 ,,,'~ ~o •' ~~-~t ¢ Y~' ~ , ~': ~ . . ~'t ., , 1i.`; ~, t`~ ; ' K~ : . Y . ; , ' . ~'~~ y . .. ~'7t~ ~[....~z ,:.,,.,~ . ..:...... ........ . . .... . .. . . . .. li.,~l~.lu(~YN,.a ,,, . . ~ .,~ . . ,. - ~ . . .. . . . .. . . :. : . ..,. , ~,. ~,. .~~, . , . .., •~~:~Q~~ ~':~ ,.. .... ~., . ,...~...., ..~ :.~.~,~;. , .,:. ,.~,:.u: ... ,d . . .. ~. . .r,. v.~.i,l.,.~l ~ ~ R* ~~ 6. That the ~ ~c+rted recreation building shall be occupied exc.luaively by a security guard for the surrounding residentia~ complex and 2iis or her immediate family, and tha~ prior to issut+nce of a building permit, the owner o£ ttie proparty r;h::].l exocuta antt record a co~~ennnt in x form approved k~y tha CiCy AttornQy ~greeing that the convorted unit shaZ1 he occupied exclusivolx hy a sac~xrity gu~rd ancl hi.s or her immodiate family. 7. Z'hat subjec~ property shall be c~eveloped auba~an~ially in accordance wiCh pl~ns ~nci specification~s on fila with the Gity of. Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 8. Ttiat prior to c:ommencement oE the activity authorized by this ~:;soluticn, or pr~.or to issuance af a bui.ldinc~ pormit, or within a period of one year from tlie date of thfs re~olution, whiahever occura first, Car"_.cion Nos. 3, 5, Ei, 7 and 8 above-mentioned, shall be coir.~liod wit:~. ~xtensions ~or further~ time t:o complete ~aid conditions may be granted .in accord~incE wi.th Section 18.03.090 oE tha Anaheim Municipal Code. 9. That prior to the commoncemQnt o£ the acti.vitx euthorized by Chis rd~olut3an, or final build:ng and Loninq 3napection3 whichev~r occurs fir3t, Conditi~n Nos. 1, 2, ~ and 9, above-menti.oned, shall ba c,omplied ~ri th . 10. That approval of thi~ applicatior~ constitukes approval of the proposed reguest only to the dxtont tha~ it camplies wit21 the Anaheim Mun.icipal Zoning CodQ and any other applicable Ci~y regulatfons. Appcoval does not include ax~y acCiari ~r tindings as to compliance ox approval of the request r~g~-rding any othflr applicable orc3inance, regulation or roquiremc~n~. BE IT FiJRTHER RRSOLVRD that th~ Ana2ieim City Planning Commfsafon dooa heroby ffnd and detc~rminR ttiat adoption of thfs Rosolution is ~Ypressly predicatod u~on applicant's cornpliance with earh ~nd all of the conditions hereinabQVO sot fort.h. Should any such conr~itions, or any park thereof, be de~:laxed invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of ~ny caurt of competon~ juri~di.ction, thc~n ~his itesolut3.on, and any approvalE heroin cunt~inecl, shall be deemed null and v~id. THE ~OR~G~ING RESOf.UTIAi7 is signed and approved by me this 213t day of November, 1988. -, ,• --~--.~..~` ~ ~ --._.._ CHAIRWOMAN, ANl-HBIM CITY PLAN:VING COA4IISSION . .~~ ; !1. ; f~"! t~ -~- P~09-31b ~ .r Y ~ f~ ,. ~ ~ ~ `",r 1 w ~~ y` Y~~~~~~5'~ ^` ~ ;rS+ i~ . . . ~f ~~~ ~ • . , .. . ~ ~ ~ -~~';~~~ f'I~; ; :~, azTEST: ;, ' ~ . ~~ GECFETA Y, ANAHEIM CITY PI~ANNING GOMMISSION STA'TE QF CALIFORNIA ) COUA'TX OF ORANCE ) g~. CITY ~F ANAHEIM ) I, F3ith ~.. Harris, Socretary of the An~ahQ3m City Pl~nning Commission, do hF3reby certi~y that the foregoing ro3olution was passod ana adopted at a meeting of the Anaheirti Ci~y Planning Commis~ion held on November 21~t, 1988, by the following vate of tho memhers thereof: ' .AYES: COMMISSIQ'ERS: BUUAS, $OYDSTUN, CARUSILLO, FELDHAUS, HERBST, MC BURNEY, MESuE NOES: COMMISSIOIZERS: NONE ABSENI': COb4fISSI02~ERS: NONE IN WITNF.SS WHEREOF, I Iiave herounto set my hand this 21st day of November, 1988. ~ ~ ~~ SEC.RETARY, AN'AHEIM CIrY PLANNING COMMISSION -'~- PCB~-316 _ ,~ . ~; , , y. 7 , , ;~ ° „~~R,',.+.: _ . . ' ~ ~;~ ~!-,.~::rd,.~.~°~.,~!