Resolution-PC 89-137~~ :~~~•~ ,`ti 1 '.rHA~. !~! ~ ~ S:.I il R~Q4j7~~4N NQ`.I'~.~.~:~Z A RESOLUTYON OE' THE ANI~HEIM CI'.CY PLANNING COt~{ISSTON TERMINATYNG ALL PROCEEDIx~GS IN CONNECTION WtTFi CONAI'PIONAL, US~ PERMIT N0. 24'15 ~ -9:IFREAS, on F'obrunry %, 1983, Conditional Uae Permit Nn. 2415 was qc'an`od und~r Resolution Nc. PC83-29 by the Anaheim PYanning Commfssian to permit a pro-sChool and day care cenLor with a max~mum of 44 children in th~ RM-1200 (Residential, Multiplo-ramily) Zone on ~n irregular.ly-ahaped parcel of land cuns.tsti~q of approximately 1.T acra, having a t:rontage of approximately 9R fe~t on the west side of G:eonloat Av~nue, havinq a maximum rlepth oF approximataly 550 feet and fucther. described as 2050 West Greenleaf Avenua. WHEREAS, RoberC Torrris, Contury {Veat Developmant, has submitCed e loL•~ar requeutinq tormination of Conditior..al Usc~ Permit No. 2415 ko comply with the conclitions oE approval of Varitnce iVo. 3023. NOW, THEItEFOP,E, BE I ~ RESO:,V~'D that the ?lnaheim City P).anninq Cor~,:~~i.ssior, do~s heraby termi::ate a12 proceedings in connection with =~-~IiditioTi~: Use Permit No. 2~515 on l-he basis •,E the foreqoing findinqs. THE FORF.GOI21G RF.SOLUTION is signed and approved by me this Sth day of t~::.y, 1909. • < > ~ ., -_ -_----- ~~-~~~_~ .~~~~.~ _- SECR~TARY, NiAf{gIM CLTY PLl-NHING C.Ch4+tISSION ~ -i ~ / ~~' ~ ._._ _ ~~' _ i L.%r '.~./ c.._~ CHAIRWOMA?i,~ ]1NAfiLIM CITY PLANNING COA4rSIS5ZON ATTEST• ` 5TAT±: QP CAf.iFORNTA ) COUNTY OP URANCB ) ~a. CITY OF ANA}iEIM ) I, Edith L. Narris, Spcretar.y of the Anaheim City Planninq Ca,nmibafon, do hereby certify C)~at the foreg~tng resu~urfon aaa passed axid adopted ~t a mcetfnq of tAo Anahetn City Planninq CommiRS~ion held on May g, 19R9, by the fo]lowing votQ of the mem~~,rs theroofs AYESs CQMMI5SIdNERS: HOUAS, BOYUSTUN, ~'ARU5If.L0, FL'LDHAUS, l~ER$ST, MC E3URNEY, MLSSB NU~5: CON.~SISSIdN~*E25s lipNE J~ASBttT: COMMISSIU1tEitS: hOtiB IN WITti~5S W}iBR~OF, I hav~ I~oreunr_o at~t my hand thi~ 8th dsy of May, 19tf9. .~_.___~..~~~' _ - ~Gl~ ._.. SeCRETARY, At~ANpiM CITY PLANNING CC'MMLSSION 09S4r PC89-137 ':~ ;:,;. _ . :~~