Resolution-PC 89-136l , ~,:: ~, ;'i ~~~QLVT19~!!!Q.~ ~~S~~-t~_4 J- RE50LU1'ION OF TFi~ AN~1H'E.1~, CI'T'Y PLJ1Nt+lMG (`.Or4r1[C5I0l~ TIIAT PGT11'LON FUR VAI2IA;1^E NQ. 3910 D~ CitANTBU WFt~RF;J15, the 1-naheim Ctty Plannfnc, ~onanission dld rs~~.iva a veriEied Pr~tic:on tor V~rienc:e Crom ELfCA ~NT6RF~RISBS, A G~N3itr~, PARxN6R8NIP, Attn: Lea Gederer, 19g0 Westxoo~i Hlvd., 3rd [loor, Loa Myel~tr, C71 94025~A614, ~~•• :~r, t,nd LOARJ~ NtGit 5C~r0(~L B1-NB ~30C~'xKqs, INC. , 1765 N. Cdrrltoa 1-venuA, Anahoi~n, CA 9Ti02, aqent o~ ceitaln rcal proporty al~ua~ad in the City ot RnnhQim, County ot Oranqe, 5tats of Cal3fornta, 8eacribed as Eollovet T1~iAT POItT10N OF 1"Yip, SOIf;}{y~IgST QUARTB{2 O!' T1{g NUkT_ti'WSST (}UA(i':B~ QP SEC'rIQN 23, TONNSHIP 4 SOU'iif, RANG~ 10 Nl35T, IN 'I~NE R1UlCHU 5AN JUAH (`t.JpN 7g gIIMXA ANA. A5 fiHOKN UK l~ M11p I2ECOROP,D IN BOOK 51. PJ1GY. 10 OF MI5CEGLANBOUS M11Q ; IN TNB OPPiCB 4P 7N~ ~(}~~2;Ty RgGORn:,R OF SATD COUi1TY, DBSCRIU$D A~ PO1..L011Ss 8~.^,.,J~7;tit; Ai Trir'. ItPg~RfiECT,'.02i OP xHB C[:2iT$R LINK OE` CBRRITUS STR~K7 AND THB CBN'tF.R t.IN~ ~P U.S. 3iI~NWhY 101 (LOS J1N;;6G~S STFB~T). A.fi ~AIf1' IliTBRSBCTIAt~ IS SE{(1WN aN 1~ MAP ~ILEID *N BOOR ~5. P1~G~I 3~. (:p RBCOita OP SURVBYS It~ THB +JrFYCB OF ?NB COUtJ7Y R6tOPU6R OP SAID COUMi`Y, TNKHCB NOR'~H 6 GECe~~Es 55' 00" M8S? 221.6I FSBTt TFiP.N~B F,A5T 3C0,37 F8~'T, pn3tItLLBG NiT'H THB C~11'tER LINB Oi' c:ERt'ITn5 STREE?; TREtiCCi S~ 224.Q~ PEB? 74 TFIE C~N:'BR G[HB OP CP.~titt'~'AS S'~R$gT; THFNCB •'BST SOttTH 2T0.00 PEP.'T TO 7HB CEfi'CRR -,Zti6 OP CPRRIT'OS 8?RBE7't T~~E~rC6 FI$ST 213.f,g FBgT A[.ONC Si.ID CENTBH LIliB Tp 'I`}tfi PaIp'T OP BEGI{Q7ING. BXCBPT 7HAT pORT10N THSRP.OF` LYYli~ I~t~STB9C.Y ap ~P 70LLOMInG DESCRIAED LINBc B~CIfY21ING A7 ~f'HP IM:SRSBC"TiON t3Y 1'}IE NOR?'HgAS'I'RilLY i.INR C~F `tHA'T C6F1'Y1~IN S,~f'RIF' OF' 1.1{~N*J G~.GO ~'B87' Ip N7DTH. DB~Sf:pi[iKD IN TF{~ DPED 'LY" TNS 877-7E OP CALtPOR~1)J1, R~CORbBD .lU[~y ~'v. Itsl4 IfJ B~OR 2Sg. Pl-GB bb OP' DP.HGS. HIiN 7NE Cg?f'fEtl LINB OE'' SAiD CBI~RITOR 14~J8K'uB: ShID IH1'BRS~~?'I~F1 B~pN~ Utl 11 (11FtVB COdICAVE 61'~5?'6RLY. IUlVING 11 F2A[Ylij'$ OF b~0.00 PlC~'7C: '~'N~ttC~ KOR7NlsilLY 11~~3A~G SA7d ~lJRVE T(1 XLINB tti"11RAt.LBL NI7N ~' h0l~"i'HSR[.Y zU.Od Y~$'p' F~Itk4 1'2i8 CBNTiiR [.INB OP' S~Itty C8RRI7b$ AVBNGB. A RJ1mlT-L LIN& 'lHtt(1llCR $11YD E"OIN'~" BB.?1RS ltOR'~N 8~2 Ot~GR~B~ 5~' !1^' 8~15?D ~~#BNCi~ CblTY"~ tR/1 N(3 AI.i-tiG $J11 [y CL~Rg-B . 5A ~ A 1 ~'K~'Y` 7E~ROil~H A C$li'Y'EtAl. 1WGt,~ bP ~ D8Y3R~S~ 37" 1~1^' ?O T'NB ~(~tl'Y'IBRL7 CtDRN~A 0~' LAN1Y IbE~;RIB$J 1!t 'YHB b81Eb 7~0 7N6 ~'t~?~ OE' CAL~Y!''dltNtA, R~COI~bBD 1lpi~tL 13. 19~29 tl~ ~t~bli 2'S~'. PX(;B 4~6Y ~~' OP!"t~'t11i. RBCbQtD~fis '~+I~tC$ ltOfrTl~ 6~Y~(;RS~S 55' aaw ~:~r ~r~ar, ~~ s~sts~t~Y r,tn~ ~~ ~~-rt~ ~.u~~r o~ ~~ $9["A'Y'~ OP Cl-Ll~id'lII1~. 'i~ "~i!i~ ItAR'?71/tRC.I' Llp~ 61P' fi~~b Li~ Alt4V~ t~~S~~tt9~EU. Ob~3t °~" t"Cd9-~3~ . ~ ~, ~~; ~t; ~:; et the C.ivic C: nte rAin the Clty of^Auahnim~o tFebruary~2q ~ 19~A p~blic he~ring noCire ot said public henring hAVinq beer~ dul • t 1s~U p.m., ~~cordancQ with the~ prw~lsions oE ~he J~~aheyn Muni i~nlgC~odo,~ ~Y 1~~ ~nd in to heac and con~ider evidence for and aqain~t RAI(I proposed variance nd Oto inveatlqate and make EtnQings and rer.ornmendatfong i.n connoction thorewithJ and ga3d petfCior. waa c:untlnued to th~ meetings oE Apri.l 24. 19tt9 and May R, 1989t +n ~-cl WIIFREAS, ~ald r.or~m#ssjon, ~iEter due inspection, inveatigaklon ~°~ ~~u~y ma~~ hy itse~f and in .fta behalt, end t~fte~~ dua con~ideratiun of all evidenco ~nd reports oCtered at said hear.tnq, does find and datermine the Collotirinq f~itts: 1, Th~t. t~e petitfoner rcrquescg waiver of the Eailowfng undar au~hority a[ Cod~r Sc~r_t;an lrl.06.080 to allox binqo o~erations ln an axfstinq entertaihment tnci~ity [or tenr.agers. ~~~.TIQl~S.__.~E_~9~i.,9~G!sQ2~ ~4~~~m4m..l3~lur~t2~F. D.~.6d~.~~~5_~B~I&~t#. ~@_~S~l~~D.~QLQ~~.1 V t~I.4 requlrod; G4 prup~o~ed) ` +i~fl~4_~. 050._Q24~ ~,nci - ~-8~ Q_4,.~5Q~9~~r6 y qranted on the baaia that the2par ing wai erawill-rnattc:ausn anifncr ls heceb fn the imnoAiA~,• v~rfn~f,, ~r, a~~~~r~n~J v`.y~F ~ eAae in trafffc conqestion qrantlnq uf the parkinq r~iver undnr the condi,.iona f I~m •o ga,~~ f an,~ Ub~~ ans ha dPtrf:~-ntal to the peacQ, health, safety efld ~ Y• Mill not citiser~s aE the City o[ l~nahefm, qeneral wolfare o[ the 3. That there are ~t:Ceptivnal ~r e~tra~rdipary circura~s~ances or cor;ditfons ap~licabl~ to the propr~rty involvecf oc ta the i~y~e;~~~.~ ~g~ o~ tho prop9rty *i~at do out ~~p~y 9eneral?'y to khe property ar class uf use in tha ~~m+Q vfcinfty and z~ne, 4. That no aRe in•licated ~n~ir p;Q~~nr~ at saf~l public hear{nq fn oppositforrs that t..enty (20) peo~le fn~ics~ted their the request; an~l th~t no c;orrespondnnce aas IgCBfy@~j ir. ~«sence fn Eavor of ~titfon. Ppc+aitton to subject ~A~~°4~NI14 EtN~R~~~E~ll_n~r. ~~Tn(~TY,_~~ _ PItiDi~iys xhat the J~nahe3w Cfr,y Plannir-y Ccr~fsgion has r~±vie~-a~3 tha r~ property from KL (1Li~rlted Indastrfal) Zans Pq the 1CL(~o~rcfalfy L;,~(,ted) Zone and iv wa,j~e thQ ntirii~un~ nu~~r oj p~rk{n~ ~~y,~ce:, to alloM b~nq~ ~p~ratfons fr ~y~, exist~~rq er,tert~in~;~nt tacility Eor. tofnrgerP tyn a~y irt~ular?!y-~;~~pQ~ parcel oi land ~ansistlnq nf a~~proalMatrsYy ry,45 acre = 1-- F'CE9~136 , , , ,. . _ -~ ... . . ..1'v~:i,C f ~"f''X'~s4;~~t,°1 : .:~~',nhF `~.o R located at thu uorthe~st corner oE Corritos Avenue ar, Aneheim Aoulevard, and turther descrlbed as 1490 South Anahoim Boulevard ('aap ~ The N.ighrclub)1 nn8 ctoes horeby approve tne N~qative Uer.lc~rt~tion u~ ~n fin~ling thet it liae cons3derod th~+ Negar,ive U9clarariun toqethec af.Ch any conm-enta recaivecl ciurin~ thn put~lic reviaN proceas and Eurther finding on the baaie ~~f the initia] atudy and any commenta rocelv~d thnt thoro is no aubgtantial evidency t1~at Che project will hAVe a signlElcant e[~ect on the environmant. NOW, TNF.RBF'URF., EfB IT RESOLVED Cnat tho Anahoim City Planning Commission 11ooa heroby gr.~nt subject Petitian lor Varlan~e, upon the Eollowinn coaditions wh.ich ace hereby [ound tn be o nece~aary prer~quisite to the propoaec] use oE the A~~nje~c proper.ty ;n order to preaerve tho aa[ety nad genernl wQ:EarA oE the Cttiaena of the City of Anaheims 1. Thar. tl~e drivoway on Cecritog Avenua sha21 nok be used and shall remain closQd with ~he oxiating heavy chain b~sio~ rgtair~od t~ prevent any vAhicular ingre~s or egress. 2. That th~s Variancc is granted s~abject to tAe adoption o! the Zonin~ Oedi~~an~-n in connectfo,i with Hec~assi.fication No. 88-89-42, now pending. 3. xhat trash storagQ areas shall be providecS and maintatned ia ~ location accepcable to r,he Street Mainr.enance a_ ra Sanitati~n Divi~sion and in acc~rc;ancR with bpprove~d plans on file with sn:d Division. 4. Tl~at the prop~sal shall comply witn all signir~g requiremoots of the CL "c'ommercial, LimitQd'• zoner unless a variance a1loMfng afqn waivers ia ~+P~-'~vp~t by r.he Ctty Councfl, Planniny Ca,mrisaion or Zoninq Adrrinistrar.oc, 5. That the on-sitQ landscaping shall be maintained in com~liancP x~ith City ~~andards. ~+. That subjac;. propert}• snall be devalopcd !sub~tantfa] ly in aacordance with plans nn~l apc~ifications on file with the City uF llnaheirn n~rked E~F,Ibi+. No. 1. 7. That pr•:~r to ccrnnencemenr. of ~ h~ Ac;ti ,ity authociaed reaalur_ion, or wf~hin a period of one {:3 year fcom the date oE thi~ resolutio:t, whfchever ~ccvrs Eirst, Condi~inn ttoe. 2, 3 and 6 above--+nentior,ed, ahail be c;,mpl~ed Mith. lEatonsiona ~or further tia~e to com~icFn_ sa3d condittons n~ay be qx~nted in accordanra vith 5ectfon 18.03.090 0[ *T~e Anahef:n FSunicf~ra: Cade. a• That apyroval of ~his ap~ltcation conetitutes ~pprava.l ~t the propos~ad requnst anly to the extant, that it comp_iea with she Anahel~ l~tunicigal Zonfnq Code and any cth~r applicable City reqvlatione. Apptaval does nat fnclu~]e any ~ct#nn or tindfnqa as r.o ~:riTplf~n~g or approvai ~C Ghe rRqueet r.eqardinq any ather applicalb]a arcl;naare, re~gulati~a er r'equiresnent. ~ ~ ~. -3- ~CA9~Y~0 ^ N . . ._ . . ... . . . .. . . . . . '~t~~ , , . r"~1 ~„~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,!,~~ ,~{ ~ ~~ i~, BE IT I~URT}tBR RBSOLVBD that the Ant+haim City PYanning Commigsion doea her4by Find ~nd determine that adoptfon oE thi3 ReEO]t~tion ia oxpresely predicated upon applicant's compliance with each ~n9 all of the conditiona hereinabove soC forth. Should any such con~liCions, or ac~y part tihereof, be daclared lnvalid or unnnforc;Aablu by the final judc~ment of nny ccurt of compeLen~ jurfsdiceir~r„ Chen this Rogolution, and any r~pproval~ herein conl:aineci, shall bo deemod nul]. ancl void. THK FOREGOYNG R~SULUTION is signoQ and approvocl by me this 8th day of May. 1989. ~ , - ''~ a,- ~I~, 'i', .! n.- ....~.1..=..L=v. ~ ~~ ~!`---- . CHAINWOMANi~ ANAHEI.~t CITY PLANNING COlr4r{ISSION ATl~'EST: ~ _~.r_ Q~ ~ ~' ~Qitn..,-~ ~_._ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING !'OWdIS:;ION . r` STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~ .:OUNTY OF OR;~tJGE ) sa. CITY OP t.NAilE1M ) I, Eclith t.. Narris, SQ~:retary nE the Anr~heim ~ity Planning r_~~iasion, do horeby c~rttfy that the forpqotnq resolution was pasaed and adopted at a mee[ing of r.lie Ar.~heim City Planning Co~nnfxsiot~ held on May $, 1989, by the followinq vote of the members theroo[s AYBSt CGMA~l2SSZONBR5: EOUAS, B~YDSTUN, CARUSILLO, tIERHST, MESSE NOE5 s C4~4~lI85IONBRS s NONE ABSY.NTs CObO+LiSSIONERSt pELDH7.US, MC BlIRNEY It~ WITNP.S:; FiRF.REOE', I have hpreunta Let my hand thi$ 8th day v; May, 1984. - -__.__~_ ~ ~_..t ~ ' . --~-_-.--~~_.__-~_ ~~~~ _ :~F:CRE;ARY, At~AH~'IM Ct'I'Y PLANNIH6 CGI-4~4I5KION