Resolution-PC 89-101..; .., ,~ f ~ ":~ : : ,,,,,~ ~~ 1~4~I~R~Q,..~'~~.~4?~ y'%.r.,;~ A RESOLUTIQN 0~~?. E I+NA~~~TM CITX f~LAN~t~,f; C~Q~(~,,~"j,~Q~j DELE 1C7,L,NG C~I2T~ COND}~.~Q~QF A~PROV}~,TL~'RQ1~ S~Q.~I?~'~~4~~.~~F~~~_~Q,.~ ~7_ WHEREAS, ~n Decembar 7, 19$7, ~he Planniny Commission gr~anted Conditional. Usc~ Pormit No. 2467, Ttesolution No. PC 8%-256, eubjoct to cerLain conflitions ot approval, to retain Rn entertainment facili~y ~or persons uncler 21 year.s of aqe with waiver of. minimum nwnber of parking spaces at 1490 Sa~~~h Anaheim Lioulevard (Zzap, The Nightcll~b). 4JHER~AS, the patitianer has requestod th delote and/or amend (:ondition No. 1(pQrl:aining to primary hignway dedication to 53 .feet from the centerline of Cc~rritos Avenue) and ~cnc~ition No. 2(pert:aining to a 12-foot wide critical interseclior~ dc~dicati.on a:long Cerritos Avenue and Anaheim Aoulevard}; Tnd WFiERBAS, r_hQ C.i.~y Planning Commisyion did ho:ld a public hearinq at the Civic Cenl:er in the City of Anahezm on February 13, ~999, at 1:30 p.m., notice of suid pub'lic he~ring havir.g been duly g3v~n ir. accordance with the p•rovisions of thQ Anahaim Municipal Code, Chapter• ~8.03, to hear and consider evidence for and agai~ist said proposed amendment to condi~i.ons of approval of conditional use permit anc3 to invosL•igate pnd m~ke findings and roc.orrunendations in connectior. therewith; and said public hearing wns cont.inuec] to the mee~:ing oE Apri~ lU, 19t39; and WHEREAS, said C~~nmi~sion, aftQr clue inspection, investipation and s~udy made by itself and in its bohalf, an~l after duo consi.dsration of all c~videncg and reports oEfeYed at said hearing, doQS find ~-nd dotermine the followinq fact3: 1, Th~t the petitioriQr cloes not propose any iiQVelopmant beyond what is currently ~;xistinq. 2. That there is no reasunabio relatlonship betwoen t!-.Q need #'or tho requirEd dedication ~nd impro~~emonts and the type of aevelopmenC pr.oject on which ~uch requirements aro typica:ly imposed, in that thore are no chauges or additions proposoc] to the ax.iscang devel.~pment. 3. That thc cost oL the required dedication and irnprovement:s unrPasonably exceod tt~e burden or impact creatod by the existi.ng development project. 6. That no one inA.icc~t~ci their presence at said public hearing fn oppositionr t-nd tt~at no correspondenr.e was rocei.ved in oppositfon to khe aubj~c~ petition. 5~~~4.$~~~'Y~.~N~f.~.H...~A~ St~~sZ~~~m ~:.~'LJPI~St That the Anaheim City plannfng Commission has raviawaQ the propor~al to delete s~nd/or amend canditionA oE appr~val in aonjuctfon with an Qxis~ing enterr.ainmont facility fur peraons undor 21 years of oqe and does hereby 8otermine that the Nogative Declaretion approved in conjunction with the original appr~val af the Canc3itiontsl Use Parmit is adequate to serve as envirorunental documentt~tion in aonnection with this reques4:. 076'Ir PC 89-101 ~ ~ ~:fi~kV ( ~ ~{f r~~ NOW, TH~R~~URE, LiG IT R~:SdLVED tt~at the Anaheim C3ty ~lanninc~ Commission C1QQ5 herebj amend conditions of App.roval oP Conditional Use Pormiti No. 296T, by r~eloting Condi~ion D1ns. 1 and 2 of Ros~lution ~o. PC 87-256, based on t:he foregoing tindi.ngs, and amendinq Condition No. 15 to read as fallows: "That Condit3an Nos. 3, 7, 10, 11, 12 and 14, above-maz~tioned, ahall bo completed wt~hin a perioc~ oE ninetx (90) ddys from the da~e of this rosolu~ir~n." 1H~; FOREGOING RESULUTTON is signed and ~pprovad by mo khig lOth day of April, 1989. -~"L-~"~_v/L~:,I e~ 1.. _ exnrRwpt~Arr, ANAHEIM CTTY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ ATTEST: ~ ' ~ .---.~~~- ~ . ~~~.~~-~ ____ SECRETARY, ANAIiE7M CITY. FLANNIIVG COMMI5SION S1'ATE OI' CALIFORNIA) COUN7.'Y OF ORI~NGE ) ss. CITY OI' ANAH~IM ) I, Edith T~. Harris, Socr.etary of the I~naheim City Pls~nning Cammission, do 1i~reby cer~ify th3t thQ foregoing resolution was passea anci adopted at a mbeting ot thc~ Analz~im Ciry Planning Cornmission hc~ld on April 1Q, 1989, by the .Collowing voto oF tho mombers thereof: AYBS2 COMMISSIONEtiS: BOUAS, BOYDSTiJN, CARiTSiLLO, FELDHAUS, HERBST, MC ~iURNEY, MES~R NOES s COI~IIySISSI0NFR5: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSir,NE;RSs NOPlE IN WITN~:SS WHBR~OF, T have hereunto set my hand this lOth day of April, ].985. --~-~-~ ~ ~.-~~~ S~CltETARY, APIAHEIM CITY PLAIvNING COI~4rSISSYON - 2 - PC$9-107. ~Y t i~ !yq tY: u ;~ --.1 ~ ; +l I a ~: ".'f.;