Resolution-PC 89-141. ~ .. , , ... .-. ,... ~ .,~.~„~a ~.~~.,'-.:,};:~~#.4'a'P - , . . .....s ,~ ~ ,~'!~: ~~-ri4~•U~~QN. N0.__,~'~OQ~~4~ A RBSn~,UTION QF TN~ ANAH[iIM CITY PLANNING COt~iMI:i8I0N 'TfiAT PRTTfiIpN FOH VARIIWCB N0. ;ty~7 BB GRAN?ISD -'1116R~AS, thcs Annhe3m CiCy ~lanr~inq Con~mis~ion dId r~celve a ve~riffed Yertit.t~n [~r terianc~ Crom [3LASti MOtYBNY, 2p02 Ba$1ne~s Center Drivee, Anaheim, CA 9Z007, ohr.er, and HiCHAEL IfRA~I~R, 1810A Yorba Lfnde, SuiF.e 201, YurhR LE:~da, CA 92686, ayen~: tor certain reA1 property situated !-n the Cit/ ~~f J1n~~heim, Cuunty o( Ort~nge, Stn*_e o[ Cal;fornfa ~faacrEbert aa~ iNF. NF;5i O1tF-}{AGF, KLrAStlRBD 1-LOHIG Ti'};g 5(1(lTH LINB OP :-a't' } I. OP TFACT 74:~, YH i HB CY?Y 01" A1~~.N6IM, COUN7Y OF ~RAN,~. STA?E f1P CJ1LtiPORHIA. AS SlIOMN OK A tSl1P Rl:CORDE:U IN [3Ut~K 21 P1tGr 10 OE` I~{TSGBLLXN60JS iM14PS, R~COttbS ~F ORA:IGE CC:.riTY, CAG3POF;NIA. t~t~tERi:hS, thF City F~innnEr,g Comrnissfon dfd hold a publfc hearinq ~~ ttre CiRrdc Cpntec in ~he Cily o[ AnAttiefm on l~ay 21. 19A9, at la~~ p.tp., n€~tice af ;~aisi publf. ti~3~~~;T ;;n;,::.~ ~~~ri ciu3y Viven as required by lar and in accr_rc~antic Ki*_~ tt,~ ;:z,•.- .'sans aC th~ Jlnahefinn Municf al Code, t5 r.ear and consid•.; ::Wider~c~e for a:~ci a afnst s8;d P ro Chapter 1d.03, ir~v~stfiqate and reake i~r~~finqs enci rec~~9n~ncl.~tions in co.r~~etY n therevir.hant~~d~ ~}1~RF.l~S, sai~l Crernig.~icn, at~:er dntr jnspectian, iaveatlqAtiot~ aj:~ stuctY r.-arte by itse)~ and fn Ft~ hehal(, art~ $irpr due c~nsideratian o[ nll evx~)r.r.ce an~ rep~rts ~tlrsred at ~atd t~e~rinq, does t%ncS and detttmine tBe foY~Q~rfing far_~s; I. :ha- trie ~e~ktr.ioner p:o~ases va~v~rs of t1,o tollovf+nq to cor~str~~ct. a 2-9t4tfr, 12-ureit a~artmQn*_ :c ~plexs ~E1~i ~i'(•"~i:~li _2$.~4.Gbz.4I2 - ?!t' "uea~ t~~~uc~ur • _ ~r .h~iyh4. (~ :9YY +.ithin 15~ [eet at a sfnqle-faaily res.,~entibl aone ~SerK-dr_ted: ~.__~~~';~~ at S [Fer [r~ RS~A-43,p60 sanfnq ~nd 13~5 Eee~t [ro+n En~na Far1e 9inyla-tarvfly sonjTM'~ ProPoae~3, t'~~ S~~;]tYO~ 18,_.34.ph2.~1.~ - Y_.as_b~ara~ _~i4e_c4v.~~r~~e. ($_$~ Er~irhit!ed: ~~'~y ~yrp~6SBCS) 2. ;~~'t ~~~ a~ovo-s~nt[oned erbiww.rs ace hereby gra~nEed on tho barsia ~!rr,~ rhis ks -.he~ laaf- Parca_i ~,n ~thFs ~LG•s af thr q~re+rt ax~ct ia this pars~fr,u~ar b.ar.k rlrich t.a~ rr~t ~e~rf dea~elu,~rc~ a-_ ~-1~-1Ydc: stan~tards: ar~d that strYCt ~p~p~isat irrry rsi cha Zonfr-~ Ca~ly d~priaes ~:trs pro~•«q ai ~.+~vil~qes ~-njcs~ ryCho_r pr~pprt~a~ fn ~.r.~ pc?er~t~ i~~Y a~ne And rtaa~si[icatf~on iv~ ~Mt viCit~fty, ~ ~`• ~~h~ tlw~ p~rap~rssw~ s~aria~nt~ is h~reisf ~tanted oa th~- basis thr~t ~t.a pr~p~yge~ ~tcrje~t ~l~~selp rr~~yicr~s ~~ tka s~aeyda~r~f~ ir~ t r,ow ~4-24~~' Z~ni~~ ~r~i~xnce, a:rc1 th~ tr,~aY ncr~n,~tv¢r o[ bec~r~~fap~,~ta ~ted i~.o ~i~thtF~n 1Da31 ~•P-ir.h ror!',rc~s~ •h~ ;~,ryten~ia~ pr~g~l~Ac~~6-1~ ctpnyk~y- ~r~ ~t~fCi~ c~r~r~t~± i~r~. ~?li~r ~ ~ ~qg- !~t :.~, ~ 4. Tliat there nrR exceptiGnal or ~xtraordinary cirr.umata~nCes or conditions appll~:able to the ~roperty invol~-~d or ko the intendoc~ uso of the proper~y tha~ do not np,-ly gcnernlly to the proparty or clasa of uso in the same vic.tniCy and aone. 5. That tl-e roc•:,RRCBd variance ta nQCessary Eor the pre$ervatic+n and enjoyment oC a substa.ntirl property right poasessed by otha* property in the snme vic.tnlty rnd aone, and doniod to the propcsrty in ques~.ion. 6. ThoC the rctyuastn~ variance Will not be mnter.ie'lly ~eCri.nentn] Co the public welfare or injurious to the proparty or improvements in such vic.inity ~nd z~ne in which Lhe propQrty ia ;ocated. '1. That one interest,ed perROn indicat~rcl his presence at said public hear~ng; ancl thar. r,~~ correspondence vas receiv~d in opposition to aubject req~~~st. T._.._~~~1D~.~Y~r= That the Anehoim ~AL2Y4Rt1IA.__~T~VI~t4N(~S~il'TAL_--.S2.~1A4~'~...~~ . City ?lanniny Camcnlssion has revieMec] the prr•prr~al to r9classify subject proQcsrty Crom RS-A-93,OOC to r.h3 .tM-1'7.00 and t~ c~~nstruc:t a 3-~tcry, 12-unit a~ar~r+ient comple: with waivers oE maxFmum Rtruct»~'al heiqht and maximum site coverags on ~n irregularly-ghAped parcel ot land cunsistinq of Hp~roxfmntaly 0.35 ,cre ha-ring a frontage af a~,proair:a~~~y f~r~ fge.r, on the north aide af Savannt+ Street, hav;nq a maxina~ deptA of appr~ximatoly 240 feet, be.taq locate~ approxirnately 115 feet a~sst o[ the centerline of Mariau Nay and f+irther ~feacr::bed aa 362<< Savanna Stre~t; aeyd does hergby approve the Neastfve Decla~rdtfon u~o,i ffndinq that it haa considered the Neqar.iva Declaration r_oqether with any commen~s recefved rlurfnq the publ3.c rovfaM process and turt;~er finclinq on the basis of the initfal study end any r_nren~ent~ recelved that the:e i~ no subatantial evidence that the project Mill hiwe a 9iqnffica~~t offect on tte environment. NCH, 7F.'gREt'OP.E, Bx YT RESOLVED thac t he Anaheim City Plannir-~ Cocv~~ssior, does h+sieny gran' aubiect Petf*fon tor Varfnnre, upon the f.oliovfng conditinzia Mhich are hereby found t~ be a necessary prerequislte to 1.he pr~~c,sed ~~ae oE the su~sfect property in order t~ E-renerve the safety ~nd qaneral sreltar~ of the Cttisens oE thQ Cjty ot llnnricefr~: 1, 'yTiat pr3~or t~ issvance ~f a buildiny permit, y.he appropriete ttafEiC siqnal assessn-en!: [ee sinall be p~id to r_hp City of Anaheim in yn amo~~nt a~ estaialished by City Coan~IY resolut~on. 2, ~hat priar to issuance o3 a b~ildinq p~rmit, the appro;riate draiaaqe a sess~ent fees shalt be pai~ to th~ ~fty oi J4naf~3im Sn an ar.wvat as rleterr~ined bq t.hp City EngineAr. 3, ?t at the gx i s+~ i nq dr i ae.-ays c~n ~avanna St reet ah +l: !~e rea~ove<l and ~eplac~d ritt~ saanclard cucb anc! qutter, syueaaDk and 1and~c:apins~. ,~. ~a~. ~trsfaaqe vf subjcct Froperty shal, be ap~rov~d 6f in a Manne* satf~tac~a~y "_o !he ('ity ~r~inzer. 3, '7hat this variar~a:e {s ~r~n~e•3 subjcc~ r..r. ,ado~rti~n ut a zvnftrq or~inance iri +~r~,nr~a_r_Ciaa wi~h pc~rY-ssifie3tian Z1o. tt8-R4=56, nov pen~inq. _2~ ~'CA9-141 ~~ , ~V~ ~k}~ ; e: 6. That pr.ior Co issua.:ce of a builAing perm.lt, Cht~ nppzopriata feee due C~r prim~-ry m~ins t+nd eocnndary m~+ins, oh~ll be puid Ce tha Water Utili~y Divis.ton in ac;cordance with Rules 15A and 20 oE the WaCer Utility Rates, Ku1QS and :2oqt~ls~tions. 7. ~t~at pc•ior to i~guAnr.e o[ n huilclinq permit, rhe water main in Savanna 5treaL• stiall be upgracled tn tAo catiafacLi~on oE the City Water Enginoering Divislon Hnd Fire Uupnrtmont. 0. That rha er,tire projec:t, inc.tuding qarage and uni~y, shall be fire spr.tnkled with a "NFPA-l:i" syatem, as ra,uired by the Ciicy Firct Dapartmpnt. 9, That aubjrscl- property shall bc aerved by underground utili~ios. lU. Thar. trt~sh stor~ge area3 shnll be providud ancl maintainod in a locati.on acceptable to the Strect Maintenance and 5unitation Division and in acr.orda~~ce With approvecl p1nnR on file with said Di~-ision. 5uch in:ormarion shz+ll be sp~rcifically shoan ~n the pl~ns 3ubmittetl for builclinq permfts and shall consist oE the fol~owinqs (a) Tuo asts o~ doors, (b) 1~ six (6) inch high by twelve i12) inch wide di~vicler, (c) No Minq walls, ar,d (d) l. side wall locate~i at t}~e center of the trash storay~ a-ea. 11. xhat prior to final buildiny an~ zoninq inspe~tions, "No parking tor street aweepin~," signs shall be installed as required by the 5treeC Main"enarer.e and Sani*_ation Division ar.d .in accordance wiFh apecifi~alions on Eile with sr-id diviaion. 1~. That the renter of oach rosid~nr.ial 8welling unit st~all be provided with writCen tiiformation c:onr.erninq Anaheim Monfcipal Cods Section 1~.33.500 pertaining to "Parkinq restricted to [acl~i*.ate streQt sweppinq". Such wr.{lton irrfor.nation shall .:le:.rly inclicn[e when on-atroet parking ia prohibited ~,:~ci the ~-Pnalty f~r violafion. 13. Tt.~t qates shall not be inst~+2ied acroas tbe drivQxay in a manner which may adveraely atEect. vehicular traffic in the a8jacent public oS:reet. installation of ~ny ~ates shall conform to the Bnqineering Dlviaion's :~tanAard Pl~n N~. 402 aad shall bQ subject ta the CAViP.M and approval oE the City '~raEfic F.ngineer. l~. That the propos~a~l pnrkfng ntructure dea.fqn shall conform to thp Enq9neering Dlvi~i~n's Standard Plan tio. 4U2-A pertafninq to ~tandard detaila Cor parking structurert. 15. 7Phat a parkiny p2an fndicntir.y compliance s~ith City parkinq design st~ndardb shall be aubmitted r.o and ~pproveci by the City TrnEfic. ~ngi»eer. 16. Thak prio~ to i::ruance at ~ buiiclinq germit, appropriate park and re~:reation in~-ifau Lees aP.zll be paTi~ to Ll~e Cft~ oE ~-nahdfm in an a~vwunt ax de~,ermfnoa by tht~ City Cou»¢Y1. ..~_ PC89-141 L~ ..,r~ 17. ThaL• prior Co commencement c~ atrur.tural Praming, ffr~ hydrante shaXl be instnllod nnd charq~d as requir~cl and ~pproved by the City Flre De~partment. '18. That all .lockflbld Podestri~n and vahicul~r accoss gates shall bA equippod wiL•h a"knox box" clevice, I~ roquired 'ay and to the satigfnction of tho CiLy F:re and/or Police Deparr.ments. 19. That c~ll ~-ir condi~loning Eacill~ins ~nd othcr roof antl ground mounted equ.ipment shall be properly shieldeQ Crom viaw and ~he sound buFfArec~ from adja^_r,i. re~iAenti~l propyrtioa. 20. That prior to fs3uance of a bui~d.ing permit, e~i.de t shal] be p:esented satisFactory c.n thc Building llivision that the proposed projec~ is in contormance Nith Council Policy Number 5~32 "Sound Attenua~fon in Residential Projects" and ~ith t7oise Snsulation Stand~rds specified in the Cal3fornia AdminisGrative Code. Title 25. 21. That rr,inimum L"ifteen (15) yullon treas planted on minimum ten (10) foot centorY, includin~ appro~riate irrfgation f.acilities, ahall bo ins~callod and mraintained alonq ~.he north ~rope~rty ling. 22. Tt-at aubje~•t proF,erty shall be develop~d substantially in accordznce with plans ~~d Qpe~•,ifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 thr~uqh 4; provided, howevec, that revised plans shall be submitted to and appro•~ed by the Plannir,q Commission prior to issuance oE bui~.dinq permits restrictinq L•ho project t~ a maximum total of 18 bedrooms, which r_ould ve davelopod as sIx 1-hedroom and aix 2-bedroom units, anc] Curther that prior ko issuance of a building pbrmit, the developer hha.ll rACOrd a covQnant with the otfice af the Oranqe County Recorder quar~ntQeing that Lhe total numb~r of bodrooma shall be r~ar.rictad to oightesn (18). ~rior to rtscorda~ion, tn~ covenant ahall aLe submitted to the City Attorney tor review and apprval as to format, and then ~ copy of the reccrdQd c:ovenF.nt shali be sunmit+Led to the ?,uninq Division. 23. That curb~ anc2 gutter3 sh~ll be repafiad along Savanna Street as requiresd by the Cfty Lnqincsar and in accorc]unco wiLh standarcl plans and specific~-tiona on f`1Q iii the OfficQ of thQ City Enqinceer. 24. TI-aC all plurnbinq or other ~irnilar pipos dnd £ixtures locatetl on tho ext~srior of the building sh~11 bcs tully screened bS• arch.itectural device~ and/or appropria~e building materials; and, fuct•her, that such Informatio;~ shall ~e speciLica~ly sTiown on Che plans submitted for buildfnq permitn. t5. That privr ta issuancP of a b~flding permit or within a perSed of ono (].) yoar ir~i.: che d9te of thiu resolution, tirhichever oc curs firat, Conditiu~ No~t. 1, 2, S, 6, 7, 13, 14, 1~, 16, 20, 21, 22 nnd 24, t~bove•mnntioned., sh~ll bc complic~d xith. ~xtanaions ~or furthai~ timg to complete said conditfons mt~y be grant~d in accordence with Section 16.03.C90 of the Angheim NuniCipal. Code. 26. That prior t~~ final building an~f 2oninq fnspQrrinns, Condfr,i~n Noa. 3, 4., 8, 9, 10, ?~1, 14, 15, I8, 19, 22 and 21. ubove-mentioned, ahall bu cornplled with. -4 - PC89-141 ~' '~~A ~. , . ._ . ,, .. . . . _ =~,' ~ : ~~ r?r~ ~ ~ ~~ ,4e~ 27. Thr~t i~pprov~l of this np~,licntion conatituCes approval of ~he propoaed requegt only to the extent that it complies with th~ Anaheim Municfpal r Zoninq Code ancl uny other applicablo Gity requlatior.s. Approvr~l does i~ot inc~uQe any acriun or .tiindi~-ys ~s ~to compli.ance ~z approval o£ the roquost royarding any nther bpplicable ~rd~nnnce, r.egulation or requiremQnt. BE IT EURTHER kESO'LVEU that the Annheim Clty P~anning Commie3i~n , does herdby find and ~~etermin~ that t-doption of. t:~is Resolu~io~s is exprassly ~ predicated upon applicant's compliance with each and all of ~he condition~ hc~roinabove set f.orth. Should any ~uch conditions, ~r, br.y parC tiharqof, be declared ~nvalid or unonf~rceablo by the final judgment af any court of competonC jurisdicr.ion, then this ResoltiC.ion, an~i any approvals herein contained, sha11 bcs dQOmad rzull and void. THE FUREGOxNG RESOLUTION i~ h:gnc~d and approved by me tt~is 22nd day oE May, 1989. ,. . , ;, "~'j~ ~r'~-. ,,~~~J~~'.:<•.~'.- _ _ _.1.~ 'iAIRWOMAK~ANAHBiM CITY PLANNING CQMMISSION ~, .1TTEST t ~~ - J,~ f . - --~~~ ..~~.~_~____ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLIWNING C~JMMISBION STATE OF CALIFO[2NTA } COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHF.IM ) Z, Ed3th L. Harris, Sacietary of thQ Anaheim City Planninq Commission, da heroby cercify that thQ f~regoing resolutioZ w~s passeci and ada~ted at a meatiny of the Anahsim City Planni.ng Commisssion held on May 27., 1989, by the fo:llowing votE o£ the romhors L•hereof: AYESS COh4`SISSiONERS: BOUAS, CARUSILLO, FELDHAUS, MC BURNFY, MESSE iJOBS: COhQtISSTp~I~RS: BOYDSTUN, HERBST ABS~NTt CONa!ISSIONERS: N421C It7 WITNES5 WFIEREOF, I havo hoc•QUn.ta set my haiid thi~ 22nd day of ' M~y. 1989. ;~ ;. ~~ ,~ 1 _--.____-~~~._4~~~d.e..~,- --- 'r; SECRETARY, ANAH~IM CITY PLANiiING COMMTSSIOH