PC 88-343• ~ 4~ RE L TIQN N P~Q¢~.4,,~, ~ - ~ , , r t ,ar.~ rr ;t ~ ~ A RF,SOLUTION OF TEiF: ANAHET'Q CYTY PLANNING COMM?SSION THAT I~ETTTION FOR VA~txA.NCE N0. 3li75 F3E GRANTS:D, IN PART WHGREAS, tho Aiiahaim City Planninq Commigsion did rec:eive m verified Petftion fcr.• Vaxiaiice from RICHARD G. PIERCE, 14771 P2aza Arive, Suite "G". Tustin, CA 92680, owner, oP cc~r~ain real property ~ituatod in Che Cfty of Anaheim, ~ounty of Orange, State of California described as: LOT ~2, BLOCK E OF TH~ LOFELEt TZACT, IN THE CTTY OF ANAHEYM, COUNTY OF OEtANGE, STA.TE OF CAL' IFOR~IIA, AS PER MaP RECORDFD I2I BOOK ~9, PAGE 24 OF MTSCELLAI3GOUS RECORnS, IfT TFIE OFFICc: OF THE COiJNTY R~CORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WHF.l2EAS, ihe City 2!anning Commission did hold a public hearfng at the Civic C~ntex• in ~he City of Anaheim on 2tovQmber 21, 1988, at 1:30 p.m., not.ice of saxd Qub3ic hearing haviuq been duly given as requir.ed by law and in eccordanccs with tne piuvisions of th4 Anah~i.m Municip~l ~ode, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider e~~iclence foz and againsC raici p+:~posed vaxiance and to znvestigate and make findinyE and recommQndations in c~,nnoct.ion therewitri; and said public hear.ing was continued co the meeting oE D~uember 19, 19881 and WHERCAS, s~-xd Commission, ~£ter due inspection, investiqation and s~udy made by ir.sei~ and in its behalf, and af.ter du~ conoideration of all ~ evidence and reports ofiered at said hearir.g, daes find and determine tha EOI.LOW121f~ facts: 1. Thak the petitionor reque~ta wz~ivor of the follow.inq unde: ' authority ~~,E Caaifornia Government CudJ Sectian b59.15 to construct a 2-story, 4-unit "aFfordable" apartment projecL•: (A) SE~TI Pi ~_i~.Oq1,Q1Q - T4.ir~i~um I~a.~ xnq~.~,t,Q ~are~,.p~r Gw~,~ng uniL•. (?.u~.9s:__~.Q.~~.L required: 1 ~~-25 sat f~s Proposod) ( B ) ~~CT~9LK_.~~.~~3.L9.S~? •9~ - ~~?~11!!L~~. ~2Y~~9~ • ~ ; (~5 germi;.tedt ~2'~ proposed) 2. 's'hat the pr~po~od wfliver (A} is hereby g.anted pur~uant to c:a2iforiiia Gov~~rnment Code Sertion 65915. 3. ~ha~ tn~ above mentioned waiver (II1 is hereby cienied on the busic ttiat it was de2ete.'- in connection •,~.iCh rgvis~d plane submttted aubsequpnt to t}ie original public advortisem~nt. 05a9r -1-- PC88-343 ^ r' , f 'Y' i 4`,` ~~ ~ '~4:ir ic 1, ... ~S~d•. ~h i~~~ N?~K'~1 4. That there a.re ~xcepL•ional or ex~raordinary circumstances ox conditaons applic~ble t~ ~he propQrty ii~volved or to the inc.ended use aF the pr~porty that do not npply genoral'ly L•o the property or c'lass of ure in thc~ same vicznity and zoue. 5. That th~ requas~~,d v~riance will not be materiallv cietrimantal to the public wolfare ur injurious to the propwri:y or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which hhe propQrty zs 7.ocated. 6. That eight indicatQd thezr prosc~nce at the Decombar ].9 pu}~lic hearing and nine (9) persons indicated their pr.esena~ at the November 21 p~~blic hQaring in ogpositior-; and r.hat no cor.rsspondence r~as recei.ved in opposition to ~ubject petition. ~L~FQRNI~xv.~F~9NMENTA~ ~TJA~.~X 1-CT F~,TD7~: That the Anaheim City Planning Commissi~r. has reviewed the propo„al ta construct a 2-story, 9-unit "aEfardable" apartment project w.ith waivQrs of mxnimum builcling site area per dwelling unzt nnd maximum sito coverage on a rectaiigularly-shaped parcei of land consisting of appraximately 7750 square feet, liaving a fronYage of nppraxi.mately 50 £aQt on tho Eask sido of Bush Street, b~ing locaCed approximately 225 south of the centerline of Broadway and further described as 318 South Bush Str.per; ~nd doeR hereby approve the Negative Declaration u~on f.inding that it has conszdered the Neg~tive Declaration together wS.tls any commr~nts received during Che public review process and iurth~r finding on the bc~sis af the initi~l stud,y ar.cl any comments receivod thaC ~hare is no substantial evidence thaL• the project wil: ha.vo a significant effect on thb environmQn~. NOW, THk~REFURE, DE IT RESOI,VED that the Anah~im Ci~y Planning Commission does hereby grant subjocti Pet•iLio:, for Vr~rianc~, upon ttio Lollowing condit.iuns which arg hereby found to SEr a neceasary prerequis.ito t~ L•he proposed use of ths subject. prop~srty in order to presQrvo thQ safet•y and gE:neral welfare of the Ci~izetis of. the ~ity of ]~naheim: 1. That street lightzng faci].ities ~long Nush Street shall bo inatalled ~s required by che Uti.lit:ies Genoral Manager fn accor~ance Mith spvcificationg on file ir. the Oificv of Utilities Ger-oraZ Manager; or that security in the form of a bond, certifzr.ate of dcaosit, letter of crec~i.t, or cash, in an amount and Porm ~catxsYactor~ ta the City of Anaheim, shall be pcsCod with t:he CiLy to guarantee Lho st+tisfactory comgletion of the above-mentiuned improvements. Sai.d security ~ha7.l be pOSF@C1 with thr~ City of Anahei~r prior to issuance of. a bvi]dfng permit. Th~ abovr.-•required improvernenCs shall be installed prior to oc:cupancy. 2. That su~ject prnporty sha11 bo ser.ved by ur,derc1round utilitieR. -2- PC88-343 '1 :~ ; :;~, ~ . _ .s 3 ~ ; ,. ~ ~ ~;> , ,;n; ,; 3. Th~t prior. to issuance oF E1 bLtLICI111CJ ~ermi.t, the appropria~e t.raffir. signal assossm~nt f~e shall bQ paid to tho City oE Anaheim in an amount; as deterrnined by ~ity C~Gnci.l resolution. 4. That grior ~o issuance of a building permit, sppropriate ~ar.k and rocroation iri-li~u fees s2ia11 b~~ paid to thp City nf Ant~heim in an amoun~ as deCermin~d by t~ie CiL-y Council. ' 5. That a Fee sha21 be paid to tho City of Anaheim for tree plantifng alonq Hush S~roet in an amount a:; dQtermined by City C~uncil resolution. 6. Ttiat the legal owiiar oP subject proper~y sha11 acquire a rocardec? cov~nant granting an access easement frum khe legnl owner of the property locatsd immc~diately sou~h oE subject property for ingress and egre~s nurpoaes to subjoct property. Said easeme:~t shall be designed in a manner sa~is£actory t~ the City Tzaf.fic Engineer and said covenan~ sha11 be in a form satistact~ry to r.he City Attorney. A copx of the recorded cov~nant shall be submitted k.o the 'Loning Division. 7. That gatea shal± not bo insta7.led across the ~1r.iveway in a rnanner which may advQrsQly affoct v~hicular traEf~c in the adjacent, public streQt. Installation of ~ny yates shall conform to the ~ngineering Divisiori's Standard F'ian No. 40'l. and shall be subject to the review and 3pproval uE the City Traffic Lngineer. ~. That trash storaga areas sliall be pravided and maintainad in a location acceptable to the Stroet Ma:i:itenanco and Sanitatian Divis.~on and in accordance with approv~~!~ plans on file wit2i said Divi3ion. 9. Tht~t prior to issuance oP ~ building permit, tne leg~l property owner. sha11 prepare und rer.o:d an unsuborQinated covenant limiting occupancy of Qach apa.rtment unit to r~o more than two (2) porsons (n~her than children undar the age nf two (2) years) par bQdro4m. 5a.id limitatinn shall be include.d in each lease/renL•al agreoment. A copy of tho covenant shall be submiC~~,d Ca and approvod by the City A,ttorney prior to recordaCion. A copy of the racorded covenant. shall be Eu.rnished to the 7.oning Uivisi.on. 1G. That a cuvenant shall ba xucoxdad agreeing to provide thQ renter of each dwo'~ling un.it with written inf~rmation obtained from thQ ;;chool Distric~(~) paztainSng to po3sible overcrowded condition,s and busi.ng star;as af the a~hool{s) servzng the dwelling ~~nit 11. That szdow~lks ~nd curLs ::ii~11 be repaired along Bush StxQet as rQquired by the CiL•y i.ngi:ieer and in accordance witt~ sCan3ara plans and ~pecifications on file .in the Office of the City EngirsoQr. Z2. Thnt a fire flow test of the water spstc~m to determine aclequate water »YAS3illQ shall bo conducted to the sati.sf.action of the City Water ~~;nginQerinq Division, 13. That, i: xequireci by the Fire Cepartmc~nt and PolicQ DQpsrtmen~, all 1oc.kabl~ pedes~ri~-n ~nd vehicul~r access gates shall brr equ3,pp~& with a "knox box" devicc~ to the ~atis~action of the City Fire Dep~.r~ment and the City Polfce Dop~rtment. '3' PC88-343 R~~ ~ 14. :Chnt ~-11 air condition3.nq L•acilitios and othar roUf and ground mountad equipment shall be propc~rly shielded from view t~nd tho sound b~.iffarQd from adjacen~ resa.dential propertzos. 15. That subject praperty shall be de~reloped substan~ially in accordance with plans ai~d specifications on fi.le wi~h ~lxe C.ity of An~hr~.m marked Exhibit Nc,s. ]. ~h:augh 3. 16. ThaL• prior to issuanc6 of a buildiiig permit, ~he legal proporty ownsr shall enter i,nto a recorded agreement with the City of Anaheim pursuant to California Government Code Sect3on 65915 ta provide that twenty-five pdreert (2°~) or ten pernanL (10~) oF the p r~r .i~~ namb~r of units sliall he ren.tod as low or modc~rate or as very low in~come housisig as defined in California Government Code Section G5915 and with appropriate rental controX:~ as approvEd by ~he City of Anah~im far a pariod of not less than twenty (20} y~ars from the d~te of issuance of ocr,~ipancy permits. 17. That prior to issuance of a buildfng Ferrnit, or. within a per.i~d of anR yoar frum t}ia date o~ this resolution, whictiever occurs first, C~ndition 23os. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, Z2 ana 16, abovo-mentioned, shal~ be compliad wiL•h, b;x~ensxons for further Cime to complete sai~ r~onditions may be grant~d in acc~rdance witri Section 18.03.09Q oE t:t:e Anaheim Municipal Code. 1&. Tha.t prior r_o final building and zoning inspections, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 8, 1i, ].3, 14 ar.d 25, above-mentioned, sha].Z be complied with. 19. That approval of this applicr~tinn r,on~titutes approval o~' tk~e proposed rc~quest only to the ~xtent that it comp?ies with the Anaheim Municig~sl Zuning Cod~ ~nd any other anplicable Cfry requlations. A~proval does nut includo any acti~n or findings a~ to compliance or appraval o~ tha request regarding r~ny athor applicablc~ ordinance, regulakion or requirement. BE IT FURTHER itESOLVED that the Ansheim CfL, Plnnning Cammiseion does hereby find and clet~rmin~ that adopt.ion of this Resolution 3s expressly predicated upon upplicanL's com~liance with Qach and all o£ the condition~ hor.oinabove set: forth. Sh~uld any such conditions, or any part thereof, be declared invalici oc• unenforceable by the final judgmont of any court o~ compotent jurisdictian, lhen this Resolution, and any approval~ herein containecl, shall be aeen~ed null and. void. ,` i -4- PCf38-343 ~ 1`'~ ~~"'~ ~;; r ., ~:;.;t { ti ,~, ~,< ;,::~ THE FOREGOIt3G RESOLUTION is aigned and ap~rove~d by me tl~is 19th day o.f De~e:nber, 1988. ~ ~~~':' ~ :t-G ,:'" •,, /. ~~ ~''%=~.~~'`s.'~ CFiAIRWOM~ A~IAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION v Ar.x~sT: . ' `' ~~ --------- S~CRET F2Y, ANAHEIM CITY f`uANN:~T~ COMMISSION STATE OF CALIL•'ORNIA CUIJZITY OF ORANG[. ) ss, CITY uF A.~dAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secrotary of the Anaheam ~ity Planning ~ornmission, r~o her.oby certily that the foregoiny reso3.ution was passced and adoptod at a meeGing of the Anaheim Cit,y Planning Commission held on Dec~mber 19, 19@a, by l-.he f~llowing vote ~f th~ member.s th~~reof: AYESS COMMISSIONERSS BOYUSTUI3r CARUSILT~O~ FELDHAUS~ MC BURI3F.X~ MEvSE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, HERBST A$SErIT: CQMMXSSIONERS: NONE IN WIThESS WIiERE.OF, I have horeunto set my hand this 19th day of December, 1988. `~ 'dts+-.r~'.. ~ .~"'----- SECRETARY, ANAHETM CITX l?LANNING COMMISSI021 -.5- PC88-343