Resolution-PC 89-143_ ~% QL.~~QN NO . ~'~.$Q ~.4~ A R~SOLUTI4N OF 1HE ANr~FIEIM CITY PLANNIN~ CUt~4fISSION THAT PETIT'[ON COR 'IAP,IANCE N0~ 3956 ~3E GRAN1'ED WHER~AS, verified Petitiaix for Boul~vard, Orangc~, CA Gwatney, 634 S. I.oara propPrty si.tuatQd in Cali£orni.a, describod a the AnahQa.m City P1~nning Commissioaa did racoive ~a Variance from Paul Et. (:hiavatti,, 489 N. wnahei.m 92bf>8, owner, and 1-NACAL ~HGTNEEI2ING, Attn: G1en Street, Anahoim, CA 928U2, agent for certain real the City of Anaheim, County ofi Orange, State of s follo~+s : A POR1'TON OF i'HE WEST HALF OF THE EAST I3ALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF LOT 48 OF ANAF~EIM EXTENSION, AS ::I~Oh'N ON A MAE' OF SURVFY M31DE BY WIF,LII~hi HAMEL, A.ND FILED IN THE OE'FICE OF 'T.FIE COUINTY RECO~DER OF Lb5 ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DESCEIBED AS FOLLOWS: I3EGINiJI27G AT TFiE SOCJTHGAST COIt.NER OF LOT 18 OF T42ACT N0. 1544, IN TH~ CITY OE' ANAEiEIM, C(IUNTY Ol' ORAN~~;iE~ S'SATE OF CALIFOR;IIA, AS : HUWN ON ]~ MAP RECORDEA TN AOOK 47, PAGE 30 OF MISCELLANEOUS MI~P5, EZECORCI5 OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALr:ORNIA; THENCE SOUTH 0° 11' 37" F;AST, ALONG THE SOIITHERLY pROLONGAxTON OF THE EASTF.RLY LINE UF SAID TRACT N0. 1544, TO A POINT UN THE CENTER LINF: OF A 60 E'OOT STRb;ET ICNOWAT AS CRONE AVE2NE, AS SHOWN ON SAIA MAP OF TRACT N0. 15~34; THENCE SOUTS 89° 10' 00" WEST ALONG xHE C~NTER LINE aF SA'[p CRONE AVEIv'UE, 164.11 FC~T Tn A POT_NT ON TFiE SOUTHERLY E]CTENSION ~F THF DSOST EA~TERLY LINE OF LUT 15 OF SA:[D TkACT NQ. 1544 j THEtiCF NOP.TFi 0'D 09' 5~!" WF.ST, ~~,ONG SAID SOUTH~RLY EXTEN57(ON l~ND THE MOST EAS'P~ItLY i,INE OF SAID LOT 15; 328.88 FEET TO AN 't.NGLE PUINT IN SAID TRACT N0. Y544; THENCE NORTii 89° 14' ~7" EAST, ALONG :CHE SQUTH LINE OF LOTS 16, 17 AND 18 OF SAID TRACT N0. 1544, 163.93 FF~,T TO T}iE POINT OI' BEGINNING; EXCFPTING THEREFROri TIiE EaST 80 ~EET; AL50 EX~EPTING THERCFROM THA~ PORTION LYING SOUTH OF 'CiiF. NdRTH LJNE qF THAT CEitTAIN STRIP OF' LAND CONVEYED BY C.W. HEUGES AtJD OTHERS TU TEIE CIZ'Y OF ANAFiEIM, BY DE~DS RECORDED MARCH 2, 1908 IN BOOK 157, PAGES 334 AND 335, RESPk;CTIVET,Y UF DEEDS. WFIEREA5, the City Planning Commisaion did hold a public hoar.ing at the Cfvi.c C~nter in rhe City uf A,nali~im on May 22, 19E39, at 1:30 p.m., not.ice ~f said public hasring having bevn duly given as required by ~aw and in accordanc~ witk the provisious of the Ax~aheim rSuni.c~pR.l Code, Chapter 18.03, t~ hear and consider c~vidence f~r nnd against sa.td propoaQd v ar.iance ~snd to inve5t.iqAte anci~nakn f~ndinys z-nd rocommen?latxons in conn~c;rion thorewith; ~nd 0872r -1~ PC$9-143 ~:'r ,.' ~ e~ ., ;,x ~~, + WHERr\S, said Cammission, c~f.t~r due inspoatioli, investigation and study mnde by itself• and i.n its behalE, ~nd aE~er due c~nsidert~tion of a11 Rvidence t~nd reporC~s off.ored at said heaY~Ing, d~es Eind and dAterminQ the following facts: l. Tnar the petitioner. requesta waiver ~f t'~e folloWing to establish ~ 3-l~t sub~livision to construct 2 airigla-f~rnily homt~sa A ~~~T7~._?_$.s..S1~1~Q - R~uir~~~ ~r~t~~. (A:il 1~, required to abut a publ_s.c street or alley; ,~ ?.ots without frnnt~tge pr~pasad) 2. That the nbave-mentionr~d waivPrs are he.reby grantad on the basis i:hat ther.Q ara special circums~aricos applicr~ble to Che~ property such as size, shape, topogr~phy, location ~nd surraunding:~ which r3.o not apply t:a other identir.ally zone~d Qropcrty in tt;e :;ame vicinity; that atrict aQplic~,t3on oE ths Zonxng Codo deprives L•he proper~.y of: privileg~s enjoyed by other ' ~roperties in the identical zone and classification in ~ho vicinity anc! that a private acce:;s eas~rnent in accordance with Ciky sCandards will be pro~ri~~ad., ' '`' 3. That there are excer~t;.nnal or extraordinary circums':ancEt; ur ' conditzons applicahle to tha proporty involved or to ~he ii~tended use of the y. ~r~perty L•hat do not apply yenorally to .:he proper*y or class o.E usa in the scvne vic,initp and zonQ. 4. Th~t tbe requested variance is necessary ~or trP ~Sreaervat.£on and enjoyment of a subsrant.ial prc~porty x•ight possossed by other proper~y xiz Che same vicinity and zono, anrl deniec~ to the property i.n quesC.ion. 5. ~'hat tlze r.onuested varitince will nut be.t materially deCrimantal ro the public welfar.e or injurious to the praperty or impr~vements .~n such via~nity ancl zone .in which thQ property is locatad. 6. '.tha~ five (5) people indicated their prosence at said public heari.ng in apposition; an~. that no c~rresponden~e was received in opposition to subject pc~tition. ~~~QRjI':A ENy,IRQJ t~E I,~~T_QUAI, xX ACT ~'~1QINC: Zhat th~ Anat~eim City Flai~ning t^omm~asian has reviQwed thQ proposal to rPc. ~ssify sub;ec~ prop~rty from tra RS~A-43,000 (Resiflential/Agr'cultur~l) Znnr, ..o the RS -720U (R~sidc~ntial, Singl~-Fam.xly) Zone to construc_ a 3-lot 3ubdivision with waiver or reguirecl lot frontage on a r.•ectangularly-shaped parcel of l~nd con~isting of approximat~l.y 25,093 s~uare feot, having a frontage oF. approximatgly a4 foot on t'l~e north s.ide of Crone AvtT17~U@~ having a maximum depth of ap~iox9.ma4ely 300 feet, being l~catc~d ~p~roximately 243 feet west af the centerline of Pythias Avenue and further described as 1421 West ~rone avenue; and does h~reb~• approve the N~qative Declaration upon finding that it has c~nsidered the Negr~tive Declt•.atiun tugethar with any comments r~ceived during the pnblic review proces~ ar.d ~urther finding on the basis of the i,~ir.i~i studg and any comments received that there is no substant•ial eviden.:e that the praject wil.l havo a signi.tican~ effect on the environment. , , i ;~ ~a„~: ,.1' t. ~2- PC89-Y43 ~ ~ti , _ . ..,,,, t,v,~,n,,, ,:~~ NOF1, ~FiEREFORE, HE I'1' RESOLVED that the .A,2aheim City Planning Commiss3nn does hareby grant subjec~ k~eti~zon Eor Varxance, upon the followii~g condi~ions which ar~ horeby fuund to ba a.necessary prerequis3i:e to the proposeG u5c~ of the su5ject propeL~ty in ordar to preserve the sa£et~ and • ganeral walfare of Che Citizens aE the City ~of Anaheim: ~ ~, ; l. That sidewalk ,, curbs an~ giitters sha:ll be rer,a3.red along CronE~ Avonue aa r.equirod by the C:ity Engin~er ~n~i i.n accordz . with standard p]ana and specifications on fiJ.e in the O~fice ui•' khe City E;~igineer. 2. 'Phat priar to issuance of. a building permiL-, the appropx~iate traff.ic ~igz~al asskssment £ee shall be paid to tho City n£ Anahe3.m in an amount as ~:stablished by City Council resolut3on. 3. 7.'hat gatQS shall not bQ ir~stalled across the drfveway in a manner which may adversely affect vehicular traff•ic in the t~djacont public str.eet. Tnstall~tion of ~ny gutes sh~11 con.Eorm to Lhe Er.gineering nepartmemt's , Standard Pl~n Nn. 90? and shail be subject ta th~ rev3ew ~-nd approval of the Gi.ty Traffic Engineer. ~' 4. That f.ire sprinklers ~hall be installe3 as reguired by tk~e City Fire , Departmeut. 5. ThaL• drainage of subjQCt property shall be approvcd 3n ~ manner satisfactozy ta tihe City Fngineer. 6. '1`hat all lots within subject subdivision sha11 be served by unc~.erground txtzlitiss, '7. Th~t all air conditioning facilit:.es and other xoof and ground mounted oquipment shall b~ propezly shieldeci :~rum view anc~ the sound buffered .f.rom adjacent res.idential properties. 8. Tb.,at prior to 3.ssuance of a building permit, Qvidexice sh~:7. be submitted to the 9ui.lding Division showing that the proposod project is in conforrnance with Counai I Policy Niimbc~r 542 "5ound ~,tt~-n~uation in kesidential Pro;jects" and with Noise Insula~:ion Standard~ specified in the California Adrninistrative Co~e, Title 25. 9. That subjecr_ propQrty shRll be clevo:lopeci substantially in accordance with Qlans and ,pecif,cationg on Eile with the C3~y of Anaheim marked Exhibit No. 1. 10. That prior to issuance of a buil.ding perm{t oc withir. a~,~eriod o~E one (1) year from the date of l;his reacclut:ion, whichever occurs first, Condi~ion Nos. 2, 5 and ~3, above-mentioned, shall bc~ compliod with. Rxtensio~xs for ~urthex time to comgleto sai.d condit3ons ma;- be qranted in accor.tiance with Sc;atien 1fl.03.09Q of the Anahc~im Municipal Cotie. il. xhat prior to final buildir.g anfl zoninq inspec~ions, Condition No~. 1, 4, 6, 1 and 9, above-montioned~ A~381.I. be comp].iod with. -3- PC89-143 r; ''~ ~.~,~ ';; ~~~ 'r;, ,ry;d ~,4 ": i , ,, ;i ~; ;. ,, ~ ~. 12. Th~t approval of this applfcation constitutes approval of the pr~pus~d request only to tha c~xtont that i.t r.omplias with the Annheim Municlpal 'Loning Code and any ~thor applicable Cit,y regulnti4~s. Approvc+7 doos n~t include any acti~~n or f.i.ndings r~s t~~ complt~.nce or c-pproval of the raquent rogarding i~ny othar applicable orainnnce~, regulation ox requir~ment. BE IT FURTFiE~ R~SOLVED that tho Anaheim City planning Convnission does horeby find and detormine that: adoption of this Resolutlon is expresaly prc~dic~tgd upon app2icant's compliance with oach and all of ~he ~~ondi~ions hereinabnve set L•ortl~. Should any such coriditions, or any p~trt thereof, be dQClared invnlfd or unenforceable by the final ju~3gment of any court of competent jurisdiction~ thon this kesoTution, and any approvals hexein contain~d, shal'1 ba deemQd nu11 anci void. ~2iE FORE;GOlNG RE:SOLUTIOr1 is siqxied and approved by mo this 22nd day of idav, 1989. ,.,,., ~; ,~ ---------~•' '.!';'~ i /~¢ix:~r, _~_ CHAiRWrJM1,N,; ANAHEIM CITX PGJINNING COMhiIuSION ATTEST: -- ' ` ~ ~ti7e/-~~±~~_-.~_~..._--- uECRETARY, ANl.HEIM CTTY PLI~NNTNC CUMt~'ISSION STATE OI' CALIFOPNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGG ) ss. CITY OF ANAFI~IM ) I, Edith L. fiarris, Sacretary of tha~ Anaheim City Plraninq Commission, do hvreby cer*.ify that ttie forer,oing xesolution was passed and adoptad at a mertiny of the Ar.aheim CiC},- Plr~nning Cortaniseion hald on Mey 22, 1989, by th~s fo:lowing vote oE C!~Q members Choreof: AYES: COMMlSS'LONERS: BOUAS, BOYDSTUZT, CARUSZ~,LO, HERB~T, ~~ MC BURNEY, MESSE NOES: COh4IZSSIONERS: FELDHAUS ~ ' ABSEt7T: C01~4riISSIONERS: NON~ It3 WITNF,SS WHEF.EOF, I have her~t~unto aet my hand this 22nd day of '" May, 1989. .,.+....~ ~?{~~~~~l.t...~_ __~ S~CRETAYt , ANdHEIM CITY PLl~NtiING COIr4rtI5SY0N -~- PC89-143 y. , -; ~a-', ,, ; ~ ~`; ~ `i ~:~: