PC 88-347,:~; ~$~ ~ RF:SOLUTIQt,j~NQ,~ p~;88-347 ~1 RESQI,UTION OF THE ANAFi6rM CITY PL•.AN:dIN~ COMMISSI~N THAT PrTITTON F~R VARIANr_E N0. 3882 13F GRAN~ED WHGR~AS, th~ Anaheim City Plann3.ng ~amrnissi,on did recefve a verified PeCit•.ion £or Var3dnco ~rom BR PROP~F~TIES LIMITED pAgxNEF2SHIP, 450 Newport Center nrive, lt304, 7~IewFort I3eac2a, GA q2~g6, owner, ag cQrtain raal property situatPd in the City ~f Anahgir.~, County of Or~nge, 5tate oF Ca~ifornia ciescrYbed as; P7.IRCSLS 5, 6, AND '1 AND "RIVF,RVIEW DRIVE", IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTy UF ORANGE, STAT~ UF ~.l~.LiFORNIA, AS FER tdAP I'ILEU ZN BOOK 196, PAGES 33 TO 35 IPTCLUS3VE, OF F'ARCEL M.Aps, xN THE OrFICE OF TIiE COUNTY RECORDER OF 5A'tD COUNTX. TUGETFT~R WITH THAT PORTION OF pARCET, ~ OF SAID P;.:t~EL MAF SHOWN AS PARC~L 4 ON THAT CERTAIN "i0T LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT N0. 138" ItECORDED ATIGUST 7, 1965 AS INSTRUMENi/FILI; ZIO. 85~-2924?7 QI' ()FFI;,•IAL RECORDS. WHFREAS, the City Planninq Gor~imission did hold a public hearinr~ at the Civic Conter in the City of A::aheim on December 19, 1988, at 1:30 p.m., not3c:e oL• said puh.lic hearing having been duly given as requ3.red by l~w arad in accordance with tkle pravisions o£ the Anahozm Municipnl Code, C:~apter 18.Q3, to hQar and consida.r evidence for and against said proposec~ var.ianr~ and to in~estigate and mako findings zsnd r,commQndations in conriection therewith; and WIiE.R~AS, said Commissiun, after du~~ inspoction, invastigation and study mac3e by i.tsolf and in its behalf, and after due conside~~ti~n nf t~7.7. evidence anc; reports offered at zaid Yia~ring~ dces find and detesmine the f~llowing facts~ 1. That the petitioners requesl•.s waivar of the following to ~onstruct a 3-sto:y, 35-foot high, 70,000 squaro foot commercial affice bui. Zding: ~ A) 'S ECTI~.1~., ~!~~QSL$ .. Ra~,Li i r ( ~d si.tQ sr,rgening. ~¢ f ~ hig~masonr~w~,ll required adjacenti I to Freeway; ~n~g proposed) ;; (B} SE TI01~.~$~..$'~,~9~L2.~.4~ ]. - Mi~ti.i~m ~ r • r 1 ~e ~r.k a.5~1.~~~ '' to a .~~_~2s~ scenic ~x_ res ~av. ~~ ~~Q_~.~.4.~ reQuixea; ~.~nd--- 75 ~.~~ ;, Prapased) " E. ~,: 2. That the abcv~-mQntioned waivers arP hereby granted on the " basis that thare are special circumstancxs applic;~b1~ to the property such as size, shape, topography, location and surroundi.ngs which do n4t apply to other identically zoned proporty in the st~ne vicini~y; and khat sL•rir.t application ~ of L•he Zoninq CoQe de~rives the prope•rty of priviloges enjoyed by other ? properties in the :dontical zons and classification in the vicini~ %" Y• ~ 0592r -1- PC88-347 ,_ . •_..__:.. . .. . ... _ ... . , __ ; ,.., - ~- _ _ . , ~ ~s~ ~..""~ ~ Al~lwq 3• That rhere are exceptional ar pxtraard.'~nary cire»msL•E~nces or r,ondit.ions applicable to the pro~c~rty involti~ed o.r to the intend~d use of the progerty ~.Y.~.at do izot ~pply g~~nerall~• to th~3 pr~r~erty or class of use in the same vicinit~ and 2GS1~3. 4• Th~t the requested variana~ is nece3saxy far the preservation and enjoyment of a substaxitial property righ~ possessed by ather property in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in ques~ion. 5» That t.he requested varir~nce r~~i11 not be materially detrimental to the public welEa~e or injurious to the pro~~erty or impruvoments in such vici.nit~+ ana zone in wY~ich t~1ie prupc~rty is located. 6• That no one indicated their presence at said public: hearing i.n opposit.~.on; and that no corxc~spondenae was received in opposition to 5ubject petition. ~ALIF RNIA ENVIRONMENTAL_~LTTY AC`T F~IJDIN~y: That the Anahaim City Plann.ing Commission has reviewed the proposal to con~truct a~ 3-story 35-fnot hi.gh, 7fl.000 square root• comniercial office buildi.ng with waivers of required site screening and minimum st.ructu:al satback adjacent to a freeway and scenic expressraay on an irre~ularly-shaped parce~. of land consisting of appr~~ximatQ~y 3•6 acres locate~l at the norkh2ast corner of Sant« Ana Canpon Road c::ir7 Rivarview Drive; and does hereby approve rhe Negat:iva~ Declaration upon finciine7 that iL has considered the Negativo Declaration together wit~i any cornments f.~>ceived during the publ.ic review process and fur~har findi:~r~ on the basis Q£ tir~ inil:ial stu~~y and any comrner.ts received t,hat ~chere is no substariL•ia1 evidence that the project will h~,ve a signiiic3r~t ef£ect on the envizanment. t~OW, TNEEtEFORE, BE TT RESOLVF.D tha~ the Anaheim City Planning ~.omm3.ssion does horeby qrant subjQC.t Pe~itiQn for Variance, upon the following conditiuns which are herQby found ~o bQ a necessary prere~uisite to t!^R proposed use of the subjecL prop~rty in order ~o preserve the~ safety and general welEaro of. the Citizei,s of the (;.it.y of Anaheim: 1. That pxior to issuanc;e of a building p9rmit, the agpropriate major thoraughfare and br.idge tee shall be paid ta the ~ity of Analzeim in an amouAzt as spocified in the Major Thoroughfare and Hridge Fee J?r.ogrtjm for the Foothill/Eastern TransporL•atzon Corridor, as appl•oved by City Couz~cil R•~soltxtion No. 85R-923. 2. That ~rior ~o issuanca oP a building pormiC, the appro~?r.i.aCe traffic ~xg~a~, asse~sment fee tihall be paid to tY,e City of Ar~aheim -~~ a~' amo~nt as determined by City Co~:»cil resolution. 3. That the exi.sting drivaway on Ri.verview Drive ~hall be removed ar~~ rep'laced with standard curb, gutter and sidewaJ.k. 4. That drainage of subjc-ct pronerty shail be c~isposed oi in a maiiiler satisfactory ~;o the City Engineer. 5. That subjoct property snall be sez•ved by und~rground utiliL-ies. ; Il. ".i;'ii'~ta ;it~ ,/, +,?. ;N _2_ PC88-347 '~s~; ~ '~ %~~ ~~ , .... ~ ~ ~r~ ;,~ _ _ , , , , ~ ,; ,_., ,. , :i„~ ~~.~~ . ~.. ..;.~ } .y _ .. .; .. . . ..... .. . .. . . ~ . . .. , . . ~ . . . - ~ .. ... . . . . . ~ . .!' .. . ~,.1.[;kihi.iw . w . .~;1a'.;, ~p~7~ti'~1 u. That pri.or to commencement of struct~.zral Lrc~ming, on-sito fi.ra hydranks shalJ. be ins~alled and chargecl as re~uired aix~' approved by the Cit~ Fire Dep~rtment. 7. That a£ee sha].l be paici to the City of Anaheim £ar tree planti.i.g alang Riv~rview Drive ~nc1 Saiita ~na Canyon Road in an amount as dotermined by Ci.ty Council resolution, 8. T.haL- in the ~vent a parcel map is not recordad combining the three (3} exis~a.ng lots, t~ae legal propsrty owner sha11 Furnish i:he 2oning Division with a copy of a recnrded covenant and agreement i.n a form approvQd 'ny ihe (:ity Attorney agr~~ir.g to hold subject groperty as one (1) par~cel. 9. 'rhat trash storage areas sYi~ll bQ ~rovided and maintained in a locai:ion acceptable to th° Streeh Dia3.ntenance and Sanitation Division and in accordance ;aith approved plans on tile wiir.h said Divi.sipn, la. That a11. air condztion~.tlq facilities and u~her ground mouuted equipment s}ia11 be properly shielrled from view. 11. That the proposal ~ha1.l aom~ly with all signi.ng requiremonks of the CL(SC) "Commercial, Limited -- Saenic Corridor Overlay" Zone, unless a variance allowiiig s1gn waivers is approved by the Czty Council, Planniug _ Commission or Zoning Adminis~rator. 12. That no medical or cfental officos shall bs permitted ozi subjc~ct praperty unless a varia;ice f~r p~rking is approved by the City Council, Planning Comrnissi.on or Zoning Adn,:inistrator or sufFiaienr CodQ parking 3s providsd. 13. That the landsc3,pe~ sQtbacks adjacent to Santa Ana Canyon Road and Riv~rview Drive sha11 be; ' ( a) A. mitiimum of twenty ( Zp ) F.ec~t wide; ox' '` (b) A minimum oL• fourteen (14) fcet wido with berms at loast three (3) ; feet h.igh excHpt iis those ~reas which the City Traffic Fngineer >: determine5 obstruc~ visibilxty. :i :14. That, as sp;:czfied in Code Section 1~.84,0~2,032, no roof-mhunted eguipment, wha;,soever, shall be permittecl. ~~ 15. Th~t unle:ss a variancQ is appl.ied For ai~d granted, lighting of signage for sti:bjeot proporry Sn~l~, Le prohibited between th4 houzs of midniqht and 6:30 a.m., as specigied by Code Sec~ion 1a.05.091.052. ; 16. That subject ~rop~r~Y shall be de•velopsd s~.~bstantially in accordancQ with pl~ns and speci.ficatiuns on fi.le with the City ef ~naheim marked Exhibit ~`' Nos. 1 thraugh 6. 17. '~hat prior tp issuaricN ot a building permit or wiehin a pariod o~ one (1) '" year tram the date of tnis rasolutian, whicliever occurs rirst, Condi~ion ~ Nos. 1, 2, 7 and $~ above-mentioned, shall be complzed w.ith. Extensions '~ for further tirne ~n complete s~-id r,onditioris may be granted in accordance '~~ with 5ecti~n 18.03.090 ~f the An~hoim Munici.pal Code. %~~ ~ . ~,: ' i , 'Ar ; -;l ' ~ ~,~ , ~~ -3- PC88~347 ` ' U~ ~~ 18. That prior to final building and zoninq inspections, Condi.~ion Nos. 3, 4, ~, 9, 1.0, 13 and 16, above-mentionad, sliall he complied wiLh. I9e Tha~ app.roval of, this applicatiaii ccnstitur,~s appro~•al of the proposed reguest only to ths extent that it complies wit~ the Anaheim Municipal 'Loning CndQ and any other app~icable Ci4y regul~tions. Approval dtiPS not inc.lude any ~~~ion or findings as to compliance cfr approval of t2ie request regardin~ any other appiica:~le ordinance, regulati~n or reguirement. BE ~:'C FURTHER RESOLVr, Chat the Anaheim Ci~y Planning Commission does heroby £ind and ~~etermine ttzat ~doption of this Resolution is exFressly predicated upon applicant's compliance with each and all oE the conditions hereinabove ser forth. Shuuld any such conditions, or any part therenf, be declared invalid pr unenforce~ble by l•.he ~inal judqment of ~ny court of ; cAmpetent jurisdiction, then this Resolu~i.on, and any appzovals herexn cantained, sha11 be deemed nu17. and void. ,, ; THE FOREGOING of Decemb 1980 RESOLUTION is siqned and approved by me this 19th day ~~ err , ~' ' ' -% . , ..•,~ "i~ ~ ~' '" ~ - 1~:~:~: .~ _ , ~'~ ~ CHAIRWOASAN.;~`ANAHErN: rT~'Y PLADINING CO2~IIrti~SION • r. {' ~ / ATTEST: . ~ ~ ~i `' " v_ _. . SECRETARY, ANAHEIM C TX +.-. PLANNING COMMI~SION r;{ ~`~ :r~ S'PATE UF CALIFORNIA j C.4UNTX OF ORI+NGE j s s. CITY OF ]~p~~IM ~ I. Edith L. Harris, Secreta.ry of tl:e Anahoim City Planning Commfssic,:i, ~p hereby ~~rt9,fy that the foregoing resalution was p~JJ~(1 and adopted at a meeting ot thc~ Anaheim City PJ.anning Commissian held on i)acember 19, 1188, by the following vate of the members ther~of: AY'ES: COMhfISS.T.JNEI2S: BOUAS, BOY'DSTUPi, CARUSILLO, FELDHAUS, F~ERBS~', MC BURNEY, MESSC NUES: ~QMMTSSION~RS: NONF, AHSENx: uQ2~II~4'CSSIONEP.S' NdN~ IN Wx'.CNRSS WHERGOF', ~ have hereuntn sat my hand this 19th day ~~' u~ December, 196a. ,; -_- '~ ~/ ______e`'" ~ ~ SECRETARY, AISAHLIM CITY PLANNING ~Ot~IIriISSION . -4- PC88•-347 ~ ,!,,;;i . ~ .. ~ , ~.,.i.~:iE.