PC 88-83~ !1'~A:]LiiY~4~ `L`Lr~`.Y.t....5.y v.8 » 8 3 ~ A RESOLZJTIOt~ OF' THE ANAFIBIM C1T1 PLANNT~'G CQh4rfSSSION ADOPTItvG 1~iD RE(:Ob44ENDING TO ~:HE CITY CUUNCIL ADQPTION OF GENERAI. Pi,AN AMENDMENT. NU. 227 - LAND UuF. ELEMENT ~~ ~ - .•~~ ~~~,~~, 1~~~ i~} 3 4~ WI~EREAS, tha C.ity Council af the City of Anaheim did a~topt the Anah~im Genaral Plan by Rpsolution No. 69R-G44, showing tho ganeral dosc~~ption aiad exr.en~ of possible futur.e dove].cpment wi.thin the ci.ty; and WHERET.S, pursuant: t~ itistruction Erom the Anahefm City Planning Commission to considor an amendment t~ the Land tlse ~lement of tne Genecal Pian redesiqna~iiig subject aroa from the cur.rQnt Modium Density Residontial to Low-Medium Bpnsity R•»i~lontial, staff prc~pared a General Plan Amendment for the study arQa consistfng of approximately 95.6 net acres (~1G.7 grass including streets} q~nerally boundad by Anaheim BoulQVard to ~he west, ~ypress S~reet ~o the south, the Union PaciEic Railway to the c~aat and I.a Pa1ma Avenue to the north (excludin~ the araa boundad by WiJ.halm.ina Stc~eet to the nortih, Sabina S~reet to the w~st, Sycam~re StreQt to the soul•h and the Union Pacxfic Rail~•~ay to the east); and 4rHEREAS, the Pl.anning Dep~rtment deQmed it appropriaCe, pursuant to the provisicns uf the California Bnrriror.mental Quality .A.r.t, after re~iew of L•he proposal and Initia2 Study that there are no significant envzronmenlal impac:ts ancl recommended that a Neqat.ive Declaration be approvQtl; ar.d WHER~AS, the AnahQim City planning Commi~sian clid h~~Id a publie hearinq aL• tho Anaheim Civic Cenr.er, Councxl CY.amber, 2~0 South Anaheim Boulevazd, in tho CiL-y ~f Anaheim on March 28. 198a, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having bean dulg givon as re~quirQd by law and in accordance with the pr.ovisions of tt~e AnahQim Municipal ~ode, Chaptor 10.C3, to haar and consider evidence for anc7 againsr_ said. propo~ed general p.lan amendmenL• and to invostiqate and make findings and rec:ommendations in connection thgrewitii; and WHEREAS, s,xid Commi~sion, after duQ consider•aLi~n, inspc~ction, investigation anN aL•udy made by itsc~lE, nnd after di:e con3ideration of all ~;vi.~lence and reports ofFered at sai~3 h3aring, DOCS HSREflY FIND: l. Thar tho City Cou:icil requo~ted opini~ons of residonts in subject study ar~a at the.fr Marcli 24, 19f37, mee~ing rogardiny poL•ential chanqes in th~s land use designa~ion. 2. That nn Novemcer 20, 1987, the Central +~ity tJt~fghh~rhood Council submittQrt fhc r~sul-_3 ot a GQneral Plan ~nd Zos~fng Survey an3 corrosponding map to s1~ow noic~hborhood sul~rr~rt C237c PC88-B3 , .:=:a=~~ ; ~~ ~ ~~ „,; ~ ~f +ari tunen~~nont to the General Plan for reclasignt~tion f.om Mediurn DorisiLy Residential to Low•-Med3um Donsity Rcasiclan~ial lanc~ uses ancl a corrospondinq rer.lassi.fication of portions of the subject study ~rea. 3. That approximatoly 75 p~rsons indica~ed thoir presanco in favor of subjoct aroandment al: L•hr~ Mi~rch 20, 1983, public hearing; 7 porsons indicat~ed thair presence in o~:pasttion to subject amendment aL• the March 28, 1988, put~lic hearing; pRtitions anc~ ].etters containing app~o7cimatAly 4Q riqnaCuros were received in opposition to subject amendment and approxfm~Cely 269 signattires wero received in favor of subject ~nendment; and 4. That based on a 34'6 response raCe, ~pproximately 859~ of thg responclents favorad an aunendment and reclassification r8ducing the permitted densit.ies from 36 dwel3.ing units per acre to 18 dwellittg unit;s per dcre. 5. That a lower density would reducQ demands f~r publir, services. f~• That ~tudy area curzently contains a mixtvre of residential uses, all o£ which are nermitted under the current Medium I)ensity Residential c3esignation. 7. That the aroa of single-f vnily resider.ces on Nort•h Strc~et should be ~xcluded frorn this General Plan AmQndment ~tudy arQa. 8. lhal• sufficient• evidQnce ~vas •resentod to substantiaL•e lho ne~d for an amQndment to the Anaheim G~neral Plan - Land Use Clemant - to Low-Msdtum Den3ity Residenti~l at this tim3, and that adopCion ~f Exhibit A, redPSignating L•he 95.5 acras, ~xcluBing that portior. on North Stroet, for Low-M3dium C~Qnsity Residantial is appropriato at this time. ~, GAL~F~RNIA ~NV~gQt~~t~ ~h~,~~~~NpINGs ~hat the Anaheim City Plannir.q Commiasion has revidwed the proposal to amend the Lan(1 Use Elament of the Goneral Plen ko changa the currenk dRaignation of Medium Density Resideu;.ial Go Low-Medium Density Rocidential land UII@3 on a~tudy area ~rhich is generally rectanqularly-sh~pe9 anN consists of approxfmFtely 95.6 net acres (116 7 qr~ss acrds inclu~ing str-.ets) genorally bounded b,y Anahaim Boulevard to tho west, Cypress Straet to the so+ath, thc~ Union Pacific Railway to the east and La I~Almt~ AvQnue to the nortr. (exc2u8ing the area n~»^~e3 by Wil: elmtna 5treet ~:n the nortih, Sabina Street to the west, Sycr.~r~ore Streer_ to l•he south Ynd the U:iio~i Pucif{c Rnilway to the east)t anQ do~as b.~reby a~pY~ove tho ~icgativc DoclnrAtfon upon finding that iC has considerocl tt~e Noqat:iva Doclaration togettier with any comments received during the pub].ic rov~ew prar.esa c-n1 furthor finding on the basis of the initi~l :.tudy and Any comm~ents rcecofvad th~t thore 3s no subatantfal evidQnco that the pz•a~act will have a significant af£r~ct on the environmcsnt. "2' PC$8-83 ~i~~ ~:,r u't ~~ ~ - ~ , ,~~ `; ;!:~ ' ;~ `. , ;i `~ 7e..`b1 ,. ~%i11.41~ ~ ~::5tri,uiY h~a`~!~.4~ +,1'%r 'l~iY~lii;~ s~ ii ~ ~x.; „ - . . ;1,~4~s 4 4 van~fr r , + - . . _ . .... .. . _ . t, . . r. . ~ ,.?'t" ry. . ~'~.f ~ '~ ~,~;}; n~ X:8X1 i ~ ~ n~.rF~~,~~i ~~,~~,j ~Y~ , ~ ~ _ ~~'1~'~~ --anr ~ . , _, . ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~'~~ ~ ~: r: ~~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R:;SOLVFD, that pursuant to tha ahove fxndings, Che Anahc,im City Ylanning Commissio d ~k y~ n oe~s hereby ac3opt and recommond to klie City Council of the City o£ Anaheim adoption of General plan Amendmont `.h °`'~ No. 227 - Lt~na Use Elemen~ -- Exhibit A- tu redesignr~te study area L•rom Medium ';;; Densitx l:esidential ~o Low-MQd,ium Dansity R~sidenh,ial. , "'': THF FOREGOING RESOLUTIUN is signed and appro~~ed by me this 28th ~~`'~ day of Ma.rch, 1988. `r; ~ ~~ ' . \ / / ~•~f~ tt ~ , 4 . !.!,~ :~ CHAIF2MAN, ANAH~IM C TY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ ~" ;, ATTEST: sp G~.c.-c.'G~~ • ----- -~-a SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLAITNi2:G (:OMMISSIOtt , ~ STATE 9F CALIFQRNIA ) ; COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ~S ~` CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith I,. Harris, 5ecretary Qf the Anaheim Cit~ Planninq ' Commission, d~ heroby cerCiEy that the f~regoing resolution was passed anc~ ,-~; adnptod at to moet~ng of the Anaheirn CiCy Planning Commis~ion held on March 28, 1.98E, by the following vote of tnp members theraof: AX~S: COI/,2~fISSIONERS: BOUAS, BOYDSTON, FELDF1AUS, HERRST, M~SSE, CARUSII.'L0, D1C DURNF;Y NOES: COMMISSTONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE TN WYTNCSS WfiBREOF, I have hort~unto set my hand this 28th day of March, 1988. --------~~~~!~aZ~~~-~~^(~ ~ rf`~ru''~-t--~%e c S~:CRBTARY, ANAH~IM ~ITY PLANNI:IG COtrQrflSSZ0~1` `~ r ~; ~ ~„~`,; ~;n ': -~' PC88-83 `fi ~~ „ '.,. r f,f~~,~ ...~i°a~,.,.,...:_ ~:~