Resolution-PC 89-111 ~ RE~.~,QI~jTION N0. PC89-111 A 12ESULUTION OF THE ANAHFIM CTTY PLANNING COt~1I~SI0N TffAT PE'PI~ION ~OK RECLAS5TFICAZ'IUN N0. 88-89-54 BE GRANTEll WHL~tE~S, ~ha Anaheim CiL•y P1ann.ing CammissxUn did raceive a verified pcttition foi ReclassiFicatian from TRSDER CORPORA'rION, 12 Corporate Ylaza, Newport Boach, CA 92660, owne.r, and GA~tY MC CANN, 12 Corporate Plaza, Nowport Beac1Y, CA 92660, agent of certain rea.l pxop~rrty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State ot Calito.rnia, dasczibod as ~'ollows: PARCEL 1 CF PARCFI. MAP N0. 87.-272 FxLED N.AY 24, 1982 I~T AOQK 17Q PAGES 39 to 96, INCLUSIVE, OF PARCEL ''~ MAPS, IN THE OFFIC~ OF THE COUNTX RECORDER, Ct~UNTY OF OFANGE, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, tho Ciry Plarining Comm;.s~toxi did ho:d a public hearing at tho Civic Cente.r in the Cit~~ of Anaheim or~ April 24, 1989 at 1:30 p.m., natice uf said public hearinc~ haviny bean duly gi~~en as roquired by law an~i in acr.ordance with the provisipny of khe Anaheim Municipal Cods. Ckzapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidenc~ for and against said propused roclass~ificaCion and to invastigatQ and make findings and recommQndations in connection thQrewithj and wHE'..~5, said Commission, after due inspecti~n, invost.igation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and safter due consideration of a11 QvidQnce and reports afferecl at said hearinq, does find arid determine thc~ following facts: 1. Th~t the petitioner proposes reclas~ification oi subject prop~rty Erom the RS-A-43,000 (8C) (ResidQntial/Agricultural-5cenic Corridor Ovorlay) Zone to tho QS (SC) (Op~n Space-Scenic Corridor Overlay) Gone. 2. That tttQ Anaheim GeriEra'1 Plc~n designates subject pro~,Qrty genQral open spac~,. 3. That the pro~os~d r.ecla~sification of sub;jec:t px•opor.ty is necessary and/or desirable fox the ordorly ancl proper dev~lopment of the community. ~. '~hRt tbe proposad reclassif:iaation of subject prapezty does pcoperly re].atc~ r.o the zones and their permitted uses locally esCablished in close pruximity to subject pxo~orty und tu the zonos and their parmitted uses generally established througteout the community. 5. That no ona iudicated their pz~sencg at saicl public hearing in opposition; a:id tl»t no correspondencP was receivec] in oppo~ition to subject ~~etition. Oa20r -1- PC89-111 ._V~ ;r' ,':~ ; t.' ~ ;.~: ~~ ~ _ . . ' :'•`b"C,! +r r~ u r,, ~!4~~ .,`r<' ~::~ . .,.~,~,.I ~Ltr RNIA ENVIR~NMENTAL_QU'A,LITY' ~~T FINDINC~: xhat the Anaheim City Planning C:ommissior~ 2~as rtaviewed the proposa]. to reclass.Ify subject property .from the RS-A-43,000 (SC) (Residential/Agricultural-Scani,c Cor:idor Averlay) Zone to ~he ~S (St':) (Open Space-Scenic: Corridor Overlay) T.une on property di.scribed as an irre7iziarAy-shaped parcel of land consisting of ap~ruxima~oly 12,2 acr~as having a Eron~age of ~pgxoximately 2,800 f~e~ on the west side ot Anaheim Hills Road betwa~~ Santa Ana Canyon Rnad and a~oint approxzmatel~~ 650 feet nortxi of the centerline ~~ NohY Ranch Road; and does }iereby approve tha 2leqative Dealaration upon £itiding that iC h~s cons3.dc~rod t.he N~gat;ive Declaration togetl~er with anp comments receivecl duz•ing the publ.ic review process ~nd furthor f,in~.ing on ~he ba~i, of. th~ 3.nitial study and an~ cumments recoived that thexe is no substantial evidence Yhat the project will have a significant eF£och. on the envirorur~ent. N04V, THER~FORE, II~ IT RF.SOLVEn that the Anaheim City Planning Commissiori does heroby grant subject Petition for Reclas3ifica~ion and, by so doirig, that Title 18-7.oning of. tYze Anaheim Municipol Cocle be amended to exc].ude the abovo-describ~d property fr~m ~he RS-A-~l3,000 (SC) (R~sidential/Ac~ricultura].-Scenic Corridor Overl~yj Zono an.d tn irlcorporate said described property into the OS (SCj (Oger~ Sp3CQ, Saanic Corridor Over].ay) ?orAe upun the following candikions wh,ich are liereby found to be a necessary pre.rgguisite to the proposed use of ~ubject prc~pc~rty in ord~r. to prese•rve the safety an3 gen~ral welfare o~f the C~tizens of th~ City of Anahaim: 1. That the Electrical Rngi~ieering Division sha11 r~vic~w and approve the adoqua~:y of all existinq on-si~e elect:ical utility easements. 2. That ~ha appropriate fees fur primary and second~ry EirN pz•otection shall ba paid. 3. That prior tu the i:-troduct;i~n of an ordinance rezoning aiil~ject proper~y, Cond.itioal Nos. 1, and 2, abovo-mentioned, shall be comple~ecl, The provisions ar right~ granted b~,~ this resolution sha11 become nul]. and void by action of the Planning Commission unless st~id ~;onr]itions are complied with wi~hin one year fr.om the date of t;hts rosolii~;aun, or sach fustiher time aa the Pl~nninq Commission mt-y granh., ~. That ~pproval o~ thi.s a~~plication constit~.itos a~proval of the proposed request atily to the extent that. it camplies with ti.~e Anaheim Munic3.pa1 Zon:ing Code e,nd ~ny ~the;r app].icable City regulattan~, Approv~l does not include any action or findings as to compliance or approval nf tlie request renarding any otnec applicable urdinHnce, r~gulatior~ or requi.rement.. ~ ; t, _..~. {; _2_ ~, PC89-ill 1:: - .~ .. .~ , ..,. . . . ~ .'~i' ~. .. . ,. . / ` ~~ ~ BE IT FURTHER RESGLVEU ~hat the Anaheim City Plannia~g Commissian doos hereby find and determinc~ that a.doption o~ Chis Resolution is expressly preclir.ated u~on applicant's complianc~ with each and xll of the conditioi~s hereinabove set forth. Should any such GondiL•ions, or any part '~heraoi', be declared invalid or u.nenfarceable by the tinal judgment o£ ariy cour~ of competant jurisdiction, than r_his R~solution, and ~n.y approvals herein contaxned, shall be deemed null and void. ~Fi~, FORb;GGING RESOT~UTION is ~igried and approved by me this 24th ciay o£ April, 1985. ', , /~~~'/I~l~C: : •1'J~ j Yi11f.~:. ~_--__ ~~ ' ~ . ~d. J ~. CHAIRWOMAN,~ A F,1M CIT'Y PLA~]NING COMMISSION I~TTE;iT ; ' _" ~ -_._,~--,-~'~~'`~~'. ~, SECRETARY, ~#N7#HETM CITY. PLANNING CptvR~IT5SI02d aTALE OF CALIE'URtdIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGF. ) ss. CITY OF AN,~FiEIM ) I, Edith L, Harris, Secratary af tlie Anaheim Czty Plannzng Commis:aion, do hereby cFrtiFy ~hat the foregoing resolution vras pass~d and ldoptoci at- a meeLing of the Ana~.eS.m City Planning Comrnis~ion held on April 24, 1989. l~y the to'. ring vote of the members therEOf: AYES: COtyIIrtISSI0~1^ci2S: BOUAS, BUYLSTUN, CAF2rJSYLLO, FELD~YAYIS, HERBST, MESSE ~~~~~ COf~.MISuI:ON'ERS: NONE ABSENT: COhIIrfISS70NERS: MC BURNEY IN GIITNESS WHEREOF, I liave liereuTito se4: my hand tnis 24t~. aay of April, 19$9. ----- ~~ ~ ,7~ _..~.. SECRETARY, ATIAFTEIM CITX PLANNING CC-D4fISSION ~~:. . -3- PC89--111 + 4'+ ~ 1}~~ ,%Y ~,, ~ ` { ; ._ ~ i i i t t ,~ S, x ~~' ~ ~~r~~ .~ Y