PC 88-338, . . ., . , . ,. . . .. ,. . . ,,- , . . , ~ : VGr ~ ` ~ 4~~;4#~~~~s" oyl Li'{ •,;,:! RESOLUTION N0. PC88-338 A R'sSOL"JT20N OF THE ANAFIE:IM CI1'Y PLl~NNTNG COD',tYfISSTON TFiAT *_'ETITLON FQR CONDITTOrAL'• USE PERMTx N0. 310J BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Ar_aheim City Planning Comrnission did receive a verifisd ~~' Pe~it.iora for Conditional Use Permit from Ti 2NER FAMILY TF.UST c/o Palmier, ~~~ Tyler, Wa.ener, Welhelm, Waldren, 4000 MacArthur Roulevard, Suite 1000, Newport Be~~ch, CA 92660, owner, and FTARBOR PACIFI~ llEVEL'OPMENT., 4040 MacArthur Bou~.evard, Suite 314, Newport Beach., CA 92660, agent, for certain r~a1 prop~?r. ty situated in the City ef Anaheim, Coun~.y of Orange, State of Califorr~ia, described as: CQMMEI~TCING AT THE SOUTHF:AST~RL'Y COFtNBR OF SATD SOUTHEi.\ST. QUARTER QF THE NORTH~AST QUARTER OF THE NORTHk,A;.T QUARTER OF SECTION 13, B~ING TH~ INTERSE;CTION OF TH1, t.ENTFR LIN~ CF BROAI)WAY ST~2E;ET WITH THE CCNTER I,INE QF MAGNOL~A AVENUE AS POR~IONS QF SAID STREETS ;;r~RF~ DESCRIBED IAI THE EASEMENT DESCRIBED IN A DEED Tp THF CITY UF ANA~iEIM, RECOR}JED MAY 31, 196~ IN BQOK 5267, PAGE 21(i OF OFFICIAI~ RECORUS: THENCE NbRTH 0 DEGR~ES 11' ;i0" WEST ALONG S~~:LD CENTER L7NE Or^ MAGNOLIA A'VENL'E 179. 50 F~GT: THE23CE SOUTH 89 DEGFEES 36 ` 00" WEST 53 F~ET TO THE TFUE fiOINT G? B~GTNNING: xH~NCE CONTINLTZNG SOTJTH 89 DEGREES 36' 00" WEST 135.00 FF:Ex: HENCE SOI~TH 0 DEGRE~'S 11' 5~"EAST. 134.50 FEET TO aHE IvOR7~HERLY T IZI~ OF SAID BROAD6IAY STREET: THBNCE NORTH t39 D~GI2E~S 36' QO" EAST ALONG Si~ID NORTHERL~C LINE 120.p5 I'F.ET TO TFIF FiEGINNING OI' A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE riORTHi9ESTERLY T3AVING A RADILYS OP' ~5.00 FEET; THENCE Fe\S'rERLY, NORTHEASTERLY AND NOR'EH~:RLY ALONG ,~,AIb CURVE, THZOUGH A(;ENTFRAL A~7GLE OF i~9 DEGREES 47' 5U" A2`T AitC D7STANCE OF 23. 51 ~EET TO A TANGENT LINE, 4 AID TANGENT I~INE F3SING TH~ WESTERLY 'L7PIE OF SAID biAGNOLTA AVFNUE: THENCE NORTHE 0 D~GREES 11' 50" WEST ALOP7C SAIn WESTERLY LINE I19.55 FEET TO TFIE TFUE YO_N'P OF AEGIIvNING. ~:. ~HEHFAS, the City Yla,ining Commission did held a~~ublic hearing at the Civic Canter in the City af hnaheim on DecP:nber 5tti, 1988 at 1:30 p.m. , notice o£ uaid rublic haaring having been duly given as required by 1aw and in eccurtl~-nce wi~h the provisions ~t t.ie Az~aheim Muziicipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence .for and against said proposed conditional use permit aixd to investigate znd make .fi.ndinn~, an~ recommendations in connecliun therPwith~ and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigz~i~n and study made 'by itself an~ in its behalf, and afrer due considaration of all evi~lac-ce and reports offered at said hearing, does find ~nd determina the followang facts: 1. That the propose~d use is pr~perly one EQ.r •which a conditiozial us~: Pecmit is authorized by Anaheim Munici.oal Code Seccion 1a,~4.050.135 to wit: to pezmit a 9-unit 12 ;~ :~ ~ .42Q square foot, commercial retail center _ . ; ~ ~ ,-<~ .. _; : 057 8 r ~ ~":' -~'- PC88-338 ~~3 ,,; , ; ~+~~ " s~~. - _ _ _ , ~ ~, ',s:+. .~;°.;~ . r'~. ~ t~:R l}~~ 1. , ~,~, Atb 2. Tha~ ~ho propnsecl use will nat advorsoly af~~cl the adjoining lanJ. uses and tk~e graw~h an~ deveJ.apm~nt oE the aren in which it is proporsad to b~: lnc~ated. 3. 7'hat the size und shape o~ the site proposer~ for Cho uae fa adoquaee to allow the full development oL t.t,e pro~osed uso in a manner not detrimontal to ~hQ particul~r area nor to iho pQar,e, hoalth, safety ancl general welfare of tha C.i.tizens of tho C.ity oL• Anaheim. 4. That tho granting of khe Conditional Use Pe~mit undc+r t'r,e~ conaitions impnsed, if any, wi17. not be detrirnontal to thQ paac:e, health, ~aferv and genaral welfare uf thA Citixens of thc~ City of Anahaim. 5. That the traffic goneraterl by kho proposed iise will not impose an undue burden upon khe streets and highways iiesigned and improvod to carrx the traffic in the a:Qa. 6. Thar_ no one indicatr~d their pre:ence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no cocresp~ndence Was ~eceived in opposition to the subject petitioii. ~ALI_FQI,~.NIA ENVT~9Nt~EHTA4_Qt~.ALITY_ AGT FINDI~I~: That the Anaheim City Plar..niriy Commission h~s reviewed the proposal to permit a 9-unit, 12,420-square f~ot commercial retatl cpnter on a rectar.~ularly-ahaped parcel of ls~iid coxisisting of approximately 1 acrc~, locatRd at the northwest cornez of E~roa~way and Magnolia Avenue, an~9 E~.rther de~cribed as 221 South Magnolia Avenue~; and does hQreby appruve the NoqativP Declaration upon Einding that il: has considored the Negative Declaration toge~hor with any comments received during the public review oroc+~as and furtner finding on the basis of the initial study and any comment5 rece.ived that there is no substantial evidence that the nroject wi11 have a c~iqnificant effo~t on the anvironmez~t. NOW, TfIERF.FORE, fiE IT RESOLVED that tho Anaheim City Ylanning Commigsior. does hereby 3cant subjec~ Pe~ition ~or Conditional Usa Permit, upon tihe followiiiq conditions which are horeby found to be a nacoasary pr~requisite t:o the ~,roposed usQ of the subjer.t property in ordor to preservo the sa£ety and qoneral welfare of tt~~ Citi.zens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That prior L•o issuc~nce o: a b~.~ilding permil, tt~e a~pr.opriate traEfic signal assesyment fee shall be paid t~ tha City of Anaheim in an arnount as determined b~• Ci~y r.nuncil ~•asolut.ion. 2. That the legal owner of subject pr~pezty shall d~dicate to t:he City of Anaheim a twenty fivo (25) Ecat radius corner returr, at Broaaway and Magnoli.~ Avenue for sc.reet. wideninq purposes. 3. That al]. Qxistinq driveways on Broad.+ay anc] Magnolfa Aronucs shall h~± removed and replacsd with stnndard curb and gutter and sidswalk. 4. That curbs, gutters and sidenalks 3ha11 be rFpairod alonq F3roadw~y and Maqnolia l,venuP as requirefl by the City E,ngi.naer and f~i accorc]ance with ~tandard plans and specificatfons on tlle in tho Uff.~.ce o.~ the City Engineer. -2- PCBB-338 ^ ''1'1 ' J . __-- ~ . . . ~ . . ' S ~ s~~~ I: ~ (.,. .:ni ~~. .~'~ ~,~4 ~ . , ~ . :~;p 5. That t-11 new drivewaya sht-11 bo constructed wi~h te» (~0) foot rad.itis curb rettirns as z~equired by tho (:fty Enginoer. 6. That in the RvQnt a parcel mflp is no~ recor~~ed comi~ining tho two (3) existing lots, the legal propert,y owner sht~l'1 furnish the Zaning Division with a copy of a recordod cov~iian~ and ~gree:,~ent in a, for.m approved by the City At~nrn,ey ngreefng ta hold subj~ct property as one (1) ~~arcel. + 7. That 3ub~ect prc-perty sh;.ll be served by un~erqround ut.il~ties. 8. Tliat ttie eritrance driveway~J Jhall be betweon twenty four (29) 3nd L•tlirty (30) f.eet in width. as required by the Ci~y Traffic Enq.ineer. 9. Tr.at drainac~e cE subjQCh property ahall be disposed of in a maiiner satisfactory to the CiL-y ~ngineor. 10. That fir.e sPrinklers shall be installed ns required by the Clty Fire De~artmRnt. 11. "' That, no fa5t-fooci service fac.ilities shall bo p~rmitted i.n this commarcial rotail cQnter, unless a varianco fur parking is appr~ved by ,~: thc City Council, Plaziiiing Commissi~n or Zoning Administrator or : suLfic.ient parking in conformance with Code i.s provided. 12. Tha~ trash storaqe~ areas shall be pravided and maintained iit a locatiota acceptable to the Street Maintenance and Sanitation Uiv ision and i . ,n accordance with agprc;vect plans an ~£I1~ wit}i said Division. ;,: 13. i'li~t; all air conditioning facilit.ies and oth~r roof and grouncl niountod equipment shall bo properly shi~ldecl from view, and the souncl buffered fram adjacent i•esia~ntial propgrtiQS. ~; 19. ' That Che pro~osa.l ehall cc~mply with a17. signing reguirem~sn :s of the CL " Commercial, Limited" Zone, unless a vari.ance allowin~ sign waiv~rs is approved by the Cir_y Counci~., Planning r_ommission or Zoning Administrator, s 15. That a six (6) fout hi.qh masonry bl~~ck wall shall be ~raintained alor~g the r ' norCh and west properhy lines exceptir.g th~ ~:•ont setbacks whrre the wall h i h ~ e g t ~hall be three (3) f.eer., ~ 16. ;hat building ~lans shaZl show that any propuse~l parking ai•oa lighting f fixtures adjacent to any resid~ntia3 properCy shall Ue down-).ighted with ; a maximum heiqnt of twelve (12) feQt. Said lightinq ffr.turns shall be a diroclod away from adjacent residr,n~aal property lines Co ~ror..~ct the resiclential .tr~teqri.ty of the arc~+, i 17. 'Phat the on-3ite .lat~d~capinq ahall bc~ maintair~c.~ ;~: ~ompli.ance with City standards. 7.8. That the ~wner of subject property shal:! :;ubmit a letter re~{uesting kerminaticn ~f Conditional Use Permi.r No. 478 to tt~e Zoninq D3vis~.on. 19. That suhjec;k property shr~ll bo dpvalo,ped subsr_antiAlly i~ accordance wfth pl~ns and opeciFfcations on file with the ~~it}• ~f 1-naheim markgd Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. -3" PC88-338 ~:; r ";~'rC ~ r°'~ • .,y~R ,..ai ~~ . ~ y~JRQ .,4~ . ~ , 20. That prior to issuanco ~f a building permit, or w3tliin a period of ane year from the date of this resolution, whichev~r occurs first, Condition Nos, l, 'l, 6, 1G and 18, above-men~ioned, sha11 be compliod with. fixtei,sions for further time to complete safd c:onditions may bo qrantecl in accordance with Section 18.03.090 of tho A~iak~oim Munic~pal Code. 27.. TY~aI: prior to fina.l bu.il~iing and zcning insprctions, Condition Nus. 3, 4, 5~ 7. 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15 and 19, abovo-monta.onecl, shall be comp].ied w•i th . 22. That approval of this applicaL•i.on consti~u'tos approval of L•he propdseci, requesC only to the extent that .it c:omplies with thc~ Auaheim Municipal Zoninq Codo and ai~y other applicable Ci~y regu].ations. Approval c~aes not include any action or findings as ta compliance or apprc,val oE the .request regardzng auy ~ther applic:~bl~ ordinanr~, regulatioi. or requir~ment. BE iT ?URTHF~R RESOLVED tk~at the Anaheim C.ity Planning Commission does hereby fi.nc3 and dotermine tnat adopti~n of this R~s~lution is expressly predicateU upon appliaanL•'s ccmplianco wikh each and ~11 of t}ie condition hereinabove set forth. Shouad ~ny such conclitions, or any pnrt thereof, be dec~ared invalid or unenfarcQable L•y thQ final judgment oP any c:ourt of competent jurisd.iction, then this Resolution, and any ~pprova.ls heroin conCained, shall be deemed null and voic9. :f'HE ~'ORE~OING RESOLUTIOi? is signed and approved by ~~~a this 5th day of. December, 1988. ..., • -~ I _~L ,~~(' ~t~r- f / , y,:~:~C--t-~~.`.~-' ~\. -^ ' CHAIRWQMA~3; ANAHEIM CITY PLANNTNG CnMhSISSION ATTEST: ~'1 f: -- ._.~ ~-~_~~~.r~.~~o, -- -- SECRETARY, APIAHF.Ibf CITY PLANNING COhII~tI~3I0N STATE OF CALIFQRNIA j COUNTX OF QRAPIGE ) ~s. CITY OF ANAI~ETM ) ~~ I, Bdith L. (iarris, 5e~:rotary of the Anahaim City Planning } Comm.ission, do hereby certify that ;:he foroqoing resolixt:ion was passed and ; adopted at x meekinq of the AnahQim City Plaiining Commissi~n hald on Decernber ~: Sth, 198f3, by the followi~iq voto of tho members thereof: AYF,S: COMMISSZON~;RS: 60IiAS, 60YDSTUN, CA^USILLO, f'LL~DEIAi15, HERHST, MC BURNEY, ME5SE NOES: C4?~4fISSIONERS: NONE AIiSENT: CON4~lISSIONERS: NUNE iN WITNESS WHERF;OF, I havQ t~ecei;nro set my hand this 5tb day of December, 1988. ~; ___ ._ ~~c~_i_ ~~_-~~~1~~~v~ :~.__ SECRExARY, ANI-Fl~IM CITY PLAiJN~2iG COMMISSION -'~ P~88-338 ~ .~ ;;,; { .a~ ; ~ ~~a