Resolution-PC 89-139~ 11 ,f~Y. !2.k'KY~~_l~+~ ~_T~..S,SeX.7~3. ~"~ " ~ A RC.~OLU'xTON OH THF I~NAHEIM CTTY PLANNlNG COMMI5SION T,HA~' PETTTJON FOR VARIANCE TTO. 3939 DE GRANTED WHL;fiEAS, thQ Anaheim City Planning Commi~s.inn did receive s~ vQrifiecl Petition Enr Variarice Crom BARIIARA ANN SMITH, 6555 S. Fdinboro Circle, Anaheim, CA 92807, owner, and ROAE;RT E. SMITH, M.D „ 6555 E. Edinbora Circle, An~heim, CA 9280'l, ~gent L•or certai.n real proporty ~itua~ed in the CiL-y of. AnahE?m, County of Orange, SLake of C~~.lifornia doscribod as: LUT 4~ OF TRACT 8375 A^u SFiOWN OD1 MAP RECQRDED IN BOOK 395, PAGES 34 TO 39 INCI,IiSIVE Or MISCELLANEOU~ MAPS, IN TfiE OFFICL OF TFiE COUNTY RECORDFR OF SAID OR~-Ir'GE COUNT'SC, CALTFORNIA. WEtEREA5, the City nlanning Commission did hold a public hearing ~ih t!:e Civic C~ntoz• in tna City of Anaheim on April 24, 1989, at 1:30 p.m., noti~e of said public hearing haviru~ besn du.ly givon a~ required by law and in accordanc:e with the ~arovi~ior_s oE tho Anal~eim Municipal Code, Chapter 'I$.03, to bear ancl consider avid~nce for and against said proposed variance and ta investigate 3nc3 make findings and recommendations .in connection therewith; and said petiti.an was continued L•o tho meeking ot May 22, ].989; and WHEREA5, said Commission, aEt.er dve inspection, investigati~n and skudy made by it~elf and in ~.ts behai~, ~nd a£ter due con~.ideration of a11 evidence and reports offered st said he~ring, doe~ Eind and detexmi.ns L•he following iact~: 1. That the petitioner r~quests waivar of the following to relocate an existing groui~d-mountacl sate113te dish; S~~TIQN _18, 84., U1.2 .~12 - Pr92~it,Zi~..~d 9r.Q4i2~.lL~o~~S~ ~q~~'2~S~r~• ' (N~ root• or ground-mounted sat~lli~e dishes permittad .in the Scenic Corridor Uvorlay 'Lone; one 10-ft.-diumeter ground-mounted dish existing) 2. That thE abov«~-mentioaed waiver is hereby qrantPd oii tho basis that theie is sFecial. circunstances applfcable to the proporty such as sizs, sliape, tupography, location and surrouridin~s whic2i clo not apply to other .id~nti.cally zoned prcperty in. tliQ se-me vicinity; and that strict applicatiozi o£ tho Zoning Code deprives the property af. privi.leges enjoyed hy othRr properties in ttie ident•ical -,,oiie and c].assification in ~he vici.nity. ,~ ~ ~. 3. That ~he proposod var.iance is hereby grantAd on the basis that revised plans were submitted celocating the di~h 10 Eeet do~an the slopo, 30 foet from the westerly proporty l~.ne, 49 feet from the north property line ancl 45 feet from the sou~h propertx line thoroby makin~ it less visib'!e. 4. That thare are Pxcc~ptional or exL•raordinary circumstznces or conditions appiicab3.e to the property inv~lved or to ~he intended use of tho ~ property that do not app2y genorully to the proper~.y or class of use in Che ; same vicinity and 2one. ; `, i 0867r -1- PC~g-1's9 ~ ~ k~ar~ ~ . . . . --~- . . . . -a ... , ` '~ tM ~ T ; f~~~'I , ~ ~ ~~ P. ; :1 . rl~;; i 5. That the requ~stec~ variance is neceas~ry for ~he pYesdr~~acion and e~ijoyment of a substantia) , propertY ri ht ?xr ~F~rL•y an the samo viciniL,p and zone, and dQni n by o~her 3 s ~' e ~o the pro ert ; P Y question. '' 6. Tha~ the i•eque~~ad variance wi11 not be materi~lly de~rimerr,a~, ;;~ ~ho ~,ub.Lic welf~re or injuri au~ to h,he proparty or improvemonts in such vicinity a:.d zone in which ~h~ ~ pruperty is loc;ated. '~ 7' Thar at t21e May 2l, 1989, pub).ic he~-ring, there was one per~nn indicatir~g l~er presence i n opposition and fivo pt~ople appeared a£tor th~ hearii:g was closed indicating their opposition; and that three peopla indicated ~heir ~rasence .fn opposition at the A~r il 24 , 1989, public l~earing; and that a petition contai:~in ~ g Zppro~imate].y 74 sigr~a~uros wa oppositio ~ received in n to subject petition. ~At~IFQRN~_ EN~~IR.QNM~i~xAZ.,~~ ~ TTX_ ACT ~HP~N~s The Planning Girector or hi~ author iza~ r~ . ~reseutativo has det;ermined that th~ pr~posed project ft~11s with.in the defini'tinn f o : CategoriGal Exemptions, C1ass 11, ,~s dQfinod in the State ETR Guidelinas and i . s, thare~ore, categorically exempt from tht~ requiremen~ to prepare an EIR, NOW, THEREFORE, E3F. IT RESOLVED that thQ AnahRim City Planning Commission cioes hareby grt~nt subjecC perition for Variance, up~n the following conditioiis wtiich are heroby found to be a nec~ssary prere~uisiro to tho proposed us~ o.E tho subjQCt propQrty 9.n order to preservo L•he safety anci genQral welfarR oL• l:he Citizens of l:he Ci~y of Anahc~im: 1. That plans stiall be submitted to tha Build.fng Division showang compllance with the minin~wn 3tandards of the L'ity of Anaheim, including the Uriiform Building, ElecCrical and Mechanical Codes es adopted by l:he City of AnahQim. ~ho appropriar~ pc~rmit~ shall be obtainad For any nece~ssary wurk. u Z• Thdt ~ubjer.t propQrL•y ~hall he developad subsL•an~ially in accordance with ; plans and specifications on file with tho Cit}~ of Anaheim marked Rovision ~ No. 1 of Ex}~.ibxt No. .l, and Cxhibit Nos. 2 and 3. ~ 3. That appxova7. oP this application c~nstitutos approval af the propo3ecl roquQSt only to tha extenr_ t;hat it comQli.es witki thp Anah~im Municipal Zoning Code and any other rspp~icoble City regulatiohs. ApprcvHl does noC ` include any acti.on or findi.ngs as to compliancu or a re:c~uesC regardiny any othor aPPlir.~b2e ordinance, pPegulation tor ~ requiremRnt. Bk IT PURTHER RLSOLVED that the Anaheim City Plannin does hereby find and determine hhat a4op~ion oi this Resoliition ~s CQ presgly predicate~3 upon appli~:unt's compliance with ea~:h and all of the conditionn horQinabove ~e~ Eor~h. Should any such conditions, or any part thereof, }~e cieclaroci invalld or unenforceable hy the final judgm~nt of any court of competent jurisdiction, L•hen r.his Resolution, and any aQprovals herein r,o:ikained, shall be deemed :~ull ar,d void. -2- E'C8A-139 ~~.; } ( '.. , ~ ,~ , ~ ~ ..1~.'~W; .~f~`.l f:u... .1 ~. : t•~ ~ ~ .... . . . .u ... +'~Y.:': .. .. n ~ . _.. ,~~~ ~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTJO~T is signed r~nci approvecl by iY~e this 2Znd day o~ May, 19~9. ....~f~/~~f±_.r'!. /%~/C!G.l.~~~~_.. CHAIRWODIAN, ANi~iEIM CI~Y' PLANNING COt~4+~f:[SSION r~ A'rTEST: n ~,~ ~,.~.~. _._____...~. y ~ .''iECRET,ARY., ANAHFIM CITX PLANNING COMMISSION S'rATE OF CALT~ORNTA COUPITY OF ORANGL ) 5s. GITY UF l.~tAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Sacretary of the Anu'rieim City Planninq Commiss.ion, do hereby cer.ti.fy th34 the Eores~oing resulution wa~ passod and ac3o~ate~ at a m~ering oF tha Anr~hQim City Planning Cortunission hold on May 22, 1989, by the following vote of the membezs th~seof: AXES: COMMiSS:[ONERS: BOUAS, BOYDSTUN, CARU^uILLO, FET~llHAUS, FiERBSx, MC FJURN~Y, MESSE NO~S: CO1rL'~fISSIONrRS: NONE ABSEPiT: CONIt`fISSIQNEkS: NQNE IN WITt3ESS WHEREOF, I hdve horeunto set my hanci this 22nd day of May. 7.989. ~...~. • ~ ' ~.__---'~~-~~^-~` "'~ ° ~ -LL~" .'.~'v SECRETARY, ANAHETM C,ITY PI,ANNING COt~tISSION