PC 88-06~ ~,, '1 ~ I ~ s~ ftE OLUTION NQ~ PC88-Of>_ ~ A RGSOLiJTI OF THE ANAHEIid CITY FLANNING COMMISSIpN THAT PETITIC~~ r'OR RECLASSZFICATION N0. 87-88-33 BE llENIED WHEREA t~ze Anaheim City Pl.anning Commission did reaeiv~ a verified pet5.tion for Reclassification from LA QIITTA J. K'YNDA, 3603 Savanna Street, Anaheim, CA ~2801, CONNIE RAE HALL, 3621 Savanna Stre~t, Analieim, CA 92801, LUCIQN W. AND BARFiARA B. MYLES, 3fiQ9 Savanna Straet. AY~aheim, CA J2801, ROBEkT AND LINDA ALIA~R, 3613 Sacann.. Street, Anaheim, CA 92801, o~•-^.ers and MAUGY HANNA, 4000 MacArL•hur Blvd., !l680, Newport Aeach, 92660, agent, fox certain real ,property situated in the City of. Anaheim, Coun~y of Orange, Stai:e of California, described as Follows: 7'HE L1\ND REFLRRED TO IN THI5 RE°OKT IS SITUATED TN THE STATE OF CALTFORPTIA, COiJNTY OF ORANGE, CITY OF ANAHEIM, ~.ND IS DESCRIBED AS FO~,LOridS: LOT 19 OF TRACT NC. 74~, AS PER MAP RFCORDF.D I~I BOOK 22, PAGE lOr OI' MISCEI,Li~NEOUS MAPS, IN TF1k; OFFICE UF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID CO'JNTY. EXCEP7'ING T,HEREFROM THE WESTERL`.~ 43.48 FEET THEREOI'. y; : ;4 ~..: r~ ~ •;. i +~'~~~ ; M' ~~:J: ~ WF~ERE~.:,, the City Planning Commission did hola a public h~ax•ing aY. the Civic Cen~ter in the Ci~,y of Anaheim on Novem~sr 23, 1987 a~ 1:30 p.m., notice of said public liearxng having heen. duly given as required by~ law an.d ia accordance wi'tk~ thQ provisions of the An3heim Municipa]. ~ode, Chapter 18.03, ~o hear arid c:aii~ider evid~ence for and agai.nst said proposed real~ssificat~.on and t~ inv~stigate and make findings and r.Qaommendations in. connection therew:.th; ~snd said ge~ii:ion hav.ing been con;.inued to i:he mesting of Janu.3r; 4, 148E; and WFiEREAS, said Comcnission, after due inspecLi~n, investigation and study made by itself aixa in ikw behali, and after ciue consider~tion of a11 eviclence and reports offered at saxd hearing, doe~ find and determine the following tacts: l. That the petiti~ner proposes reclassi.Eication o~ subject pz•ope~rty £rom the RS-A-43,OOG (Re~icie~L-iaZ, A,gricu].tural} 7one to the RM-1200 (ResidenL•ia2, Multiple-Ftimily) or a less intense Zone. 2. That the Anaheim Gnneral Plari designates subjQCt property £c~r Low-Medi.um Uensity Residential land uses. 3. Tha~ the propossd rec:lassiPScatian of subject property is not ncacessary nar desirable for the orderly ancl proper devalopment oF the c~mmunity. ' 4. That the propo~~d reclassi£i.cation of subject property aoes not properly relaCe to the zone9 ax~d their permittecl uses locally estabtished in cZosQ proximity to subject property and to ihe zones aricl tih~ix permitted uses gonera2ly established throughout thQ commiinity, 0155r PC88-06 , ^ ~ ;;. ,~'F~.~ ~ ;,~ _ „J ~ -;•',' .; ~ !z;~: '? :r, ,,; }~?, . ~, ;;,;;;~' ,,; ~'~ ;~ ~ ';; •; i ~ 1~~~ I 6. ThaL- 10 persons indicated their ~resence at the ~iovember '`~I 23, 1987 public hearinq ~nd ~.0 people at tl.e January 4, 1988 public hPar.ing in opposit~.on; and tha~ a petition containing ap~roximately 39 sig~~'_ures N~as xeceived in opposition to suhject pe~.it.ion. `` ALI~_QRNIA ENVIRONMFNTAL~ _QU_ALITY' ACT i'INDIN~; Tha~ the Anahsim Ciry Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to reclassify su,bject property iram the BS-A-43,pU0 (Resic~ential, Agricultural) Zone ~o the RM-120Q (Residential, Multi~J.e-Familyy Zone to construct an 86-unit, 3-story aparkment complex with waiver o.~ maximum structurai height an an irregularly-shapecl parcP]. or land corzsisting of approximately 2.39 acres, located on i:he north side of Savanna Streef, having an approximate f'rontage:;• oE 332 feet orz the nottb. sicle o~ Savanna S~reet and a max.imum depth of apprnximately 38~ feet and being 1ocaL-ed approximately 660 feet west af the centerline of Kno#:t Street and ~ur~Yier described as 3603, 3609~ 3613 ~na 362I Savanna StxPet; and do~es hereby approve the NeqativP Declaratiion upon findinr, that it has considered the Nagative Declara~ion together wirh any commenks received 3uring the p~iblic .r~view pror.ess and further finding on the basis oP the initial studX and anp comments received that there is no suhstantiial evidence that ttle project wxll rave a significant effect on the envi.ronment. NO~V, THEREFOR~, BE rT RESOLVED that tk~e Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby d~ny Petitioxi ~or Reclassi..f.icaL•ion an the basis of the af~rc-:m~ntioriecl findings. THF. F~RE~OTNG RFSOLi1TTdN is signed anrl approved by~ me this 4th day ot January, 1~88. ., -- ~~~?~~%l~~~p CHI~IRMAN, ANAHEIM CITY ~LANNING C4MMISSION A.TTEST: ~ _ ~,~ ~C~~~~- .,~'~,.J ,~~~ . -~~~ , ~ , __ SECRETARY, ANATiEIM CITY PI,ANNING COi~1ISSI0N' ,:.~ Oi55r -'l. - PC88-06 ;~ :,r- ,;,; .;~ ;! ••NS~~Vkd4M4.Y.'1(!d.^..Y'1~'r.~ ...~,i..~.~.~ '.~~.-..~,..:.:n .......:... ......~.._...... ....._ .. ........ . . . ~ .v~ I4^~, f; s ..^~ ;'r ~r~r~ ~Lt !s`;~,'v 3~4 ~ . . 7! ~ '~"" ' pY • ~'`~~ , A., ~~a?i ~''^,~ ~;'''t ;t.. r.e S1'ATE dF CALIk'ORNIA ) . . .`.. '::':n:! ;<<~~,~. COU:TTY OF ORANGE ) SS ~ ~ ~'' ~ (.ZTY UH AN'AHEIr. ) ::' '~ : , s , ;':, Commissi I, Edith on, do hereby c L. FIarris, Secretarx of the Anaheim City Planning ~rt if th t h 'r ~~~ adopted at a meeting o~ . y a Y. e toregoing resolution was passed and the Anaheim City Plannixz C i i ~~ 4, 1988 by tlze Fnllowing g omm ss ori held on January vate of the members thereof : ~'~"~ ~ AYES: NQES COblMISSIOIvExZS: $f}YI7STLTN, CARUSILLLO, H~RBST, MESSE, 1+ : CCMMISSIQNERS: HOUAS, FELDHAIJS, MC BURNEY "'~" ABSENT: COMMrSSIONERS: NON~ January. Iri WITNESS 1988. WH~REOF, I ha~ve hereunto set my hand this 4th day o£ ,~ ;y~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y ~~~ ~•; , C(h ,, , . . ,, L ..r, S~CRETARY, AN,AHEIM C'LTV~LAIvNTNG COMI~;TS3?pN :: ~; (' ' ' '•,, . ~~ .. U15~r tF ~t;;; ;iC~i~;~ 6;~~'i';",i . a~..: -3-