726 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )ss. County of Orange ) .. ~ ~.~ ~~.~... .'.~.~.~p..~.~..... ..... .-........ ... .... .......... .............. ...........- of ~:aid county, being first duly sworn, says-that he 18 a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of CalI- fornia, over the age of eighteen years; that he has no in- ten'st in. nor is he a party to the matter heretn mentioned: that he is the ......~~.~~~.~p~!.....~.~.~~_...... ....... ............................... of the ..... .4~~;be.lll ..~ull..e_t1n...__....... ........... .................................. a.__~.~~.~l.___... newspaper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said . ... ..~~~~. ~~...~~.~.~.~.~.~..._......._............................................. is a newspaper of general cir culation with a list of paid !4ubscribers, and is published for the dissemination ot both local and general news and intelligence of a general char- acter: that it is not. devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a parti cular class, profession. trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it has been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim, County of Orange, Stat e of California for more than on~ year next prp.ceding the first day of the publication hereto attached: that the ... _ _ Qr.Q .l.nanee... .10..... ..7.26......... ........ ..................................... of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published In one issue sa td newspaper at least............................................. . .......................- 12th JUDe cornmen clng on the.................... day of .........._..._.........._....._....... 48 1! ...... and ending on the................day of ....._........._...._....._... Ordinance 19 ....., and that said .......................................................................... was published on the following days: June 12, 1948 .....:~~..=::;::~:~2:~:~~;~~;~::::::~ Subscribed and sworn to before me thlS./.~.......4aY ot ,.. . ........... ... ....~...:::~:~:::~ ~ft ~:.~..........._._._..... Notary Public. . , LEGAL NOnCE LEnAL NOTICE ORDINA.NCE NO.1. .AN ORDINANCE OF 'l'H}4) cl'rr 011.' ANAHIUM. PRORIBI'l'- ING AND RE(..'LL~,,-rrlN(; 'l'IlE CARRl."JNG OF DAN"GEROliS OR DEAbLY ""EAI'ONS. THE CITY COlJNCIL uii' TH~ CITY OF AX AHEll\1 DOES ORDAI!\ .AS FO~L. . : . . SEC 1:..:'" he term "dangel'ous 011." ly weapons" as used in this Ordi' e." es, but is not 'limited llY dane.e. . or deadly wea.pon ., eaning of any law of state res the use thereof; a" dagger; allY ice-pick Hal' ~harPl. Iii tool; any knife' cription with a. blade harpcned 0 . Ung por- tioOn of whl~. . ,and me-half illl:hes or e in length:' yatrai,gllt edged raZOI' a zor blade fitted to any h Ie or holder, ny cutting. stabbing ,: ,. 'udg. ning weapon o~' device capabJe of infli.cUllS' gre\'iolls bodily har ",any cJub. billy. blackJack. sap, 'Palmshot, cham 01' ~.n;y con- tainer fill .. ith metal. sand. soap, salt 01' other sub~La.nce ~eslgned to be used 0.., able of being used as a striking or bludg.eolllug ~\"callon or device ca... bIe of i'nflicting' g1'evious bodily harnl; and any flre.arm other than. f one carriert 13ursua.nt to valid permit issu~d by duly ;:I.nth- orized governmental. authority. 01' (2) any qrdlnary rifle 0.1'. ~hotgun lawfUlly carried: for pU1'poses of huntlllg or other law~ul PUI p~se., . SECTION :.l: 'It ~hal1 be unlawful for a.ny Tlenon wh~le carl':vmg I~:on- cealed upon his person any dangerous or deadly wea.pon. to loa f or tOltel' upon any publiC street. i;idewalk 01' alley or to wander about from pia.::, to place with no lawful busine.8s thE'yehy t.o )le1'fol'ln. or 10 hide, JU1'1" 01' I loiter upon or about the premIses or an-othel'. I SECTION 3: It shall 'be u~la~fu~ for a~y pel'8'~~. who ha.~ .~~nceaJed I upon his pel'son 01' who has lD hiS IInmedlate .pllHHca.J posse~s~on a.l~Y ! danger.av~ or deadly weapon to engage in any fight n,r tn pA.rtlcIP....te In I e;ny ot'-: rou~h 01' disorderly conduct upon an~' public place or wa~' or upon...;!~~PJ'ellli:H'~ of another. . S~O~ I, I t shall be unlawful for al1~. pe1'SOl1 '\'~O ha~ c(l"11cealed upon his. pel'.i-illl\ llllY dauli;"croU8 01' d~a.dIY wearlon, to 1(llter nl' bp. ab(l'~t I :fllY place ~jl(:I'I., illtoxicati-ng liquors are sold 01' a.I"1)'. other place of public; ---,sort. -":3L.. . . I SECTWN~; It shall be unlawful for any person toO have In ,,~.. r !isessiori~::il1 any automobllp., any dan~erOUF; 01' de3:~IY wcapo~l. but ~hllJ II striction -"shaJl not be deemerl 1.0 p1'olublt the carr~ lUg of Ord1l18ry toolA t equipment ('arried '.in g'ood fait h. for lIses of hOlHst wo!.k t1'':idC. or aineas. or :Cor the purpose of legitimate SP'!l't or re('l'eatlOn. , . SECTIO~ 6: Pr-:NAL"fl.l'~S. .\n~' pers-on. "\'1olatmg' H 11~' of the te-1 m. ! It this Ordinance shan be deemed ~ui1t~. 4:.: a, misdemeanor and upon " nviction thereof :;;hall bp. puniShable by &. fine of 110t more. than e lree Hundred Dollars ($300.00), or by imprisonment. fOl' ~ penod ot. t more -than t.hrp~ 11'1ontho8, 1)1' hy hot.h l"uch f11'1('8 and l1TIll1'IS0nment, SECTION i: 'rhe City Clerk shall t:ertifY to the .passage of t~ijlj . ~dinance and C':ause the same to be 'Du~1ished. once 1.n the .\nahenn Illetion a. dail~. lIe\\"Ap~pE;l' of p:enel"al ('\l't":ulatlO11, Tll.mted. pUhll:!i;hpd Ild circulated in said City of .\n~heim, Ca Iif01'l11a. ;!.nd thirty 1'l1t~'A from Ld a.1.~r ltFl fhud p:f.::;f;H~"'. it ::;hal1 ta.l..;(~ t'ffel:t an~ be in full C01'('.P. . T. . fOl'egoin~ Ol'dinan(~e W;:1~ al1proyed and Signed 1)y me thiS 'llh :.lY. : ne, J.H8. f'H.\nLJ':S .\. T'.E.\HSOX .: -: ~. ~\la~ (Ir of t he City (If Anaheim .. fTE1 .,.. . : iAR' E, C1RIFFITH :: ty Cler of the City of Anaheim (SEAL) .; :ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) :. COUNTY OF ORANGE ., II. ~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I J. I. CHARLES E. GRIFFI'l'H, Cit,r ~l(t;l'k 01 the City of Ana.heim. d" i ~ ~reby certify that the foregoin~: Ordinanee was intr<J. u(:ed at. a regular I , eeting of t.he Cit~' Couneil of the f'it~. of Anah4"im.. 0 .. t.h ~5th day I l ~ May. 1948. and that the sa.m~ 'WitS pas$led, and 8. a. rfl'~ulRr I , fleting of the City Codtlcil held on the 8Ul'~)'ay 6 . 8, by the , ,Howing vote of the m~ berlll thereof: ' ~ . .YES: ('OUNCTLM '. Pearson. Yan ,\\"ago.ne 'ES: COUNCILME ", None. S.EKT: COUNCIL .: Bone~'. D I }<'UR'fH;lDR CE ,.Y that the Mayor of. '.~\naheim d and si~d said, ~nanee on the 8th d .94~. . IT.S'F;SS WHERm: -~I hR;.ve hp.reunto set ha.nd and affixed of lIIa id City of Ana: elm this 8th day of ..Tunt'. ] !l48. C"H.\ Rr..,"P;S E. fTRIFFITH C'it~r Clerk of the City of .Anahe!m lp d Face. !( SEAI~)' :l}:). June 1~, l!l u. 1 2 3 4 15 e ORDIIAlOJ: NO. 726 I ANfRDIK'NOE OF THE CITY OF AlABEIK PH! IBITIHG AND REGULATING THE OARRY- IN or DANGJ:ROUS OR DEADLY WEAPONS. THE OITY oooolIL OF THE OITY OF ANAlU:IK DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS. i Section 1: T~ term "dangerous or deadly weapons' as used ! in this Ordinanoe ~noludes, but is not limited to, any dangerous or deadly weapon ~thin the meaning of any law of this state restr ct- 1ng the use thereo~; any dirk or dagger; any ice-piok or similar she.rp stabbing too~; 9.ny knife of s.ny description wi th a blade ! .the shs.rpened or cptttng portion of whioh is two and one-half inches or more in, ~engtr.; any straight edged razor or any razor blade fitted to anr handle or hold.er; any cutting, stabbing or i bludgeoning weapon: or devioe capable of inflicting grievous bodily harm; a.ny olub, blllY, blackjaok, sap, palmshot, chain or any conta.iner filled w~th metal, se.nd, soap, salt or other substanoe designed to be use~, or capable of being used as a striking or bludgeoning weaponior devioe oape~le of inflioting grievous bodily 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 18 17 18 harm; and any fir~-arm other than, (1) one carried pursuant to 19 valid permit 1s9ue~ by duly authorized governmental authority, or 20 (2) any ordinary tifle or shotgun lawfully carr1ed for purposes 21 of, hunting or othef lawful purpose. 22 Seotion 2: It shall be unlawful for any person, while carry1 23 concealed upon his person any dangerous or deadly weapon, to 102.! 24 or 10i tar upon any public ptreet, eldewa.lk or a.lley or to wand.er 25 about from pIece t~ place with no lawful business thereby to 26 perform, or to hid" lurk or loiter upon or about the premises of 27 another. 28 Sectton 3: It j sha.ll be unls.wful for any person who has con- 29 cea,led upon his petson or who hs.s in hi s immediate physical ! 30 p08seseion any dan~erous or deadly weapon to engage in any fight I 31 or to pa.rtic1pate ~n any other rough or disorderly conduct upon 32 any public place o~ way or upon the premises of another. -1- .-.... _..'--~~._._.._"_.,_.- ....-.......L...--- 1 Seotion 4: I~ shall be unlawful for any person who has con- 2 cealed upon his p~~son any aangerous or deadly weapon, to loiter 3 or be about any p4a~e where intoxicating liquors are sold or any 4 other place of pU~liC resort. i B Section 5: I~ shall be unlawful for any person to have in his 8 possession, in an~ automobile, any dangerous or deadly weapon, .j i 7 but this restr1ct~on shall not be. deemed to prohib1t the carrying 8 of ordlne.ry tools lor equipment ce,rrled in ~ood faith for uses of 9 honest work, trad~, or business, or for the purpose of legitimate 10 sport or recreati9n. 11 Section 6: P~ALTIE8. Any person Violating any of the terms 12 of this Ordinanoe jehall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon 13 conviction thereo~ shall be punishable by a fine of not more than 14 Three Hundred DOl~ars ($300.00), or by imprisonment for a period Ie of not more than ~hree months, or by both such fine and impr1son- 18 mente 17 Section 7: T~e City Clerk shall certify to the passage 18 of this Ordinance jand cause the same to be published onoe in the 19 Anaheim Bulletin, !a daily newspaper of general oirculation, print. J 20 published and c1rojula,ted in said City of Anaheim, California, and 21 thirty days from ~nd after ita final passage, it shall take effect 22 and be in full forfe. 23 The foregoi ngo IOrdine.nee was approved a nd. signed by me this .~ I. de.y of 1'0. J ~948 . 24 215 28 27 28 ~~ ,--- ... , ~.ct,.'l... ayor 0 the.~ of ~ 29 30 31 32 ,.. -c,- . L.. ..~,.. ..,.-,--..,______ 1r. 1 2 3 4 6 ) ~ STATE or OALIFORN 1 COUNTY OF ORAl. I aITY or ANABI . ss. I, OHARLES E~ GRIFFITH, City Olerk of the City of Anabaim, .j do hereby certlfy:that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meettng10f the City Oouncil of the City of Anaheim, held on the 25th ~aYof Maf , 1948, end that the same was ! passed and adopte4 at 2. reguls-r meeting of the 01 ty Oounoil ! held on the J.th ~ay of ~_.tl948, by the following vote of the members thereof: : 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 ; AYES: COU!lC~LJaIJ:' Pearson, Van Wagoner, HeTlng and Paoe. NOES: COUlfC~LMJ:Il: None. ABSENT : COU!lC~tJO:N: BoneT. A~~ I Ft~THERIOERTI'Y that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim i approved and etgn1d eaid OrdinanC,e on the 1'. de.y of J'iIIII" 1948. IN WITNESS WH~EOF, I have hereuntoeet my hand and affixed the seal of sa.ld dity of Anaheim this -a. day of ~.~;t.~__. 4~~.- at rk 0 t -e - - y o'"A.nahe1m 29 30 31 32 -3- . ..L~. --- .--..~,-"''', ........ . I -~.