PC 88-346~ b~ RF, ~LUTI,~N N0+ ~C$$~§ ~ A R~SOLU:CION pF THE ANAIiEIM CTTY PLAIdNINC COMMISSION THAT P~TTTION FOR CG*?DITIONAL ~1SE ~'ERMIT N0, 3104 B~. GRANTED ~ :~ ~r „.~,~ ~,~ WH~I~EAS, tkiQ Anaheim City Pl~,nning Commissir~n did rPr.eive a veri~ied Petitio~x for Cond3tional Use PPrmit ft~om CR~STMARK REAZ, F.STATE DE~~ELOF~MENZ', ATTN: Pet~r Geneove~e, 2~766 Meraury Road, I,ake For~st, CA 92650, uwner, and RICHARD WALEIt, 1841 W. Lincolr~, Anaheim, CA 92801, agent, for certain real property situated in t.he City of An~aheim, County of Orang~, Stake of Czlifornia, dascribod as: ALL TFIAT CFRTATN LANA SITt7l-TED IN TH~ STATE OF CRLIFOFNIA, COUNTY' QF 'JRAI~IGE, CITY OF ANAH~:IM, DESCRIBED ~.S FOLLQWS; STARTING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF FARCET. 2, AS uHOWN ON A MAP FIGED IN BOdK 10, PAGF 35 OF PARCEL, tr1APS, TN THE OFFICE UF THE COUNTY RECO`2DEK ~F SAi.D COUNTY; WHERE:AS, the City Planning Commissian did hold a put;~ic heazxng aC ~he Civic Center in the City of Ana2ioirn on Doa~mber 19, 1988 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hear ing having boe•.i dulX given as requirod by la~r and in accordanc;o with the provisions of the AnahQim Municipal Cod~, Chapt~r '!A.U3, to hear an3 consider evidence for and against said progosod condiCiqnal ;ise pez•mit and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connectior, thorewith; and WHEREA~, saic] Commissioh, after due inspc~etion., investig~tion and study made by its~l£ and in its bahalf, an~ after due ~oxlsideratian oi a11 evidonce atid reporL•s offered at s3id hearing, doos f3.nd and determine the following fact~: 1. That thQ proposed use is properly one Ec~r wtiich a conditionsl t~se permi~t is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Codo Section to wit: permit ra walk-up restaurt+nt with ouLdoor se~ting in conjunction with an existing liquor store and doiicatessen and with waivnr of the following: ~~~.~N~$.~4~,.4.~.4~2~ - t~.tnimum number ~f pt~rkincx sva~g~~ ~.$.,_9f-.,9~4~4?22 (~4Q required; ~1Q existing) ~.U.Q~.050.~2„~ ~~. 1.Q 4~.~`t~.6 ~L.~.~ 2. That t2ie roguested waiver is hQreby ,qrant;ed. on th~ ba~is thaC the parkinq waivor will not ceuse an incroasa in traffic cangestion in the irr,mediat~ vicinity nor adveraely affec~: any adjoining iand uees and granti~ng of the pat•king wa.iver uiide~r Lhe conditions imposed, if any, will not be deCrimental to the peaco, health, safety and general welfars ~f the citia~ens oP the City nf. Anahe.im. ~591r PC 88-346 ~ '~..;; :,k. (~'iif'! ~ ' ~a1, ~ ~ +y~J,:~~ 3. rhat the praposed usc- wi].1 not ~dversely a£fect tna adjoining land usQS and i:hQ growt2i and developmsnt af- tha area in wh3.ch .it 3s propQS~~ to be Iocatecl. ~• '.:hat the size ana sh~ge r~f the site proposed for the uso is adequa~e to ~11ow t}ie full cievel~pmen~ of the ~;;~p~~ed use in a mani~er not dQtrimenial to ~hQ particular ar~a nor to the peace, liealth, safety and general welfare c,f th.e CiCizei~s of the Cil:y of Anaheim. ~. That: the g.rantinq of the Condational tfse Permit under the conditians imposed, if ar,v, will not bQ detrime~ntal to th~ peace, h~alth, sa.Eety and general welfare :~i i:he Citizens of the Clty of Anaheim. 6. That tho traffic re,~erAted by tho proposefl use wili not fmpose sn undue burden upon t~h4 s~reets an~1 highwa~vs 3esigned and impzoved to carr,y tho t:affi.c in the ar~a. 7• That no one in3ica~ed their nr~sencc~ at saicl public hearing in opposit.ion; and that r~o corrssp~ndence was receivQd in opposition to the subj~~t pstitiion, ~ALIF~R, NiA E;NVZRONMEN_TI~,~._S2. ALI _ A~T_ FINUI City Planning ~ommission has reviewed the propos8l~tr~ permittha alkeup restaurant ~rith outdoor saating in canjuncti~n wit:x an e:s:isting liquor store and dEli witti wafver of the rninimum number oE r~arking spr~ces on a rectangulbrly-ahap~d ~,arc.el ~f land consisting of. anpraximately~ :10.5 acres located at the northwe,~ cornex of L.incnln Avenue and Cresceiit Way, ~~C f.ur~lier de.;cr.ibod as 1841 WesL- Lincoln Ave.zu~; and dos:~ hereby approva the Negativ~ Declaration upon finding L•ht~t: it h~-s cansid~,3red the tiegat?va Declaration toge~t~er with any comments received during ;:he gublic revfraw process and further fi:-ding on i:he basis of the in3.+~; al 3t;udy and dnp comments rQCeived rhat there is no substantial evidonce ttiat L•he project wil2 t.ave a sigx~i.f.icant efLect on the envirunment, NOW, THEl2EFCRE, BE IT RESOLV~D ~ Comn:f~sion does haraby grant subjPct Pet:it3 n~`forheL'onciiti~nal iUog Pparmitg r upon ~he foJ.].owing cond~tions which are hereby L•ound to bs '? prerequi~ita tu the propose~ iiso of the subject pro or.t•• ~' necessary ~ the safe~y .~nd gtineral welfare of tY,e Citizens of the Cit.in ordQ•r r,o pr~~erva j 1 of Anahe{m: I. Thdt; trash otorage ar~as ~ha11 be ~rovided and mazntained in a lcc:ation 1 accep~able tp tha Stroet Maintcanance and Sar.itaki~n Ui;•is.io~i ~nd in / accordt~nce wzth aj praved i, ' p. ans on filr, wiCh said Divisaon. ' 2. That tl:e proposal shall comply with all "Commorc.ial, General" 2onc~, unless a variancc~;n lluw ng~BgQ~i 8 Waf Ver~ xa $pprovod by the City Council, Planninc~ Corrunission or 7on3ng Ac3ministrator. 3. That no alcoholic bevorages shall be co~sumea nn th~ premi;~es oF 3ubjQC~ liquor st~re/delica~es~en. 9. That subject proparty shrsll be developed subs~antially in ac:rordance wirh ~ plans and specifications on file with thR City of Anaheim marked Rxhibit f Nos. I antl 2. -2- r PClld»346 ~ :~ ' , ;P~: .,~.~~ :'~; ~,~ 5. That prior ta commencemen~ of the a~;tivxty autb.orized by this rQSOlution or within a period of one (1) year from th~ ~ate herein, whi.chever occurs first, Gondition N'os. 1, 2 and 5, above-mentioned, shall bo complied with. ~xtansions for furGher time tr~ com~leCQ aaid condi~Idns may bo granted in ~ccordance with Section 18.03.U90 of the Ana2aeim Municipal ~Code. 6. That a~provel af this application con~tit~uL•es appruval of thQ proposed request only to ttie extent: that it camplies with the As~aheim M~xnici~al ; `, ~ Zoning Code and any other applicablo City rQgulations. Apprnval does not include any action or findings ~.~ to complianc~ or approval of the request regarding any other applicable ordinance, re,qulaL-ion or requiremont. '`r ; BG IT F'UR'TIiER RESOLVED that; thQ Anaheim City Plan~iing Commission does ' hereby find and datsrmine th~t ac:apY.ion of tl-,is ResoluL•ion is expressly f~ predicated upon applicant's compliance with each and all ot the conditions ~ her~inabove set forth. Should any such conditions, or any part the~reof, be ~ declared invalid or unen~orceable by the final judgmen~ ~f any caurt of ~~ competent jurx~diction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herRin , contained, sha11 be deemed n.ull and void. ,; ti THE FUREGdING RESOLUTION is si~~ned and a~proved by me this 19th day '1 of December, 1988. ';' ~_ ' ;~ l~;a.t.~ ~ ' -~.~:~~',~ 4~ f ;~ CHr~.IRWOMaN„~ANAf~lET2~ .C7T].' PL~Z.NNING COMMISSION ~ ~ ~f ATTEST. : i~-, L \-/ ---~ / ~ / ~~F~%C.~(.~~~,r.~ __. ~,F SECRETARY, l~NAFiEIM CTTY PLANNING COb4-tISSIQN ~ ; STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~~ COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY AF ANAIiEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary o~: the Anaheim City Ylani~ing C~mmission, do hereby certify that the foragaiaq resolutxon was passed and adopted a~ a ^ meet3ny of th~ Anaheim City Planning Commissian hPld on DQCemb~r ].9, 19t38, by the followirsg vote of tYie meinbers th~reoi': r AYES: COMMISSTONEkS: FiUUAS, BOYDSTUN, CARUSILLO, F'ELDHAUS, HERAST, `° MC DURiVEY, MES;;E NQCS: COMMISSIONERS: NONE 'I~ .i I~BSENT: COIr4dISSION~RS: NONE r; ;'; TN WITNESS WIiEt2E0~, I have herQUnL-o sat my har~d thi~ 19th day of ~~~ Aecember, 19A8. '~ ~ ~ ~ , _.. _ SECItETA12Y, ANP.~IEIM CITY Pf~ANNING COh4~IFSION ~. ~, ~I PC88-34G '':~~ ~ ^~r i+i ,r ; _ .,'~ :fi.~ J, ~ (Y , i H,_~y ~ `••~ ,. .. ,, . ~ j ~l^~