Resolution-PC 89-127~~+~"A ~1 .~ Q~u ~',~SLN__N.Qs_gt~~?~ .~ , A RBSOLUTTON OF TH~ 7~N)1FiE1M CITY FLANNING C41M~fISSION THAT PETYZION FOR VARIANC~ N0. 3921 ~~ G~;,rrrEn WHEREAS, ~he Anaheim City Pl~nning Commission di~ raceive a verified Fetition Coc Variance from Sf1ARON C. MC LUCKEY AliD JO~iN MC ~,UCRBY, 295 C1~c•isalta Way, Anaheim, Cl- 92807, ownors o: certain rv~'1 pr~perty situated in tha City of Anahaim, Coui-ty of Oranqe, State of California deacribe~3 as: PARCEL 3s IN TH6 CITY Ot ANIUiEIM, COUN'PY OI' ORANG£, 5TATE OI' CALIFORNII~, 1.S PER ~SAP Ri.C0i2DBD IN BOOK 84 PAGE 14 OF FARCI:L MS-PS, IN TH~ OF~YCE OI' THE COUNTY RECORDfiR OF .~',1-ID COUNTY, WEIERED.S, the City Flanninq Comrnissior- dicl hold a public hearinq at the Civic Center in :he ~ity of Artaheim on ~~arch 27, 1989, at 1s30 p.m., notice of. sa:d publ.ic hearing havinq bson duly yiven a~ required b~ lnw an~9 in accordance with th~, prov~~ions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consicter trviden~e for and aqufnst said proposed variance nnd to investiqate And ma.ke ffndingb and recomrnendations in connection tnereaiCht ancl eaid petition r+as continuQd to the meeting of May 8, 19891 and W3iEREAS, aaid Cornmirssion, after due i.nspoction, invegtiyation .and ~tudy mad4 by ir,self and iri its behalf, and aE~dr due conRideretion oE all evidence ar~d reporta cftered at aai.d hearing, does find ard determiAe tho Eollowiny Eactss l. Thar. tte petitionor rroposas wniver ~E the fotlopinq to retiain a ~rouncl n:~unted st-tellite dish: ~~.~TISJlIi--~Q. @~,Q~~ L~2 - Pr~h~LiGg4~__~4SZ~n9~[~t1~~ mvu~p ed oq1~,..D~~• (Roof or gc~und-maunted sal•e1l,ite ~iahea g~~~~~~~} in thR Sc~~nic Corridort one qround-mounted dieh propoaecl). ?. That the ~bove-mentioned waiver :s heraby qrante8 on the beois that therss aYa ep4cj.a1 cirC~unstancAS applicable to the pc'operty such ae~ r~ize, ~+hapd, topoc~rapl~y, .locati~n ancl aurroundinqs Mhich du no~t apply to other Ldonticall.y anne8 property ~n the same vicfnityi and that atric~ applfcation oE the 2onfng Code donrivea L•he prup~rty of prfvfleqes enjoyeA Dy other propertisb in [he identict~l aone and classificati~n in the vicinity. 3. Thak linQ-of-night exhibil•s wara aubmitted t~c the pub2ic riearinq showing the vfeN to the ~asts onc] r,hat ashruba wgre p2anted ko provide acreenin~ and the saeel).itig c~fah xas painteci qraen to blend in vith the fcsliagc theroby lexs~ning kh~s vSsfbilsty nE che propnaal. ~. That thers are •xcepr.ional or extraordinary ciraumatoncea or _ cbnctitions applirab:e to the aro~urty invo3vEd or ~to the inCand~Q uxo ot the proparty that 9o r~ot ~pply qHneral.iy to ehe propgrty or cYas~ of usQ in tho saiae vicinity and xone. -. OaS~c -1•• PC84-12~ • 'r~, '~t~'~;~'i~ 1....,-,. , ._ . ~ , , ~ t ~ , ~ ~ ,..,, +~M1~ , . . , ffiY''"ci~ .. v v ' 5. Tt-a~ tt-o req~i~sCad variance as grt~nted, i~3 necessary far i;he preserviition and onjoyment af ~ substant;.ta1 property rl.gh~ possasaed L,y othar Firop~rty in the samo vicini.ty ~nd zone, and do7ied t~ tha property i» quc~stion. G. Tha1: tho requeated variance as yrr~ntad, will not be materially d~trimenCa7. Lo the publfc welfare nr injurious t~ the proparty ox improvements in sucli vicinity ~-nd zune in which the proporty is located. 7. That two (2) people Ir-dica~od th~ir presence at s~id. publfc hearing in oppoaiti.on; and that no correspondencQ waa receivod in opposiCion eo subject petition. ~~3~0~'N_~_.~_~I.Q( t~l~N~j~t~~ r Y~~__~~iFINAIN~c The Planning Director or his auth~ri.zed reprosentative has doterminad that tho proposed project falla rrithin the definition of CaL•ogorical ~;xen~~tio~q, Class 11, a~ clefined .in the State EIR Guide~lines and is, th~re~ore, categorically exompt from the requiremenC to prc~pare 4n Tsl[t, NOW, TEiF,REFORE, 8E IT RESOLV~D that the Anaheim City Planning Commi3sion duos hereby grant subject Petitiott for Variance, upon the ~ following conditions which are horehy found to be a necessary prerequisite to ~ the proposed uso ot• tho subjact proporty in order ta pr~serv~ the safety and general welfare ot the Citizena of. the City of Anuheim: 1. That plans shall be submitted to the Buildinq Df.-.~sfon ghowfng cnmpliance with tho applicabie sl•andards tand coc?es of the City of Ar.aheim, 3.ncliidinq the appropriat~ permits lhal.l be abtained for any nece3aary Work. 2. That aubject property shall be daveloped subsCantfally 3.n accordanae with plans and sQecif.icationa on file with the City of Aaaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and i. 3. TnAt Conditioa Nos. 1 and 2, aboye-montioned, shall be com~lated within a poriod oE (thirty) 30 da,ys from the cl~te of this rosolution. 4. That approval of this applfcation cons~itutos nppc•oval of Che proposed request only to the extent that it compliQa w.iCh the An~hoim Munfcipal Zoninq Code and eny other applicab2o City requlationa. Approval doao r.ot include ony nr.tion or findings a~s to compliance or approval of the r.equgst reqarding any other applicable ordinac~ce, requlation or requiremon~. BE !T FURTHER RLSOL~IED that thK Anaheim Cit•y P2anning Commission d4es ha.rebl find and determine that ndopkior. of this Ra~olution ia expresaly pred~cated upon applic~nt'a complla:~ce with Qach and al~ of tha con~itiona herainabove ~et Eor~h. Should any a~ich conditiong, cr any part thereoE, be detclared inva_SA or un~rnforceable by the final juay„~eAt o~ eny court of competent juriadiction, then thin Neaolution, anil any approvals herein contai~ied, sha31 be ci~emod aull anA voic]. r . ~ ~5 _Z_ PC89-127 ;l ~'~ a~ r'' ~; i ~~ ~~~ti. ~ ~.. ~ .,ra`~ ~ :'%'~ +.i C THE FOR~GOING RESGLUTION is signed ~nd gpproved by me this pth dny of May, 1989. , ;, ' • f: : ~ ;; ~ :: :~. ~ . ~~f ; ;-~ r.'r. _. ~~ _ CHAllZWOI~.hN, J1~7AhEIM CS7.'Y PLANNING COMMISSl'ON ATTEST: ~ . ~ u ~ v ~"`~ SECRE7CA.RY, ANAFIETM C1TX PLht~NTNG COMMI~SION ST'ATE 0[' CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANG~ ) gg. CITY OF' ANAF;EIM ) T, E~ith L. Hc~rris, S~cretary ~f the Anaheim City Planninq Commiasion, do hereby certify that tt~o foregoi.ng rosolution was pa~sed and acloptod at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held an ~tay g, 1989, by t2se ~oll~w.ing vote of the mombers theraof; AYES: C(1MMIS~IOltERS: 80UA5, t30YDSTUN, CARUSILLp, FELDHAUS. H~RBST, MC 3URNEY, AtE$SE ~JOES t CON~lISSIONERS i NONE ABSENT: COhA~2IS~I0NEtt~i: NON~ IN WITNES5 WH~REOE', I have hQrounL-a Rcst my hand this 8Ch day oE May, 1989. ~ . ~ SG~ft~:TARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNrNC f;Ot`IIrIISSxON '3- PC89-J.27 ~ ; .,s .> ., >, ~ `, F ~ ,;; '~;; ~ '~ ;'~