PC 88-331r ~;~ ~ „ ya RFSOLUTIQN N0~ PC 88-3~1 A RESOLUTION OF TI~~ ANAHEIM CITY PLA1Qt7ING COMMIS6IaN RECOI~IIdENDI`Iu APPROVAL 0~ GENERAL PLAN AMEIJDMENT N0. 2A8 - I.AND "JSE EL~MENT WHEREAS, the Ci~y Council of the City of Anaheim clid adopt the Ana.heim General Plan by Resolution No. 69R-544, showixig ~.he general description and extent of possible future development o~ land within t~e City; an~ , WH~REAS, gursuant to a requast from the property owner, staf£ has ~repared a General Plan Amendment to consider redesignation of the la~d use .from Low Density Residential to General Commercial ~or an area ccnsisting of appro:tima~ely 0.63 acre located on the north s9.de of Lincoln Avenue, approx:.matPly 95 feet west ~f the centerl.ine of Grand Avenue 3nd further describEd as 3107, 3:111 and 3i15 hest Li.nroln Avenue; and ~ W'IiEREAS, on Novemrer '1, 1~83, the Planning Corcunission C011.S].G '•rAd the f above-mentianed petitioner-initiated request and continued the hearing to ~ Dec~mber 5, 1988, in order for sta£P to ana.lyze the impacts af expanding the ; proposed General Plan Amendment Study area to include all prope~rties fronting on the ~iorth sade of Lincoln Avenue between Western Avenue and Grand Avenue; for redesi.gnation ~rom Low Density Residential ~o General Cor.vnercial; ax~d WHER~.AS, tY:e Plann:i.ng Department, pursuant to the grovisions of the California Ex~vironn;ental Quality Act, prQpared an Negativ~ Declaration in connectian with Genesal Plan Amendment 2'ta. 248, Reclassi~ication No. 88-&9-14, a~nd C~~nditiorial Use Permit No. 3077; and W'HEREAS, the C:.ty Planning Commiss.ion did ha~d a public hc~~ring a~ thp Civic Center in the City o£ Anaheim on Novembor 7, 1988, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sai.d public hearsng h~viug been duly given as rsquxred by law ancl in accordance wi~b. the nrovisiona of the Anahei.m Municipal Code. Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed GenPral F:lan Amendm~nt, and to investigate ~nd make ~indings and recommendatians in corlriecY.ion therewith; arid said pub:ic hearing was continued to the meeting ~f L'ecember 5, 1988; and r` WHEREAS, sai3 Comrnission, aFter 3ue inspection, irivestigation and ~; study maae by itseJ.f and in i~s behalf~ and after flue considera4:ic~n of ~ll evxdence aiic] reporC~ offered at said haaring, does Eind and ~,etermine the foll~wzng facts; 1. Th.at evidenca was prose,nhed to substantiaL•e th~ ~ieed Eor an amendment to the Anahe:i,m General Plan at this time. ~•~ . i 1, ~0584r PC ~3A-331 r ;!?,;,`; , ~ ~` 1~ * d '~ ~ ,, ~.. . . _ ~ , , ,~:. ..Kd,..rM„Y!.:~4 ,. . . . . ,. . _... ,, , ,:. . . . , _ ,. ~.... ..,...,~, , w . ,t ; ,~.:. ~ Z. That Exhibit B redesigna~ing all th~ properties fronting on the narth side of Lincoln Avenue between We~tern Avenue and Grand Avenue to General Commercial 3and uses is appropriate and should be approved. 3. That access to the site is a nzajor concern and in order to ~,ccommodate the additional h.rips generated by commerci~l uses, as w~ll as any potential vehicle turning conflicts, the fo].lo+ring restriatior.;t and improvemen~s are necessary: a. Left turns into the commercial atrip sha11 b~ li.mited to one access poir~t an Tincoln fivenue in alignment with Topanga Driveo b. Ftic~ht tur.r.~ into the commPrcial strip sha:.2 be ra5tricted to the :;riveway in alignment wi.th Tonanga Arive an~ two other vehicular ~ccess points along Linco].iY AvenuF. c. A raised median sha11 be constr•ucted ~n Linenln Avenue between Tapanga Drive and ~lar~ing A~•enue. '' d. Access to a] 1 or r_he afore-described driveways s}iall b~ available ~` to a11 parcel~ via reciprocal access aqreements. y '~ e. Parking along the north side of Lincol.n Avenue from Western Avenue to Grand Avenue shall be px•ohibiterl; Lin~cln Avenue shall be r~striped to provicle a tltird wPStbnuzid Y.ravei. lane whic:h would be necessary as a result o£ the iricreased traffic generation. ;. E, f. Com~nercial clevelopment should occur ~n parcels consi,sL-ing of a n-ir_imum of five (5) lots. 1. ^ ~~~ ~ALIFOFNIA EN'VIF.ONMEN~AL UALIT.Y A~T _.FINDING; That the Ar.aheim City Plenn~,ng C~Irunzs~ion has review~d the propasal to arnend khe Land Use Element of tY,e Gr~neral Plan from the current dFSignation of Low T~~insity ltesidential to Gsneral Commercia:l for all properties fronting an the nortYx ~ide of Lincoln Avenue between Vlc~sfern Avenue and ~rand Avenue (Exhibit H), and to r~classify pr~~~~rt~ cansisting of. approximzL•e'ly 0.63 acre, h3ving a frontagc~ o£ approximately 188 £eet c~n t:~e north side of LincAln Avenue, apprc~ximatell 95 feot west of the centerline oF Grand Avenue and further 3escribed as 3107, 3111, and 3115 West Linaoln AvPnue from the RS-7200 (Residential, Single- Family} ~~n~ to the CL (Cornmercial, Limited) Zone and to ccnstruct an 8855 square foot, 9-unit commercial retail center wi.th waivers of maximum structural height and minimum open s~tback abutting residential a.une property; znd cloes herek~y aprzove the Nctgative DeclaraCiou upon finding that it has considered rhe Negative Declara~icn togetl:Rr witk~ anp comments recexvQd during the publir. zeview pror,~ss and fur~lier finding on the basis di th,e Initial Study and any commenls rec.eiver] that there is no substantial evidence that• the project wi].t have a si.c~ni~.icant effect ~n th~ envirnn.ment. '2- PC ~38-331 '' ,', ~ ;~ i ~~~ .4 ~t ` " - ~ wf,~,~ ~'"* r ~~ ~ NOW, TFiEREFORE, SE IT R~SOLVED that finclings, ~he Anaheim City Planning Commissinn doesrhereby recammend tha~~t:,e Caty Cour,cil apprave General Plan Amendment No. 2 t'ollowing condYtion should be included ~ 4A~ Exhibit B, and that the properties to the CL zone subjeci: to the follow ng rrequire ents.~on o£ indtts~ry 1. Tha~ commercial development should occur oii parcels consisting of ;3 mininum of five (5 lots). ~• Tkzai: lefk Lurn~ into subject commercial parcels should be limited ta ane (1) access point un I~incolr~ ~,venue in uJ.fqnmen~ with Topanga Arive. 3• :Chat right turns into subject commercial t•u L•he d:iveway in alignment with Top nga~ Dr ~~e 1~na~ two~r.icte3 vehicu3ar access po:ints along Lincoln Avezxu8, other '~. That a raised me3ian sk~ou].d be constructed on Lincaln Avexlue betY~een Topauga Drive an~i Harding Avenue. 5. That accoss to all ~f the afore-describe3 drive*vay; should be available to alY parcels via reciprocal access agreements. ~. That pArking alang the north side oP Lincoln Avenue frAm Western ~v~enue to Grand Avenu~ should be pruhibited; Lincoln Avenue sha11 be restrip~ci to provide a thirei westbound travel lane wl~iCli would be r.QC~ssary as a rgsulr pf the .increased traff ic generati.on. THIE FORi~GOIN~ FtESOLUTION is sigried and approved by me this 5th day o~ ~ecember, 198a, ~ ~ ~,7~~ ll..t~r ~ ,r. •" / ! "._.x.,: ,~ _ = CHAIR~WOMAT~~i~,N11HEIM CITY PLAN't1TZ:G CplyII~fISSION ATTEST: ~z , -- ~ ~G1..- ,~~> l~.~t~i1~ SEt;RETARY, AItAHEIM CITY pi,~1NNI p dIS Iq ON ~TATE OF CALIFpRNIA ) ! COUN'.~Y OF Uk2AN~F ) ss. CITY QF AN.~iEIM ) ``~~ I. Edith L. Harri~, Secr~tar,y of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, 2iereby cer.tit•'y that the f.orc~go$ng reso~.ution was passed and adopted at ~a I~'~ tneeting uE the Anaheim City Plannirzg CommS.ssion held on December 5, 1988, b '', tne f~7.~o~xng vote of the membsrs thereof: Y ~': AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Bp(TAS, gOYDSTUN, CARUSII,LQ, FELDFiAU'S, HLRSST MESSE, MC Bt1RNEY NOES: COI~ITSSIONERSs NONE ABSENT: COMMISSION~ItS: NaD1E _ IN WT'fNESS WHEREOF, I have hereun~o set my hand this 5th day ~~ December, 1988. ~; .~C, o ,~~ ~.~:~.,~ ~ . ~ ~~,~ . SECRETAf2X, ANAHgIM CITY' PLANPTING COI~lTSglqg -3- ~ ri PC 88-331 `'r;I , .. , ~ ,,, :,. , , _ _ . ,. ;~;5