Resolution-PC 89-113~ .. !,~'r~~~ It~.vti~ y~~r~~".'Y~1ir"V,'~.1~J1i {~0~ ~L ~ '~'~ l ~~,1 t'srN ~ •1i~. ' ~ ~~~` . . . , ~. ~.,t'' '.~!~ ~ x i ty~4~u; t _~~;ry~.~ r ' ° ~ ~ ~~1S2i~?'_ISN~2 FS~#.~~1~ A RFSOLUTZON OF TEiE ANAHEIN CTTY f'L'ANNING COh4dIS5I~P1 'rHAT ~ETIT.T.ON FOR CONDITI~NAL USE PERMIT N0. :l150 FiE GRANTED W.~SEREAS, the Anahoim City :lr~nning r.ommission did rer.~ive a verff3.ed Pet:ition for Couditional tJs~ Permit from EXXON CORP~RATION, 1200 Smit~h Street, Hous~on, TX 77210, uwner, and TAIT AND ASSOCIATES, Od0 2I. EckhofF Stre~et, Orangc~, CA ~2613, ag~nt for cQrtain real pr~perty si~uatiQd in the C3.:y oE A.naheim, Count;~ of. Oranqe, State of Californ.i.;,, descr±bed ase THE SOU'Pki 203.00 ~EET OF THE WEST 7.03.00 I'EFT OF THE SOL~T'EiWEST Ql1ARTER OF 'SECTION 1~, $EING A PORTICN OF LOT 41 IN TOWNSHIP 9 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, IN THF, RANCHO SAN JUAN CAJ021 DF. SANTA ANA, IN THE CITY OF ~ ANAHEIM, AS PER MRP RECORDED IN BOOK 2, PAGES 256 AND 257 OF PATGNI'S OF Lf1S ANGELES COUNTY, CA~IFOkNIA. WHEP.EAS, tl:e City L~lanninq Commisnion d3d hold a public hearinq at the Civic Canter in t:he C;ty ~f Anahe.im on April 24, :L9F19 at 1:3U p.m., notice o£ said Pub?zc hearing having boen duly qiven as roquir~d by law and in accordancQ with thQ provisions of the Anaheim Municipal C~de, Chapker 18.03, to hear rsnd consider evidence for anrl against said propoRed cendi~ional use permit csnd to investi~ate and make £indinqs and recor-unendations in connectio~n therewilh; and WH~F.EAS, said Commiss:ivii, after due inspection, 3nve3tigation and stuciy made bp iL-self and in its behalf, and af.tor ciue considar~,tion of al: evidenco anc? report~ o£fered at said huarinq. doea find and detormine the Lolluwing facts: l. That the petit•ioner requests approval o~ ~+ con~itional use permit i~r,der authority of Code Sections 18.4j.050.070 and to perm:it an aulomobile serv.icu gtation and convenicnce market. ?. That ttie proposRd use will not advorsely affect the ad~oining land uses and the growth an~] davglopment; of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 3. 'Phat the sixe and shape of the site proposed for the ~~s~ ~.s a 3dequata to allow tl~e full devolopmQnt of the proposod use in a manr,er not d~trimAiita! to the particular area nor to the peace, health, sa£ety arid qeneral welf~re of tho Citizens of the City of ~naheim. 4. That tho grz-ntinq of the CunBition~l LTese Permit under the conditions impoaed, iE any, will not be detrimental to the poace, h~al~ch, safety ancl general welft~re of thQ Citiz~sns ~f t2ia City of Anatieim. 5. Thdt tho traffic generate~d by the pro~sose8 use will not in:pose an undus bur.dan upon the streets an6 riigh:+nys desfgned and improved to carry tt~e craf[ic in thQ area. i 6. Tbat na one indicated their preser.ce at said pablic hear.ing in opp~sition; an~ that nn corro3pondence was rec~ived in opposition to the subject peti~iu». Y:' ~ 0835r -1- PC89-11~ _ .w ~~ ~ ~ .,i. i.....~:~~~.. ~""<~ ~ ~T,,,~'ORNIA E~~V~N,~f~~,,1' ~jjALITY ACT F~.~I~,.~: Tliz~t tho Anaheim Czty Planning Cnmmission has roviewed the propoeal to pormi~ an aut~mobile sorv9ca stati.on and aonvenionce market on a rec~angularly-shapact parcel oE land consisting oE approximaCaly 0.52 acra locatec~ at the northo~st corner. of Srate College Hoiilnvar.d and B~11 Roaa, havinq anproximate frontaqo~ of 150 foet on the east side of State College Boulovarc~ and 150 Eoet on tho n~rth aide o£ Ball P.oad, t~nd fur~her described as 1198 South Stata Callege Boulev~ird; and doos horeby e~pprave the Negative Declarati.on upon E.tnding that it h~s consiciored the Nogative Declaration togethar with any commenrs reaeived during the public L•eview process and further tinding on the basi~s of tlze inittal stuAy and any commonts rec<~ived that th~rg ia no substantial ~-videnca that thn pr~ject will have a significant offecC on khe ~environment. NOW, THEREFORE, t3E IT R~SOI~VED Chat the Anaheim City Pl~nning Commission doos hereby grant sut~jer.t Petition for Conditional Uso Parmi~, upon the follow3.ng conditions which are her~by fnuiid to ba a neces3ary prereciuisxte to the prop~s~ii use oP the aubject property in order to preaeive the safety and goneral welfare oP the CiCizens of lhe City of Anaheim: 1. That prior to iasuance of a bui]ding permit, ttie appropriate traffi~ signal assessment fee ~liall bo paid to the Cxty of Anaheim in an amounk as established by City Co~znr.il reso.lution< 2. That th~ 1ega~. awner o£ subj~ct propQrty s}iall irrevocably offer to dedicaCo to thQ City of Anaheirn an additxonAl strip of laud twelvv ().2) feel• in width aloiig Sr_ate Cu11Qge Boulevard and Ball Ftoad for street widening purposes in~:luding a twenty five (25) foot radius corner roLurn. 3. 7'har the oxisl•ing most southerly dri.vaway on St&Y.Q ~ollege ~3oulevarci and mo3t. westat•ly drivewa~ on Ball Road shall be removed and replaced with a stand~rd curb, gutter, sidowalk and landsraping. h. That thn remaining drivewayo on State Co118gQ Boulevacd and Ball Road shall be recons~ructed with t~r. (10) ~o~t rad.ius curb retu:ns as rQquirod by the Ci~y EngiiiQer. Existing broken or crt+ckefi dr.ivt~ways shall be removed and r~plnc~d as r.equired by the City ~nqineer. 5. That drainage facilities shall be relocatod alonq State College Boulovard ~s re~quired by the City Engineer and in accordance with 3tandard plans aud specifications on file in the OEtice ut the Ci.ty Engineor. 6. That streer. lighting facilities along Ball ~to~i1 and State Colloge Fioulevard sha12 be installed as required by the Ut3.lities General Manager in accordance wit1: sper.i.fic?tions on file in the Officc~ of Utilit.ies Go~ictr~'1 Manager; cr that security in the form of a bond, certificate of depo:ait, letter of crodit, or cash, in an amount and form ~3tiofactory to the City o~E Ana~eim, shall bc~ postQd with ~he City to guara:itee the satisfactory comp2et.ion of the abov~,-men`ioned improvementn. Said security shall be postod with th~s City of l~nahei~m prior ~o fssuance o€ a building permft the above requirerl improvements sha11 be 3.nstalled prior to occupancy. That subject prop~rty sha11 ba servc:d by underqroun~l uks~iti~s. -~- PC89-Y13 `:';,~~ 1 ,ir' S '.. ~ ~ ~ 6' )' r; ;~ i',r,, !. l .`,+`y 8. That ~Yie owner o~ subjac~ proporty shall suk+mit a lc~tter sequeqting tarminati.on of Conditional Usc~ Permi~ No. 123 to the Zoning Division. 9• That the fal'lowirig miriimum scandards sh~11 r~pp.ly, as r~quired by the Uniform Fire Code: ~. That di4pensiny devices sh~.ll be loc~ted a mi~iimum distanco of ten (10) feet fr.om any prQperty line ana so locat~ad tha~ a11 parts af a vehicle being servicod will be on private proF~erty. ~. T.hat disp~nsing devices shall be locatod not loss than ten (14) feet from any builciing whlch is not tire re~istive construction. Such cieviees shall als~ be locatoc~ so thah the .nozzle~ ~w}1en hoae is fully c~xtexicled, will not reach within .Eive (5) f~et of any buildlr~q opening. ; ' ~• That dispensing de~rices sha11 be proter,ted against physical damage frum vahic].es by mountiny un a concr~te island a min.imurn of six (6) inr.hes in haight. Altornate mothods of provida.ng equivalerit , protoction may be permittQd when approve~i by the City Firg , Department. ,: ; ~• That dispensinq o.f gasoline inf:o fhe fuel ta~nk or i.nto a contazner sha11 at al:l times be undor the ~~ipervision of ~3 qualified atCendant. Q. That lhe attendant's primary functian sht~11 be to supervise, obsetvo and con~rol the dispensinq of gascline. r• That the dispec ing of gaspline shall not be into p~rtablo containers unlogs such containers are ot approved materia: and construction, havinq a ti.ght closure with screweci or ~pring cover, so dPSiqned th"t the contonts can be disponsed withouL sp;1'13ny, 9• Tha~ it shall be th~ attendar.t's r~ssponsibil.~Cy to control souxces of ignition 3nd xmm~diately handle accid~n~.a.l ~pills and fire extingu.isher.s .if necessary, ~. Tt~at a~naryency controls ahall ba inatalled at a locatton ~cragptRble ~o th~ City FirQ Depar.hmant, but controis sha?1 n~t ~e rnore than one hundred (X00) fe~t from dispensers. i• That instructions for the aperat;iori o~ dispenSers shall be conspicuously posted. j. ThaC remor.e prese.nt•-type device;s shall be in the "off" positian whil~ not in use so the dispenser cannot he act~vated without; the know2P,3yr of tho attt~nddnt. k. That the dis~~c~nsinq d~vice sha11 bo in cloar view ~E tha a~tendant At all ti.mos and no ob: kacles stiall be placei! between the dispon~ing ctevice:~ and thg attenda~nt. l. That the attezxdant qhall at atl times be able to communicate wit3~ porsons in the d.i3ponsing area via a two-k+ay 3p~aker syakem. -3- PC89-113 ~{~~ 4i.lC ~ .. . . . ~~. i~ r _ _ . . , .. . ~ ~ ~ , . . --- - - - ~ .._. .. .. . , . . . . ,~.:: ,r ~ ~ 10. That t;zere sha11 be no sale of baer, wine or other aicoholic boverages of an~ kind on ttig ~ramiaes. 11. 'Phat cluring buaines~ hours oF operation of subjec~ facility, ~„~.~~r~te men's and womeiz's iestroom~ sh.a11 be avall~ble to the pub:lic, anc~ sha].1 ~e propQrly suppligd and mai,itz-ined. 12. That in conformance rr.i~h Anahei.m Municip~l C.ode Section, a copy n£ a recordod agreomezit shal~ be provided to the Zoning D~.vi.si~n aqragiz~y t~~ rem~ve tlz~ service sta~:ian s~ructures in thQ event th2t ~he sta*.ion is closed f.o.r ~ pc~ri~d of L•we1vQ (:12) consacutive mor~ths. A sarvice station shall be cansidered c].osed during any montl: in which it is open for less than tifteRn (15) days. Prior to recorciation, tt~e agreement shR11 be submitted tn the Citx Atrorney F'or ap~rovt~l as tfl form. ].3. That trash storage areas shall be provzded anc~ maintained ir, a location acceptable to tho Streot Mai.ntena:ice ~nd Sanit~~ion Division and in accordarlce with approved plans on file vrith said Division. 1?. That all air condit.ioninq f.acilities and oth~ar rooF and ground mount9d equipment sY~all be properly shi~lded from viQw. 15. That the prol~osa7. sha11 comply wath all ~igni~ig requirement~ of the CL "Commerca.al, 'Limited" Zone, unless a variance all4wing ~ign waivers is anproved by tYie City Cuuncil, PlannincJ Commission or Zoning dclministrator. 15. Tha~ prior to is:uan~e o£ ar.y sign permil~, oither (a) the petiCioner shall obt~in an Qncroachment pexrnik ir~m the Cit~ of Anaheim .f~r the freestanding signs on Hall Road ~ind StaL•e C~lloge Boulavard which siyn(s) existing ar~ 1oc~,ted in tk~e area af critical intersection d@CIYCQt1031~ or (b) Lhe legal owr.~er of subject pr.operty shal7, record a covennnt agre~ing to romave sasd signs at no cost to the CXLy upon improvement of said critical inCprsection. If thQ second o~tion (b? is oelecteZ, the cuvenant bhal! be submittad to the ~ity Attorney for apprqval as to Form ~~rior to r~cordation with thQ Office of the Or,~r:ge ~ounLy Recordc3r. A capy of the recorded cov~nant sha11 ~hen be submitted to the Zoning Div.ision. 17. 'Pha~. minimum fifteen (15) gallon trees g1anL•od on minimum twenty f,20) toot conters, with spprc~priat•e irrig~.~ion facilities, sha11 be installed and rnaint~ined a~anq khe ncrth anc~ east property lin~s. 18. That the on-site lanQs:.taping shall be mai.ntained in compliance sa~ith C3ty st~ndarQs. 19. That subject property ahall Ue ci~velopad 3u2istmnt3.ally in accordance with pl~•rls and specifications on file with th~ City of Anaheim m9rked Exhib3.t Nos. 1 and 2. 2p. ~hat prior to issuance of a building permit, or. .ritbin a period of one (1) year from the date of this r•esolul:ion, whichever occurs first, Condition Nas. 1, 2, 6, 9, 12 and 16. SbOVG-mecstioned, shall be complied with. Ex~ensions for furthor time ~o complete saicl conditions may be qrantod in accordance with Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal c.oae . -4- PC89-113 ,s; ,' s M1c~u ~t ~., `11 ''7 _ ,. ,;n .;. ~.~, _ "i ~ 7~/mr N*~ n r~;rtr '~,rf~i; ~n~l ,al-,~i ~~ ~ ~~.,.{ .:, Aa.1. ..° n.,,-. 7~ i.~ 21. That prior to fin~l buil.ding and zoning insp~ctzons, Condition Nos. ~ througti 7, :L3, 14, 17 ana ls, above-mHntionc~d, sha11 be complie~ with. 22. That appr~val of this application constitu.tes approval oE the pr~paseci request anly ~o the oxtent that it camplies wi1:h the Anahefm Municipal Zoning Cude and any othc~r applicable City regulr~tions. Approval do~~ nat includ~ any action or findiizgs as t.u campliance or approval ot the requPSt r~garding any orher applacable ordinance, regu].ation or requirement. BE IT FURTFiER RFSQLVED that thQ Anaheim City Planning Commisg3.on does hereby find and d~termino th~ah. a~ioption of this RE3c~lution is express'ly prodicated upon applie.•nt's complianr.e wit~r. each and al:! of the conditiuns hereinabove set furt4~. Sh~uld anv such conditions, c~r any parti txiereof, ~e dQClared invr~Zid or unenforceable by the fint~l judgmont of any court of compAtenL juriscliction, then L•his Reso].ution, and any approvals horefn contained, sha11 be cleemQd nul]. and void. THC FOREGOING RESOT,U7C?O:d is siyned ancl ap~sroved l~y me this 2Qth day of April, 19A9. . . ~ _, ~~ ~• ', ~,,d. ~- ~,~ ~ ~ : rjr: ~~~ ct :L~ CHAIRWOMAN, ANAHEIM Ci'TY PLANNING COMMISSI~N ATTEuT: 4.i ' ~~~~4=7C".1cx={~L~~..~ SE(:RE'.~ARY, ANAHETM CITY PLANNING C~)MhSISSI02J STATE OF CALI~'ORNIA ) COUNTX QF QRANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHETM ) ° ;';'~"1''r~'~?~r( (r p, ~~:S,~~V . . ~ ~ ~ '.,,:~`;,'?,. i . ~' ~ I, Edith L. I~arris, Secretar~+ of the Anaheira City Planning Commission, do hQre~by certi~y thaL• the foregoing re~olution w;ss pa~sed and aflopt:ed at a meetiny of the Anak~~im City l~lanning Commission held on Apri]. 24, 19a9, ~y tho Eollowing vote of the members thereof: AYFSS COMMTSSTONERSS BOUAS, BOYDS'1'UN~ E'ET~DHAUS, H~12HST, MESS~.' NOES: COMMISSZONER5: NONE aSSENT: COiR~{ISSIONERS: CA~tUSILLO, MC BURNEY IN WITNE3S WdERF.OF', I have hereunto set my hand this 24th day of April, 1989. ~_.._ _. I _ "~ '' -~57~"'"„""i SECRETARY, ANAHFIid CTTY PL'ANNING COMMISSION ;~',: -5- PC89-113 ~; . , c ~'' := i , °+ . ~ raa