Resolution-PC 89-126~~~~ RE~ZLT_r,2~os F~.,2~ ~z@ ~ ~ RESOLUT'!ON OF THE ANAHEIM CSTX 1~LAITNING COhL'dISSION THAT PETITIQN I'OR CONDITI~NAL USE PERMIT Np. 3124 B~ GRANTED ' WHEREAS, the Anahoim City Planning Cammiss3on did receive a verified ~ Petitaon for Cond3tlont~l iJse Perrnit from SANDER50N-J-~tAY DEVELOPMENT, 2699 ; ~ White Road, 5u.ite 150, Irvine, CA 92714, owner o£ certain reai property ;+ situated in the City of Anah~im, County of Orange, State of Calitornia, describPd as: PARCEL 2 OF PARC~F, MAP N0. 87 458, IN THE CITY OF A1~AHEIM, COUNTY OF Q12ANGG, STATE; OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER N.I~P 12ECORDED IN BOOX 233, PAGES :31 ANt~ 32 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN 'P~iE OFFICE ~F THL COUN7'Y I2~:CORDER OF SAID CQUNTY. ;,~ iVHEREA5, the Cit,y P1ar~ning Commission diC'. hold a publ?c hearing a~ the Civic Canter in the ~it,y ~f Anaheim on March 13, ~989 at 1:30 p.m., notice oE said public hearing having bcen duiy given as i•equired by 1aw and in ,~ acco.rdaiice with the pr~visions oE tlie AnahFim Muriicipal CodR, Ch~~ter 16.03, ~o hear and cunsider evidRnce For and agazrist saifl proposed condit:ional use ~'' pQrmit and to investigate ar~d make findings tand recommondations in cannection ~'; thr.~+rQwith; and said petition was continued t~ the meetings oF Apri1 10, 1989, Apri1 24, 1989 and May 8, 1989; aiid ~ ~ WFiEREAS, said Cor.unission, a!:l.or. dub insp~cLion, invQStiqation and " st~.~dy m~do by itsel.f and in its beha~f, anfl after dt~e con.sideration uf all ti; ;~ evidence and reports o£fered at sa.id l~earing, does find ~nd determine th~~ following iac~s: ;, i, That tha petiitioner rf~1uES~s approval o£ a Conditional Ltse Permit under authority oi Code Soction '~~~.6I.050.616 to permiY. K bowling alley with waiv~sr o£ the followinq uncler autltority of Code Sec:tion 1$.Q6.080: S~TI 1~N5 18,Q~050.252 -~tinimunL n~rnl~,Qr .~f parki~_~,p~~~s, + ~n~l 18..~1~466.Q.5,_Q. (ci27 r.equired; ~,QQ spaces pr~posed) ~ ~ !~ 2. That tht~ zPquPSted waiver is hereby granted on the basis that Y.ho parking waiver will not cause an Iiicrsase in traff3.c cong-estion in tho ' immedla~e vir.inity nor aclv~rsely afs.ect any adjoaning land usos and grantinq ~~ of tl:e parking waiver undar tho conditions imposed, if any, will not b~ ,''; detrimental to the peace, heal.Ch, safety ar.d general wel£are of ~he citizens ':~!. ` of tno City of Anaheim. 3. 'Pliat the proposed us~ will not adversely affect.. the adjoining land uses and k2iEe growr_h and develop~nent of lhe area 3.n which it is prnposed eo be located. 0853r -1- PCBQ-126 T ~. - . : ;.. 1. . ~,. '( :'!r.:~ ~ . ".j~ ~r ~ , ; ','~~;;, ~~t: : % KRh~, t',-, ~ 4. That ~he size ~nd shape of the site proposac3 for the use is adequate ~o a1].ow the fu11 tl~velopment af the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the ~,ar~icu].ar taroa nc~r to i:l.e poace, health, sa.f'ety and gen~r~1 welEare of the Citizens af the City of Anahaim. 5. That the gran~iny oi: tha Condi;.ional Use Parmit under the condit.ions imposed, i~ any, will not be deCrimontal to ~h~ peace, h~,alth, safety~ ~nd qeneral welfaro of tho Citizerzs of the City of. Anaheim. 6. That the tra£fic genorated by the propo3~d use will r,3t 3mposA an undue burden upon the~ streets arzd highways desigiiecl and improved to carry the tr~tfic in the area. 7. T.hat nc~ ane presPnt indicated their presence at s~+id public hearing i~a opposition; and ~hat onc~ lettor was received in oppositinn to t.l~e subject petition. ALI~'QRNIA E?iVIR~r;b1TAL~iTALITY AG:~ FINDI~: ih2t the Anaheim Ciry Planning Cammissior~ has reviewed +the propoat~l ta perm9.t a bowling alley with crai.~~er of minimum number ~f parking spaces on L•hQ southarly 4. £37 acrg pnrtion of an irr~gular3y-shaped narr.el oE l~nd consisi:i.ng of approximately 12.a acres having a frontage af ~pproximataly 454 feet on the south side o~ La Palma Avenue, having a maximum clepth of approximatoly 1,laCj feet, being locatQd appraximately 250 teet wast of. the centerli:-e of Miller StreeL aud further described as 3360 E. La Palma Avenue (subject 4.87 acre porti~n. is further known as Parce]. No. 2 of ParcQ~ Map No. 8'T-958); and cloos hereby ap~rove thQ Negative Dec1a~~~tion upon fi.ndir~g that it has Gonsidored the Nagative Declaration together with any commerits received during tlze public re/iew proces~ and furthar ~inding on thc~ basis of tlio initzal study and any corrur.ents receS.vQd that there i,s na substantial ~vidance that tho project will liave a si.gnificant effect an ttie Qnvi.ronment. NC1W, TAEREFORE, HE IT RE50LVED th~~ the Anahoim C~ty Planni.ng : Com,~ission does harebx .7rant subjoct PeL•itior. far Conditional Use Permit, upon t.P follorriag conditions which are herc~b,y found to be a neaessa:y pr~reguisii:e to the proposed use oL• the subject propQrty i.n or.der Y,o prasorve the saiety and genara2 wol£are of the Citix~ns of. the City of Anaheims 1. That prio,r to i.^,suance of a building ~~ermit, Che appropriata traffic signal t~ssesament fea shzll be pa5 d to thc~ City oP Anahpim in an arno~x•r.t as establistied by Cit:y Council rQSOlution. 2. 1'hat sidewalka shall be installed alonu La Palma Aver~ue as required by the City Enqineor and it. accordanco with sLauclard. plans and spaciEications on file in the Uffice of the Ci.ty EngxnQe-r. 3. That; the dri~~~w~y shall be recons'trt~cted t~ accammoda~a ten (10) foot radiiis cucb return~. F.xfsting broken nr cracked dri~e~vays ghall be re[noved and roplacad as required by tho C:ty Enc~inoar. 4. Th~t drai.nag~. of. subjec~ property shall be disposed of in a mannar s~tls£actory to the City EngineQr. '~„~w~ntr+i"~'C±~ ti`~yi . ~ ~..'~~;'.~:i,• j~ -2- PC89-126 . . ~ - _ , .. . . . . . . . . .. . ' . 1 . if`~~Y;~~~t ~ - . ~ . ,y~.. . . . .;~I, t ~. /~~~ ~ . , f 'j,: ~ ~ ~ ~~" ~ ~ ' e ~ x 5. xhat the legal owner ot- subject prapex~ty sh~sll obtain a recorded c~venant granting ~n accoss easemont from tha .inga]. awner of tho proporty immeditatQly north of subject propQrty for i.ngress and egreas purposes to subject ~r.opert}~. 5aid easeman~ shall be designod in a manner satisPr~ctory to thQ CiLy Traffic Engineor. 5a~d covenant shall be irz a torm a~proved by the City Attorney and sha'11 bo recarded with ~he Office of th~s Orange County Recorder. A copy of thQ recorded covenant e~liall be submittQd to the Zonzn.g nivisian. 6. ThaC the hr~ixrs ow operatzo~l shall not commena~ aarlier than 9:30 a.m. Manday threugh E'riday, excepting natiuna.i holiciaXs, as required by the City Traf£ic Enginear. 7. Tlaat a11 parking spacas sha11 be "standard" si~ed with no "small car" spacos, as required by Y,he City Traf£•ic Engineer. 8. ~hat prior to commancement oi atructural framing, on-site L•xro hydrants ~ha11 be installed and charged as req~xired .3na approved by the Ci~y Firc~ Department. 9. That if a parking deficiency occurs following ~ccupancy of l.he subject propsrty (said defzciency h~ving been demo~n~trated in a parking demand study tn bR funded by the property owner/developer at the request of th~ CiL•y TrafEic EngineQr and ~o ba ieviewed and approvod by the City Traffic Enginesr), addi~ional on-site parl:ing (not to exceed an adc7itional ~hree hundxed e.i.ghty seven [387J spaces for a total of six hun3red tmenty seven [627~ spaces) syall be provided in a mannsr approved by the City Tr.affic Engineer; and t.hat a covenant sha]1 be recorded i.n a form e~pgroved by the City Actorr..~y's Office obligatzn~ the ;`~'~ petitioner and any future assignees to providing such parking if a deficiency is found to exis~. Said covenant shall be r~aordad with the OEfice ~f the Orange County Recorder. A copy of the recordea covc~nant sha11 be yubmitted to tlie Zonixig Division. 10. That a parkinn plan iudi.caCing cam~liancc vritlz City par:ritig lot dc~ss.gn s~andards sha~~ be submittoii to and apprcved by the 4ity Zraffic lEngineer. ~'j `a ~.1. That subject propQrt,y shall be serve:d by und~rgroun~, utilfkies. ;~f 12. That fire :~prinklors shall bQ installed a:~ required by th~ City Fire Departm~nt. ?:; 13. That on-prem.ises salQ oE alcohol.ic vnverages sha11 not occux unless spQCiPically approvcsd by the wit•y Council or Planning Cammission in .; c4iinec~ion with a conditional use parmit. 14. That trasli sLorage areas shall !~e orovided and maintainod in a I.ocation ``~ acceptable to the ytreot Maintenance and Saiii+:.ation Division and in '''j accordanca with apprnved ~lans nn file with said Di.vision. 15. ^_'hat ~7.1 air conditioning faciliti~*s ancl other r.oof and ground mounted equipmerit shall be properly shieldod from view. -3- PC89-126 ,: ~ ', A. +s'."t~ ~~ ~ .~~ ~' ~~ ~~ 16. That the proposa.l shall comply with all siqning requ:r~mantn of the ML (SC? "Induatr.tal, Lfmitnd - 5c~nic Corridor Overlny" Zone unlerie a varlanae ~1loaing siqn waivers is ~pproved by ~he City Council, Planninq ~.ommtagian or 2oning Administrator. 17. Thnt a landsct-pe plan for sub ject property, i.ncludi:~q a miaimum 10-Eoot wid~ lanciscnped plantor n.:~ng thU ~souCh property ~iae (ROUtA 91 Freou~ry), st~a11 ho v~wro;tt~d ~o ~nd approved by the Planning Co~uniasion. 13. Tl~a~ the on-site landaca~ing shall be mai.ntained in co~rkllt~nae wlth City standards. 19. Thnt aubjoct pruperry snbll bo do~•el~pnd aubstantit-lly in accordance with plans and ~pecifi.:Ationa on file with the t~lcy oE Anah~im me~rked Exhlbfr. Nos. l. through 3. ''~. ThaC prior ~o the issuance ot a b~iildinq permit :'or the project, the p:operty cwnor/developer shall rer.ord a License AqrAemont which extends tha termina*_ion period of the prevloua Lsconse Agreement for unlieenaed vehicler~ with Rockwell Intarnational, Inc., from (nixty) 60 d~aya ko three h«~~roa sixty-Five (35~) days, t~ut tvcmiaoble within (thirty) 30 days in thn ovent of a breach of said Aqreement by Rockwell Intornatir,nnl, Inc; an<l that Che Licenss AqreenQnt sha].) be approvP~ by ~hv C!ty Attorney and City Tcaffic EaqineQr prfor to r~curAation and that a copy ~hall then bQ furnishod to the Zoning Dlvsi~n, ~1. That prior to iaaurnce of, a buildir.q permlt or within » period af one (1) 1ear frcm the ~iate of thia resolution, whi~hever ac~ucs ffrst, ~=on9itfon N!~s. 1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 17 and 20, above-mentioned, sh~11 be corn~lied aith. Extcsnsion~ Lor furCher time t~ camplere said conditio»a muy be qrant~d in accordance xfth 5oction 18.03.09~ of tha l~naho:n Nunecipal Code. st. That ~rior to tf:.nl building az~d zoninq ins~sectiona, Conditiaa NOS. 2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 12, 14, 15 ar.d 19, above-r..entfoned, shall be complied with. 23. Thsst by ;.pproving this appliCation, tf~e City of Anaheim doeR nor vstve its right r.o enforre Conditton No. 9 of Rebolution Ho. PC 88-59 prev.iausly approved in connec~ion with the qrantinq ~f Vrriar.Ce lto. 375~. 24. That ap?roval ot this oppJlication ~.:onstitutes approvc~l ot tt~~ proposed reguest unly to the exten` that~ f t c:ompl {ea ~f th Fhe Anahefm Municipal Zoning Code and any othQr. applical~l~~ City re~ulations. Apyroval does not include any action ar findfr.qs as to ~q~rpliance or ap~roval oE the request rggardinq any other appifc~ble or~linance, regulatf~n or raqufrement. D~ I2 P'URT}iF:R RS~OLVED th~t the Anahefm Cfty Plannf»g Cnmmfssion does hereby Etna and dcetermfnet r.hat adoption ot thfs Rgs~rlution ia expresuly prr~~icated upon ~~plicrnt's co~nplianre wf*.h eacTr and all ot the rondl~ibn~t herelna~cve ~et [orkh. &trould any such co~rc~itior~s, or any par~ therreoE, hta d~~2ared invalid or unenfc:~~able l~y the final jud~rae!~t of ~ny ~~y~~t dp eompA~p~sE 3~rfsdfc:ti~sn, th~?n triis Tt~solutiar, anci any approvaln rierRia conra.lne~i, sha~l be d~en~d null ahcl ,roi~. -4- ~. •~ -12~ : ~~ THE NORE;GOING RESOLt'TI~N is signAd and approved by ma Chig Sth day o~ May, 1989. _.__~___.. 1. ~L ~r~ ~-'. / li~~ ~~~t~.~'`_ _..__~__...._...~. CHAIRPIOMAN,;~ NAHBIM CITY PLANNLliG COA4~tISSION r' A'CTE5T t ~ • ---~-~----~ .~-._~~~.~-L~..- __.__-_.__ SECRETARX, ANANP.IM C[1`X PLANNING C~t~SI5SI0N 5T~T8 OF CALIPORNIA ; COUNTY OF ORAN(3E ) sx. CITY 0[~ ANR1iBIM ) I, ~ditb L. Eiarcis, Secrotary of the Ar.ahetm City Plon~ing Comm.Lssion, do hereby r.~rtify thaC the forPqoinq rosolution was paa8ed ancl adoptFl~l at A meetinq of the 1-nahQim Clty Pl~nnfng Corrmission he~8 on May 8, 1489, by t•he followlnq vate of the mPmboru khetreafs A~ES: COMd~[I5SIONEEtS: BOUA~, BOXDSTUt~, Fi,L~~IRLS, t+SC BUR:~P.Y !JO£5: ~OMMI55L7NER:;s C1,RUSILLO, EIERiBST, MF:aB kdS~NT: CO~Wr1ISSIC-:7ERS: NONB IN HITNES5 W'FlEREOP, I have hereunto set my h~nd ttiis Bth day of May, 1989. „ Y / /~ ~a __~..~_.~:~~:~~.r_~~f _ ~~1 ~~-.s.~s~-1 r. 5ECRETAP.X, At:1~liE1M CI2Y PLANt"vI!iC COMMi.^'aSION -5~ 1~CB9~1~8 ' r;'~ ,~, z ; , 7 y~ ~x.«~..,rl.'.ris 3.s ~ , , ~.5., , .r ~r .: . : ~~