PC 88-317:e r' ~~.. , JS ~t(.~. 1 S y., c'~~±,` j o ~ ,u~.. t} i- 1 ti t~~ ~~A y ~. i, ~ _ . . ~ . t ~ t, !~~~'~ , 'I ~ ~ i . .... _. . . . . , . .~,i . . .. .. ° - ~S :i;;~ ~~~~4 A w ~ ~~~~+1 '1~1~'i 1~~.4kIi~9~LQ~?C 8 ~{ -311 ?. RESO:,UTION OF THE ANAHE7M GTTY' PLAN:TING CdMMISSION THAT PETITxON L'OR C~NDITIONAU US~ PERMIT NU. 3095 BE; GRANTED :' ~" ; WHEREAS, the Anah~im City Planning Commission d3c~, receive a vorifiad Petft~c~n for Canditional Use Permit from CHARLFS H. PHILLIPS and LTNllA PFtII~LIFS, 54.75 East La Palma, Anaheim, C.A 9280; , own~rs, f.or certain rea'1 pruperty situated in the City of Anaheim, Counry af Ort~nge, State of. California, descr3bod as: FARCEI 2, AS SHQWN ON A MAP FILED IN AOOK 216, FAGES 14 ANll 15 QF PARCEL M11PS, ~v THE OFFICE OF THE COUN'iY RECORI)ER OF ORANGE COUNTY, CA.I~IFORNxA. . WHERCAS, the City Plannicsy Cornmission did hold a publir heariiiy at khe CiviG Center in the City of Anaheim on November 2Z, 19Ei8, at 1:30 p.m., ~ notice of said public hearing having been duly given as r6quired by law an~ in accordance with the provisions of the AnahAim Municipal Code, ~hapter I8.03, to hear and consider evidence for and again3t said proposed conditional use permit and to investigate and makQ findinq~ ar.d recommendations in ctsnnectfon therewith; and ~_. ^; ~ wEiE12EAS, said Commissinn, after due inspection, inveatigation and st~~dy made by i.tself. and in its bohalt, and after due con3ideration of al1 evidence and rep~rts offered at said hearing, does find ;~nd determine thp fo7.low'ng fac~s: 1. T.hat the praposed use fs properly one ~or which. a ~ondit.zonal use permi.t i.s authorizod by Anaheam Municzpal Code Section to w.it: to permit Qn 8,~48 squarc~-foo-: physical. therapy/iitness center. 3. That tha proposed use will not adversely aff.ecC the aQjoining Iand use~ and the gr~wth and development of the arQa in which ~.~ is ~roposed ~o bQ lor.aled. 9. That 'che size ar~d shape of the site proposed for the use is c~c:eqLlatr~ ta allow t2ie full developmont. of the proposed use in a manner not detrimontal to the particular area nor to the peace, t-ea:th, aaf.ety a::d general ~+e~fare of th~ Citizens of thg Ci.ty of Anah~im. 5. That the granLing o:E the Conditi~nal Use :ermit under tt~e conditions impoaed, if any, wi11 npt be detrfinen~al to the peace, healkh, safetx and qenoral wel,~aro of the Cit.izens ot the City o.f Anaheim. b. That the trafffc go:iQra~ed by tho proposed ure xill not impose Kn undue burdon upon the str~et3 an~3 highways desi,qned and improved to cnrry lPi~ traffic in the area. 7. That no one 3ndicatied thQir ~resence at said public hedrfng in ~ppositiont and that no correspoi~dence wa~ recoived in oppnsition to the subject peti.tion. 0558r PC08-317 ''i ' i.i ~1'~it ,',' . ;~ . ~, .;~:~/4~ ~,~ ..• ~• R~~ ~ ~a~~ R' ' K}~ ~ . ..,r,Gt.riaLY,L':U . '=+',';j~1 ,~~~ORNIA E IV1'RONMEH~p~f _QUAI,~,~~t ACT FINDI~tG: That the Anaheim City Planning Commissioti ha;s reviewed the ~rc~~osg1 to permit ~n (3, 8~8 square-f~ot ph~s3ca1 therapy/Eitnoss c.enter on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land coiisisLing of approximataly 2. ]. acres, h,iving a fronLage oi approximatoly 319 feet on ttxa north side oE La Palm~ Avenue, having a maximurn depth of approximately 30~, and being lor,ated approxi.m~tc~~y 760 Eeet eazt of the can~erl.ino of Brashex~ Street ancl further descrihed as 5475 East I,a F'alma a~ Avonue ('~ha Annhoim Hills ~'hysical Therapy ar,d Fitness C~nt~r); and does horeby approve tlic~ NegaCive Ueclaration upon findiug rhat it has considered the Negative Declaration l•.ogother with any commPnts received ciuring the public review process and £urthex• finding o:~ the basis of thg initfal study and any com,~ents recoivecl that there is xio sunstantial evi.dence that the pr.oject will h~ve a significant effect on ~he environmen~. , i' ~' NOW, THCREFORE, H~, IT RESOLVED that the Ana2ioim City Planniny ~ Commission does hereby graiit sub;ect Pe~ition for Conditi.onal Use Perinit, upon a~ th~ £~.,llnwing conditians which are herpuy found to be a necessary pr.ereguisite Co tha proposed use of the subjec~ property in ar.der to presorve L•he safety and gonEral welFare of thQ Cxtizens of Che Ciry of Anaheim: , 1• That trash atoraa,e areas ahall be pro~~ided arui maintainod in a location acceptable tu the St:rear Maintenance and Sanitation Division and fn accordance with approved p1an5 on file with saicl Division. ?.. Th~it all air conditiuning facilities and other roc,f and groun3 mounted oquipment shall be properly shielded .fram view, 3. That the proposa-1 shal). comply with all signiny requirc~ments af the ML "Industrial, Limited" Zone, unless a variance allowing sigu waiver.s is approved by the City Council, Pltanning Commi~sion or Zonin.g Administrator. 4. That the ~~n-sito 1c-ndsc~ping shall. b~ maintainod in compl3ance wiCh City standards. 5. ThA~: subject property shall be devel~pad substantxally in accordance with pla~is and specifica~ions on fi..le wiCh the City of Anaheim markod Exhibi.t Nog. 1 and 2. S. That CondiCion Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 5, above-montioned, shall be c;omploteil within a periad of nixety (9p) ciays from thQ clate ~f this resulution. 7. ThuC epprova7. o~ this application constitut~is approval of t}-e propased roquest o:ily to tho exkent that it complies with ths Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code ~nd any other applicable Citx regulations. Approval ~oe~ not include any action or findings as to compliance or. approval of the request regarding nny other applicable ordinance, r~gulakion or reqt~irament. FlE IT F'C1RxHE~t RESOLVED that the Anahe.im CSty P].anning C~mmi3sion doe~ heraby ffnd and det~rmino that aciop~ion of this Res~luzfan is expres~ly predicated upon upplxcant's camp2iaYice with each and al1 of the condiziAn3 hereinabove set fort•h. Shnuld t-ny s~ich condf,ti~ns, or any par t thereof, b~ declared invali8 or unenforceable by Che final judgment oF any cour~ of com~et~nt jur~isdiG~ion, tl~on this Resolutfon, and r+ny app;ovels herein contained, shxYl be deemeA null and void. ,^ '2" PC88-317 -; ;'d 1 { _ ~ '1,~ ~ ~~ ~l '..., 11~ ~.t5 ~. 1 ' r,.~. ~Y~,:~~1`'~h'r~~1Fl4fi~,7t'~1 r Y~7~SC'~'~ ~;~f~.{ td~~-1 ~• ~'~i;u' aYti rr r'~+° ; ?~,1- ~.. ~ i~~ rt ~:':~P ~ I.w ~ ~rHE rOR~~oarrG RESQLUTTAN is aigne~ ax~d npprov~d by me this 2.ist dav of November, 1988. ~fi l i ~•:f-i ~ j'~ .r!~i" %l ~ ~,../ _ CIiAIRWUMAN,C ANAHE7M CITY PLANNING COMMT.SSTON "' `f ;:; A~T~ST : -u.dLC.~e~n.~_ ?,^ ~ . ~/ ~ ) ._____ SECRETARY, 3~I.AHETM CITY PLI~NNTZtG COD4iI~SIpN STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGF ) ss. CTTY OF I+NAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Fiarri~, Secretary of the Anaheim C3.~y Planning Commi3sion, do hereby certify that the foregoinq resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the 1-naheim City Planning Commission hold on Novembor 21nt, 1988, by the foZlowing vote oF the members thersof: AYES: COb1MISSTONERS; EOTJAS, BOXDSI'UN, CARUSTLLOe FELbHAUS, ~lERBST, MC BURNEY NO~~: COMMISSTONEP.S: NONG ABSENT: COMtdISSIONERS: MESSE IN W1TN~SS WHEREOF, I hava hereunto set my hand this 21at day of November., 1988. _ ,G~ i~/~ ~1 '~~I~iLLcu/ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLA2INING COMMISSION ':~~ ; ~; `'~ ;4 , ;:~, ~ ':.j~ -3- _ __ _+4t r~ '4 %{ c?Y ~ {~tF PCtlB-317 `;'~~4~ ~ ' :i~u . s,~~ ' •'r,;:} .v ~ 7',, ' ~,,~ ~ .5nr%k'.~'~~.9,