PC 88-39tf~ 1 RL•;~QL~7TION N_4. PC$$=~~ . . ' . .,.: ' d t Ni;~'~~ ~~{iJ~`y,'~57! ~ . .. ~y! Mw~ ~~ ii4~ ~`~'r~ ;.):!, ~ >:'~ ;t~ A RESOLUTION OF TfIE ANAF3EIM CITY PLANNIN3 COMMISSION ADOYTING AND f2EC02~II~,E;NDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL ADOP'rTON OF GE:TERAli PLAN AMENDMENT N0. 238 w, WHEREAS, the City Councfl of thF: Cxl:y of Anaheim did ac3opt 'tne ~1n~heim Genoral Plan by RESO].ution No. 69R-6~4, showing the general description ar.d extent of possible future devolopment within ~he city; and WIiF.REAS, pursuant to a-~roperty o~aner request for an amenc~ment to the Laiid tJse ElemPnt ot ~he General P1an, stafE preparad a General Plan Ameridment for the s~udy area cansisting of appr~ximately 1.8 acres of land located appro:cima~ely G50 feot west ot the intex~ection of Dal.e and Lincoln ~venues, having an approximare Erontage of 300 f.eet un the nor~h sido of Lincoln Avenue, and further described as 106-113 N. Tnrri Circ].e; and WHEREAS, the Plannins DoparL-ment deem~sd it ap~rop:Yare, pursuant t~ the provision~ of ttie California Enviranmer,tal Quality Ac~, thaf thor~ are no signiEic~i:~t environmen'cal impacts an~i r.ecomme;nded that a Negative Declaration be apgraved; and 41HEREAS, the Anahgim City Planning Commi.ssion c3id hold a public hearing at thet Anaheim (:i;-ic CenCer, Council Chamber, ~00 Sauth Anaheim ~3oulevard, on Febcur~ry 1, 7.gfi8, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public Yaeariny having been d~ily ~i~Qn ss required i~y law and in accor~anco wi~h the pznvisions uf ~h~ wnaheim Municipal Coda, to hear and consider evidQnco for and against said Gonardl Plnn ivnenciment and t~ invost3gate and maY.H findinqs and recommendations in connection therewith; anc9 WHERF,AS, said Commission, after due consiaeration, inspoctian, inva3tigation anQ sticdy made by itself, and after c~uo consid~xatian oP al1 evidence and reports offeced ar. s~id h~aring, DpES 1i~ItE6Y FINA: 1. ~hat eviclence pra~ented ~ubstantiates the nc~ed f'or an amondmQnt to the AnahQim General Plan and that ~xhibiL- B be adupted redesignating subjecC :+rea for Low Mociium Dtasity Rosidential iand uaes, rather than Modiiim Density P.esiclantial. as rQquested by thP proper~y owners. ~LZFO. NIA ENV.IRy~~NTAL QUAL~IT~t A~~~' N~~Ny,~; Thar the Anaheirn Citl Planniny Commisaior. h~s reviowed the ~,ropasal Ca ainend the Land Use Element of the General Plari to change tha currenL dPSiynatfon oF Low Density Kesidontial t~ tdedium Density Resi~en~ial land uses on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of lc~nd consist.inq of approximately 1.8 ~cres located approximztely 650 feet west of th~ inr.drsacti~n of pale nnd L~incoin Avenue, hdving an approxlmate fron~age of 300 feet on thQ north side of Linco2n Avenue, and f.urther dQSCribed as 106-113 N. T~rri Circ1Q; ancl does th~refore anprove the 0~3221 PC88-39 ,~` _ , ~ /, r a; ~.. . :'~W``, Negatfvo Deaiaration on ~he hasis that i~ kias cons.idgred the proposed Negativo Declar~tion togsther with any c~mme:~s received duriz~~ tho public ,°eview p; o~ess anci fur~her ~ind.ing on tk~e basi.s of tlte Initzal Study and any commont5 r,~ceive~l that there is i:o substantial evidence th~-t the project will have a significant effect on tre environment. NOW, THER~FQRE, Eu IT RESOLVEP, that: pur~uant to the t~bove findings, the Anaheim City Planning Commission doos horeby adop~ and reconur~end to ths ~.ity Council of the C:ty of Anahoi.m adoption of General Plan Amendment No. 238 - Land Uye Element - Exhibii. E~o redesignate study a.rea frc,m Luw Densaty R~~idential to Low M~dium Density R~sidential ?.and uses. f: THE FOREGOING RESULUTION is sigz~ed and approved by ma Lhis lst day of Febru~ry, 1988. ~n ~~, // v~r ~ /c~.~- .~-~~..~. ::FIAIRMAN, ANAI;EIM C TY PLANNING COMM2SSION ATTEST: ~~7~ l`'/ .,,,,~,. ~%~ ~~ ~/, ,~ ,, • ~./ (.(',,C~j~~.= .~-iWl~~r.~ SECRETARY, 11NA,H(:I~i CITX PLl,NNINC• COMMISSION STA,TE QE' CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORRNGE ) ss CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Fiarris, Se-cetary ~f. the Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commissian, do heraby certify t}iat the foroqoing resalutinn w~s passe~`l and adopt;ed at tu mee~ir.g of tho Anaheim City Planning Commissiox~ held on February 1, 1988, by Che followin~ vote oL• the mQmbers th~reoF: ~Y~S: ~:OARdTSSYONERS; IIUUAS, BUYDSTUN, CARUSTLGO, FELDI~iAUS, HERBST MES5E, MC BURNERY NOES: COhUfISSIONERSt NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIQNERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hanr~ this lst day of FebruAry, 19t38. / r~., , ~ ~ ~? : ~ t ~~~t.iC..~ SECR~;TARY, 1~*IAH$IM CITY PLANNING COM!lISSION -2- PCt38-39 ~ } ~ ~, ~ Hm ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ' ' ~?~! . . ... , ~. "F . . .. ~j' .ni 'lti I+• I „ 'il ;;{° ,.\4 'ry ~X ' ~, . ~ ~d